Michael Bresciani
Doctrines of devils at the DNC -- a wedge issue or a witches brew?
By Michael Bresciani
August 2, 2012

This week the Democratic National Committee announced that it will not only support same sex marriage, but it plans to put forth the issue as a plank in the upcoming convention.

Dozens of organizations and churches have fought against the promulgation and legalizing of same sex marriage because it is seen as perverse, immoral, anti-biblical, offensive to nature and God and a frontal attack against families in the United States.

The creepy things are crawling out from under the rocks and entering the daily lives of Americans since Barack Obama announced he is supportive of same sex marriages. Those who share his twisted views are emboldened and vociferous more than ever since he announced his "evolved view" which he attributes largely to the influence of his daughters.

What has been previously played down with terms like, "wedge issue," has now become a platform for an entire political party and if they have their way may it become national policy. All of this as the result of a couple of teens conversing about their friends with their father, stretches the most flexible credulity to the point of shattering. Will the first pop culture president bring in the first pop culture policy in American history?

We need not ask if the LGBT is happy with the tentative plans of the DNC to make the issue a plank and Hollywood libs are all riding in Obama's posse toward the showdown at the corruption corral. Barack Obama can, at least this one time defy his recent proclamation and say 'I did build this.'

That it is not a racist thing or just a wedge issue is apparent because the first group of Christians to start a campaign to pull back support from Obama and the DNC position is the Coalition of African-American Pastors led by the Rev. William Owens.

This writer suspended the research and writing on two other articles to speak up on the subject. Having recently published an article that lists over 100 acts of hostility to God and the faith based community, I thought my attention to the subject could rest, but on July 31, 2012 the DNC made its announcements and I knew the battle was far from over.

Politically speaking I think it is time to say that to waltz down to the polls and press the button or pull the lever for almost anyone on the democratic ticket and especially Barack Obama is a sure way to vote for the demise of our nation. This may be the first time in our history that voting our conscience as it pertains to the democratic convention's plank, may be another way of saying, we have no conscience at all.

On a Biblical and theological level I can say that after a special calling on my life and over forty years of study in eschatology (Second coming doctrine) that this DNC plank represents by far the deepest moral plunge our nation has ever taken.

We will not escape the consequences if we endeavor to make same sex marriage the law of this land. We have flaunted this foolishness for a long time and the closer we come to making it a national law the closer we come to the clear declaration of the following warning of the scripture.

"The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: the Lord hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet." (Nahum 1: 3) God may indeed be slow, but he will most certainly catch up to the speed at which we are now choosing to make evil a way of life.

Barack Obama has made sure that we won't get any Canadian crude pumped down to us, and we had better not toot our horn about how we labored and built our own businesses, we may not be able to find a job in America, but by golly he is going to make sure we can marry those of our own sex. As accomplishments go this represents the most nightmarish social twisting any nation has endured since the despots of yesteryear like Hitler, Mao or Stalin.

It has been said of late that to compare Obama with Hitler is not politically correct. I fully disagree and I would add that it is now time to say that to espouse the idea of same sex marriages is not Biblically correct, morally correct and is a demonically derived policy that the god of this world (Satan) is wholly delighted with.

The bible clearly warns that in the last days (decades or less) the world will pull every deviant lifestyle into the social strata and label it all, normal and desirable. Today, it is no longer a question of who will dare to say these things, but rather, who has the ears to hear it?

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron." (1 Tim 4: 1, 2)

© Michael Bresciani


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