Barbara J. Stock
Progressive women, abortions, and cold cream
By Barbara J. Stock
September 12, 2012

Sometimes writers stop writing because they feel they have nothing more to say. Some lose heart and feel no one is listening so what is the point. But then, like a bomb, something happens that gives you heart again, or makes you so angry that the need to be heard becomes important once again.

For me, it was a posting on my Facebook, put there innocently by a family member who didn't realize it would post there. She is a kind soul. A good person who just didn't understand the implications of what she was agreeing with.

It was a shock to me find an article about Planned Parenthood, which is America's largest and most profitable abortion mill, on my Facebook page. I am pro-life and always have been. Singing its praises were women humming with excitement over the speech given by Libby Bruce at the Democrat National Convention. She claimed that Planned Parenthood saved her. Without Planned Parenthood and the wonderful work it does, she would probably be sterile. Apparently, she got the service free or very low cost.

I asked these women if they realized that Planned Parenthood was America's largest abortion mill and those "free" services they got were being paid for by the blood of thousands of unborn babies and the American taxpayer. In fact, Planned Parenthood reports over a billion dollars in net worth. They made a profit of $18.6 million dollars and yet, still collect $480 million dollars from the American taxpayer. That is over a million of our dollars, every day of the year. This group claimed that all that money went to providing "health care" to poor women. Then it was forced to admit that 91% of that was in the form of abortion. Planned Parenthood certainly makes a tidy profit for being a "non-profit" organization. Killing unborn babies is very profitable.

Pointing out some simple facts about Planned Parenthood set off a firestorm of hate and a surprising show of ignorance. Some refused to believe that Planned Parenthood did abortions at all. Others said they only did a "few." I was just one of those crazy right-wing-tea-party-woman-hating Republicans who didn't want women to have access to health care. An odd sentiment since I am a women. But no matter, I was a stupid, evil, vile, heartless, uneducated, bigoted, racist, Romney supporter. I would never be a "caring, understanding human being" which is also an interesting statement since I spent 32 years of my life as an RN being just that. I wonder how many dying people's hands that woman had sat and held, so they wouldn't die alone.

But the bashing from these progressive one-issue women continued. In this discussion, one woman came to the fore. She was sure I was an ignorant moron and she stated that it was a proven fact that liberals have higher IQ's than conservatives and that I should look it up. So I did look it up and found that studies have shown there is not one wit of difference between the IQ's or education levels of liberals and conservatives. Then I told her what my IQ was. Funny, I didn't hear any more about how the left is smarter than the right after that.

I had commented that I was a published writer and she came back with so was she and she was in an important line of work and published in the finest outlets while I just was on radical, hateful, right-wing sites of no importance. Perhaps she forgot that names are easily googled and her "important" job was mostly blogging from home about beauty secrets. To recap: I wrote about politics and Islam and she blogs about fingernail polish and face cream. I don't know. It is close, isn't it.

But this bunch is the perfect example of what progressive women have become. Most are one issue and that is the right to kill their unborn babies for no reason at all and it should be paid for by the taxpayer. They also want free health care and birth control pills. They all agreed that anyone thinking differently from them didn't deserve to breath. They were such a kind bunch.

This gal then decided she wanted proof that her party was trying to allow sharia (Islamic) law in America. So, I posted a video of Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) screaming about how bigoted the Republican platform was for stating that only laws that can be upheld by our Constitution can be considered by our courts. Sharia law falls way short of that, I assure you. It makes women virtual slaves and property of men. But, because it was a video posted on FOX News, she said that wouldn't do since FOX is right wing. So, using her logic, ignore the actual video of the man screaming about how sharia law would be blocked by women-hating republicans and only notice it was FOX that showed it. This is the mentality of many women on the left.

Even though, I told had told her, I had studied Islam for 12 years, she insisted because she had taken a political science class in college, she knew more. She had studied the Constitution! Actually, who hasn't. I had long discussions with Muslim women who told me of their misery and the dangers of sharia law. I had death threats from Muslim men because I was a woman, talking about Islam. I was tutored by an ex-Muslim, Dr. Ali Sina, about Islam for about four years and still, she insisted she knew more because I was just hateful and ignorant. She had gone to my Facebook page and decided because I like cats and watched "Meerkat Manor" that I was just an idiot and an "angry, hateful, and ugly women." Are you listening Whoopi Goldberg? Whoopi, known Obama supporter, is also a huge fan of those little Meerkats. I guess she is also an angry, hateful, ugly women.

So, our embassies in Arab countries burn because Muslims don't like some movie that no one saw or even knew about and Obama gives sympathy to the attackers. Muslims have now killed Americans on what is legally American soil, which is an act of war, she will stick her cold-cream coated nose in the air and pronounce that Obama is the only person that can save them.

While the future of Israel hangs by the thread and Obama snubs its leader stating he has no time (to be president, apparently) but does have time to go on the Letterman show — again — she will blog about how bold and wonderful Obama is and isn't Michelle's lipstick pretty. I have no doubt that progressive women will say it was Israels fault then it is nuked from submarines sold to the radical Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt by Obama. This is the frightening mind-set of women on the left in America. Obama isn't their president, he is their god.

So, in conclusion, when Sharia law is in full force and they see women being beaten and raped and killed with no legal recourse, as it is now in the UK, who did crack and allow Sharia law and the Israeli state is nuked and the entire Middle East goes up in a radiation cloud that will circle the Earth, they will do what good little progressive, Obama-loving women are programed to do: They will blame George W. Bush.

Update: Realizing what a political gaff it was to snub the Israeli leader, Obama has found time in two weeks time to meet with him...for a few minutes. Truth is, the Middle East and Israel may not have two weeks.

© Barbara J. Stock


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Barbara J. Stock

Barbara is a retired Registered Nurse after over 35 years in the field. She is pro-life at both ends of life's journey. Mother of two, Grandmother of two, she is pro-America and anti-progressive. Absent from writing for too long, she is back and determined to make a difference.


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