Jim Kouri
Obama White House schmoozes with Muslims, has Christians arrested
By Jim Kouri
October 4, 2012

While Islamic clerics and Muslim leaders are welcomed to the Obama White House with open arms, Christians are being arrested outside the gates to the White House by police officers for praying in public during a four-day demonstration that ended on Tuesday, according to several pro-Christian officials.

Close to 25 self-avowed Christians were arrested and charged with breach of the peace and unlawful assembly for kneeling and praying in front of the taxpayer-funded White House.

On Saturday, members of the group knelt on the sidewalk in prayer and were arrested by Capitol Police. The Christian group says that despite police arrests their public prayer demonstration will be conducted through Oct. 2, 2012.

A non-denominational Christian group known as ActsFive29, who consider themselves protectors of unborn babies, had organized the prayer vigil knowing that they could be arrested by the pro-abortion administration, but they believe the current occupant of the White House is pursuing an anti-Christian agenda and that religious freedom in America is in jeopardy.

This latest Christian incident was ignored by the news media as was pop superstar Madonna's urging Americans to vote for the "Black Muslim in the White House." Also, the White House web site contains a separate section for Muslim members of the administration, but no section on Christians and Jews.

"Today our arrests will be voluntary, a living witness to the church and to the government — tomorrow arrest may be the only option if we are unwilling to pay to have someone's child murdered," states the group's web site.

The group uses the New Testament verse Acts 5:29, "But Peter and the Apostles answered, 'We must obey God rather than men,'" as their motto in their spiritual battle against the Obama administration's Health and Human Services Obamacare mandate requiring employer-provided health insurance to cover birth control measures and pregnancy terminations.

"These Christians may be on to something that the Republican Party candidate for President fails to address: Obama said over and over again that Obamacare would not mandate taxpayer funded abortions or force private entities to pay for the killing of unborn babies. As usual, Obama lied," said political strategist Michael Baker.

The group claims that the reason given for their arrests is that the sidewalk in front of the White House is a "restricted zone" for free speech.

A young person paused on the curb and said, "I'm here for my civil rights. It is not okay for the government to tell me what to say, what to buy, and it is definitely not right for them to tell me what faith to be, or how to practice it."

Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life said, "We have stood up for life and religious freedom in hundreds of cities. Today we do so at the president's house. I am delighted to be here."

"These weeks lead up to the most important election of our lifetime, an election that will decide the fate of countless unborn children, and the status of religious liberty in America," said the activist priest.

Rev. Pavone's group is supported by Dr. Alveda King, niece of civil-rights icon Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who is very outspoken about conservative issues within the African American community.

© Jim Kouri


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Jim Kouri

Jim Kouri, CPP is currently fifth vice-president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police... (more)


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