Linda Kimball
Pagan Progressivism, cultural Marxism, unconscious Satanism, Nimrod's tower, spirit of Antichrist: Ties that bind
By Linda Kimball
January 28, 2019

"Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" Genesis 3:1, KJB

Across our scientifically enlightened paganized society the idea of Satan and Satanism are uncomfortable subjects for most people, including many Christians, particularly 'woke' social justice evangelicals. It wasn't always this way. The apocalyptic prophet Fyodor Dostoevsky for example, knew that Communist revolutionaries such as Karl Marx were demonically possessed but would only become aware of it until too late.

While Satanism is the knowing worship of Satan and is historically rare there is also historically widespread unconscious Satanism (1 Cor. 10:20):

"...the whole world lies in the power of the evil one." 1 John 5:19 ESV

Unconscious Satanism undergirds ancient and modern pagan worship of creative energy symbolized by the serpent and grounded in ancient Mesopotamian literature with its evolutionary account of origins and one-dimensional pagan model of reality.

From the time of Babylon mankind has been worshipping creative energy symbolized by the serpent prominently featured within Ageless Wisdom traditions from all around the world. The legendary history of Greece, Rome, Phoenicia, Egypt, and India, for instance, are filled with stories of man's serpentine ancestry:

"When Aenas was about to worship at the tomb of Anchises, his father...a serpent appeared and glided among the altars, tasted the food Aeneas had placed there and then departed.... Aeneas did not know whether it was the genius loci or his father's (serpent) spirit." (The Worship of Creative Energy as Symbolized by the Serpent, Charles Edward Herring)

The solar deity Kneph, was a serpent in a fiery circle and Osiris and Isis were essentially identical with Kneph,

"The worship of Isis, the moon-goddess, was equally entwined with ophiolatry. Her emblem was the horned viper...The Egyptians often represented Isis and Osiris together, as two serpents." (The Cult of the All-Seeing Eye, Robert Keith Spenser, p. 35)

All of the pagan gods and goddesses worshipped and served by the world's nations were symbols of creative energy symbolized by serpents that really exist. They are fallen, wicked Watchers, serpentine seraphim:

"There are "good" serpentine beings (seraphim) who guard God's throne (so Isaiah 6's seraphim), and there are fallen, wicked serpentine beings (seraphim) who rebelled against the Most High at various times, and who became the pagan gods of the other nations." (Michael Heiser, "Serpentine/Reptilian Divine Beings in the Hebrew Bible: A Preliminary Investigation," cited by Bryan Godawa, "Enoch Primordial," p. 363)

The Serpent Biting Its Tail: Symbol of the Pagan Model of Reality

In addition to creative energy symbolized by the serpent, the serpent biting its tail is another important occult pagan symbol. This serpent symbolizes the one-dimensional pagan reality of monism:

The cosmos is all that is, or ever was, or ever will be." Carl Sagan

All Ageless Wisdom traditions feature monism, said Dr. Gary North. Monism erases the Creator-creature distinction and is common to all occult systems,

"....from the magical sects of the East to the gnostics of the early church period, and from there unto today's preachers of cosmic evolution and irresistible karma." Monism teaches, "....we are all gods in the making. Out of One has preceded the many, and back into One are the many traveling. Eastern mystics, philosophical Hegelians, and followers of Teilhard de Chardin are all agreed on the reality of ultimate monism." (Unholy Spirits: Occultism and New Age Humanism, Gary North, p. 60)

While pagan monism posits the cosmic or natural dimension with its two heavens, existence in the natural dimension of space and time is not the only form of existence. Timeless is the supernatural realm (third heaven) of the eternally existing, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Holy Triune God of Revelation.

There are three heavens. The first is the immediate sky, or earth's atmosphere. (Genesis 2:19; 7:3, 23; Psalms 8:8; Deuteronomy 11:17) All people who have had out-of-body experiences by way of near-death or drugs, astral plane travels, or through shamanism for example, can testify to the existence of their own souls as well as of the abode of demons and fallen angels, the serpentine "spirits of wickedness under the heavens" (Eph. 6:12) and their chief, "the prince of the powers of the air." (Eph. 2:2; Gen. 3:1)

According to the Apostle Paul, fallen serpentine powers thrown down from the third heaven are dispersed in a multitude throughout the first heaven. It is with this timeless abode of fallen angels and demons that shamans interact and to which astral plane travelers from the time of Nimrod to our own have been visiting.

The second heaven is the starry heavens or outer space. (Deuteronomy17:3 ; Jeremiah 8:2; Matthew 24:29). The third heaven is outside of time and space, meaning the first and second heavens, thus outside the reach of man's science.

The timeless third heaven is where God the Father with Jesus Christ seated on His right and the holy angels and spirits of righteous men in possession of eternal life dwell and to which Paul was taken. (Deuteronomy 10:14; 1 Kings 8:27; Psalms 115:16; 148:4; 2 Cor.12:2 )

Wicked Serpentine Seraphim Within Church and State

For the scientifically enlightened West and America serpent energy was repackaged during the nineteenth century as evolutionary science by a brotherhood of powerfully influential Western occultists at the highest levels of church, society and government. Thus today unconscious Satanism abounds throughout the West and America. Its' spirit flows through evolutionary ideologies and evolutionary 'religions' such as Marxism, Secular Humanism, Progressivism, western Satanism, New Age Spirituality, inner circle Masonry and Progressive Christianity.

According to New Age insider and unconscious Satanist David Spangler, Lucifer is the angel of Nature's primary creative energy – evolution:

"The true light of this great being can only be recognized when one's own eyes can see with the light of the Christ, the light of the inner sun. Lucifer works within each of us to bring us to wholeness, and as we move into the New Age, which is the age of man's wholeness, each of us is brought to that point which I term the Luciferic Initiation, the particular doorway through which the individual must pass if he is to come fully into the presence of his light and his wholeness."

"Lucifer comes to give us the final gift of wholeness. If we accept it, then he is free and we are free, that is the Luciferic Initiation. It is one that many people now, and in the days ahead, will be facing, for it is an initiation into the New Age
." (David Spangler, Reflections on the Christ, Findhorn Lecture Series, 3rd ed., 1981; p. 45)

The modern animist and occult traditions of the spiritually pagan and mystically pantheist American and global occult brotherhood for example, are revamped versions of Ageless Wisdom Teachings grounded in creative energy (serpent power). Writing in affirmation, Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson, the politically influential co-authors of " of "Spiritual Politics: Changing the World from the Inside Out," reveal that concealed behind today's spiritual revolutionary politics (i.e., Cultural Marxism and Progressivism) are Ageless Wisdom teachings preserved by occultists since the Egyptian pantheon (27th-30th centuries B.C). These ancient teachings, said the authors, have been handed down over the ages to modern occultists in the time of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment and on into our own time:

"For centuries, the Ageless Wisdom in the West was shielded from an unprepared public.... The unveiled truths were handed down only orally by individual teachers to tested disciples or by certain religious groups and secret societies, such as the Cabbalists, Druids, Essenes, Sufis, Knights Templar, Rosicrucian's, Freemasons, and others who carefully guarded the teachings down through the centuries. A study of these secret societies would reveal powerful influences on the history of nations...." (Spiritual Politics, McLaughlin, Davidson from "Reinventing Jesus Christ: The New Gospel," Warren Smith, crossroad)

In the classic work, "Earth's Earliest Ages" English theologian G.H. Pember (1837-1910) examines the explosion of Ageless Wisdom – spiritism (open communication with evil spirits), ancient Egyptian Hermetic magic, Theosophy, Buddhism, reincarnation and evolution, karma, the Mysteries, astrology, mesmeric healings and evolutionary thinking sweeping across Christendom

It was during the Renaissance that many influential Christians at the highest levels of Church and society had returned to the occult Ageless Wisdom Teachings and serpent power. Hence Pember observes that ancient occult traditions are no longer veiled in mystery but boldly presented by the emerging occult brotherhood as the fruit of modern science, especially evolutionary philosophy, which the brotherhood assert was included in the instructions given to the,

"...initiates of the Hermetic, Orphic, Eleusinian, and Cabbalistic mysteries, and were familiar to Chaldean Magi, Egyptian Priests, Hindu Occultists, Essenes, Therapeutae Gnostics, and Theurgic Neo-Platonists." (Pember, pp.243-244)

Wicked Seraphim and the Spirit of Antichrist

In Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel, "The Brothers Karamazov," (1879-1880) the Grand Inquisitor is an unconscious Satanist and type of Antichrist. The Grand Inquisitor is an important part of the novel because the character represents Dostoevsky's penetrating insight into the fallen human psyche and one of its' most important endowments: moral freedom. In particular, the Grand Inquisitor is the spirit of Antichrist. Like his father the devil he is the murderer of God the Father and false witness and crucifier of Jesus Christ. He is also the symbol of the principle of nihilism (negation) and rebellion in mortal men such Hegel, Max Stirner, Karl Marx, Nietzsche, the global occult brotherhood and Western and American ruling class God-haters who, though not the actual devil, are of one mind with him, thus do his work. They are unconscious Satanists and, collectively, the Spirit of Antichrist

The Grand Inquisitor is a god-man who has usurped the throne of the Holy Triune God. He is a conscious swindler, a Big Liar who knows that God the Father exists, yet perversely chooses to rebel against and conceptually murder Him and crucify His Son despite that he knows his own life is by the grace of the personal God of life and revelation.

In "Political Apocalypse: A Study of Dostoevsky's Grand Inquisitor," Ellis Sandoz writes that when Marx found himself compelled to negate his own being (inner person, soul/spirit, self) because of his perverse desire to show that "man owes his existence (only) to man," and to establish that the "entire so-called history of the world is nothing but the creation of man," he virtually recapitulated Aquinas' argument for the existence of the Triune God:

"A being only considers himself independent when he stands on his own feet; and he only stands on his own feet when he owes his existence to himself. A man who lives by the grace of another regards himself as a dependent being (and) I live completely by the grace of another if I owe him not only the maintenance of my life, but if he has, moreover, created my life – if he is the source of my life. When it is not of my own creation, my life has necessarily a source of this kind outside of it. The creation is therefore an idea very difficult to dislodge from popular consciousness. The fact that nature and man exist in their own account is incomprehensible to it, because it contradicts everything tangible in practical life."(pp. 113-114)

Being of one mind with the devil, the Grand Inquisitor (Marx) suggests that in order to affirm that man is god, the denial of the existence of the one true God has in the past been necessary (i.e., Nimrod), thus to further his swindle, he asserts antitheism rather than atheism, which is merely a negation of God that nevertheless postulates the existence of man through this negation. The complete negation of the Triune God requires monism, thereby making man and nature (matter, energy, time, space) of the same substance.

For the conscious swindler, the prudent course is to flatly deny the existence of the Holy Triune God and enforce this dictate by way of psychological terror and if need be, by murder. Believers must be psychologically manipulated and terrorized into confusion, apathy and groveling submission, and even better, accommodate the Christian Church to the serpent-powered world system by way of harsh scorn, cruel ridicule, scoffing, slander and charges of insanity.

After seizing control of Russia, Marx's disciples enforced the denial of the Triune God by way of terror, murder, psychoactive drugs, and enforced teaching of Darwinism. With the exception of murder, the disciples of the occult brotherhood and our Godless ruling class utilize the same methods as Marx's disciples: terror, psychoactive drugs, and enforced teaching of Darwinism.

The Inquisitor also knows that if men are deprived of the Holy Triune God they will worship something else. Thus as Marx, the Inquisitor proffers the natural (pagan) religion of scientific socialism and dialectical materialism (divine thinking matter animated by creative energy). But when Darwin published his own theory, the Inquisitor immediately perceived its' philosophically pagan materialist implications. The idea that humans evolved by chance and natural selection from a process of evolutionary energy working on primordial water or lifeless chemicals lay the axe at the very foundation of the Genesis account of creation ex nihilo and provided the scientific framework to support the economic infrastructure on which Marx could build his godless communist utopia:

"...the biggest thing going for Darwinism was that it finally broke the tyranny in which Christianity had held the minds of men for so many centuries." (F. Hoyle and C. Wickramasinghe, "Evolution From Space," 1983, pp. xiii-xxii, 81 and 145)

Progressivism, Marxist Communism & National Socialism: Types of Nimrod's Tower

In his book "Utopia: The Perennial Heresy," Catholic philosopher and historian Thomas Molnar (1910-2010) notes that the two recurring themes of modern utopian ideologies (new Nimrod's Tower) are monism and evolutionary conceptions. At the root of these two themes there is:

" defiance of God, pride unlimited, a yearning for enormous power and the assumption of divine attributes with a view to manipulating and shaping mankind's fate." (p. 227)

In order for god-men to build a new Tower (create a God-less world and new man):

"the order of being must be obliterated (and reinterpreted) as essentially under man's control." Taking control "requires the decapitation of being – the murder of God." (Eric Voegelin, "Science, Politics and Gnosticism," p. xv)

Thus the Grand Inquisitor (global occult Brotherhood and Godless ruling class) is a modern Nimrod and spirit of Antichrist, making him an ominous sign pointing to the return of pre-flood and Babylonian rebellion against the one true God, monism, Ageless Wisdom, contact with evil serpentine beings, and creative energy symbolized by the serpent. The Grand Inquisitor is the false witness and crucifier of Jesus Christ. He is the Master of the Universe who, being of one mind with Satan, has conceptually murdered the Holy Triune God as revealed through Jesus Christ in order to take control of and reinterpret being, matter, energy, space, law, and time, making him an Antichrist:

"And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time." Daniel 7:25

Linda writes on worldview and related subjects.

© Linda Kimball


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