Timothy Buchanan
Protected from truth
By Timothy Buchanan
November 4, 2019

Puppies and kittens may chase their own tails until they experience the pain of catching them in their teeth. After one or two painful episodes, most will choose other forms of entertainment. Not so with humans. Among societies of people, foolishness is often comical until it becomes deadly, dangerous, or widely accepted. Then, it becomes frightening and disastrous.

One sure sign that American culture has lost its collective mind is the extent to which children and adults are being protected from truth. Methods vary. The means may be social, through peer pressure; political, through the use of emotional rhetoric; and even legislative. The result, however, does not. Lives are stolen. Lives are wasted as personal recklessness and the stench of defiance rise like the toxic yellow-green smog cloud that envelops the city of Los Angeles each new day.

As our society hits the skids like a ship without a keel, it's important to draw a clear distinction between facts and truth since the two are often regarded as synonymous in this new dark age. Facts are statements that may be true or false. Facts can lead to truth or away from it depending upon the context in which they are presented. Truth could be defined as the honest application of facts toward a good, proper, and logical conclusion.

In Virginia and many other states, laws have been passed that require women seeking abortions to submit to an ultra-sound exam before the procedure is performed. But in typical legislative compromising fashion, women and the fathers of their children are not required to actually see the images of the children they have conceived and marked for destruction. Instead, they are protected from the truth. Why? Because high-resolution ultra-sound obliterates the lie told to women and men by our culture and at Planned Parenthood clinics that a fetus is not a human being.

California lawmakers passed legislation in 2012 which made it illegal for mental health providers to provide homosexual conversion therapy to young people under the dubious claim that such reparation efforts lead to depression and suicide. Former Governor Jerry Brown signed the bill in September of that year. Thus, truth was outlawed with a pen stroke, making California lawmakers proselytizers for the life-ruining LGBTQ agenda.

Under the guise of compassion, the legal sanctioning of homosexuality, lesbianism, and so-called transgender expression has had a notably chilling and compromising effect on many pastors and churches in California. High-profile and nationally-syndicated ministries have now become mute on the topic of sexual depravity, making them tacitly compliant with abominable fallacy.

By far, the most prolific and broadly harmful lie perpetrated upon the American people has been the mythical Wall of Separation between Church and state. The unconstitutional wall ushered into the minds of young people, a second dangerous lie – Darwinian evolution. Public school children are now protected from the truth that they were created in the image of a divine God and have inestimable value. Instead, generations of children have been inculcated with an unprovable fantasy guaranteed to doom them to the hopeless conclusion that human life has no greater inherent worth or purpose than that of an amoeba, an alley cat, or an aardvark.

Public schools have become, not places of objective learning, but of subjective feeling. And that is one primary reason that two-thirds of America's children cannot read at their grade level and that U.S. students are plummeting to the bottom of the rankings for industrialized nations.

When the consequences arrive and progressively worsen, most citizens seem surprised and pretend to be horrified when doctors kill infants, young people murder their peers, and adults commit mass shootings in churches, shopping malls, and at concerts with increasing frequency. But this too, is a superficial and temporary emotional response, rather than an honest and intelligent one.

In the Bible, Jesus tells us that we can know the truth and the truth will make us free. What we are freed from is the tyranny of lamentable lies and disastrous deception. Tyranny of the mind is far more powerful and the consequences, more severe, than any prison bars that restrain freedom or shackles that bind the arms and legs or men and women. Most of America and much of the American Church is enslaved by half-truths and outright lies. Nevertheless, truth is the key that releases the imprisoned human soul.

By the grace of God, we now have in President Trump a national leader who refuses to surrender his moral authority to a deviously dishonest but persuasive news media. Rather than applaud his courage and tenacity, many professing Christians and self-righteous critics prefer to undermine the president by condemning his tone or brash style.

Wherever truth is not proclaimed, ten thousand lies will occupy. Buried deeply within the heart of the most vile and vicious sinner is a seed of truth. If nurtured, it will blossom into a tree of life. But if the seed of truth remains dormant, confusion, deception and self-obsession will ultimately kill the host. Those who deceive themselves into believing "that won't happen here" are the very reason it will.

© Timothy Buchanan


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Timothy Buchanan

Timothy Buchanan is a US Navy veteran, a former defense contractor and broadcast engineer. He's the author of two published books and a regular contributor to BarbWire.com. Timothy and his wife live among the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia.


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