Michael Gaynor
Carly Fiorina's the latest media darling, but Donald Trump's still rising
By Michael Gaynor
September 23, 2015

Bottom line: it's still up to the voters (if the votes are properly counted).

It's hardly surprising that Fox News star Megyn Kelly joined the liberal media in reporting that Carly Fiorina was the big winner at the second Republican debate.

It's not surprising that CNN quickly released a poll showing Trump plummeting and Fiorina soaring.

CNN even put Fiorina ahead of Ben Carson!

However, the Zogby poll reports completely different results (www.forbes.com/sites/johnzogby/2015/09/20/zogby-poll-trump-widens-lead-after-gop-debate/):

"Real estate mogul Trump has widened his lead to 20 points in a brand new Zogby Analytics poll taken after the second Republican presidential debate. The new poll of 405 likely Republican primary/caucus voters nationwide with a margin of sampling error of +/- 5.0 percentage points, conducted September 18-19, shows Mr. Trump with 33% (up 2 points from his pre-debate 31%). In second place is neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson who actually dropped 3 points to 13%. Former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, widely considered to be the big winner in the debate, moved up from just 2% last week to 7% and fourth place in the new poll – just 2 points behind former Florida Governor Jeb Bush's 9% (which is exactly where he was last week).

Texas Senator Ted Cruz moves up a point to 5%, followed by Florida Senator Marco Rubio, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, and Ohio Governor John Kasich all tied at 4%. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who by many accounts, had a good debate night, stayed at 3%.

The biggest losers in the post-debate poll – besides Dr. Carson's drop – were Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker who fell from 5% to 2% and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee who polled 2% (down from 4%)."

One thing that was obvious during the second Republican debate was Fiorina's pander to women, based on Trump's comment to Rolling Stone that Fiorina did not have the kind of face voters want in a President of the United States.

Fiorina impressed Kelly, who used her role as moderator in the first debate to send the message that Trump is bad for women, but the details of the Zogby poll showed that Republican and Independent women did not agree.


"Mr. Trump's lead is across the board, among most major sub-groups – 36% among men, 30% with women, 30% Republicans, 39% independents, 29% moderates, and 31% conservatives."

"...Mrs. Fiorina did better among men (9%) than women (5%) and Republicans 8% than independents (5%)...."

Zogby noted that "[t]he poll was conducted in the middle of controversies regarding negative attitudes toward Muslims expressed by both Mr. Trump and Dr. Carson" and "Mrs. Fiorina gained the most traction from the debate but no one besides Mr. Trump has broken away from the pack."

When the whole story of Fiorina's business record becomes better known, expect her boomlet to collapse.

Also expect the liberal media and even key people at Fox to keep helping the Karl Rove wing of the Republican party to try to discredit Trump.

Bottom line: it's still up to the voters (if the votes are properly counted).

© Michael Gaynor


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Michael Gaynor

Michael J. Gaynor has been practicing law in New York since 1973. A former partner at Fulton, Duncombe & Rowe and Gaynor & Bass, he is a solo practitioner admitted to practice in New York state and federal courts and an Association of the Bar of the City of New York member... (more)


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