Gabriel Garnica
Joy Behar, national treasure
By Gabriel Garnica
February 26, 2013

A living national treasure, to my way of thinking, is someone who epitomizes, crystallizes, if you will, what this country is about. Such a person is a personification of the very essence of a society, group, or segment of this country. They are a treasure because they truly symbolize, yet transcend, the very substance of our national identity. Clearly, based on what regularly spews from her mouth alone, Joy Behar is the very definition of a national treasure....for the Right.

This is a woman who calls every other conservative female from Michelle Malkin to Sarah Palin to Michelle Bachman to Sharon Angle the b-word, then apologizes later and brushes the term off as a term of endearment, yet railed against John McCain for a supporter calling Hillary Clinton that very same "term of endearment. Behar holds herself out as the arbiter of what is appropriate, justifying her own personal attacks on President Bush because "the difference is I don't like [Bush]."

This is a person who freely labels every other conservative or conservative initiative Nazism and once stated that President Bush had no business speaking to Jewish people, yet once remarked that people in concentration camps likely made jokes about the Nazis and each other. She has suggested that saints were probably mentally ill and Pope Benedict should never have been chosen pope because he was once a member of the Hitler Youth , fanning the typical liberal spin conveniently ignoring the mandatory nature of the membership. She recently called pro-lifers evil, immoral, and stupid. She is an honorary member of the growing list of vulgar, tasteless, obnoxious former Catholic "entertainers" who gleefully bash the Catholic Church at every turn, baptizing their audiences with the last rites of human thought.

Joy Behar classifies herself as an agnostic, which means that she cannot know one way or the other whether or not there is a God. She adds that she does not believe in an afterlife because she has never seen proof of it, that religion can be brainwashing, and that she began to question religion when she started wondering about things that sounded crazy to her. Taking her lead, I am an agnostic to her intellect because I am not sure whether or not she has one given that I have not seen any proof of it. Interestingly, I began to question our collective national intellect when I observed the popularity, and success, of people like Behar who always sound crazy to me.

When Behar argued that having more than one child was immoral because children suck up the earth's oxygen, even Rosie O'Donnell could not believe what she was hearing. Speaking of children, Behar has informed us that Michelle Bachmann hates them, curiously ignoring, or not knowing, that Bachmann has raised five children of her own plus 23 foster children. But then, why would this former high school English teacher let facts get in the way of drivel?

She has called "Black Friday" racist and openly wondered why America cannot have as brilliant a health care system as Denmark, England, and France. Behar has called homeschooled children "demented". In almost every instance, Behar's spews are factually wrong, distorted, or misguided, yet she manages to voice them with such an obnoxious and patronizing tone that one has to wonder if we are all in a giant episode of Candid Camera. As if all of the above were not enough, Behar has written a children's book which, like most of what she does, is dripping with breathless, fawning, even embarrassing, applauding for liberal causes and underlying disdain for the Right. Her only qualification for writing a book for children is that most of what she says on air sounds juvenile.

Given the litany, or treasure trove, of asinine comments by this woman, who would not agree that she is, as the mindless source of these spews, a national treasure herself? By all accounts, Joy Behar is to undermining the Left what Judy Garland was to entertainment; namely, a triple threat. First, her constant, shrill, drivels of distorted thought provide a woodpecker-like reminder of just how intellectually and rationally challenged many arguments of the Left really are. Second, her seemingly endless ability to explore new areas of utter, arrogant, self-entitled, vulgar, and hypocritical ignorance show no signs of stopping, thereby promising the Right enough material to criticize for years. Lastly, her inexplicable success and ascendancy in the infotainment rubbish that is mainstream media entertainment only confirms not only the true nature of that cesspool, but likewise remind us that the Left aborted intellect long ago in their quest to maintain control of the national rattle. Simply put; intellect, decency, accuracy, discretion, decorum, and an inkling of rational common sense are not prerequisites to success in the Leftist media world. At the end of the day, Joy Behar is a national treasure because she crystallizes and personifies exactly what this nation is devolving into, why our future is in doubt, and why every rational conservative should wake up before it is too late.

We are all imperfect, flawed human beings with various strengths and weaknesses. We can agree to disagree, and are even protected by our great democracy to utter all sorts of foolish things if we please. However, people with glass intellects, whose ignorance is as transparent as it is obnoxious, should not call every person of opposing politics stupid. We should not, as a nation of integrity and values, ever accept Rush calling anyone fat, Jose Feliciano calling anyone blind, Michelle Obama calling anyone extravagant, Barack Obama calling anyone narcissistic, or Joy Behar calling anyone stupid, period. The fact that we allow such absurdities only demonstrates how great this nation yet remains, at least for the time being. In a sense, Joy Behar is a liberal triple threat precisely because the great nation she embarrasses and criticizes with her spews has given her the right to be so. In fact, Behar may actually be a quadruple threat, providing us all with a gift all her own. After all, who can ever feel truly ignorant, in over his or her head, vulgar, tasteless, indiscreet, or totally oblivious to reality, while she is around?

© Gabriel Garnica


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