Laurie Roth
This is not about gay marriage, but about banishing God from American life
By Laurie Roth
June 26, 2013

I am numb as I look at the endless middle fingers sticking in God's face. Now, the Supreme Court saying the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional and gay marriage is ok.

The slippery slope will now push for the rights and bold expression of bestiality and polygamy.

Our country and her leaders continue to rip the flesh from our bodies and call the oozing and smelly sores beautiful. In truth, we look more and more like a hybrid Zombie made up of Agenda 21, Islamic, UN, and Communist body parts. We used to be "One nation under God" Now, we are "One nation under sex" AND "One nation under internationalism."

What ever happened to America being a nation founded and built on "Judeo-Christian" values and traditions? Our founders were 95% Christian and submitted to the God of the Holy Bible. Our first elected leaders and members of Congress publicly and privately asked for God's help in leading the country. That was the norm.

There were all kinds of behavior from different types of people back then. However, our country and her differences were sifted through the Christian-inspired Constitution and Bill of Rights. That was our core that protected freedom, our culture, our families, and future.

There has always been gay behavior in our country and around the world. This is not new. However, the gay agenda and rights battles end up being nothing but another weapon on our Judeo-Christian values and Christian core. This latest assault at the hands of the Supreme Court is a vicious and aggressive attack on families, the safety of our children, traditional, and historical boundaries surrounding sex and its expression.

The battle in some states for gay marriage by gay activists is not new. The Supreme Court sucking out our moral DNA and definition of marriage is. What gay activists and the leftist progressives don't realize is that the more they gut our Christian traditions, laws and morals from our culture, the more the increasingly blank-canvas demands to be filled by something else. Something quite deadly is eager and willing to fill it.

Who is lining up to fill the canvas and be the new picture of America? – Islam, Agenda 21, and Communism.

Expression of Christian faith and freedom of speech must be crushed first. God and Christians must be forced into submission. First Amendment rights must disappear and God must be fired. Now, that we have major support for gay marriage, it now joins the other Satanic, frontal assaults on our Christian core and freedoms.

One of these attacks is at the hands of "Common Core" the dangerous school curriculum pushed by the feds. It boldly rewrites our history, pushes all sexual expression and life styles as normal, while crushing achievement and data mining our children. It turns them into submissive "Stepford Wives" for Obama and the government agenda. As with the ruling on gay marriage, Common Core aggressively draws our children away from the God of the Holy Bible. Once again the empty canvas has to be filled, and the government intends to fill it and be god.

It is nice to be loving and allow for differences of opinion in our society. However, with this ruling we are continuing to go way beyond that. We are cutting out our heart and peeling off our skin as the tyranny of Islam/Sharia Law and Agenda 21 wait in the wings.

Gay people may think they are moving toward more power and freedom. It is exactly the opposite. With a country that protects her Judeo-Christian values and traditions, we live and are safe. If Islam and Sharia law grows much more in our country, gays will be crushed.

Gay behavior isn't a sin in Islam and Sharia Law, it is a capital crime. It means a death sentence throughout the Muslim world. These executions occur on a regular basis. Check it out for yourself. What is left when you take our Christian core and God out of our country? You have tyranny, redefinition of worth, sin becomes crimes, family and culture is gone, and disease runs rampant.

Let us all be open minded and loving, but let us not be stupid fools. Right and wrong is not defined by you or me, but by our Creator, God himself and His Holy Bible. We know what sin is regardless of how normal and wonderful it feels. Our Lord, in His amazing love and power draws us all back to Himself, and will forgive us for all manner of things if we will submit to Him and humbly repent.

Pray for our nation and seek God while He may be found.

Join me each day on my national radio show 7-10 pm PAC at

© Laurie Roth


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Laurie Roth

Dr. Laurie Roth — the "Annie Oakley" of the airwaves — is a nationally-syndicated radio talk-show host. She has hosted successful talk shows on radio stations from Boston to L.A. with no shortage of callers... (more)


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