Timothy Buchanan
Abortion rights - Who's fooling whom?
By Timothy Buchanan
March 23, 2019

Involvement in pro-life efforts like 40 Days for Life, especially the defunding of Planned Parenthood, quickly makes one thing abundantly clear – that the perspective of men is often unwelcome. Abortion is not, however, a woman's issue as many have been deceived into believing. Nor is it a legal issue. It's a moral issue – a spiritual battleground over which evil has prevailed for the past forty and six years.

Said one poor woman, "I believe that abortion is wrong. But that men should tell women what they can do with their own bodies, how dare they!" Setting aside the medical and scientific fact that a fetus is separate and distinct from the body of its mother, isolated by the placenta, the belligerent arrogance of such a protestation is difficult to fathom.

In reality, it was nine men on a Supreme Court bench who treacherously obliterated the Constitution and deceived millions to mindlessly commit infanticide under the guise of reproductive freedom. How? By persuading them that killing one's own children is a viable civil right, protected under the American government's founding document. As a result, many now consider that secret sins are innocuous and without consequence. Men and women now indulge in reckless brutality to their own unending misery.

The Roe versus Wade case and the succession of abortion decisions that followed it, were determined by errant reasoning and human arrogance. Lies were offered as facts and a novel right to privacy was written ex post facto into the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The truth is clear to see for anyone with the intellectual curiosity and moral integrity to research the matter.

Since 1973, women have been and continue to be duped into believing that abortion rights empower them, but it's a crapulous and beastly fallacy. The availability and acceptance of abortion have instead, compelled women to accept all of the responsibility of dealing with unplanned pregnancies. In actual fact, there has never been an unplanned pregnancy since conception requires positive dynamic action by two adults.

Millions have been told, "Heal the wound; hide the scar." But for how long? Today, women are beginning to speak openly about the secrets they have kept for decades that pro-death abortion advocates persistently deny. Through tears and sobs, they recount the tormenting guilt of having abortions earlier in their lives.

Men too, are wondering what may have become of relationships that ended over an aborted child's death and how different their lives might be had they not allowed their sons and daughters to be wasted. Many more are refusing to accept the tired old falsehood that the only way of supporting women is to advocate for their right to kill their children and poison their own souls.

At long last, the tide is turning against the predatory abortion industry. Since 2015, fifty state laws have been passed restricting abortion in some way. Ohio is now one of the most pro-life states, recently enacting a law that prohibits dismemberment abortions – one of the most inhumane of all medical procedures. Mississippi just passed a law prohibiting abortions once a fetal heartbeat can detected.

These laws will undoubtedly be challenged in federal courts by the usual forces of wickedness including Planned Parenthood and the inappropriately named, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Some cases will be heard and decided before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Woe to us if we ever again appoint to a committee of nine judges, the moral authority to supplant the truth of the eternal word of God. Great danger lurks in the flawed idea that civil law can become the standard of right and wrong.

Freedom confers rights and responsibilities equally and simultaneously. They cannot be divorced from on another without dire results. The great lie of liberalism is that one can play in the fires of sin and not be burned, even though evidence to the contrary is inescapable. That unexplainable feeling of impending doom is a messenger of the inviolable law of cause and effect. How easily the young and the foolish are ensnared!

The Catholic Church has taken-up and maintained its position on the battlefront of the abortion holocaust since the dreadful Roe decision, defending voiceless children marked for death and offering alternatives to anxious women in the compassionate love of Christ. To their shame, Protestant and even evangelical churches have often ignored the unjust slaughter of innocents in order to appease liberal members.

If a foreign invader to the United States came and compelled men and women to kill the 62 million children that have died at the hands of abortionists, we would not so passively accept our fate. The Enemy has come, and he has persuaded millions to do this very thing, causing them to endure physical scarring, guilt and eternal regret. Who really is the fool?

"Public virtue," declared John Adams, "cannot exist in a nation without private, and public virtue is the only foundation of republics." Abortion is America's most lethal self-inflicted wound. It stands out as a repugnant violation of the most fundamental human right – the right to live. Abortion is without legitimate defense in any situation. The time to repent and end this ghastly ignoble practice is now.

© Timothy Buchanan


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Timothy Buchanan

Timothy Buchanan is a US Navy veteran, a former defense contractor and broadcast engineer. He's the author of two published books and a regular contributor to BarbWire.com. Timothy and his wife live among the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia.


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