Michael Gaynor column
Michael J. Gaynor has been practicing law in New York since 1973. A former partner at Fulton, Duncombe & Rowe and Gaynor & Bass, he is a solo practitioner admitted to practice in New York state and federal courts and an Association of the Bar of the City of New York member.

Gaynor graduated magna cum laude, with Honors in Social Science, from Hofstra University's New College, and received his J.D. degree from St. John's Law School, where he won the American Jurisprudence Award in Evidence and served as an editor of the Law Review and the St. Thomas More Institute for Legal Research. He wrote on the Pentagon Papers case for the Review and obscenity law for The Catholic Lawyer and edited the Law Review's commentary on significant developments in New York law.

The day after graduating, Gaynor joined the Fulton firm, where he focused on litigation and corporate law. In 1997 Gaynor and Emily Bass formed Gaynor & Bass and then conducted a general legal practice, emphasizing litigation, and represented corporations, individuals and a New York City labor union. Notably, Gaynor & Bass prevailed in the Second Circuit in a seminal copyright infringement case, Tasini v. New York Times, against newspaper and magazine publishers and Lexis-Nexis. The U.S. Supreme Court affirmed, 7 to 2, holding that the copyrights of freelance writers had been infringed when their work was put online without permission or compensation.

Gaynor currently contributes regularly to www.MichNews.com, www.RenewAmerica.com, www.WebCommentary.com, www.PostChronicle.com and www.therealitycheck.org and has contributed to many other websites. He has written extensively on political and religious issues, notably the Terry Schiavo case, the Duke "no rape" case, ACORN and canon law, and appeared as a guest on television and radio. He was acknowledged in Until Proven Innocent, by Stuart Taylor and KC Johnson, and Culture of Corruption, by Michelle Malkin. He appeared on "Your World With Cavuto" to promote an eBay boycott that he initiated and "The World Over With Raymond Arroyo" (EWTN) to discuss the legal implications of the Schiavo case. On October 22, 2008, Gaynor was the first to report that The New York Times had killed an Obama/ACORN expose on which a Times reporter had been working with ACORN whistleblower Anita MonCrief.

Gaynor's email address is gaynormike@aol.com.

Who Will Make the Finals and Win the Upcoming Presidential Race?
Michael Gaynor
June 18, 2024

President Trump looks like one of the two finalists, but President Biden may not make it and whether or not it is best for the United States for him to make it . . .

Elections can be 'stolen' in many ways, and the 2020 U.S. presidential election is a 'perfect' example
Michael Gaynor
August 7, 2023

In June 2016, Special Counsel Jack Smith earned the dubious distinction of being unanimously reversed 9 to 0 by the United States Supreme Court in the fatally . . .

'Politics ain't beanbag,' but investigation and prosecution of Donald Trump by rabid partisans must stop
Michael Gaynor
April 11, 2023

What is astonishing is that Trump's political enemies have failed to destroy him and remain terrified that he may return to the White House. Kudos to . . .

Perhaps learning why the Pearl Harbor attack was a surprise in Hawaii but not in Washington can help us appreciate and learn from other federal government mistakes and move forward wisely
Michael Gaynor
January 16, 2023

With the war in Ukraine, the Nordstrom pipeline sabotage, China's attempted intimidation of Taiwan and North Korea's missile testing, it behooves us to look . . .

Free True the Vote's Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips
Michael Gaynor
November 4, 2022

God bless and protect Catherine and Gregg for being principled, prioritizing the national interest and standing strong! This email was sent to me on November . . .

Who Sabotaged the Nord Stream pipelines?
Michael Gaynor
October 3, 2022

Yes, President Joe Biden declared at a televised press conference that there would be no more Nord Stream 2 if Russia invaded Ukraine The Nord Stream . . .

Mar-a-Lago raid shows Trump derangement syndrome has fortuitously worsened
Michael Gaynor
August 13, 2022

Hopefully, the truth will prevail and the United States and its Justice Department and FBI soon will have the leadership that they desperately need and sorely . . .

From the Warren Court to Roberts Court to Thomas Court
Michael Gaynor
July 5, 2022

The only way Dobbs can be undone in the foreseeable future is if President Biden has the opportunity to replace some of the five Justices who voted to overrule . . .

Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been barred from receiving Holy Communion at last
Michael Gaynor
May 21, 2022

The bigger surprise to me is not Archbishop Cordeleone's announcement, but that it took so long for Holy Communion to be denied to Ms. Pelosi. It should have . . .

Justice ultimately prevailed in the Kyle Rittenhouse case
Michael Gaynor
November 19, 2021

Will there be any consequences for anyone in the prosecutor's office for seeking and securing an indictment on a fatally flawed charge? The Kyle Rittenhouse . . .

Is Afghanistan President Biden's Waterloo, or America's, too?
Michael Gaynor
September 1, 2021

Voters paying attention (and it is tempting for many not to do so) are suffering from buyer's remorse, but that pales before the needless deaths in an . . .

When Guatemalan President Alejandro Gammattei met Vice President Kamala Harris, he politely schooled her bigtime
Michael Gaynor
June 11, 2021

Harris must have realized that it was a huge mistake for her to have come to Guatemala, because she could not credibly rebut President Giammattei's explanation . . .

How much longer will the persecution of Donald Trump continue?
Michael Gaynor
February 7, 2021

Donald Trump and the people who gave us a Constitution and a country deserve much better. They deserve heartfelt thanks, not vilification. Donald Trump's . . .

Will New York finally hold Governor Andrew Cuomo accountable for those needless nursing home deaths?
Michael Gaynor
January 31, 2021

Did any health care expert think that Cuomo's nursing home order did not effectively sentence thousands of New York nursing home residents to death? On May 2 . . .

The Impeachment of President Trump is the Real Abuse of Power
Michael Gaynor
January 15, 2021

Unfortunately, the Supreme Court gave finality to state certifications, making the stealing of a state's electoral votes an issue outside the scope of Supreme . . .

Should Attorney Rudy Giuliani be disbarred for outrageous behavior?
Michael Gaynor
January 8, 2021

Calling for trial by combat to settle a presidential election at that rally was akin to crying "Fire!" in a crowded theater. The day after committing the . . .

Warnock wins, Campos-Duffy explains why, and ACORN founder Rathke celebrates
Michael Gaynor
January 7, 2021

Only the ruler of the People's Republic of China may be even more thrilled than Rathke, who smartly calls the Biden-Harris team "middle road." On Fox News . . .

President Trump's Constitutional Path to Reelection
Michael Gaynor
November 8, 2020

Result: the task of choosing the next President and Vice President now belongs to Congress, as the Constitution requires, and the Supreme Court should stand . . .

ACORN Whistleblower Anita MonCrief supports Trump and tells why in her whistleblower files
Michael Gaynor
October 18, 2020

"I can tell you with complete confidence...there is Marxist strategy playing out in America today, the media is not only complicit it is instrumental in the . . .

God bless and protect Mike Pence and save the United States from lawyers like Kamala Harris
Michael Gaynor
October 8, 2020

The thought of the opportunistic Kamala Harris succeeding to the presidency if Joe Biden became President and then died, or resigned, or was officially declared . . .

ACORN whistleblower Anita MonCrief v. radical left lies continues
Michael Gaynor
September 28, 2020

Enlightenment is urgently needed, and ACORN whistleblower Anita MonCrief not only is determined to provide it, but knows what we all need to know. As Abraham . . .

Voters, ACORN whistleblower Anita MonCrief is documenting for you the radical left agenda in time for you to stop it
Michael Gaynor
September 23, 2020

Media bias is worse than ever, but fortunately this year MonCrief has come forward publicly a but earlier in the year than she did in 2008 to tell the ugly . . .

Moderate Democrats can make Mike Bloomberg's $100,000,000 a waste of good money
Michael Gaynor
September 14, 2020

We the people can still preserve our union but now is the time to vote your conscience while you still are able to do so. With Labor Day 2020 history and the . . .

Isn't firing someone for stating that "all lives matter" illegal religious discrimination?
Michael Gaynor
September 1, 2020

Mr. Napier, you might want to get yourself an ALL LIVES MATTER...EVERY SINGLE ONE! cap (II suggest red, white and blue) and contact attorney Lynn Wood.  . . .

2020 will be the year of the discrete Trump voters, thanks to BLM and Antifa
Michael Gaynor
August 30, 2020

"[T]he BLM movement, with its senseless fires, rioting, and looting, and the liberal democratic Minnesota government and community’s approval of same, turned . . .

Americans need to know the goal and strategy of the far left as ACORN whistleblower Anita Moncrief knows them
Michael Gaynor
August 27, 2020

Ms. MonCrief has vitally important lessons to teach that she has learned through experience and others need to know before voting. On May 29, 2010, in "ACORN . . .

Governor Cuomo's abhorrent nursing home order beggars belief
Michael Gaynor
July 16, 2020

Note to brave and bold Janice Dean: If you have a suitable platform, please demand that Governor Cuomo produce any science and data that supposedly supported . . .

For God's sake, don't demonize the police
Michael Gaynor
July 2, 2020

The men and women of the department realize they are far from perfect. But we know that while bad apples there indeed may be, they are very rare The headline . . .

Let's have the whole truth about the COVID-19 nursing home deaths
Michael Gaynor
June 27, 2020

America needs a fair and balanced investigation of what appears to be a huge nursing home scandal before the voting begins. Nazi propaganda minister Joseph . . .

Beware opportunists who put their alleged "higher truth" above the truth and try to obliterate history instead of learn from it
Michael Gaynor
June 25, 2020

To the extent that Bubba Wallace was a victim, he was a victim of the atmosphere created by the lawless part of the protests following the murder of George . . .

From fake news to fake noose, dangerous liars are on the loose
Michael Gaynor
June 24, 2020

Only God knows how much harm Wallace's false charge may have caused, but it is comforting that he never identified an imaginary culprit and his subsequent  . . .

We have a constitutional republic, but can we keep it?
Michael Gaynor
June 16, 2020

It's no surprise that Black Lives Matter and Antifa don't want police, because police are essential to having a country and they want chaos. Lewis Carroll . . .

Redefining racism versus respecting police, which solution makes sense to you?
Michael Gaynor
June 15, 2020

When an officer says 'Put your hands up,' then put your hands up! Don't reach for something in your pocket, your lap, your seat. There's plenty of reason for a . . .

The American way must be protected and made more perfect, not rejected and replaced
Michael Gaynor
June 14, 2020

"Black Lives Matter. Of course they do. Then multiple black police officers and individuals were killed during the 'peaceful protests.' I don’t see any . . .

Will Speaker Nancy Pelosi apologize for white privilege and denounce her deceased father for dedicating the Robert E. Lee/Stonewall Jackson monument in Baltimore to save her speakership?
Michael Gaynor
June 11, 2020

Representative Ocasio Cortez is much younger and bolder and her father never lauded and dedicated a statue to Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall . . .

No more homicidal kneeling, disrespectful kneeling or pretending that only whites can discriminate, please
Michael Gaynor
June 9, 2020

White persons essentially apologizing for their parents having been white is more shocking and less understandable. Definitions.net: "Kneeling is a human . . .

If Dr. Broadus Mitchell were watching the riots and looting following the George Floyd homicide
Michael Gaynor
June 4, 2020

Dr. Mitchell would lament and condemn those "miscreants' who forsook "the orderly administration of justice" for "mob violence" and profit. The tragic and . . .

Open letter to President Trump: The fate of the nation ultimately is in your hand
Michael Gaynor
June 3, 2020

Whatever you do, your critics will say is wrong, so do what you think is necessary. The country is under siege. The Internal Revenue Service has closed . . .

Beware far left (ANTIFA included), ACORN whistleblower Anita MonCrief is back!
Michael Gaynor
June 2, 2020

What’s at stake? A presidential election, another Obamagate, control of the nation. Those are things worth fighting over. The far left has activated plan B. . . .

Dr. Eileen Hamby’s point of view on the disastrous consequences of ordering nursing homes to admit COVID-19 positive persons
Michael Gaynor
May 26, 2020

Physicians, nurses, and other health care professionals have no right to play God. When we are to die is God’s decision and the health care system should not . . .

Judge Emmet Sullivan should dismiss the case against General Flynn immediately because there is no longer a case or controversy between the parties
Michael Gaynor
May 13, 2020

Any further delay in dismissing the Flynn case is unconscionable. Benjamin Franklin was right: we got a Republic, if we can keep it. To keep it, we must . . .

Now turnabout is fair play against team Obama/Biden
Michael Gaynor
May 11, 2020

Senator Lindsay Graham eventually should call former President Obama before the Senate Judiciary Committee and ask (after giving due credit to the late Senator . . .

Positive thinker President Trump has been handling the pandemic much better than his political and media critics would have you believe
Michael Gaynor
April 9, 2020

Throughout his presidency President Trump has unapologetically trusted in God and publicly asked God to bless America, much to the consternation of determined . . .

Senators have a constitutional duty to dismiss impeachment articles against President Trump, because no impeachable offense is alleged
Michael Gaynor
January 15, 2020

Nearly all Congressional Democrats appear to be Humpty Dumptys these days. Message to all persons eager for a Senate trial and ready to disregard the United . . .

The United States Senate has a constitutional duty to dismiss the impeachment articles against President Trump
Michael Gaynor
January 1, 2020

A Senate trial would be the wrong response, even if President Trump prefers it, because it would indicate that the articles of impeachment are trial worthy, . . .

Would articles of impeachment against President Trump be fit to be tried by the Senate?
Michael Gaynor
December 17, 2019

Even if President Trump chooses not to move to dismiss the articles of impeachment, whether for legal, political or personal reasons, Chief Justice John Roberts . . .

Sean Hannity, please send "The Donald" T. Harry Williams' pulitzer-prize and national book award winning autobiography of "The Kingfish," Louisiana's Huey Long
Michael Gaynor
November 7, 2019

If at least thirty-four United States Senators publicly pledge to acquit after a tainted impeachment, perhaps the United States finally can move on to ratify . . .

Brian Kilmeade, man up and apologize to Father Morey
Michael Gaynor
October 31, 2019

"For a bishop or any pastor to exclude someone from Communion is always a source of great sorrow....What would be profoundly more sorrowful would be the failure . . .

Hillary Clinton is still running against Donald Trump, and it may become official
Michael Gaynor
October 6, 2019

"Elleithee offered one potential narrative: Trump isn't really looking out for you. That, he added, could include accusations of corruption, conflicts of . . .

President Trump insisted on doing things his way and frustrated anti-Trump "Progressives" embraced "doublethink" and lost their minds
Michael Gaynor
May 27, 2019

President Trump is alive and well, so looking into the Obama Administration's investigation of the Trump campaign is on, as it should be. Frank Sinatra . . .

Has Hofstra University disqualified itself from hosting a 2020 Presidential Debate?
Michael Gaynor
May 19, 2019

Presidential debates should be hosted at a site where the reality of "fake news" is not dogmatically denied and the search for the truth proceeds fairly, as . . .

Message to Sean Hannity: Like President Trump, Lori Loughlin is presumed to be innocent and not to have criminal or corrupt intent
Michael Gaynor
April 25, 2019

Since Dan Bongino substituted as host for Hannity on "Hannity" and ridiculed Loughin and her husband for not taking the plea deal offered by the United States . . .

Lori Loughlin is entitled to a fair trial as well as the presumption of innocence, and you are poisoning the jury pool, Mr. Bongino
Michael Gaynor
April 13, 2019

Too bad Professor Alan Dershowitz wasn't there to speak for the Constitution! Lori Loughlin and Felicity Hoffman are talented actresses and loving mothers  . . .

Should team Hannity be urging fair treatment for Lori Loughlin?
Michael Gaynor
April 5, 2019

Lori Loughlin has been made the Face of Evil in the college admissions scandal, but I suspect that she may only be "guilty" of picking bad advisers and being an . . .

Let's not crucify Lori Loughlin and her husband for ignorance
Michael Gaynor
March 14, 2019

It appears that Loughlin was a "desperate mother," but a "desperate mother" is not "evil" and is unlikely to have "criminal intent." When the college . . .

Displaying a Robert E. Lee biography in a congressional office may not be politically correct...
Michael Gaynor
February 18, 2019

Instead of looking for excuses to feel (or pretend to feel to be) insulted or disrespected and then seek publicity and demand apologies, let's be "civilized" . . .

Former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick has been defrocked
Michael Gaynor
February 17, 2019

Had McCarrick been more comfortable with following canon law and not uncomfortable with enforcing it, he would not be disgraced and pro-abortion Catholic . . .

Senator Leahy owes apologies to Judge Kavanaugh and Manuel Miranda for impugning their integrity
Michael Gaynor
September 6, 2018

The public has a right to know and Senator Leahy should be trying to explain why he didn't tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the . . .

Will President Trump stand up for the original Declaration of Independence or kneel to the de-emphasis of God in the Library of Congress's revision of it?
Michael Gaynor
August 13, 2018

Mr. President, what say you about whether the Declaration of Independence as approved by the Continental Congress should be published as written, including GOD . . .

Librarian of Congress and Federal Court should respect America's Declaration of Independence as approved by Congress, instead of a revision de-emphasizing the importance of God
Michael Gaynor
July 9, 2018

On July 31, 1776, John Hancock, best known for the most prominent signature on America's Declaration of Independence, appended the following words to the two . . .

SCOTUS holds Trump travel ban to be constitutional; anti-Trumpers outraged
Michael Gaynor
June 27, 2018

The First Amendment does not mean that Moslems outside the United States have a constitutional right to travel to the United States, either as immigrants or . . .

Would Cardinal McCarrick have followed canon law on distributing Holy Communion if he had not been a sexual abuser?
Michael Gaynor
June 23, 2018

Would a Cardinal without Cardinal McCarrick's tragic sexual abuse history have shared that letter and perhaps changed history for the better? The scandalous . . .

Should child neglect be overlooked when children are used as shields by parents entering the United States illegally?
Michael Gaynor
June 19, 2018

It is readily foreseeable that those parents will be arrested for illegal entry and no longer in a position to care for their children, requiring the United . . .

The Constitution does not limit the presidential pardon power except in case of impeachment
Michael Gaynor
June 6, 2018

"When granted [a presidential pardon] is the determination of the ultimate authority that the public welfare is better served by inflicting less than what the . . .

President Trump, please turn the tables on Special Counsel Mueller by challenging him to subpoena you instead of letting him interview you
Michael Gaynor
May 7, 2018

If Special Counsel Mueller subpoenas President Trump to appear before a grand jury, President Trump will have the subpoena quashed and Special Counsel Mueller . . .

President Trump's choice of John Bolton as National Security Adviser is an unmistakable message to Kim Jung-Un
Michael Gaynor
March 26, 2018

With Pompeo the Secretary of State designate (to replace Rex Tillerson) and Bolton replacing McMaster as National Security Adviser next month, President Trump's . . .

"Fruit of poison tree" protects President Trump as well as you and me
Michael Gaynor
March 20, 2018

"The essence of a provision forbidding the acquisition of evidence in a certain way is that not merely evidence so acquired shall not be used before the Court . . .

Poetic justice: Colluding with the Russians charge boomeranging on Trump persecutors as investigative abuse is uncovered
Michael Gaynor
February 6, 2018

The terrifying claim that publication of the Nunez memorandum would expose sources and methods and put lives as risk was shown to be bogus upon publication.  . . .

Will the Schumer shutdown lead to nuclear war with North Korea?
Michael Gaynor
January 22, 2018

Bulletin for shutdown Democrats: North Korea is still hellbent on being in position to attack the continental United States with nuclear weapons, and Kim Jung . . .

President Trump should privately consult Ed Rollins and appoint a new attorney general to supervise Special Counsel Mueller's investigation
Michael Gaynor
December 7, 2017

It appears that President Trump's investigators need to be investigated and a new Attorney General who has no need or desire to recuse himself should be . . .

Bad jury verdicts like the one that found Kate Steinle's death to be a tragic accident are shameless politicking
Michael Gaynor
December 6, 2017

The Steinle Verdict was not the result of bad law. It was the result of a jury's unwillingness to apply the good law of involuntary manslaughter and willingness . . .

Sharon Waxman and Bill O'Reilly are both right. New York Times spikes legitimate exposes when they don't fit its business and/or political agendas
Michael Gaynor
October 22, 2017

Waxman should call the spiking of her Weinstein expose in 2004 "media corruption" too. On October 19, 2017, former New York Times correspondent Sharon Waxman . . .

George Soros anointing Patrick Gaspard is bad news
Michael Gaynor
September 13, 2017

The danger is that Gaspard, a former executive director of the Democratic National Committee, is considered to be a low-key, hyper-competent, media-savvy, . . .

Is the liberal media deliberately shilling for the far left or blinded by Trumpphobia to its misdeeds?
Michael Gaynor
August 17, 2017

The posturing of media personalities embarrassed by President Trump's election success and opportunistic politicians is not only galling, but dangerous, . . .

President Trump won't kowtow to or pay off North Korea
Michael Gaynor
August 8, 2017

It's billions for defense now, but it's still nothing for tribute with people like President Trump. On May 30 of this year, I wrote an article titled "Will . . .

Tragically, aging and ailing Senator McCain teamed with "resist" Democrats and pro-Planned Parenthood nominal Republicans Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins to prolong Obamacare and postpone Trumpcare
Michael Gaynor
August 2, 2017

McCain apparently punished President Donald Trump for disparaging him personally by joining with RINOS Murkowski and Collins and a united block of 48 Democrats . . .

Senator Gillibrand is the reckless liar, not President Trump!
Michael Gaynor
June 12, 2017

Unfortunately, Senator Gillibrand may not "need me on [her] team to win" reelection in 2018, but if she does need me to win, then she'll lose! I have never . . .

Does the price of the Murdochs owning Sky entirely include Sean Hannity leaving Fox News?
Michael Gaynor
May 31, 2017

Is Hannity's future at Fox News dependent upon whether the Murdochs need to drop him in order to be "fit and proper" enough to win approval of a deal to . . .

Will President Trump invoke the Bush Doctrine to eliminate the North Korean nuclear threat?
Michael Gaynor
May 30, 2017

China should denuclearize North Korea, or President Trump will need to do so under the Bush Doctrine. The Bush family wanted Jeb Bush to become the 45th . . .

Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of Sean Hannity!
Michael Gaynor
May 26, 2017

Let's support Hannity in his pursuit of the truth and defend him against what appears to be a politically motivated effort to end the television programs of . . .

Dismissing an FBI director is a presidential prerogative, not a crime or an impeachable offense
Michael Gaynor
May 15, 2017

Andrew McCabe, acting FBI Director and a strong Comey admirer now in charge of that investigation, had testified before Congress that the investigation is . . .

Last night's Hannity exquisitely exposed the anti-Trump insanity about President Trump's dismissal of FBI Director Comey
Michael Gaynor
May 12, 2017

The notion that Comey should have been unremovable at least as long as the FBI was investigating alleged Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election . . .

Will President Trump pardon Michael Flynn to have Flynn tell his story?
Michael Gaynor
April 3, 2017

If President Trump pardons Flynn, the pardon would not permit any future crime, but it would permit Flynn to tell his story without fear of prosecution for any . . .

Ted Koppel's hit job on Sean Hannity discredits Koppel and CBS News, not Hannity
Michael Gaynor
March 28, 2017

Hannity promptly and smartly called for the whole interview to be posted on the CBS News website, because he wanted the public to have all the facts, not skewed . . .

Republican representatives who blocked the American Health Care Act miscalculated badly
Michael Gaynor
March 26, 2017

Republican obstructionists blocking the American Health Care Act was a HUGE mistake with which Obama, Schumer, Pelosi and other single-payer proponents must be . . .

Don't blame the Russians for your lie, Donna Brazile
Michael Gaynor
March 20, 2017

As a self-described "Christian woman," politically savvy Brazile should take responsibility for her choice and be repentant about it, not merely regretful that . . .

Why is the liberal media disregarding the significance of President Trump's quotation marks?
Michael Gaynor
March 18, 2017

It is hypocritical to ignore those quotation marks and charge that President Trump accused former President Obama with wire tapping as defined in the legal . . .

Not all would-be immigrants should be welcomed
Michael Gaynor
March 13, 2017

President Trump supports strong border security and extreme vetting, so the alphabet networks vilify him and minimize the dangers posed by some immigrants these . . .

President Trump's winning his war with the liberal media establishment. And Alec Baldwin can help him!
Michael Gaynor
February 27, 2017

Anti-Trumpers are flailing around trying to figure out how to punish President Trump for not slavishly doing the bidding of the White House Correspondents . . .

A Presidents' Day like no other: Trump triumphant, liberal media trumped
Michael Gaynor
February 20, 2017

President Trump is on his way to a second term. Make no mistake: President Donald Trump is the real deal, he's still making the liberal media squeal and he's . . .

These days leftist losers exemplify sore losers, and they are shameless about it
Michael Gaynor
January 17, 2017

These days leftist losers exemplify sore losers, and they are shameless about it. President-elect Donald Trump became the 2016 Republican presidential . . .

Donald Trump's terrific triumph over Team Clinton, the mainstream media and the bipartisan establishment
Michael Gaynor
November 10, 2016

Team Clinton and the liberal media establishment had made support for Trump appear sexist, racist, misogynistic and dangerous, so some Trump supporters . . .

Biased Newsday ignored the US Senate debate and covered criticism of Bishop Murphy's letter to members of his diocese on the importance of supporting life from conception
Michael Gaynor
November 2, 2016

Instead of ignoring the Senate debate, Newsday should be interviewing Long and Schumer on Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's call to repeal the . . .

Paging ACORN whistleblower Anita MonCrief to explain the threats of election rigging and voter fraud
Michael Gaynor
October 20, 2016

Unless Americans for Prosperity is giving up on prosperity and the Constitution, MonCrief should be front and center explaining (1) how the mainstream media . . .

Donald Trump must beat the media as well as Hillary Clinton to become president
Michael Gaynor
October 18, 2016

Unless they have tangible evidence, women coming forwardduring the month before Election Day 2016 to belatedly claim that Trump behaved badly toward them should . . .

Will Cardinal Dolan disinvite Hillary Clinton to the Al Smith dinner after Clintonistas John Podesta and Obama mentor Sandy Newman were exposed as enemies of the Catholic Church?
Michael Gaynor
October 14, 2016

It is obvious that Hillary Clinton craves Catholic votes, but it would be foolish for Cardinal Dolan to disregard the evidence that Team Clinton not only does . . .

Debate moderator Martha Raddatz's still a "jumper" and should not have jumped in to defend Obama administration policy, but I don't know that she covered up the ACORN scandal in 2008
Michael Gaynor
October 11, 2016

I do not blame Raddatz for a cover up. She was ABC's Chief White House Correspondent, not the head of ABC News, and I connected her with MonCrief without . . .

It's time for Trump movement voters to send John McCain and Kelly Ayotte a message
Michael Gaynor
October 9, 2016

McCain and Ayotte apparently think that distancing themselves from Trump will help them win reelection. Wendy Long, the United States Senate candidate of the . . .

To become president, Donald Trump should follow Newt Gingrich's feisty example and attack media bias, but not all his advice
Michael Gaynor
October 3, 2016

Bottom line: Trump never should let his silence be taken for acquiescence in scurrilous charges. He should briefly deny them, explain that the biased media and . . .

Lester Holt, loser of the first presidential debate, owes Donald Trump a HUGE apology
Michael Gaynor
September 30, 2016

Apparently Holt was determined not to be accused of being too nice to Trump or too tough on Clinton. NBC anchor Lester Holt may not have contributed money to . . .

Hillary Clinton and Lester Holt misrepresented well established constitutional law trying to save her floundering presidential campaign
Michael Gaynor
September 28, 2016

Debate moderators should not appoint themselves fact checkers during a presidential debate, especially when they don't tell the truth. Last night Democrat . . .

Time for Ted Cruz to campaign for Trump/Pence in Wisconsin!
Michael Gaynor
September 25, 2016

Cruz's conscience should tell him to campaign for Trump in Wisconsin (and if it hasn't Trump campaign manager and former Cruz supporter Kellyanne Conway should . . .

Wendy Long highlights why New Yorkers should replace Chuck Schumer with her to save SCOTUS
Michael Gaynor
September 19, 2016


It's spitballs off a battleship time for Donald Trump
Michael Gaynor
September 16, 2016

The way for Trump to win the Presidency is to treat Clinton's lilliputians the way a battleship treats spitballs: by staying the course and ignoring them.  . . .

Don't underestimate the blowback from Hillary Clinton's "basket of deplorables" putdown
Michael Gaynor
September 12, 2016

Ironically, Clinton inadvertently gave Trump a weapon with which to beat her, if he uses it properly. Last Friday night Democrat presidential nominee Hillary . . .

Will Kellyanne Conway and Laura Ingraham enable Donald Trump to make America great again?
Michael Gaynor
August 29, 2016

If Trump really wants to make America great again and is as smart as he thinks he is, he will heed the advice of principled conservatives Kellyanne and Laura in . . .

Donald Trump must continue to counterattack liberal media bias, not ignore it
Michael Gaynor
August 24, 2016

Cruz particularly needs to remember his words and his pledge and then to tell the world that his conscience is telling him to vote for Trump instead of  . . .

Trump needs to beat Team Clinton, the biased liberal media and dishonorable rule-or-ruin Republicans
Michael Gaynor
August 19, 2016

Trump is ready, willing and able to make America great again and voters should not expect Trump to suddenly change and embrace the self-serving advice of the so . . .

Laura Ingraham's smart strategy for Trump winning by minimizing the influence of immoral Trump defectors
Michael Gaynor
August 16, 2016

"If you call yourself a conservative and a Republican, it's actually immoral not to vote for Donald Trump." One would not expect to find a path to victory . . .

Hannity was wrong to recommend Gingrich, but he's right to suppport Trump and castigate Trump's critics
Michael Gaynor
August 10, 2016

Hannity's right on the main points: (1) it is critical that Trump be elected and (2) Trump's Republican critics are sickening and tiring. Sean Hannity is a . . .

New Yorkers, tell shameless Chuck Schumer no more and give Wendy Long the Senate floor
Michael Gaynor
August 6, 2016

The election depends upon an honest voter count and how many voters still believe in American exceptionalism and founding principles and are willing to vote to . . .

Arizona Trump supporters, make the upcoming Arizona Republican Primary HUGE!
Michael Gaynor
August 4, 2016

Trump's Arizona Republican supporters have a golden opportunity to send a message to the Republican establishment that Trump supporters across the nation will . . .

Donald Trump won't be bullied. Period. Full stop.
Michael Gaynor
August 2, 2016

The Constitution does not exempt from counterattack Gold Star families that choose to attack others in the political arena. Trump refused to be bullied by a . . .

Donald Trump needs Wendy Long to replace Chuck Schumer
Michael Gaynor
July 26, 2016

Now it is time for Trump, Pence and Long to campaign together and turn New York red. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump doesn't think big, he . . .

Laura Ingraham tried mightily to keep Ted Cruz from self-destructing, but Cruz insisted
Michael Gaynor
July 22, 2016

Query, is Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush now thinking of challenging Cruz when Cruz runs for reelection in 2018? If his dad, Jeb Bush, learns from Cruz . . .

Now it's Mike Pence vice presidential suspense!
Michael Gaynor
July 11, 2016

Pence can help Trump reassure conservatives and Tea Parttiers, across the country and especially in the Midwest.more than Gingrich, Christie or Sessions and the . . .

The key question FBI Director Comey was not asked
Michael Gaynor
July 8, 2016

If intent should not be read into the statute and the standard of proof were a preponderance of the evidence instead of beyond a reasonable doubt, do you . . .

Still no Schumer alternative to Wendy Long's bold contract with New Yorkers
Michael Gaynor
July 6, 2016

Self-term limit to no more than two terms, never lobby Congress for compensation afterwards, never act for the particular financial benefit of any campaign . . .

Sean Hannity's endorsement of Wendy Long flummoxed foolish Redstate and Western Journalism
Michael Gaynor
July 1, 2016

Trump would have to be a fool to think Schumer would help him make America great again, and Trump is not a fool Sean Hannity and current New York United . . .

Sean Hannity proudly endorses Donald Trump and Wendy Long
Michael Gaynor
June 29, 2016

New York is Trump's home state, he wants to win it, and he will need Senators like Long to have his proposed legislation enacted and his proposed appointees . . .

Donald Trump smartly advised Paul Ryan to be quiet and Ryan owes Trump an apology
Michael Gaynor
June 20, 2016

Justice Sotomayor, a Latina, is entitled to her perception of judging. Trump, a white man, is entitled to share her perception without being condemned as racist . . .

Wendy Long and Laura Ingraham refute character attacks on Donald Trump by establishment Republicans as foolish as well as false
Michael Gaynor
June 13, 2016

Presenting character assassination as principled policy difference shouldn't fool any, and won't fool many, registered voters. Justice Clarence Thomas surely . . .

Bret Baier elicited astonishing admission from Hillary Clinton...and didn't follow up
Michael Gaynor
June 11, 2016

Unfortunately, Baier apparently did not realize the significance of what Hillary had said. Presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton hadn't . . .

The unholy anti-Trump alliance between the left and selfish Republican politicians
Michael Gaynor
June 10, 2016

The Republican politicians who are not supporting Trump now may not be idiots, but they certainly are useful to Hillary Clinton. Charles Dudley Warner was . . .

Mr. Trump, like all litigants, you deserve a fair judge, not a "high tech lynching" for noting a judge's Mexican ancestry in trying to explain a judge's "unfair" rulings
Michael Gaynor
June 8, 2016

This latest attack on you is similar to Megyn Kelly, in attack mode, insinuating at the first Republican presidential aspirants debate that you had called all . . .

Alberto Gonzales and Wendy Long dare to back judicial impartiality for Donald Trump
Michael Gaynor
June 6, 2016

Bottom line: Trump deserves judicial impartiality, Gonzales deserves great credit for defending basic fairness for litigants, and Long deserves great credit for . . .

A proposed Indiana victory speech for Donald Trump
Michael Gaynor
May 3, 2016

Enabling Bill Clinton's enabler is not something a sensible Republican or conservative should do, of course, and the sooner Cruz and Fiorina come to their . . .

Will egotistic conservatives like Sasse do to Trump and America what egotistical liberals did to Goldwater and America?
Michael Gaynor
April 29, 2016

Buried in Sasse's silly diatribe are these revealing words: "I was not born Republican. I chose this party, for as long as it is useful." Sasse won't help Trump . . .

Blame Sean Hannity for supporting Cruz and helping Hillary, NOT for supporting Trump
Michael Gaynor
April 26, 2016

This election season Hannity may be inadvertently making it up to Hillary Clinton by misrepresenting Cruz's presidential eligibility status. If it does not . . .

Sean Hannity to Ted Cruz: "You gotta stop!"
Michael Gaynor
April 24, 2016

Will Cruz's strategy of suggesting that Hannity is a "hard-core Trump supporter" who was "distract[ing] from the real issues," boomerang? Perhaps Donald . . .

Trump triumphant, Kasich and Cruz lose
Michael Gaynor
April 20, 2016

Will the Republican establishment help make America great again with Trump or make America wait again? In "Krauthammer's Personal Disdain for Trump Skewed . . .

Judge Masin cannot make Ted Cruz a natural born US citizen
Michael Gaynor
April 15, 2016

Judge Masin did not note it in his opinion, but tt was not until 1934 that mothers were empowered to transmit United States citizen to their children. The  . . .

Former SCOTUS clerks Wendy Long v. Gregory Diskant disagree about the Senate's advice and consent power
Michael Gaynor
April 13, 2016

Long is right: the Senate does not have a constitutional duty to vote on a presidential nomination, much less to vote by a deadline fixed by the President.  . . .

Krauthammer's personal disdain for Trump skewed his view of Wisconsin primary results a bit
Michael Gaynor
April 11, 2016

In Wisconsin, Cruz got about a third more votes than Trump got. In New York, Trump will get in the range of three times as many votes as Cruz will get.  . . .

Sensitive Megyn Kelly disses fellow Fox News stars
Michael Gaynor
April 4, 2016

Has Roger Ailes called Kelly on the carpet for dissing O'Reilly, Hannity, van Susteren and Pirro and indicating that Trump controls "the editorial" on the other . . .

Megyn Kelly ignores key facts to champion faux victim Michelle Fields' bogus criminal battery charge
Michael Gaynor
March 31, 2016

As for Fields' simple battery of Trump, Kelly seems unfazed. Greta van Susteren would not prosecute after seeing the video, but upon returning from vacation, . . .

Glenn Beck's pathetic attention-seeking open letter to Donald Trump
Michael Gaynor
March 22, 2016

Kelly also should apologize for provoking a disturbed opportunist like Beck (apparently a victim of an abusive father projecting on Trump to play hero for a . . .

Trump wins 5 of 6, Cruz loses 6 and helps Kasich finally win one by underperforming
Michael Gaynor
March 17, 2016

Unfortunately for republicans and conservatives (including Cruz), Cruz's clever underperforming strategy not only delays the inevitable, but helps the Democrat . . .

Shame on Trump's Republican rivals for blaming his campaign for the violence in Chicago
Michael Gaynor
March 14, 2016

It is Trump's effectiveness that motivates "progressives" to be violent, not his sense of humor or choose of words. After Fox News gave Megyn Kelly its 9 PM . . .

To Fox News: Give Sean Hannity the 9 PM slot back and focus on presidential eligibility
Michael Gaynor
March 12, 2016

Instead of showing viewers a series of photos of Cruz and his family like a star-struck fan, Kelly should have asked Cruz which is more important to him – . . .

New York Times' David Brooks rejected as Donald Trump triumphs yet again
Michael Gaynor
March 10, 2016

The big question is whether establishment Republicans continue to try to do to Trump what their predecessor establishment Republicans successfully did to Barry . . .

"True conservatives" support Donald Trump, because Clinton judicial appointments would "fundamentally transform" the United States notwithstanding the Constitution instead of making it great again
Michael Gaynor
March 7, 2016

A "true conservative" would be supporting Trump as most electable instead of trying to make him unelectable. The Buckley Rule, promulgated by the late . . .

Why would "Rule or Ruin" Republicans want another convention like the 1912 Republican convention?
Michael Gaynor
March 3, 2016

The "Rule or Ruin" Republican Establishment may stop Trump from winning a three-person race with Hillary Clinton and the Republican establishment's "NotTrump" . . .

Michael Gaynor
March 2, 2016

"Conservatives" who insist that Trump is too imperfect to support are helping Hillary Clinton and may put her in position to create a "progressive" United . . .

Marco Rubio: ridiculous robot and dangerous "rule or ruin" Republican
Michael Gaynor
February 29, 2016

If "rule or ruin" Robot Rubio can't be the Republicans' Hispanic savior in 2016, he's determined to make sure Trump doesn't win and aiming for 2020. Donald . . .

Fox News' David Asman doesn't realize Ted Cruz is not a "natural born" U.S. citizen
Michael Gaynor
February 22, 2016

"Natural born" meant native born as used in the Constitution and any change is supposed to be made by constitutional amendment, not an act of Congress or . . .

Cruz's natural born U.S. citizenship claim is bogus, so a Trump lawsuit against him would be in order
Michael Gaynor
February 19, 2016

Ted Cruz is a terrific debater and lawyer, but he is not eligible to be President of the United States. The Constitution's "natural born Citizen" clause was . . .

Ted Cruz isn't a "natural born citizen," but he was naturalized at birth
Michael Gaynor
February 17, 2016

Cruz should be campaigning for a constitutional amendment dropping the "natural born" citizenship requirement" instead of running for President (and perhaps . . .

Ted Cruz should fully respect the late Justice Scalia's originalism, not pick and choose
Michael Gaynor
February 16, 2016

Alas, the Constitution can't be amended fast enough to qualify Cruz for the 2016 election, so he's ignoring the meaning of "natural born" as "generally used" . . .

Donald Trump's running mate should be indisputably a "natural born" citizen and that disqualifies Ted Cruz
Michael Gaynor
February 12, 2016

Congress can naturalize a person, but it can't make that person "natural born" within the meaning of the Constitution's presidential qualifications clause.  . . .

Ted Cruz was a "natural born" Canadian and is not eligible to be POTUS
Michael Gaynor
February 9, 2016

Place of birth determines where a person is "natural born." Republican presidential aspirant Ted Cruz is fond of using a famous John Adams quotation. In . . .

Is Marco Rubio "the Republican (and Cuban) Obama"?
Michael Gaynor
February 5, 2016

Like ambitious President Obama, ambitious Rubio obviously lied about his origin, so there is a basis for calling Rubio "the Republican (and Cuban) Obama." On . . .

Tom DeLay's admitted anti-Trump bias led to wishful thinking
Michael Gaynor
February 3, 2016

Trump will win over more voters than his two Republican rivals, who are young and ambitious first-term Senators with ties to the Bushes now running to be the . . .

Beware untrustworthy and hypocritical one-term senators running for president
Michael Gaynor
February 2, 2016

Ann Coulter is right: "Trump is the leading GOP vote-getter tonight, among natural-born-American candidates." An important lesson of recent history that the . . .

Team Trump trumps Fox News by exposing undisclosed conflict of interest tainting its Republican presidential debates
Michael Gaynor
January 28, 2016

Who is responsible for that War on Women question Kelly asked Trump at the first Republican debate – Megyn Kelly, Bill Sammon or his daughter Brooke . . .

Ted Cruz is a US citizen, but not a "natural born" US citizen
Michael Gaynor
January 22, 2016

Whether or not the Constitution should make "natural born" citizenship derivable from either father or mother, it has not been amended to do so and Congress is . . .

Shocker: Trump trumps Cruz on legal status of "natural born Citizen" under Constitution
Michael Gaynor
January 18, 2016

The unpleasant and unavoidable fact vexing Cruz is that the phrase "natural born" precedes "Citizen" in the Constitution's presidential qualifications provision . . .

Donald Trump's temporary Muslim immigration ban idea is neither racist nor unconstitutional
Michael Gaynor
December 12, 2015

Trump was vilified for his idea by Obama apologists and political opportunists across the political spectrum, but the first duty of the President of the United . . .

The liberal media may elect a third straight Democrat presidential candidate by ignoring the truth unless Donald Trump and Megyn Kelly make peace
Michael Gaynor
October 26, 2015

Clinton, a liar but not a moron, won't be appearing on Kelly's show now, so maybe The Donald will give her a break and forgive her. The phrase "strange . . .

Donald Trump's right. "W" didn't keep America safe from attack. Neither did FDR keep America safe from the Pearl Harbor attack, Charles Krauthammer
Michael Gaynor
October 20, 2015

What's Mr. Krauthammer's excuse for treating the thought that FDR bore blame for Pearl Harbor to be absurd? Donald Trump is right: the thousands who died on . . .

Charlie Rose hearted Megyn Kelly, but why should Donald Trump raise her ratings by doing her show again?
Michael Gaynor
October 9, 2015

Trump probably should not return to "The Kelly File," unless it is to accept an apology from Kelly for presenting an anticipated out of context Hillary Clinton . . .

Carly Fiorina's the latest media darling, but Donald Trump's still rising
Michael Gaynor
September 23, 2015

Bottom line: it's still up to the voters (if the votes are properly counted). It's hardly surprising that Fox News star Megyn Kelly joined the liberal media . . .

Catty and hypocritical Carly Fiorina isn't a better choice than bombastic Donald Trump
Michael Gaynor
September 21, 2015

A person who is upset by comments about his or her appearance does not have what it takes to be President. Perhaps Donald Trump is not the best choice for . . .

Being the only female Republican presidential candidate is not enough, Carly Fiorina
Michael Gaynor
September 19, 2015

Fiorina deserves to be lauded for rising from secretary to CEO, but she doesn't deserve to be elected President when she has no elective office experience, . . .

Megyn Kelly's anti-Trump bias is obvious and a disservice to her viewers
Michael Gaynor
September 17, 2015


How "same-sex marriage" became a constitutional right and Kim Davis was imprisoned for religious belief
Michael Gaynor
September 6, 2015

Kim Davis is imprisoned because President Obama's Supreme Court appointments support 'same-sex marriage" and he got to appoint them by posing as a traditional . . .

Can the male Republican presidential hopefuls go to war FOR a woman (Carly Fiorina) against CNN?
Michael Gaynor
August 31, 2015

If all the Republican men won't man up, then Donald J. Trump should gallantly offer his place to Carly Fiorina. As usual, Democrats are promoting the . . .

No, Bill O'Reilly, the Constitution doesn't make "anchor babies" U.S. citizens
Michael Gaynor
August 24, 2015

O'Reilly should stop treating a passing reference in a United States Supreme Court to "anchor babies" as United States citizens as a definitive pronouncement on . . .

Carl Cannon hearts Trump targeter Megyn Kelly
Michael Gaynor
August 17, 2015

When Kelly followed up with her loaded question, Trump rightly counterpunched. Carl M. Cannon, Washington Bureau Chief for RealClearPolitics. insinuated that . . .

"The Diva (Megyn Kelly) versus The Donald (Donald Trump)" should be the Diva's last debate
Michael Gaynor
August 12, 2015

There's enough hypocrisy in politicians without having hypocritical moderators. President Theodore Roosevelt,who ran as a third-party presidential candidate . . .

Fox News prime time debate moderators: unfair and unbalanced
Michael Gaynor
August 8, 2015

"Can Trump ever be derailed? Fox 'News' and Roger Ailes sure seems to be trying." On August 6, 2015, Fox News presented two debates involving seventeen . . .

True the Vote still pursuing IRS, Lois Lerner and election integrity
Michael Gaynor
July 20, 2015

The Wall Street Journal recently reported that Lerner was working directly with the chief officer of the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board – the . . .

President Obama deserves a Neville Chamberlain umbrella for his deal with Iran
Michael Gaynor
July 15, 2015

Instead of "sleep[ing quietly," Americans should demand Congress stop the dangerous deal and take a page from community organizer Saul Alinsky's playbook and . . .

Obamacare really is unconstitutional, so SCOTUS transformed it into SCOTUScare to save it!
Michael Gaynor
June 26, 2015

The majority did not correct a scrivener's error, it effectively rewrote the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare, income redistribution legislation promoted as . . .

Lord & Taylor promotes Mother's Day gifts more than Father's Day gifts
Michael Gaynor
June 23, 2015

Is that fair to fathers? This year Lord & Taylor, the oldest upscale, specialty-retail department store chain in the United States, chose to favor Mother's . . .

Does Baltimore's Marilyn Mosby deserve the Mike Nifong Award for most contemptible prosecutor?
Michael Gaynor
May 8, 2015

She says the knife that Freddie Gray was carrying was legal. But according to the Baltimore Sun, the police task force examined it and said the officers were . . .

Gay wedding danger: bullying victims becoming bullies
Michael Gaynor
April 8, 2015

Gay activists who bully bakers and wedding planners should think about the involuntary servitude they are trying to force. Gay activists who bully bakers and . . .

From Nixon's the One to Hillary's the One!
Michael Gaynor
April 2, 2015

Hillary Clinton apparently learned from Nixon's experience to destroy evidence long before it becomes an issue for the United States Supreme Court. Hillary . . .

Americans should draw an adverse inference against spoliator Hillary Clinton
Michael Gaynor
March 30, 2015

Zeifman's candid opinion of his subordinate Hillary Clinton as Watergate impeachment inquiry staffer: "She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to . . .

Netanyahu can't risk a surprise attack from a nuclear Iran
Michael Gaynor
March 25, 2015

Israel cannot afford to be short-sighted when Iran is becoming a nuclear power. People critical of Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu's concern with Iran . . .

Will Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama provoke a preemptive nuclear strike on Iran?
Michael Gaynor
March 19, 2015

Netanyahu won't let Israel be Pearl Harbored. President Barack Obama managed to get himself elected President of the United States by posing as a defender of . . .

IRS under criminal investigation for politically motivated coverup
Michael Gaynor
March 2, 2015

"The IRS has a lot of explaining to do," Chaffetz told CNN. Last Thursday Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration Deputy Inspector General for . . .

Saavy political tactician David Axelrod admits President Obama pretended to oppose same-sex marriage in 2008 as a political tactic
Michael Gaynor
February 11, 2015

President Obama is the prime example of the successful political opportunist who says what he thinks he needs to say to win and pursues his real agenda later, . . .

True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht: beware the Obama Justice Department
Michael Gaynor
January 30, 2015

"We have replaced rule of law with moral relativism; we have replaced truth with political correctness; in all the double speak and double think we have become . . .

Black Conservatives Fund exposes Democrat promotion of voter fraud
Michael Gaynor
December 2, 2014

The Obama Justice Department may not prioritize this matter, lest Americans figure it's the tip of an iceberg, but hopefully Lousiana authorities will support . . .

Professor Gruber's candor confirms Bill O'Reilly has been President Obama's "Red Klotz"
Michael Gaynor
November 17, 2014

Treating President Obama as a person of unquestionable integrity was a grave mistake in 2010 and now it's absurd, Mr. O'Reilly Fox News's Bill O'Reilly is . . .

Juan Williams was way too slow to recognize the Republican wave
Michael Gaynor
November 6, 2014

The problem was President Obama's policies, obviously, Mr. Williams. The Chicago Tribune famously ran the "Dewey Defeats Truman" headline in 1948. Juan . . .

Judge Walton's no Judge Sirica, he dismissed True the Vote case, blocking discovery of whole truth about IRS scandal
Michael Gaynor
October 27, 2014

If the IRS's belated approval "completely and irrevocably eradicated the effects of" its failure to approve years earlier, then the Emancipation Proclamation . . .

Is Turkey still paying the USA back for withdrawing the Jupiter missiles?
Michael Gaynor
October 14, 2014

Time to move on, Turkey. Turkey is a NATO member, but when the United States decided to depose Iraq's Saddam Hussein, Turkey was immensely uncooperative.  . . .

Attorney Benjamin Brafman: My client Dinesh D'Souza was spared imprisonment as a result of Judge Richard Berman's "extraordinary kindness"
Michael Gaynor
October 3, 2014

It looks likely that D'Souza will be spending the Christmas holidays with his daughter. Dinesh D'Souza will not be imprisoned, as the prosecution wanted, but . . .

Should Dinesh D'Souza have been sentenced to therapeutic counseling?
Michael Gaynor
September 25, 2014

It seems to follow that D'Souza was sentenced to therapeutic counseling because he and Judge Berman have different takes on the Obama Administration and his . . .

Judge Richard Berman should avoid any appearance of sentencing Dinesh D'Souza excessively
Michael Gaynor
September 18, 2014

An excessive sentence would undermine confidence in the administration of justice and appear to violate the judicial oath to "administer justice without respect . . .

The sentencing of Dinesh D'Souza is still undecided
Michael Gaynor
September 15, 2014

If D'Souza wants a prison sentence closer to 10 months than 16 months, and perhaps community service, it would behoove him to tell Judge Berman on September 23 . . .

Will Ray and/or Janay Rice sue the NFL?
Michael Gaynor
September 11, 2014

The issue is whether the NFL is entitled to add additional punishment to its sentences to players whenever it is moved to do so. I'm not a fan of former . . .

Putting unconsumed food favored for school children by First Lady Michelle Obama to good use
Michael Gaynor
September 8, 2014

Count of American decency and ingenuity to salvage some of the healthy lunch items famously promoted by the First Lady that school children would rather leave . . .

Judge Atlas rules against True the Vote
Michael Gaynor
September 2, 2014

Federal law should facilitate checking to make sure elections are not stolen and Mississippi should reconsider the wisdom of both open primaries and an . . .

Ominous news for Obama administration: Judge Sullivan may be its Judge Sirica
Michael Gaynor
August 28, 2014

"It is almost always the cover-up rather than the event that causes trouble." When President Obama declared last Super Bowl Sunday that there was "not even a . . .

When did President Obama know that the "lost" Lois Lerner email wasn't lost?
Michael Gaynor
August 27, 2014

What is the Obama Administration to do (besides lay the race card and rely on the liberal media establishment to ignore or to obfuscate the facts? During the . . .

The truth about the late Michael Brown is NOT a smear
Michael Gaynor
August 18, 2014

Has the lesson of the Duke lacrosse case been unlearned? On August 9, Police Officer Darren Wilson shot and killed Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. We . . .

Will federal district court judge Reggie Walton save or shatter Obamaworld?
Michael Gaynor
August 11, 2014

Judge Walton denied True the Vote's motion for expedited discovery because the previously filed motion to dismiss was still pending before him and therefore . . .

Like the Obama admininstration, Mississippi GOP targeting True the Vote for promoting election integrity
Michael Gaynor
August 8, 2014

Ironically, Judge Atlas should sanction the Mississippi Republican Party for making a frivolous motion, not True the Vote for making the Mississippi Republican . . .

Will the current "Mississippi Madness" sink Mitch Mcconnell?
Michael Gaynor
August 6, 2014

Maybe Cochran defied the odds and really won the runoff after coming in second the first time, but it seems likely that there were even more illegal and . . .

Attorney Larry Friedman uses Fox & Friends to rail against federal trial judge Richard Kyle in Jesse Ventura defamation case
Michael Gaynor
August 5, 2014

I doubt that Judge Andrew Napolitano, Peter Johnson or Megyn Kelly of Fox would have given Friedman a pass for his unfair shot at Judge Kyle or been so . . .

ESPN owes Stephen A. Smith an apology
Michael Gaynor
July 31, 2014

Ignorance needs to be corrected, not indulged, and the political correctness mafia need to stop fabricating offenses. Sports commentator Stephen A. Smith, . . .

Mississippians (including Chris McDaniel) deserve an accurate count of the legal votes
Michael Gaynor
July 29, 2014

It's McDaniel's duty to the legal voters as well as to himself to try to make sure that their decision is not overturned with illegal votes. The Clarion . . .

Election results should be trued, not skewed, Judge Atlas
Michael Gaynor
July 27, 2014

Judge Atlas should not allow a United States Senate nomination to be awarded on the basis of illegal votes by delaying access to the materials needed to check.  . . .

Obamacare, brought to you by President Humpty Dumpty, master of words
Michael Gaynor
July 24, 2014

Under the Constitution, the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, is not revisable unilaterally by the Executive Branch of the United States Government and . . .

Proof of True the Vote nonpartisanship: Mississippi GOP establishment joined leftist Dems in attacking True the Vote's integrity
Michael Gaynor
July 17, 2014

Ironically, Mississippi GOP spokesperson Nagel's statement put an exclamation point of True the Vote's nonpartisanship while broadening the chasm between the . . .

The border crisis is the latest use of the Cloward-Piven strategy to fundamentally change America
Michael Gaynor
July 16, 2014

This tragic flood of illegal alien children is just a part of the bad that's happened because a community organizer conned enough voters, with the connivance of . . .

Is political correctness stopping Megyn Kelly from exposing the lies that made Obama president and calling a spade a spade?
Michael Gaynor
July 14, 2014

It's wonderful for Kelly to expose Pelosi, and better for her to expose Obama Administration lies, but Kelly needs to prepare for the future by looking back at . . .

Will Dinesh D'Souza's sentence be influenced by his "America" documentary?
Michael Gaynor
July 7, 2014

D'Souza should have resisted both the temptation to make excess contributions and the temptation to include his case the way he did in "America." "America" . . .

Megyn Kelly's disappointing Bill Ayers interview helped President Obama look moderate
Michael Gaynor
July 3, 2014

To be sure, Kelly's no dumb blonde, but she astonishingly missing a perfect opportunity to highlight the true nature of the Obama-Ayers relationship when the . . .

The Catherine Engelbrecht story is the key to the IRS scandal
Michael Gaynor
June 30, 2014

Who but the White House could coordinate the IRS, OSHA, BATF and FBI? All scandals are not equally perilous to President Obama. Benghazigate, the . . .

Would Bob Bauer join Lois Lerner in pleading the Fifth Amendment?
Michael Gaynor
June 25, 2014

Bauer singled out True the Vote, headed by Catherine Engelbrecht, target of multiple federal agencies since she took an active role in the pursuit of election . . .

True The Vote reacts to the belated claims that relevant email was lost
Michael Gaynor
June 18, 2014

Why not get the White House Counsel's office's email with Lois Lerner? Both senders and recipients have copies! Surely Bob Bauer's email wasn't "lost" too!  . . .

Paging Michelle Malkin to write Culture of Deception
Michael Gaynor
May 27, 2014

It was readily foreseeable that a Culture of Deception would be the bad fruit of the Obama Administration's Culture of Corruption. Wikipedia (http://en . . .

Will all United States bishops finally observe holy week by following canon law instead of indulging phony pro-abortion "Catholic" politicians?
Michael Gaynor
April 14, 2014

Query, if the bishops of the United States had all followed canon law and refused Holy Communion to the likes of former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, would there be an . . .

Rep. Gohmert versus Attorney General Holder: The Encounter
Michael Gaynor
April 10, 2014

Stay focused and avoid careless remarks that undermine the conservative cause, be it before the cameras or in private conversation. It was an unfortunate . . .

Fox News Reporting's "Enemies of the State": bold, but bungled
Michael Gaynor
April 8, 2014

It's time to find out everything that Bauer did to deal with what he considered to be a grave threat from True the Vote, what his client, President Obama, knew . . .

Will Chief Justice Roberts do the right thing this time?
Michael Gaynor
March 24, 2014

Chief Justice Roberts is obligated to follow the Constitution, not entitled to rewrite it to please President Obama. When it came to Obamacare (referred to . . .

Obama administration target Catherine Engelbrecht turns tables on bully Congressman Elijah Cummings
Michael Gaynor
February 24, 2014

It's time for Cummings to walk the plank for abusing the privilege of the frank. David dared to take on Goliath, and won. St. George slayed the . . .

Catherine Engelbrecht goes on offense and to Congress
Michael Gaynor
February 10, 2014

"No American, regardless of their political affiliation, should support the silencing of political speech." It was acceptable for Nelson Mandela to support . . .

Bill O'Reilly exposes, then hearts duplicitous President Obama
Michael Gaynor
February 4, 2014

No wonder O'Reilly got the interview. Sean Hannity would not said, "I think your heart is in the right place" and dropped the subject of the President's desire . . .

Congressman Wilson spoke the truth: President Obama lies
Michael Gaynor
November 19, 2013

It's time for the media to report Obama lies with the benefit of hindsight instead of to pretend that "you can keep your insurance. Period." was the sole . . .

Is Sean Hannity moving up in weight class at the right time?
Michael Gaynor
November 12, 2013

Hannity is right about Christie and the 2016 Republican presidential nomination race, just as he's been right about Obama all along. This fall Fox News . . .

Obama lied, millions of insurance policies died
Michael Gaynor
November 8, 2013

President Obama is really "sorry" that he's been proven to be a liar. President Obama repeatedly lied as part of a strategy to make Obamacare the law of the . . .

Will exposure of Obamacare lies finally open enough voter eyes?
Michael Gaynor
November 6, 2013

Obamacare would not be the law of the land (and the national debt would be significantly less) if President Obama's lies about his ACORN ties had been generally . . .

MADD owes heroic Erin Cox a huge apology
Michael Gaynor
October 21, 2013

Cox was well-intentioned and acted reasonably. The school and MADD were assinine and idiotic. They owe Cox a huge apology. In Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist, . . .

Speaker Boehner shamelessly stood down instead of strong
Michael Gaynor
October 17, 2013

If the American people knew that the poster, ACORN founder Wade Rathke, was delighted at the prospect of "change" coming because President Obama was "ready for . . .

It's time to punish the punisher-in-chief, President Obama
Michael Gaynor
October 8, 2013

"It is an act of political theater, a gross and possibly illegal abuse of political power, an assault on private property, and a wanton subjugation of . . .

Government (partial) shutdown blame
Michael Gaynor
October 3, 2013

House Republicans cannot make President Obama negotiate with them, but they can stand on principle and as long as they believe capitulating would be worse than . . .

Will Bob Bauer join Catherine Engelbrecht in calling for immunity for Lois Lerner?
Michael Gaynor
October 1, 2013

Unlike the liberal media establishment led by The New York Times, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee has been covering the ordeal of True the Vote and . . .

Obama IRS bows to resolute True the Vote, hoping to avoid discovery!
Michael Gaynor
September 25, 2013

Since True the Vote would not bow (and the Obama IRS wants discovery about as much as the Obama State Department wants the whole truth about the attack of its . . .

Would you buy a used car from Congressman Elijah Cummings?
Michael Gaynor
September 10, 2013


True the Vote's mistaken: Holder DOJ is connected to reality, but it's the reality of power, not constitutional reality
Michael Gaynor
August 26, 2013

The Obama reelection campaign succeeded, but, fortunately, the abusive and tenacious efforts to intimidate Engelbrecht and True the Vote were not effective.  . . .

True the Vote President (and Texan) Catherine Engelbrecht will stand her ground against AG Eric Holder
Michael Gaynor
July 27, 2013

God bless Catherine Engelbrecht, and God save America from Holder's legal shenanigans. If the Obama Administration figured that indefinitely delaying the . . .

Obama administration wrongly profiled Catherine Engelbrecht, yet opts to investigate acquitted George Zimmerman
Michael Gaynor
July 19, 2013

Hey, it beats an investigation into why several agencies of the federal government suddenly profiled True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht! The . . .

Eugene Robinson's noxious social justice notion
Michael Gaynor
July 16, 2013

It was tragic that Martin was shot, but it was not a crime, and convicting Zimmerman in the name of "history" would have been a travesty of justice (which seems . . .

Zimmerman, Martin, race baiting, racial profiling and Hannity
Michael Gaynor
July 15, 2013

Both Zimmerman and Martin were free to be where they were when they encountered each other and to profile, or not profile, each other. The acquittal of . . .

Sean Hannity's Tamara Holder problem
Michael Gaynor
July 9, 2013

On her website Tamara proclaims "what I say on TV doesn't portray my entire personality. I'm not just a crazy liberal lawyer...I'm crazy for many other reasons . . .

The "War" the liberal media establishment ignores: Obama Administration v. "Nice Woman" Catherine Engelbrecht
Michael Gaynor
June 23, 2013

It is very important to ascertain how high up in the IRS the scandal reached, but it is even more important to learn who is responsible for the IRS, FBI, BATF . . .

Why does Rep. Cummings want House investigation of IRS scandal to stop before Catherine Engelbrecht testifies?
Michael Gaynor
June 18, 2013

Is Cummings dreading the thought of Engelbrecht testifying before the House Oversight Committee? Radical Congressman Elijah Cummings (D-Md), ranking member . . .

Thanks to whistleblowers, the truth is catching up to President Obama
Michael Gaynor
June 12, 2013

President Obama's pledge to make his the most transparent administration in America history certainly has not been fulfilled, but now it appears that more and . . .

Four Pinocchios for Steve Elbow's hit piece on Obama administration target Catherine Engelbrecht
Michael Gaynor
June 7, 2013

Elbow produced an OSHA violations notice, but not the October 11, 2012, OSHA cover letter to Engelbrecht's family business . Counterattack on True the Vote . . .

Why did the Obama administration target Catherine Engelbrecht personally?
Michael Gaynor
June 3, 2013

True the Vote was on the Team Obama radar screen even before Election Day 2010 and since things did not go well at the polls for Team Obama that year, Catherine . . .

Of course NYT isn't reporting on Obama administration harassment of True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht
Michael Gaynor
May 31, 2013

God bless Engelbrecht and True the Vote and God save the United States of America. True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht exemplifies the courageous . . .

Don't mess with True the Vote's Catherine Engelbrecht!
Michael Gaynor
May 21, 2013

Catherine exemplifies the American ideal. The slogan Don't Mess with Texas is widely and rightly known. Alas, the Far Left and its minions in federal . . .

NOW will the American people finally learn about and wise up to earlier Obama lies?
Michael Gaynor
May 14, 2013

There may be a belated silver lining to the Benghazi tragedy – exposure of politically motivated Obama lies about it may help many Obama supporters . . .

Chuck Morse warns that ACORN's goal is to take over America in new book
Michael Gaynor
April 22, 2013

Morse has lots to say, and what he says about ACORN needs to be common knowledge if the "fundamental transformation" of America that ACORN and Obama have been . . .

ACORN favorite Tom Perez is unfit to be Secretary of Labor
Michael Gaynor
April 18, 2013

It's understandable that the ACORN President would nominate ACORN favorites like Hilda Solis and Tom Perez to be his Secretaries of Labor, but that's hardly . . .

Beware collective responsibility for the children of the United States
Michael Gaynor
April 10, 2013

Hitler was all for the state controlling "education" With Hillary Clinton the favorite for the 2016 presidential race, collective responsibility for the . . .

Age of Obama bulletin: Catholics and Evangelicals designated as religious extremists
Michael Gaynor
April 9, 2013

Cardinal Dolan must be embarrassed. Sol Alinsky would be proud that President Obama is impleneting "fundamental change"! Cardinal Timothy Dolan's . . .

True "T-Warriors" don't dismiss referring to the Bible as "Bible thumping," Bill O'Reilly
Michael Gaynor
April 6, 2013

Jay Leno, who is a bit younger than O'Reilly, is scheduled to leave "The Tonight Show" next and be replaced by Jimmy Fallon next year. Fox News should retire O . . .

Hurray! Laura Ingraham refused to excuse Bill O'Reilly's slur on Bible believers opposing gay marriage on biblical grounds
Michael Gaynor
April 5, 2013

O'Reilly can make the point that referring to the Bible is not likely to persuade those who don't believe it without disparaging Bible believers for professing . . .

Fortunately Errol Louis is right...that millenials are educable!
Michael Gaynor
April 4, 2013

Millenials have the greatest interest in promoting American exceptionalism instead of accepting stealth socialism. Ironically, on the Easter episode of "The . . .

"Same-sex marriage" is a state option, not a constitutional right
Michael Gaynor
April 3, 2013

To transform constitutional protection of the homosexual lifestyle into constitutional recognition of "same-sex marriage" would be a judicial travesty that . . .

Cardinal Dolan did not deserve Raymond Arroyo's praise
Michael Gaynor
April 2, 2013

As Arroyo must know, Mother Angelica would not have made such a grievous mistake as Cardinal Dolan made. As part of the Good Friday intercessions, Catholics . . .

Obama didn't "evolve" on marriage. He reverted.
Michael Gaynor
March 27, 2013

President Obama's record on marriage reflects political opportunism, not "evolution." When it comes to oxymoronic "same-sex marriage," opportunistic . . .

The arrogance and deceitfulness of the Hubris Authors
Michael Gaynor
March 25, 2013

Blame Saddam Hussein for the invasion of Iraq. He could have avoided it. In Greek tragedy, hubris is excessive pride toward or defiance of the gods, leading . . .

Pope Francis must not be afraid of phony "Catholic" politicians
Michael Gaynor
March 21, 2013

The greatest act of faith AND humility that Pope Francis can perform is to follow fundamental Church teaching despite the wishes of the phony "Catholic" . . .

Should ACORN exposer Hannah Giles now sue attorney Eugene Iredale, was the now settled Vera case "meritless" and who won due to the ACORN sting?
Michael Gaynor
March 19, 2013

Ironically, the efforts of O'Keefe, Giles and Breitbart helped ACORN's candidate, President Obama. The spotlight was put on Giles' legs and ACORN facilitating . . .

President Obama pursues "fundamental transformation," not prosperity
Michael Gaynor
March 5, 2013

Remaking America to put the Far Left in full control and keeping it there with a permanent electoral majority is what the man who was elevated from "the Senator . . .

Speaker Boehner's wrong. President Obama has "guts"...but he's using them to pursue the ACORN agenda
Michael Gaynor
February 14, 2013

The problem is that Boehner lacked the "guts" to pursue the ugly truth about President Obama and ACORN. House Speaker John Boehner said that he doesn't think . . .

Ben Shapiro v. Karl Rove on choosing Republican candidates: who's right?
Michael Gaynor
February 8, 2013

So long as the likes of Rove and Law treat Obama as an honorable, well-meaning fellow and the Tea Party people as the problem, they are Team Obama's foolish . . .

Scrutinize faculty and administrators in cheating scandals from Harvard College to St. Joseph's College
Michael Gaynor
February 6, 2013

Education is too important to be left to arrogant and arbitrary faculty and administrators. Cheating still happens at colleges as prominent as Harvard in . . .

Religious liberty is an individual right, not merely a right of religious institutions and their nonprofits
Michael Gaynor
February 4, 2013

The beneficiaries of the tactical Obama retreat should stand staunchly with Hobby Lobby and others who seek to freely exercise their religious liberty rights . . .

America beware! ACORN founder Wade Rathke celebrating Obama's lame duck freedom
Michael Gaynor
January 25, 2013

Rathke: "It is show time and finally Obama is ready for action." Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., the Senator from ACORN who became the President from ACORN, did . . .

Good news! Tucker Carlson finally finds Obama "scary"
Michael Gaynor
January 18, 2013

No wonder Obama was elected and reelected President. On January 17, 2013, on The Laura Ingraham Show, Tucker Carlson told Laura that for the first time he . . .

The battle won't be won merely by criticizing Obama's "failed liberal policies"
Michael Gaynor
January 2, 2013

The truth is that ACORN whistleblower Anita MonCrief could be to Obama what Whittaker Chambers was to Alger Hiss. L. Brent Bozell III, founder and president . . .

Straight talker Sarah Palin and ACORN whistleblower Anita MonCrief versus crazed Obama shill Chris Matthews on Obama's socialist agenda
Michael Gaynor
December 6, 2012

Matthews parroting the line of Wade Rathke, founder and chief organizer of ACORN for 38 years, that ACORN is dead is pathetic. Last September former vice . . .

Catholic leaders must defend religious liberty strongly, not subtly
Michael Gaynor
December 1, 2012

The Obama Administration is violating religious liberty. The Catholic bishops of the United States need not be violent, but they should be bold instead of . . .

University and college administrations must stop misleading the public, rubber stamping arbitrary instructors and overreacting to plagiarism scandals
Michael Gaynor
November 20, 2012

Plagiarizing is the problem, not owning or reading books, and universities and college have no place telling students what NOT to own or read. Is it too much . . .

The mind-boggling (yet unreported) St. Joseph's MBA program cheating scandal
Michael Gaynor
November 15, 2012

When a cheating scandal occurs, a school needs to punish the guilty as well as to prevent collateral damage to the innocent, especially when an instructor is . . .

Election day 2012: and (again) the winner is....ACORN!
Michael Gaynor
November 8, 2012

Make no mistake: Obama is an ACORN guy in pursuit of the implementation of ACORN's People's Platform (socialism without that troubling word). Wade Rathke, . . .

How Sean Hannity can stop Obama this time
Michael Gaynor
October 30, 2012

The best person to show to the American people that Obama is a liar is Sean Hannity. He was right about Obama all along, and it would not be hard for him to do . . .

Will ACORN favorites Obama, Gillibrand, Brown and Casey be reelected?
Michael Gaynor
October 26, 2012

Paying close attention to the New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania Senate races is very important, because an ACORN Senate can become an ACORN president. Voters . . .

If Ohio's God's country, religious liberty will win, not Obama
Michael Gaynor
October 25, 2012

"President Obama...intend[s] to force their anti-Catholic views on every single Catholic in this nation. And if [he] can crush Catholics under [his] boot heel,  . . .

Michelle Malkin and Laura Ingraham are right: Obama's president, but he's NOT "a nice guy"
Michael Gaynor
October 24, 2012

Mitt chose not to be personally confrontational and to treat Obama as an honorable man with whom he has policy differences instead of a clever con artist, and . . .

Cardinal Dolan v. USCCB on whether President Obama is honorable
Michael Gaynor
October 20, 2012

In proclaiming President Obama to be honorable, Cardinal Dolan did what the USCCB said should not be done. Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan is Archbishop of . . .

Wendy Long v. Kirsten Gillibrand, the debate moderators and the liberal media
Michael Gaynor
October 19, 2012

Gillibrand's "little girl voice" should not be an impediment to her reelection, but both Long's mind and voice are "clearer and more adult" and Long is the real . . .

Romney and Hannity spy a huge Obama lie as Obama and "moderator" Crowley gave it a try
Michael Gaynor
October 18, 2012

The fact is that Obama is a serial presidential debate liar who lied his way to the White House in 2008. If Sean Hannity is especially wise, he'll do a . . .

Vice President Joe Biden is a CINO (Catholic in Name Only). Pray for him.
Michael Gaynor
October 16, 2012

The "separation between faith and life" was condemned by the Second Vatican Council as "among the more serious errors of our age. . . .

The Daily Caller v. Martha Raddatz, Barack and Julius and moderating debates
Michael Gaynor
October 15, 2012

It's time to abandon the illusion of moderator objectivity. Presidential and vice presidential debate moderators have political opinions and are affected by . . .

VP debate: Ryan polite and gold, Biden rude and old as Raddatz takes turn as moderator
Michael Gaynor
October 12, 2012

It would have been unforgettable if Raddatz had responded to Biden's evasive first answer with "I repeat: 'Wasn't this a massive intelligence failure, Vice . . .

Senate hopeful Wendy Long defends religious liberty against President Obama and Senator Gillibrand
Michael Gaynor
October 11, 2012

"We cannot sit by silently any longer as Washington attempts to crush our faith and our Church." New York's United States Senate candidates, incumbent . . .

First presidential debate: the good, the bad and the ugly
Michael Gaynor
October 5, 2012

Beware: Team Obama has been playing the Electoral College game very well, the President remains ACORN's guy and ACORN morphed, it did not die. The . . .

Hannity "District of Corruption" special: required viewing for intelligent voters
Michael Gaynor
October 4, 2012

The liberal media establishment generally remains an arm of the Obama campaign, but whistleblowers like MonCrief and Adams and intrepid investigators like . . .

Message to Mitt: STOP the Obama-cares-about-the-people-like-you-do nonsense!
Michael Gaynor
September 28, 2012

MonCrief's goal was to free Obama from ACORN's influence by exposing ACORN, but after Obama won and began filling the positions in his Administration, MonCrief . . .

President Obama: Redistributionist in Chief and ACORN's president
Michael Gaynor
September 21, 2012

The truth is still the greatest threat to Obama and the greatest hope for the American dream. It's incredible, but true, that a redistributionist ACORN guy . . .

NY's US Senate Race: Incumbent Gillibrand exposed herself as a phony, hypocritical disgrace
Michael Gaynor
September 14, 2012

New York voters need a Senator who's principled and strong and they won't go wrong with Wendy Long New York junior senator Kirsten Rutnik Gillibrand's own . . .

No wonder Kirsten Gillibrand is having Wendy Long's campaign events videotaped!
Michael Gaynor
September 7, 2012

Study those videotapes carefully, Senator! You can run, but you can't hide either. Wendy Long, the Republican/Conservative United States Senate candidate in . . .

Wendy Long: the real war is on religious freedom, not women or women's health
Michael Gaynor
August 31, 2012

With Wendy Long, you won't go wrong. New York's Republican/Conservative United States Senator candidate Wendy Long (www.wendylongfornewyork.com) put in . . .

"2016: Obama's America": D'Souza DocuDrama damning No Drama Obama
Michael Gaynor
August 28, 2012

If enough voters watch D'Souza's documentary, President Obama won't win this time. In 2004 Michael Moore released a documentary, "Fahrenheit 9/11," to thwart . . .

Will President Obama's diss prompt Cardinal Dolan to admit his folly and disinvite?
Michael Gaynor
August 26, 2012

Ironically, America's most pro-abortion president ever is an ingrate too and Catholic Church officials helped him along his way to the White House and have much . . .

Is former Speaker Pelosi for representation without taxation?
Michael Gaynor
August 21, 2012

Ironically, self-described "faithful Catholic" Pelosi wants women to have the choice of aborting their babies, but apparently not to choose not to buy health . . .

Cardinal Dolan should look to Father Pavone for wisdom and strength
Michael Gaynor
August 9, 2012

"There comes a time when enough is enough and we can no longer afford to give people a reason to doubt our position as a Church." President Barack Obama must . . .

Will Cardinal Dolan honor America's most pro-abortion president ever?
Michael Gaynor
August 3, 2012

Suing over Obamacare and the Obama Administration's HHS mandate was the right thing to do, but inviting President Obama to the Al Smith Dinner would be terribly . . .

Why Wendy Long should keynote the Republican convention
Michael Gaynor
July 30, 2012

For Romney to receive the opportunity to effect that restoration, he needs to demonstrate that the Republican War on Women is a lie and having man after man say . . .

Is a United States Senate seat for sale in New York this year?
Michael Gaynor
July 26, 2012

It is Gillibrand who faces a dilemma: voters deserve and want debates and Gillibrand either will avoid them and demonstrates her unfitness or accept them and . . .

Seemingly strong personal values can elect (and re-elect) a president too
Michael Gaynor
July 23, 2012

Respect for the office of the President of the United States generally is a good thing, but telling the truth is more important. In an op ed titled "Romney's . . .

Yes, Laura Ingraham, calling Obama a socialist instead of a disaster matters
Michael Gaynor
July 22, 2012

Obama is a stealth socialist, not an earthquake, or a Tsunami, or Jimmy Carter. On "The O'Reilly Factor" on July 19, 2012, Bill O'Reilly described President . . .

Knock President Obama, NOT Mitt Romney, frustrated nitpickers
Michael Gaynor
July 19, 2012

Obama's re-election would be a catastrophe for the limits of government, the possibilities of freedom and traditional American values, and Ingraham knows it.  . . .

Why Mitt Romney needs to show voters the kind of person Obama really is
Michael Gaynor
July 17, 2012

President Obama should not be renominated, much less reelected, because he's not fit to be President of the United States. The American people have been . . .

Mitt Romney's right: Individual mandate's a penalty under Romneycare and a tax under Obamacare
Michael Gaynor
July 6, 2012

Romney did NOT perpetrate a bait and switch on the people of Massachusetts, but Team Obama perpetrated a bait and switch on the people of the United States.  . . .

Roberts stopped umpiring, became Obama's relief pitcher, then shamelessly blessed the bait and switch
Michael Gaynor
July 2, 2012

Team Obama conned Congress and the people and still Obamacare would not have been upheld without his two faithful SCOTUS appointees. Occasionally the Supreme . . .

Obamacare decision comments show Susan Estrich is still an idiot
Michael Gaynor
July 1, 2012

There's no exception under the judicial oath for a Chief Justice who wants to violate it because he thinks making the right decision would be politically . . .

Shock: Chief Justice Roberts approves President Obama's Obamacare "bait-and-switch"
Michael Gaynor
June 28, 2012

Bottom line: The voters need to fix this mess by electing Mitt Romney to replace Obama and people such as Wendy Long as United States Senators and . . .

Out, war on women; in, war of women. NY US Senate race is Long v. Gillibrand
Michael Gaynor
June 27, 2012

Long told supporters that Gillibrand is even more "liberal" than President Obama, and rightly so. Wendy Long said that gender politics won't be an issue in . . .

U.S. Senate candidate Wendy Long joins Cardinal Dolan and fellow Catholics in "Fortnight for Freedom"
Michael Gaynor
June 26, 2012

"I will not let Kirsten Gillibrand off the hook on this one. Not only is her action harmful to the Catholic Church and practicing Catholics, it is an affront to . . .

New York Post comes to its senses and concedes it's Wendy Long time in New York!
Michael Gaynor
June 24, 2012

Now The New York Post admits that...It's Wendy Long time and letting Gillibrand be re-elected on her War against Women charge would be a political crime.  . . .

Gillibrand's the disease, Long's the cure and Maragos and Turner are Gillibrand's best hopes
Michael Gaynor
June 23, 2012

Instead of gracefully conceding and rallying behind Long, the men chose to play into Gillibrand's hands and challenge Long in a Republican primary. When it . . .

Astute Gotham Tea Party enthusiastically endorses Wendy Long in NY US Senate primary
Michael Gaynor
June 20, 2012

Long isn't in the race because she was displeased with Congressional redistricting or because she fancies herself as the personification of the American dream.  . . .

New York GOP Senate hopefuls debate: Wendy Long made Father's Day Mother's Day
Michael Gaynor
June 19, 2012

The New York Republican Party never has nominated a woman for either U.S. Senator or Governor and Long is offering her fellow Republicans the perfect . . .

Wendy Long gets Sean Hannity seal of approval for US senator from New York. Hurray for Hannity!
Michael Gaynor
June 17, 2012

The principled, articulate, knowledgeable Long is the ideal choice to take on Gillibrand, and Hannity not only recognized it, but acted. There's a Republican . . .

Flip-flopper Bob Turner's still seeking New York's Republican Senate nomination. Why?
Michael Gaynor
June 12, 2012

Expecting to win a three-way race against liberal incumbent Gillibrand and conservative challenger Long is sheer stupidity. It took rookie Congressman Bob . . .

Defeat Gillibrand. Make it Wendy Long v. Gillibrand, not a three-way race
Michael Gaynor
June 11, 2012

Making it resolute Wendy Long, one-on-one with Senator Etch-a-Sketch on Election Day 2012, is the smart way for New York Republicans to go. When Republican . . .

Man up, Bob and George. Debate Wendy Long
Michael Gaynor
June 8, 2012

If Turner and Maragos are too old to do a few debates, they shouldn't be running. It's hardly surprising, but it is disappointing: the two men that Wendy . . .

Senate candidate Wendy Long, best on constitutional issues AND economic issues
Michael Gaynor
June 5, 2012

Senator Gillibrand can't match Long's legal acumen and advocatory ability, but she is a lawyer and did clerk for a federal appellate judge, so we need the best . . .

Don't pick on Elizabeth Warren because she's not an African-American man!
Michael Gaynor
June 2, 2012

People like Obama and Warren are not limited by literal truth. They use something called "greater truth" to promote themselves and their radical agenda . . .

Wendy Long supports traditional marriage and constitutional fidelity, not same-sex marriage and judicial activism
Michael Gaynor
June 1, 2012

Long was not dissuaded by the advice of those friends concerned that she would be slimed and chose to run to set an example for her children. Those friends were . . .

Ambassador Bolton: Wendy Long's "superbly qualified" and the candidate who can beat Gillibrand
Michael Gaynor
May 31, 2012

Long already earned a place on the ballot in the November general election. John R. Bolton, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, endorsed Wendy Long . . .

President Obama should blame himself, not former President Bush
Michael Gaynor
May 29, 2012

And who took the THIRD highest pay-off from Fannie Mae AND Freddie Mac? OBAMA In 2008 Barack Obama secured promotion from Illinois's rookie United States . . .

Wendy Long's for religious liberty, Kirsten Gillibrand prefers Obama's HHS mandate
Michael Gaynor
May 24, 2012

For New Yorkers, the alternative to stealth socialist "fundamental transformation" promised by Obama and promoted by ACORN, the Working Families Party, Gaspard . . .

No "major kudos" for Sean Hannity until the ugly truth about Obama is fully known
Michael Gaynor
May 23, 2012

To spare America unimaginable pain, Hannity must not be vain and let former ACORN/Project Vote insider MonCrief explain In 2008 Sean Hannity did his best to . . .

Message to Mitt: Everyone already knows you're a Mormon and Chris Matthews and NYT aren't trying to help you
Michael Gaynor
May 22, 2012

The Obama-Wright relationship is pertinent and should not be avoided because Team Obama will say that the Mormon religion has a racist history and a Mormon is . . .

Yes, Wendy Long can become a U.S. senator from New York
Michael Gaynor
May 19, 2012

It's time for Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin to remember that Reagan won New York twice by fighting for it instead of conceding it and join the prescient Ingraham . . .

When will the Catholic Church finally declare that Pelosi excommunicated herself--Gillibrand too?
Michael Gaynor
May 17, 2012

If standing up for the Eucharist means turning away unrepentant Pelosi and her ilk from Holy Communion, then stand up, distributors of Holy Communion! To . . .

NOT to be trusted: George Maragos political ads
Michael Gaynor
May 14, 2012

This is America. Maragos can spent his fortune as he likes, even on a futile vanity run, but New Yorkers should not be fooled about the nature of his candidacy . . .

Wendy Long on the Obama-Gillibrand "same-sex marriage" campaign
Michael Gaynor
May 11, 2012

There really was not a reaasonable doubt that Obama and Gillibrand are Etch-a-Sketch candidates, especially after the proposed HHS Obamacare regulations . . .

Mitt Romney is better off ignoring Bill Kristol's advice
Michael Gaynor
May 7, 2012

Make no mistake: like Russia's Putin, the Chinese government prefers a re-elected Obama to a President Romney and, thanks to Romney's words, China now has MORE . . .

Why Wendy Long, not Bob Turner, for U.S. Senator from New York
Michael Gaynor
May 4, 2012

Long: "You compromise on the margin of things, but you don't compromise on a fundamental principle." Wendy Long's word is good. Not so as to Bob Turner's . . .

Cunning Alinskyite Obama ridicules his "war on religion" at Correspondents' Dinner
Michael Gaynor
May 2, 2012

Obama is a secular extremist who hopes to continue to promote the secular extremist agenda in a second term, the religious heritage and First Amendment to the . . .

US Senate candidate Wendy Long predicts Obamacare will be overturned completely
Michael Gaynor
May 1, 2012

Total overturn of Obamacare would be a complete vindication of the rule of law and a complete disaster for President Obama (as well as for Long's chief rival, . . .

Whether called "moocher vote," "entitlement vote" or "ACORN vote," it's Obama's base!
Michael Gaynor
April 29, 2012

Putting more people on food stamps and having the percentage of Americans who actually pay federal income tax shrink is what Team Obama's re-election strategy . . .

Alas, Laura Ingraham, Chris Matthews ISN'T "better than that"
Michael Gaynor
April 26, 2012

"Chris Matthews, ponder Matthew 7:3: 'Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?' (English . . .

Project Vote and Fox News's Jehmu Greene missing in the Fox News voter fraud special
Michael Gaynor
April 24, 2012

Apparently Fox News' idea of "fair and balanced" is not to include either Jehmu Greene or Anita MonCrief on its voter fraud special and to steer clear of the . . .

The true reformer is Wendy Long, not Kirsten Gillibrand
Michael Gaynor
April 23, 2012

After Dodd-Frank, true reform IS needed more than ever and Long wants to accomplish it. Wendy Long (www.wendylongfornewyork.com) is challenging New York's . . .

George Maragos' problem with Wendy Long's Supreme Court clerk credential
Michael Gaynor
April 19, 2012

Don't mess with the Supreme Court clerk credential because you don't have it, Mr. Maragos. Nassau County Comptroller and Republican U.S. Senate hopeful . . .

Mitt Romney for President and Wendy Long for U.S. Senator
Michael Gaynor
April 17, 2012

The right thing for Turner and Maragos to do is to follow Santorum's example, stop their campaigns and work to "elect Republicans and conservatives up and down . . .

Bill O'Reilly's simplistic view of prosecutorial duty will not do
Michael Gaynor
April 16, 2012

Sometimes the duty of a prosecutor is NOT to prosecute. Bill O'Reilly, host of "The O'Reilly Factor," is not a . . .

Wow! Hilary Rosen's faux pas helps Wendy Long highlight Senator Gillibrand's hypocrisy
Michael Gaynor
April 14, 2012

Gillibrand already has demonstrated that she puts political interests ahead of principle. Who would better represent New York in the United States Senate  . . .

Opponent Wendy Long refutes Senator Gillibrand's bogus "War on Women" charge
Michael Gaynor
April 12, 2012

If Bob Turner and George Maragos do not follow the good example of Rick Santorum and drop out of a race that is unwinnable for them, it will be up to Republican . . .

The problem with Bill O'Reilly's insistence that President Obama's a good (albeit mistaken) guy
Michael Gaynor
April 11, 2012

Alas, O'Reilly did not prove to be very bold and most of America still "need to know the whole truth" about Obama. O'Reilly's bent backward so far giving Obama . . .

The problem with Bill O'Reilly's insistence that President Obama's a good (albeit mistaken) guy
Michael Gaynor
April 10, 2012

Alas, O'Reilly did not prove to be very bold and most of America still "need to know the whole truth" about Obama. O'Reilly's bent backward so far giving Obama . . .

Actually Romney's more Reaganesque than Santorum
Michael Gaynor
April 7, 2012

Actually, Santorum's more like President George Herbert Walker Bush's Vice President, Dan Quayle than Reagan. Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum . . .

President Obama should have Wendy Long teach him the proper role of judges
Michael Gaynor
April 6, 2012

Upholding Obamacare even though it really is unconstitutional would be a perfect example of (liberal) judicial activism and declaring it unconstitutional would . . .

The Dartmouth's shameless and sloppy hit piece on Wendy Long shows why the Dartmouth Review was created
Michael Gaynor
April 2, 2012

Gillibrand and Long already are facing off in the 2012 New York election for a United States Senate seat. Each of them already is assured of at least one line . . .

Why President Obama pushed unconstitutional Obamacare
Michael Gaynor
March 29, 2012

President Obama did what ACORN and Stern expected him to do and Obamacare may be repeal-proof, but it will be struck down soon when a majority of the United . . .

Don't let Google stop you from backing Wendy Long for senator by blocking her campaign website!
Michael Gaynor
March 27, 2012

Gillibrand not only has no answer for her poor record, but promptly became New York's Senator Etch-a-Sketch when she was elevated by appointment from an upstate . . .

Santorum now belongs in a Sanitorium, not the White House
Michael Gaynor
March 24, 2012

Please pray for Rick, for he is sick. The pressures of a presidential campaign can be too much for some. They proved to be too much for Rick . . .

The long and the short of the NY Senate race for Maragos and Turner
Michael Gaynor
March 21, 2012

Laura Ingraham is right: Long is the who can fight the battle against the phony "War Against Women" effectively as candidate for the Senate in New York and "no . . .

It's Wendy Long time in New York!
Michael Gaynor
March 20, 2012

The Times and Newsday will be supporting Gillibrand no matter whom the Republicans and Conservatives nominate, but they want to make it easy for her by having . . .

Wendy Long: NY's best choice to defend religious liberty and rebut the "War Against Women" charge
Michael Gaynor
March 17, 2012

New York's Republicans and Conservatives should nominate Wendy Long to debate and then replace Gillibrand in the United States Senate, because she's the best . . .

Will NY's Republican Party foolishly facilitate Obama's "War on Women" strategy?
Michael Gaynor
March 15, 2012

If Eaton can convince his fellow Republicans that Turner is the best bet to beat Gillibrand, he's probably able to sell them the Brooklyn Bridge too. Limbaugh . . .

Rasmussen: Romney is Obama's nightmare
Michael Gaynor
March 13, 2012

America can't afford either to wait four more years to end the Age of Obama or to indulge the egos of Santorum and Gingrich . . .

Those Republican presidential hopefuls putting ego first
Michael Gaynor
March 10, 2012

If Obama is re-elected, Santorum and Gingrich will have made it possible. After Super Tuesday, the Associated Press Republican delegate count gave Mitt . . .

Let's learn from Rush Limbaugh's huge mistake
Michael Gaynor
March 9, 2012

Let's focus on the real issues instead of wallow too. Embattled conservative talk-show host Rush Limbaugh made a huge mistake when he called Georgetown Law . . .

Cardinal Dolan, please don't invite President Obama to the Al Smith dinner this year!
Michael Gaynor
March 8, 2012

Obama not only became the most pro-abortion president in American history, but proceeded to violate the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the . . .

Senator Gillibrand wants to run against a Republican man, not Wendy Long
Michael Gaynor
March 7, 2012

Gillibrand obviously wants to talk about abortion and contraception instead of the actual issues — religious liberty and conscience protection — and . . .

Miriam Grossman, M.D. castigates Planned Parenthood and UN for deadly HIV "advice"
Michael Gaynor
March 6, 2012

People need to know the truth and to be responsible, and "bold and brilliant" Dr. Grossman is fearlessly telling ugly truth that is very inconvenient for two . . .

Wendy Long's for constitutional fidelity and fairness, not judicial activism and partiality
Michael Gaynor
March 3, 2012

Long is an ardent and articulate proponent of constitutional fidelity and the rule of law and opponent of legislating from the bench. New York Daily News . . .

Reject Obama to restore religious liberty and respect for freedom of conscience
Michael Gaynor
March 1, 2012

To preserve religious liberty, President Obama must not be re-elected and his successor must undo Obama infringements on religious liberty and restore respect . . .

WYA leads way on defending religious liberty against Obama administration
Michael Gaynor
February 29, 2012

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free . . .

Why Wendy Long should be nominated for U.S. senator instead of George Maragos
Michael Gaynor
February 28, 2012

More than a decade younger than Maragos, interested in politics all her life and steeped in the law and the legislative process, Long is much better qualified, . . .

Mitt Romney is the right answer for the right and all America
Michael Gaynor
February 26, 2012

As for Coulter's question — "What's Their Problem with Romney?", the answer is either one of three four-letter words: FEAR (of Obama supporters), ENVY (of . . .

"Resolute" Romney sinks slick Santorum
Michael Gaynor
February 24, 2012

All that Santorum and Ginrich can do by continuing in the race is to help Obama. Mitt Romney was presidential in the Arizona presidential debate. Rick . . .

Repenting and living the Gospel can save religious liberty from Obama overreach
Michael Gaynor
February 23, 2012

The United States of America does not have an official religion, of course, but Obama is trying very hard to make secular extremism its de facto public religion . . .

Why haven't Pelosi and Gillibrand been excommunicated?
Michael Gaynor
February 18, 2012

Pelosi and Gillibrand are Planned Parenthood worshipers who use women's health as a euphemism for acts that the Catholic Church condemns as grave sins.  . . .

Of course Obama shill Chris Matthews is savaging Romney and rooting for Santorum
Michael Gaynor
February 16, 2012

Conservatives who are concerned that Romney is not conservative enough or was not conservative soon enough would be wise to realize that Team Obama, including . . .

Obama's ill-timed attack on religious liberty was a huge blunder
Michael Gaynor
February 15, 2012

A President who would run roughshod over America's fundamental freedoms is patently unfit and should be removed from office. The Obama plan to promote . . .

Even Justice Brennan would uphold free exercise rights against the Obamacare contraception/sterilization/abortion coverage mandate
Michael Gaynor
February 14, 2012

"The door of the Free Exercise Clause stands tightly closed against any governmental regulation of religious beliefs as such.... Government may neither compel . . .

Obama's divisive Republican opposition is making his day
Michael Gaynor
February 9, 2012

The sooner the fractured opposition to Obama knows all the relevant facts and coalesces behind Romney as the person with the experience and skills needed now, . . .

Expose Obama's ACORN ties and lies
Michael Gaynor
February 8, 2012

Obama needed to distance himself from ACORN, so he ended its involvement as a census partner and signed the bill defunding of ACORN and his Administration . . .

Obama's attack on conscientious protection was intentional, everyone misspeaks
Michael Gaynor
February 6, 2012

In key respects Obama IS over his head, but Obama's decision to withdraw conscience protection is evil and unAmerican, not good. Mitt Romney really cares . . .

PLEASE send Laura Ingraham roses, Governor Romney
Michael Gaynor
January 27, 2012

The sooner the Republican circular firing squad stops shooting and the folks who know that Obama must be a one-term President rally behind Romney, the better.  . . .

Truthful Romney robo-call embarrasses Santorum, riles Ingraham
Michael Gaynor
January 19, 2012

Ingraham called Romney "Tricky Mitt" for using the robo call, but the call is truthful, not tricky, and suggesting that South Carolinians won't understand it is . . .

Will the personal ambition and egos of Romney rivals make Obama a two-term president?
Michael Gaynor
January 4, 2012

Santorum was right about Romney in 2008 and Romney remains "the clear conservative candidate that can go into the general election with a united Republican . . .

ACORN/ProjectVote: Obama's Achilles' heel still
Michael Gaynor
December 28, 2011

Ironically, "fair and balanced" Fox News has former Project Vote head Jehmu Greene on its payroll and on air as a Fox contributor, but not MonCrief, who worked . . .

Will pro-life conservatives like Laura Ingraham and Ron Paul keep Obama in the White House?
Michael Gaynor
December 23, 2011

Of the announced candidates for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, Romney is the only one Team Obama fears. It really doesn't make sense. Why . . .

Bachmann, MonCrief and Romney will make Obama "a one-term President"
Michael Gaynor
December 19, 2011

Romney will be the beneficiary of the bravery of former ACORN insider MonCrief and the boldness of Bachmann. On June 16, 2011, in "Rising star Michele . . .

Who's flip flopped since 2008--Laura Ingraham or Mitt Romney?
Michael Gaynor
December 15, 2011

Ingraham was right then and what she was right about then remains right now. It has long been said that if you aren't a liberal when you're young, you have . . .

Laura Ingraham forgives Gingrich for supporting the Harriet Miers nomination
Michael Gaynor
December 13, 2011

Gingrich's first two wives learned that Gingrich could not be trusted to keep his word, so why should voters trust him? On "The O'Reilly Factor" last . . .

What does Mrs. Gingrich No. 2 know that voters should know too?
Michael Gaynor
December 9, 2011

We must demand good character from public servants and candidates to be public servants regardless of their political affiliation. Now that the Gingrich . . .

Learn about Gingrich before it's too late!
Michael Gaynor
December 8, 2011

GOP primary voters who are considering plighting their troth to Gingrich didn't live and breathe every moment of his time in the sun the way we did. George . . .

Why Obama wants Gingrich nominated (and Romney, not Gingrich, should be nominated)
Michael Gaynor
December 6, 2011

Based on Romney's admirable marriage, voters can be confident because Romney abides by his oaths to God. Dick Morris's "Gingrich, Romney: The Electability . . .

Conservatives should not give Obama what he wants!
Michael Gaynor
December 3, 2011

Give Obama a fit: Make it Mitt. The upcoming presidential election is much too important to let President Obama effectively pick his Republican opponent.  . . .

History lesson: the presidential candidate who scares more voters loses
Michael Gaynor
December 1, 2011

Obama ran as the candidate of hope and change when most people yearned for change and were willing to entrust their hope to the charismatic Obama instead of the . . .

How the Union Leader is helping the Obama re-election campaign
Michael Gaynor
November 29, 2011

The twice divorced Gingrich is not worthy. He resigned in disgrace and now he's trying to make his own "Monica Lewinsky" the next First Lady. Chutzpah is no . . .

Mr. Lowry, Gingrich is shameless
Michael Gaynor
November 21, 2011

It's a shame that when it comes to realizing the importance of viability Lowry is no Bill Buckley. National Review's first editor, the late William F. . . .

Former Freddie Mac consultant Gingrich in 2012? NO!
Michael Gaynor
November 17, 2011

There is no perfect candidate, but surely we can do better than a man who took consultant fees from Freddie Mac and did not blow the whistle about its policies . . .

Ann Coulter to Laura Ingraham: Mitt Romney, not Newt Gingrich
Michael Gaynor
November 10, 2011

Axelrod must be salivating at the thought of the twice divorced Newt Gingrich as Obama's opponent, trying to make his third wife America's next First Lady. Bill . . .

Character, Cain, Obama, and polygraphs
Michael Gaynor
November 9, 2011

I do not know whether Bialek's lawyer, Gloria Allred, had her pass a polygraph test before going public with her story, but if Cain wants to put this matter . . .

Will Obama's opposition let him divide and conquer?
Michael Gaynor
November 3, 2011

Bottom line: Obama must not be re-elected. Dividing and conquering is a strategy to maintain power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into chunks . . .

Perry supporter Ned Ryun targets the social conservative lady
Michael Gaynor
October 31, 2011

It's time for Ryun to move on, not Bachmann. American Majority president and self-described amateur historian Ned Ryun asked Andrew Breitbart why he wrote . . .

ACORN whistleblower Anita MonCrief three years later
Michael Gaynor
October 26, 2011

Anita remains a problem for Obama and how big a problem depends upon how generally known her story becomes. Whittaker Chambers incurred the wrath of the Far . . .

The truth about Obama, rebranded ACORN and Operation Occupy Wall Street
Michael Gaynor
October 25, 2011

Obama was elected President in 2008 because the nature of his relationship with ACORN and the illicit connection between his presidential campaign and ACORN's . . .

Will the right go wrong?
Michael Gaynor
October 23, 2011

Too much is at stake NOT to nominate Romney. The Right goes wrong when it ignores the admonition of the late William F. Buckley to support the best viable . . .

How many people can Obama fool all the time?
Michael Gaynor
October 18, 2011

Like ACORN, Obama pursued socialism stealthily, and in 2008 far too few Americans realized it. Abraham Lincoln was right: "You can fool some of the people . . .

Read J. Christian Adams' Obama Justice Department expose now
Michael Gaynor
October 17, 2011

The ugly truth is that in 2008 most voters were conned and America's government has been corrupted since the Obama Administration began. Laura Ingraham's . . .

Mitt Romney: best choice in 2008 and now
Michael Gaynor
October 13, 2011

For President, Make It Mitt. He's The Best Fit. After listening to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie endorse Mitt Romney and watching Romney become the . . .

The Obama-as-smartest-and-most-honest Hoax
Michael Gaynor
October 10, 2011

Romney is the best antidote to the Age of Obama. In politics, tragically, perception can trump reality. That's how Obama won the presidency in 2008. He . . .

The keys to defeating Obama: truth and unity
Michael Gaynor
October 7, 2011

Ironically, Breitbart is the best hope for Obama and the Far Left, because Obama's only path to re-election requires his opposition to split and Breitbart, who . . .

Stealth socialist Obama is much more dangerous than avowed socialist Sanders
Michael Gaynor
September 26, 2011

President Obama's heart is with socialism, but he's not candid about it, like Senator Bernie Sanders. Governor Romney's hesitancy to describe President Obama . . .

Governor Romney, meet ACORN Whistleblower Anita MonCrief
Michael Gaynor
September 24, 2011

The truth, the whole truth and perhaps nothing but the truth about Obama can make you President, Governor Romney. Last night Mitt Romney won a Republican . . .

Will Bishop Zurek become Planned Parenthood's person of the year for sabotaging Father Pavone and Priests for Life?
Michael Gaynor
September 21, 2011

If there really is a problem, Bishop Zurek needs to explain what it is in detail. Otherwise, he should stop calling attention to himself by interfering with . . .

Secular extremist Mayor Bloomberg rejects America's religious foundation
Michael Gaynor
September 10, 2011

Secular extremism is NOT the kind of "fundamental transformation" Americans, whose basic rights come from God (see the American Declaration of Independence) . . .

America needs a house hearing on the Obama/ACORN/Project Vote machinations
Michael Gaynor
August 19, 2011

Even more important for America's imperiled future, a hearing that focuses on The New York Times spiking an Obama/ACORN expose shortly before Election Day 2008 . . .

President Obama's last hope for re-election: personal approval
Michael Gaynor
August 17, 2011

If the whole truth about Obama and how he won the Presidency becomes generally known before Election Day 2012, his daughters, dog and outside jump shot won't . . .

"Comfort" is NOT the key to heaven and should not be a cardinal's priority
Michael Gaynor
August 10, 2011

Sadly, Cardinal McCarrick has found an excuse for the sin of disregarding Canon 915 and knowingly giving Communion to pro-abortion nominally Catholic . . .

Those surprised by the bad news from S&P shouldn't have been
Michael Gaynor
August 8, 2011

Thanks be to God, and the Tea Party, Obama no longer has control of Congress and there is real hope for a change back to the traditional American values that . . .

Bachmann defends patriotic tea partiers against terrorism slander
Michael Gaynor
August 3, 2011

Our belief that America should live within its means and not spend more than it takes in distinguishes us as patriots who love our country, not to be equated . . .

Gingrich showed that Obama's "a bad person," but omitted key unfitness evidence
Michael Gaynor
August 2, 2011

The truth is that Obama was elected President because critically important information about him and his presidential campaign was not made generally known and . . .

Debt limit battle: Obama's game of chicken to lose, unless his opponents split
Michael Gaynor
July 29, 2011

Default needs to be avoided, but so too the downgrading of America's credit rating. Team Obama is not up to making the kind of cuts that may be necessary to . . .

The pretense that President Obama doesn't lie must stop
Michael Gaynor
July 26, 2011

For America's sake, truth must trump "civility" and lies must be exposed regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, sex or presidential status.  . . .

Patriotic Laura Ingraham's "old school" mom would be proud of "Zing" and her "zinger"...John Adams too
Michael Gaynor
July 16, 2011

If Ingraham's mom wasn't saving for her daughter's college education and cell phones had been around when Ingraham was a teenager, maybe her mom would have . . .

Reverse racism and Democrat DA's in celebrity cases
Michael Gaynor
July 14, 2011

If the maid gets a pass like Magnum and former New Yorker Tawana Brawley, Democrat district attorneys may not continue to receive the benefit of the doubt.  . . .

Protege Obama raising the debt ceiling would be too audacious even for his former constitutional law professor
Michael Gaynor
July 12, 2011

Apparently Tribe still felt the need to explain fundamental constitutional law publicly to his sometimes audacious protege. In 1987 first year law student . . .

Don't blame the Casey Anthony jurors for doing their job
Michael Gaynor
July 6, 2011

"Justice Jeanine" Pirro lamented that conclusive evidence of guilt disappeared because Caylee's body was in a swamp so long and railed that Casey Anthony should . . .

Nervy ACORN honoree Schumer projecting sinister intention onto Republicans
Michael Gaynor
July 5, 2011

Americans need to appreciate the truth about "progressives," and Congressional Republicans need to stand firm for America's sake. Ironically, the financial . . .

Speaker Boehner, heed Laura Ingraham on the danger of cutting deals with the far left
Michael Gaynor
June 30, 2011

Speaker Boehner, this time stand don't cry or flinch AND use your power to investigate Obama's relationship with ACORN (about which he blatantly lied) and the . . .

Ann Coulter's "Demonic" UNDERstated the direness of America's situation
Michael Gaynor
June 29, 2011

The stealth socialists' ongoing transformation of America must be rejected and reversed because they reject America's traditional values and . . .

Will a "civility" shield make President Obama re-electable?
Michael Gaynor
June 27, 2011

Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies, Malkin's no. 1 best seller, points out that people ARE part of the problem while . . .

"Seven in Heaven Way" street sign supposedly offends atheist sensibilities by establishing religion
Michael Gaynor
June 23, 2011

"What is an establishment of religion? It must have a creed, defining what a man must believe; it must have rights and ordinances, which believers must observe; . . .

Pathetic Weiner's biggest political problem: he wasn't Clinton or Obama
Michael Gaynor
June 21, 2011

Weiner has to be thinking that if he was a Democrat president or presidential candidate, he would still be in office, or running, and being protected by the . . .

Rising star Michele Bachmann took on ACORN, ready to take on ACORN man Obama
Michael Gaynor
June 16, 2011

Of of the Republican presidential hopefuls, declared and undeclared, Bachmann appears to be the one most likely to expose the whole truth about Obama, ACORN, . . .

Palin CAN beat Obama
Michael Gaynor
June 14, 2011

Obama won a presidential election by finally throwing Rev. Jeremiah Wright "under the bus" and he hopes to win re-election by having lied about his relationship . . .

Obama's beatable, IF Republicans and tea partiers are united AND expose Obama lies
Michael Gaynor
June 13, 2011

For Obama, the facts are damning: he was ACORN's man, he lied about his relationship with ACORN and the liberal media establishment covered up/ignored the . . .

Tyrannical atheist minority still trying to "fundamentally change" America
Michael Gaynor
June 7, 2011

The Establishment of Religion Clause has been expanded beyond recognition to create an unintended veto power for secular extremists claiming tender . . .

Obama administration makes minister get court order to mention Jesus in Memorial Day prayer
Michael Gaynor
June 5, 2011

The Founders expected religious values to inform public policy and religious expression to be welcome in the public square and the religious clauses of the . . .

Of course the Cloward-Piven president wants the debt limit raised unconditionally!
Michael Gaynor
June 3, 2011

Unfortunately, thanks to the liberal media establishment led by The New York Times, most voters didn't know the truth about Obama, ACORN and the origin of the . . .

"Lowest of low" Ed Schultz proves Laura Ingraham right about the coarsening of the culture
Michael Gaynor
May 28, 2011

Pray for the saving of Schultz's immortal soul and Ingraham to succeed in saving our imperiled country! "It is up to each of us — myself included  . . .

Obama's Achilles' Heel
Michael Gaynor
May 27, 2011

The truth about Obama's ties to ACORN and his presidential campaign's relationship with Project Vote (a key part of the ACORN "family of organizations') is . . .

Lean forward? Look back and learn! Then stand strong and act wisely
Michael Gaynor
May 23, 2011

I don't think that Obama's a Moslem, but I'm sure he's not a Catholic, an Evangelical Christian, or a Jew. President Obama and his shills at NBC and MSNBC . . .

The great failing of Matthew Vadum's "Subversion Inc."
Michael Gaynor
May 21, 2011

If you can afford all books about ACORN, Vadum's is available. Matthew Vadum's book on ACORN, attractively titled "Subversion, Inc.: How Obama's ACORN Red . . .

Mitt Romney in 2012?
Michael Gaynor
May 19, 2011

Obama is the worst president ever on life issues, so pro-lifers will prefer him to Obama, even though they wish he had converted sooner, but if Mitt maintains . . .

Bully for Bill O'Reilly! Liberal media establishment IS heavily invested in re-electing Obama
Michael Gaynor
May 18, 2011

Obama's ties to ACORN and SEIU put him in the White House and, if the truth about him and them becomes generally known in time, Obama will be a one-term . . .

Senator Mike Lee (R. Utah) finally meets ACORN Whistleblower Anita MonCrief
Michael Gaynor
May 7, 2011

Expecting the liberal media establishment to pursue and to publish the truth when it does not fit its agenda is unrealistic, of course, but people like Senator . . .

Give credit when credit is due...and share it when that's the right thing to do
Michael Gaynor
May 5, 2011

BHO's decision to send in the Navy Seals to deal with OBL was the right one. But his reluctance to share credit and acknowledge the benefit of waterboarding was . . .

Who's Dr. David A. Sinclair?
Michael Gaynor
April 28, 2011

The long form bears the signed name of the attending physician, Dr. David A. Sinclair. If a "birther' is defined as a person who believes that President . . .

Hannity bias special's big mistake: omitting NYT killing an Obama/ACORN expose before election day 2008
Michael Gaynor
April 25, 2011

At best, the Hannity special whet the appetite for an Obama/ACORN/liberal media bias expose while focusing on old news, including how The Times misreported for . . .

Duke case update: Mangum got a pass, Reginald Daye died after she stabbed him
Michael Gaynor
April 21, 2011

Eventually the truth prevailed and the politically and racially based prosecution that was a persecution ended with a declaration from the North Carolina . . .

Just say no to demagogic D's and pusilanimous R's
Michael Gaynor
April 20, 2011

R's who are afraid to tell the truth about Team Obama and the liberal media establishment may as well be D's. Demagogic — "of, relating to, or . . .

Don't make Obama upset!??? Just meekly raise the limit of the national debt???
Michael Gaynor
April 18, 2011

Will the House Republicans stand strong or meekly go along with what would be terribly wrong? When it comes to raising the national debt limit, Barack Obama . . .

Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham took Speaker Boehner to the woodshed
Michael Gaynor
April 15, 2011

The truth is that the deal was what Obama needed to pose for centrists, NOT what America needs, and Boehner was elected Speaker to be bold and smart, not timid . . .

Boehner blew it big time!
Michael Gaynor
April 12, 2011

When you are racing toward a cliff, slowing down by a few miles an hour is NOT enough. Dick Morris and Eileen McCann are right: "John Boehner has just . . .

Cutting through the official fog on Speaker Boehner's blog: he flinched
Michael Gaynor
April 9, 2011

The Tea Party class of 2010 made Minority Leader Boehner Speaker Boehner because they realized that President Obama's "fundamental transformation" needed to be . . .

On Obama's birth certificate, the truth about ACORN then and now and timid Republicans
Michael Gaynor
March 31, 2011

There you have it from Rathke himself: New Orleans ACORN is "now A Community Voice," not mute or dead. Donald Trump may not run for the Republican . . .

King Street Patriots are working for election integrity
Michael Gaynor
March 30, 2011

Fittingly, Catherine Engelbrecht, the mother/wife/businesswoman heading King Street Patriots, closed the National Summit by displaying a "belt of truth" that . . .

Why is the Obama administration restricting freedom of choice in public school cafeterias?
Michael Gaynor
March 29, 2011

Those who aren't obese will be deprived of their freedom of choice, because the choice must not be made available to the obese. On January 13, 2011, a month . . .

Speaker Boehner, condition any continuing resolution or debt limit increase on expedited SCOTUS review of Obamacare
Michael Gaynor
March 27, 2011

Speaker Boehner, if you won't insist that Obamacare be defunded immediately as a condition to approving must-pass legislation, at least condition that must-pass . . .

That campaign against "SCOTUS conservatives" is NOT "politics, as usual"
Michael Gaynor
March 25, 2011

The people behind and out front in the "concerted campaign" against "SCOTUS conservatives" are not "liberals." They are radicals — socialists and stealth . . .

Lord Nicholas Windsor: We need "a new abolitionism" to end abortion
Michael Gaynor
March 23, 2011

Lord Windsor is determined to demonstrate that "[t]he practice of abortion is a mortal wound in Europe's heart, in the center of Hellenic and Judeo-Christian . . .

Libya looks like Obama's Bay of Pigs
Michael Gaynor
March 18, 2011

The Castro brothers are still ruling Cuba. Likewise, the Gadhafi family isn't going to relinquish control over Libya, it will have to be taken away. Remember . . .

NEA's Bob Chanin's entire address doesn't make that ad misleading
Michael Gaynor
March 16, 2011

In Wisconsin, where it had started, eventually things fell apart instead of into place as a result of public employee unions having been given collective . . .

Bob Chanin spoke truth about the NEA in his retirement address in 2009
Michael Gaynor
March 15, 2011

Chanin candidly explained his union's effectiveness in stark terms that undermine the illusion the union has worked hard to create about putting children first. . . .

Was the far left's back-up plan to have that collective bargaining bill passed the way it was?
Michael Gaynor
March 11, 2011

Wisconsin Democrat state senators could not have expected to be permitted to block a vote indefinitely, so they did what they could do: stall as long as . . .

Lambda legal: Please say marriage for "same sex partners," NOT "same sex marriage"
Michael Gaynor
March 9, 2011

History shows that some of the legal incidents of marriage have changed, not the fundamental nature of marriage. On March 8, 2011, Touro Law Center presented . . .

Father Gerald Murray: ex-abortionist Bernard Nathanson and ex-communist Whittaker Chambers chose to repent
Michael Gaynor
March 8, 2011

Very fittingly, Father Murray compared Dr. Nathanson to Whittaker Chambers, the repentant ex-Communist who exposed Alger Hiss as having been a member of his . . .

Dr. Miriam Grossman: "If only women knew the facts"
Michael Gaynor
March 4, 2011

"Dr. Miriam Grossman is a bright, bold, but solitary beacon revealing the avalanche of faulty sex education and counseling that is endangering the physical and . . .

Obama's a revolutionary and beatable in 2012
Michael Gaynor
March 1, 2011

Obama wants to keep looking ahead, because his past may be catching up to him. ACORN founder and chief organizer from 1970 to 2008 Wade Rathke candidly . . .

In 2008, Sandy Newman misled for Barack Obama on Obama's ACORN/Project Vote ties
Michael Gaynor
February 28, 2011

"The time has come to lift the veil and reveal the untold story of America's Radical-in-Chief and his socialist political world." Now that the Obama . . .

Stanley Kurtz's Radical-in-Chief could (and should) have given Obama much more grief
Michael Gaynor
February 22, 2011

Kurtz's failure to include MonCrief was as foolish as trying to prosecute Communist Alger Hiss without Whittaker Chambers and his "Pumpkin Papers" would have . . .

Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels' problems: too "civil" to beat President Obama
Michael Gaynor
February 16, 2011

Far Leftists reject and undermine fundamental America values. They ARE enemies, not honorable opponents. Pretending otherwise is unacceptable. There's no . . .

In Egypt, community organizing bears fruit with Obama as POTUS
Michael Gaynor
February 15, 2011

Timid Republicans and even some conservatives are afraid to challenge President Obama on his ACORN ties and lies, but radicals who know the truth follow the . . .

Beware the nature of revolutions, not Beck's "theory"
Michael Gaynor
February 9, 2011

Assuming that Egypt will suddenly be fundamentally transformed into an enlightened democracy is wishful thinking. Change is not necessarily for the better.  . . .

O'Reilly's Super Bowl day interview of Obama: wasted opportunity
Michael Gaynor
February 8, 2011

O'Reilly played Obama cheerleader and Obama was grateful. Bill O'Reilly's interview of President Obama on Super Bowl Sunday (http://www.politicsdaily.com/201 . . .

What did Wade Rathke know about Egypt that the CIA didn't and what will Obama do now?
Michael Gaynor
February 4, 2011

Rathke's post made it clear that the Gamamiel Foundation supports the uprising in Egypt. Predictably President Obama is pushing hard for "community reorganizing . . .

Mike Pence presidential suspense
Michael Gaynor
January 26, 2011

Will Pence be the next James Garfield (the only President elected directly from the House of Representatives)? Last October, Jason Wright, editor of . . .

Countering the Obama re-election strategy
Michael Gaynor
January 24, 2011

Obama is a sly stealth socialist, not a centrist, and his idea of "fundamental transformation" would substitute American unexceptionalism for American . . .

Is Project Vote really nonpartisan?
Michael Gaynor
January 19, 2011

It's a small, interconnected stealth socialist world. ACORN founder and Chief Organizer for 38 years Wade Rathke(http://chieforganizer.org/biography/): "The . . .

John McCain 2011, Obama dupe
Michael Gaynor
January 17, 2011

Obama cleverly used a shooting tragedy (and sloganed tee shirts and a Jumbotron applause signal) to promote his re-election campaign and mute (or it least tone . . .

Why Obama still fears ACORN whistleblower Anita MonCrief
Michael Gaynor
January 16, 2011

Ms. MonCrief will be working in Houston to help the Crispus Attucks Tea Party identify and prepare Conservative candidates for upcoming elections. In October . . .

Laura Ingraham, unfooled and uncowed. NOT Fox News
Michael Gaynor
January 14, 2011

History shows that Democrats reflexively blame Republicans without proof, pretend that supporting the Tea Party is fomenting violence and prescribe rhetorical . . .

Chris Matthews is a hypocritical, sexist Obama shill targeting Sarah Palin
Michael Gaynor
January 12, 2011

"Now, Obama tries to be witty and charming with ignorant gun and violence references, and the Obama supporters say it is a part of politics, and a necessary and . . .

Obama "logic": Constitution protects polygamy as well as abortion
Michael Gaynor
January 11, 2011

"Different faith traditions have different opinions about all those things. It doesn't stop us or any other civilized society from making a judgment that has . . .

ACORN's Rathke and Talbott: just believe what Obama says about himself and ACORN!
Michael Gaynor
January 5, 2011

Americans need to know the whole truth about Obama's involvement with ACORN, not merely whether he "worked for" or "worked with" ACORN. ACORN founder and . . .

Feds probing O'Donnell campaign, but not the Obama presidential campaign
Michael Gaynor
January 3, 2011

To check how the battle for the hearts and minds of the America people is going, take note of the focus of the political discussion. If ACORN whistleblower . . .

Laura Ingraham wisely warned against electing Obama
Michael Gaynor
December 24, 2010

Americans need to know the whole truth. They have not gotten it from the liberal media establishment...but it's there. Team Obama (including its liberal . . .

The key to beating Obama in 2012 is publicizing the truth about him and ACORN
Michael Gaynor
December 22, 2010

WARNING: The Far Left will be with Obama by Election Day 2012, so even "a strong, courageous, America- focused alternative" may not beat Obama if the canard . . .

Beware SCOTUS Justice Breyer, constitutional revisionist
Michael Gaynor
December 15, 2010

Even if Justice Breyer somehow divined Madison's motivation, it would not warrant judicial revision of the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment means what it . . .

Beware the return of the Obama-as-centrist lie
Michael Gaynor
December 14, 2010

Independents especially note: like Clinton was, Obama is a threat to the rule of law that the judiciary swears to, and the Constitution obligates them to, . . .

Will timidity re-elect President Obama?
Michael Gaynor
December 8, 2010

The best way to stop Obama from being re-elected and his "progressive" agenda from being implemented is to subject him to the scrutiny he has avoided, thanks to . . .

On religion and politics: Palin, yes! ACORN apologist KKT, no!
Michael Gaynor
December 6, 2010

It appears that Palin, not KKT, understands what America was created to be. Palin rightly rejects secular extremism, not the First Amendment's Establishment and . . .

President Obama: "Existential threat" to the Founders' America
Michael Gaynor
December 2, 2010

WARNING: Unless President Obama is shown to have lied to the American people, there is no assurance that he won't be re-elected. Team Obama was skillful as . . .

God bless Justice Scalia and other originalists
Michael Gaynor
November 30, 2010

Justices are not supposed to be Humpty Dumptys, insisting as Humpty Dumpty did to Alice, in a scornful tone: "When I use a word, it means just what I choose it . . .

Why wouldn't Speaker Boehner still want answers?
Michael Gaynor
November 16, 2010

Good riddance to the ACORN corporate entities that filed for bankruptcy, but bankruptcy filing is no excuse for continuing to keep from the American people the . . .

Wade Rathke's very worried about a congressional investigation of ACORN
Michael Gaynor
November 15, 2010

Ironically, that embezzlement by Rathke's brother, its cover up as a purely internal matter for many years and then the leaking of the story by a disgruntled . . .

Man up, George W. Bush! Do the Laura Ingraham Show
Michael Gaynor
November 13, 2010

Are you really so wary of Laura that you are willing to disrespect her millions of listeners (and sell fewer copies of your book)? On November 9, 2010, . . .

Will Christine O'Donnell go 0 for 4 in 2012?
Michael Gaynor
November 7, 2010

Biennial Delaware Senate candidate O'Donnell's inability to acknowledge that and immature insistence on whining and blaming others because she wasn't elected, . . .

Team Obama's "emergency" excuse is yet another Obamalie
Michael Gaynor
November 4, 2010

It was opportunity, not emergency, that made Team Obama enact Obamacare. What did stealth socialist President Obama and soon-to-be former Speaker Pelosi do . . .

Why Republicans won big, but didn't win even bigger
Michael Gaynor
November 3, 2010

There is much in the election results for conservatives and Republicans to celebrate, but there is more that smart strategizing could and should have . . .

Halloween message: O'Donnell's third Senate campaign in four years is melting
Michael Gaynor
November 1, 2010

Wicked Witch of the West to Dorothy in "The Wizard of Oz": "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! You cursed brat! Look what you've done !! I'm melting, melting. Ohhhhh, what a world . . .

Is Sarah Palin foolish and hypocritical...or just inconsistent and ignorant?
Michael Gaynor
October 31, 2010

There are multiple problems with Palin's passionate pronouncement, both with what was said and unsaid. Ralph Waldo Emerson stated that "a foolish consistency . . .

Michigan's harassing a Christian woman for exercising her First Amendment rights
Michael Gaynor
October 30, 2010

The First Amendment rights to free exercise of religion and freedom of association would be eviscerated if a woman seeking another woman who shared her faith as . . .

Now Sarah Palin's got a big Joe Miller problem
Michael Gaynor
October 29, 2010

Palin has a BIG Joe Miller problem now. How she handles it should tell us whether she's presidential. Now that political commentators have acknowledged that . . .

Conservatives need to tell the ugly truth about Obama, not just dispute his radical policies
Michael Gaynor
October 27, 2010

EVERYONE needs to learn the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. When ACORN whistleblower Anita MonCrief stated, twice, on "The O'Reilly Factor" . . .

Sad but true. Christine O'Donnell will lose to Christopher Coons
Michael Gaynor
October 26, 2010

The problem with Coons is NOT that he graduated from Yale Law School. SO DID JUSTICE CLARENCE THOMAS! SO DID ALASKA TEA PARTY FAVORITE SENATE CANDIDATE JOE . . .

Fortunately, Obama's white grandmother didn't work for NPR
Michael Gaynor
October 25, 2010

NPR's firing of Williams is like building a mosque near Ground Zero — there's a legal right to do it, but it's wrong to exercise that right. Juan . . .

The Founders' self-evident truth included the Creator
Michael Gaynor
October 23, 2010

What had been self-evident to the Founders and the predicate for the establishment of the United States of America was arbitrarily deemed by judicial activists . . .

Christine O'Donnell's troubling First Amendment ignorance
Michael Gaynor
October 21, 2010

Bottom line: O'Donnell's ignorance is curable; Coons' radicalism is fatal. Delaware Republican Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell continues to . . .

Meghan McCain v. Christine O'Donnell: catfight hurting the right
Michael Gaynor
October 20, 2010

Perhaps Connecticut's Republican Senate candidate, Linda McMahon, can promote a steel cage charity match between Meghan McCain and Christine O'Donnell, bill it . . .

Say it ain't so, Sean Hannity!
Michael Gaynor
October 18, 2010

Democrats are delighted to have public attention focused on O'Donnell as the Tea Party star, as polls show opponents closing on less controversial and more . . .

Stop whining and start fighting, Christine O'Donnell
Michael Gaynor
October 17, 2010

I don't want a candidate who avoids personal responsibility and blames others. I've already got a President who does that. Hot Air commenters: "I'm sick . . .

Some things are intolerable
Michael Gaynor
October 16, 2010

Tolerating the intolerable is a vice, not a virtue. Kudos to Zack Boren, a captain in the Army JAG Corps who works as a defense attorney for soldiers at Ft. . . .

Persuasive Christine O'Donnell pounds pompous Chris Coons
Michael Gaynor
October 14, 2010

Hopefully, the voters will realize that the moderators were manipulative and understand that they were because Coons needed their help. Christine O'Donnell, . . .

Will Christine O'Donnell stand tall or small?
Michael Gaynor
October 13, 2010

Either we will continue to be subject to President Obama's radical and only very partially revealed plans for our future, or we will place a strong check on the . . .

"Catholic" Andrew Cuomo bashing Catholic Church teaching on homosexuality
Michael Gaynor
October 12, 2010

Cuomo should either accept the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church or cease and desist from identifying himself as a Catholic. Lord Acton said that power . . .

Chris Coons' Yale education and inheritance are not why Christine O'Donnell should be elected
Michael Gaynor
October 8, 2010

O'Donnell can win if she exposes Coons as a radical, not by whining that she didn't go to Yale and inherits millions of dollars too. Political ambition and . . .

Who votes based on race now?
Michael Gaynor
October 5, 2010

Are the black voters staying with President Obama because he's brought prosperity? The Los Angeles Times reports: "The good news for President Obama is . . .

Breitbart Acolyte O'Keefe's lost his teflon coating with conservatives
Michael Gaynor
October 4, 2010

Sadly, the thought that all was well before appears to be rightwing wishful thinking and the result of accepting the Andrew Breitbart attitude expressed in . . .

D.C. without Laura Ingraham radio: deceived, dreary, depressed
Michael Gaynor
October 1, 2010

The Obamas don't deserve free public housing in the District of Columbia, but Ingraham, a genuine resident of the District of Columbia, deserves a D.C. radio . . .

Christine O'Donnell has to run against Obama and ACORN in order to win
Michael Gaynor
September 30, 2010

For O'Donnell, opportunity is loudly knocking. If she responds boldly, an election day victory will not be shocking. National Review intern Katrina Trinko's  . . .

Why to read Hardy Green's The Company Town
Michael Gaynor
September 28, 2010

Anyone thinking the book lacks contemporary relevance hasn't read it. Hardy Green, in The Company Town: Industrial Edens and Satanic Mills That Shaped the . . .

Yes, Christine O'Donnell can win that Delaware Senate seat...by boldly telling the truth
Michael Gaynor
September 27, 2010

Not appeasing the biased liberal media establishment is not enough. Delaware's United States Senate seat that Christine O'Donnell is seeking may be the most . . .

Will the Delaware Senate race become a racist disgrace?
Michael Gaynor
September 21, 2010

Pray not, but recall the disgrace known as the Duke lacrosse case and remember how the race card was shamelessly played in it, in the names of personal benefit . . .

Nancy Pelosi, Christine O'Donnell and the Roman Catholic Church's beliefs
Michael Gaynor
September 20, 2010

The Delaware Senate race is a battle of Chris's: O'Donnell v. Coons. Better a repentant candidate who sees the light and tries to do what's right (O'Donnell) . . .

Bravo, Laura Ingraham. Boo, Sarah Palin and Sean Hannity
Michael Gaynor
September 17, 2010

The truth is that the insightful Ingraham was right from the start, the feisty Palin made an understandable mistake and then shamelessly stayed the course . . .

Sarah Palin: principled and anti-establishment in Alaska, but not in New Hampshire
Michael Gaynor
September 15, 2010

Sorry, Sarah. Wrong on both scores: Lamontagne's "the true conservative" in the race, as Laura Ingraham said last December, and the story about the quiet payout . . .

Ticking time bomb: Kelly Ayotte's huge Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood problem
Michael Gaynor
September 13, 2010

Ironically, the Republican establishment hoping to wrest control of the United States Senate from the Democrats backed the wrong candidate and it may cost them . . .

Kelly Ayotte's embarrassed prolife apologists brazenly ignore facts and law
Michael Gaynor
September 10, 2010

Sadly, some pro-lifers who should know better are doubling down instead of admitting that they didn't do their due diligence. On August 29, 2010, New . . .

You betcha, the true conservative (Ovide Lamontagne) can win in New Hampshire!
Michael Gaynor
September 9, 2010

Somehow Sarah Palin made a BIG mistake. She thought that Ayotte was a great "pro-life warrior" who had won a great legal victory and endorsed Ayotte as a "Mama . . .

Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood was not a great victory for either New Hampshire or pro-life
Michael Gaynor
September 6, 2010

Ayotte "won" a very limited victory (and no real credit to her as fill in in the case for her predecessor as New Hampshire Attorney General). While the case . . .

Governor Palin, please reconsider your NH Republican Senate primary endorsement
Michael Gaynor
September 1, 2010

While Palin apparently believes that Ayotte is a pro-life warrior, Dr. Douglas Black, who performs abortions at the FeminIst Health Center in New Hampshire, . . .

Sarah Palin and the New Hampshire Republican Senate primary
Michael Gaynor
August 26, 2010

Palin endorsed Kelly Ayotte over the authentic conservative, Ovide Lamontagne. Radio and television star, Obama Diaries author and Dartmouth graduate Laura . . .

Chris Matthews: I'm the decider and Obama's a Christian!
Michael Gaynor
August 25, 2010

President Obama, in The Audacity of Hope: "What could I say? That a literal reading of the Bible was folly. That Mr. Keyes, a Roman Catholic, should disregard . . .

Is President Obama a Christian?
Michael Gaynor
August 24, 2010

Americans have cause to be "doubtful" of Obama's motives and "wary" of his convenient claims. Karl Marx, the "father of Communism," favored "sharing the . . .

Was defunding ACORN by federal law constitutionally prohibited punishment?
Michael Gaynor
August 23, 2010

The ACORN defunding seems to have been a greater punishment than Hester Prynne's scarlet letter. Especially in an age of Big Government, isn't being . . .

Solving the problem posed by President Obama's high personal approval rating
Michael Gaynor
August 19, 2010

As Abraham Lincoln explained: "You may fool all the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of . . .

Beware the corruption of America's federal constitutional republic
Michael Gaynor
August 16, 2010

The Second Circuit acknowledged that "some evidence in the record indicating that ACORN was precluded from receiving federal funds upon the legislature's . . .

New Hampshire's Senate Republican primary is critical for all America
Michael Gaynor
August 3, 2010

America needs to elect authentic conservatives like Lamontagne who will stand strong against stealth socialism, not naive RINOs in denial. New Hampshire has the . . .

The emerging corruption in America is stealth socialism
Michael Gaynor
July 31, 2010

Six-time Socialist Party presidential candidate Norman Thomas realized that he would never be elected and consoled himself with the thought that his ideas . . .

ACORN whistleblower Anita Moncrief: straight shooter, not razzle dazzler
Michael Gaynor
July 26, 2010

If the whole truth had become known to the American people right after Obama lied to them about his relationship with ACORN in the last presidential debate, the . . .

Conservatives beware! Andrew Breitbart changed teams, not tactics
Michael Gaynor
July 22, 2010

We need the truth to prevail, not lies, and conservatives do themselves a debilitating disservice by embracing Alinskyism instead of truth. Abraham Lincoln . . .

Laura Ingraham is the real "bold, fresh piece of humanity"
Michael Gaynor
July 16, 2010

Now more than ever, America needs the likes of Laura Ingraham, who obviously is bolder and smarter than Bill O'Reilly and much more capable of exposing the . . .

Great! Glenn "Better Late Than Never" Beck finally sees Liberation Theology for what it is
Michael Gaynor
July 14, 2010

Perhaps Hannity will have Erik Rush back on to comment on why the Obama Justice Department gave a pass to those New Black Panthers who intimidated white voters . . .

First ex-radical Anita MonCrief, now ex-DOJ attorney J. Christian Adams
Michael Gaynor
July 8, 2010

When ACORN whistleblower Anita MonCrief realized that ACORN was not for her after all, that was a good thing, because ACORN was a threat to America. But when . . .

ACORN nightmare: whistleblower Anita MonCrief + American Conservative Union
Michael Gaynor
June 29, 2010

Stealth socialism allowed ACORN to set the stage for Obama's 'regime' as they called it internally. On June 25, 2010, ACORN whistleblower Anita MonCrief . . .

Newt Gingrich better study the Cloward-Piven strategy
Michael Gaynor
June 25, 2010

Gingrich sees the secular-socialist tidal wave, but apparently he thinks that Obama — the stealth socialist instrument or "tip of the Cloward-Piven spear" — . . .

Wade Rathke cheers the morphing of ACORN
Michael Gaynor
June 23, 2010

Folks who thought ACORN was dead or dying should read up on snakes shedding skin. ACORN whistleblower Anita MonCrief told the inside story of ACORN's . . .

Congressman Barton was right about the shakedown
Michael Gaynor
June 21, 2010

Ms. Ingraham spoke truth that Republican Congressional leaders won't and gave sound political advice. Congressman Joe Barton, top Republican on the House . . .

SCOTUS should grant certiorari in the Lindsay case
Michael Gaynor
June 18, 2010

The question for the courts is not one of practicality or convenience, but of Congressional intent. About a year ago I wrote about this case: Lindsay v. APFA . . .

The Times is NOT hilarious, Laura Ingraham
Michael Gaynor
June 17, 2010

The biggest problem with The Times is NOT lack of vigilance or inconsistency. It is publishing what fits the political correctness agenda and concealing or even . . .

Obama fooled people (including some conservatives) on his way to the White House
Michael Gaynor
June 15, 2010

Obama has been fortunate to escape scrutiny, to have race work for him and to be able to fool or to intimidate people, even some conservatives. America is . . .

Secular extremists and stealth socialists are America's subverters, NOT America's elite
Michael Gaynor
June 14, 2010

Secular extremists and stealth socialists are NOT my idea of elites. They are grave dangers to the constitutional republic under God that the United States of . . .

Glenn Beck's "real" history trumps radical historians' revisionist history
Michael Gaynor
June 8, 2010

"Progressive" professors like Palermo are "on the warpath" against Beck, and the main reason IS "specific content": Beck poses a significant threat to . . .

Will Andrew Breitbart somehow whitewash James O'Keefe?
Michael Gaynor
June 2, 2010

There was nothing about O'Keefe being penitent, chastened, or wiser as a result of pleading guilty to a federal crime in either the Memorial Day article or the . . .

Peggy Noonan's problem: thinking Obama's biggest problem is incompetence
Michael Gaynor
June 1, 2010

If you want the American Republic to survive, then pray that Obama's "position and popularity" don't survive! Peggy Noonan is saying that President Obama is . . .

Wily Wade Rathke providing the far left criticism Obama needs
Michael Gaynor
May 28, 2010

A president who looks down his nose at the people and clings to his tele-prompter like he says Americans cling to God and guns needs to have some connection . . .

Elena Kagan and the Mohave Cross
Michael Gaynor
May 27, 2010

It is the tyranny of the secular extremist minority that needs to be stopped and General Kagan isn't one to stop it. Americans United for Separation of . . .

Read Elena Kagan's Princeton senior thesis yourself
Michael Gaynor
May 20, 2010

If Chief Justice John Roberts had written a thesis on fascism and opined that fascism had "greatness" and described the Third Reich's "demise" as a "critical . . .

Elena Kagan's senior thesis and socialism
Michael Gaynor
May 19, 2010

Amazingly, General Kagan described "U.S. Socialism's demise" as a "critical problem" (p. 128) instead of welcome news, and she seems to have been trying to . . .

No joke! Edward Whelan and Stuart Taylor agreed Elena Kagan's "a pig in a poke"
Michael Gaynor
May 18, 2010

It's not hard to figure out Kagan...and she's not a closet conservative! In that amicus brief, she sought, at the expense of the Department of Defense, an . . .

Bill O'Reilly and Megyn Kelly debate Justice Ginsberg's judicial philosophy
Michael Gaynor
May 17, 2010

A judge is supposed to follow the law, not fashion it as he or she "sees fit." The "discussions" last week on "The O'Reilly Factor" between Bill "You're . . .

Would Ted Weiss have approved of Elena Kagan's path to the Supreme Court bench?
Michael Gaynor
May 12, 2010

President Obama campaigned as a supporter of traditional marriage, but his nomination of Ms. Kagan speaks louder that his campaign words. Henry David Thoreau . . .

Robert Larry Teel v. Timothy B. Tyson on the 1970 death of Henry Marrow
Michael Gaynor
May 10, 2010

Tyson said that as a historian he did not believe everything he read in the newspapers. Likewise, everything in Tyson's self-serving, politically correct book . . .

Barack Obama was "dear" to socialist ACORN
Michael Gaynor
May 4, 2010

With the 2008 presidential election won, Rathke bluntly explained that the legacy of "all contemporary community organizers... from Obama to" himself is the . . .

President Obama's a stealth socialist, NOT a Dem George W. Bush -- tell Ron Paul
Michael Gaynor
May 2, 2010

The solution is to expose the stealth socialist in the White House, not to offer distinctions of academic interest and to equate President Obama with former . . .

Obama is America's burden, not being a superpower
Michael Gaynor
April 28, 2010

America's problem is Obama, not God or religion. At the close of the nuclear weapons summit in Washington, D.C. earlier this month, President Obama, when . . .

Why no "Pimp and Pro" ACORN sting surreptitious recording prosecutions?
Michael Gaynor
April 27, 2010

Twelve states still prohibit surreptitious recording and the United States Supreme Court left no doubt that such prohibition is constitutional. So are . . .

Injunction against ACORN funding ban stayed and appeal expedited
Michael Gaynor
April 23, 2010

What the Second Circuit will be deciding shortly is NOT whether ACORN is good or bad, or righteous or rotten, but whether the ban on ACORN funding is banned by . . .

Obama, Stern, Rathke, SEIU, ACORN intertwined
Michael Gaynor
April 20, 2010

President Obama owes his presidency to Rathke's ACORN and its Project Vote affiliate and Stern's SEIU and Rathke is rightly concerned with the next presidential . . .

Latest anti-religion judicial outrage: Judge Crabb rules National Prayer Day unconstitutional
Michael Gaynor
April 18, 2010

The First Amendment has never been officially amended, but liberal judicial activists have twisted its religious clauses beyond recognition under the guise of . . .

How Lincolnesque is Barack Obama?
Michael Gaynor
April 16, 2010

It was ironic for Obama to describe Bush as "almost messianic," but there was no way Obama would have joined the Gang of 14. He was hoping to be nominating . . .

Key to thwarting radical Obama agenda: Anita Moncrief's inside ACORN story, not Andrew Breitbart's Alinskysite ACORN video strategy
Michael Gaynor
April 12, 2010

Just as a bell cannot be unrung, Obama cannot be unelected, but at least the implementation of his radical agenda can be stopped and eventually reversed and . . .

Hypocritical liberal media establishment promotes secular extremism and Obama and defames Pope Benedict XVI, especially for lent
Michael Gaynor
April 8, 2010

Does the scurrilous attack on Pope Benedict XVI remind you of the radical scheme to discredit Pope Pius XII beginning with "The Deputy"? It should. See  . . .

Elena Kagan's SCOTUS nomination is coming, exactly when may matter
Michael Gaynor
April 6, 2010

President Obama's rating has fallen sharply since the Sotomayor confirmation, so Justice Stevens is not likely to wait for the persons elected to the United . . .

ACORN April Fool's joke: as ACORN doors close, socialism grows, ACORN's founder crows, and ACORN rebrands
Michael Gaynor
April 1, 2010

Colonel Chandler understood and explained the socialist threat before Election Day 2008, but liberal media establishment put ACORN's candidate in the White . . .

Age of Obama is time for contrition, but Obama and the times should be contrite, not Pope Benedict
Michael Gaynor
March 31, 2010

If there is evidence that "the shadow of past sins threatens to engulf this papacy," surely it would have been presented. Without it, insinuation had to do.  . . .

Speaker Pelosi trumped USCCB on Catholic theology among Congress's "Catholics"
Michael Gaynor
March 29, 2010

Archbishop Dolan is not a lawyer or a Congressman, so his ignorance of United States law is understandable. But any Congressperson, especially a lawyer . . .

Obamacare and Chris Matthews versus constitutional limits
Michael Gaynor
March 26, 2010

Obamacare has Commerce Clause and Tenth Amendment problems and Obama shill Chris Matthews has bias and ignorance problems. In McCray v. United States, 195 U . . .

Sean Hannity, how's that "war of liberty over liberalism" going?
Michael Gaynor
March 25, 2010

Bulletin to Hannity: Some people ARE "the enemy" and won't be "talk[ed]...off the edge," and Team Obama won't be stopped until unmasked. Yoda was right: Do or . . .

ACORN mission accomplished! Obama elected, Obamacare passed, amnesty next, ACORN dissolving
Michael Gaynor
March 23, 2010

"America is facing one of the greatest onslaughts of expanded government in history. Time is short...." In a organizational statement released on March 22, 2 . . .

Though bankrupt, ACORN is succeeding in its subversive mission
Michael Gaynor
March 21, 2010

Obama is about to deliver as much "health care reform" as possible, fulfilling his commitment to ACORN. Obama has not been exposed and forced to retreat, but . . .

Bill O'Reilly is President Obama's "'Red' Klotz," not his formidable foe
Michael Gaynor
March 18, 2010

O'Reilly's looking out for O'Reilly, not "the folks." As president, Obama is pursuing "fundamental change" and scary while Bill O'Reilly is wary. Yes, Bill O . . .

Obama disrespects United States and Honduran Constitutions and SCOTUS too
Michael Gaynor
March 17, 2010

Whether it's the Constitution of the United States or of Honduras that is at stake, Team Obama puts fundamental radical change above the rule of law. Are you . . .

Obama, ACORN, Fox News, and the truth: "curiouser and curiouser"
Michael Gaynor
March 15, 2010

Note to Fox News: Having ACORN dissolve (really camouflage itself) is unimportant if the radical ACORN/Obama agenda — Obamacare, Cap & Tax, Obamnesty, . . .

Tragically, Fox News is not truly conservative, fearless or bias-free
Michael Gaynor
March 11, 2010

How about change for the better and going with the brighter and the bolder? How about Laura Ingraham for O'Reilly, Michelle Malkin for Beck and Mark Levin for . . .

THE DEVIL was the tempter and Jesus was NOT a deceiver, Doug Giles
Michael Gaynor
March 8, 2010

Ms. Giles may well bring down the heavenly house for good intentions and be excused for overzealousness as a result of being confused/used by her father and . . .

Did the Brooklyn DA's office refuse to prosecute ACORN crimes?
Michael Gaynor
March 5, 2010

Ms. Coulter has a key fact wrong (Ms. Giles' age) and mistakenly suggests that "advancing prostitution" is a crime in New York. Under New York law, there is no . . .

Andrew Breitbart's big journalism ridicules "conservative Catholics" in revised Hartsock hit piece
Michael Gaynor
March 2, 2010

Apparently Hartsock and/or Breitbart's Big Journalism at least partly realized that Hartsock's adoption of the Alinskyite ridicule strategy to respond to Ms. . . .

Why Obama really continues to push "Obamacare"
Michael Gaynor
March 1, 2010

York's right about the evidence showing that it's wrong to assume that the voters want a "Bold Obama" agenda and wrong about why Obama continues to push  . . .

Better late than never, "Johnny-come-lately" Glenn Beck
Michael Gaynor
February 24, 2010

Will Beck report the truth about the ACORN 8 faster than he did about Obama lying about his relationship with ACORN? Or will he be too embarrassed to report it? . . .

CAL-YAF vice chair claims involvement in "Pimp and Pro" ACORN sting, condemns Catholic critics
Michael Gaynor
February 22, 2010

Eden and Doino had taken fair and balanced exception to conservative activists turning to the radical Alinsky for guidance. Eden/Doino did NOT criticize  . . .

Take care, Glenn Beck and Andrew Breitbart are right on key issues, but not Bill Buckleys
Michael Gaynor
February 21, 2010

Beck and Breitbart should heed William F. Buckley, Jr.'s wisdom and try to emulate him. "Before there was Ronald Reagan there was Barry Goldwater, and before . . .

Smart Sarah Palin, yes! Catty Kathleen Parker, no!
Michael Gaynor
February 18, 2010

Alas, the befuddled Ms. Parker considers Mrs. Palin bedazzling, but not "rightful heir to the presidency," and will resort to literary lunacy to punish McCain . . .

Call a socialist a socialist, Laura Ingraham
Michael Gaynor
February 16, 2010

Obama is MUCH more than "a politician in community organizers' clothing." He is the radical, highly polished and presentable instrument of the likes of ACORN, . . .

Erick Erickson joins would-be buriers of the Obama birth certificate issue
Michael Gaynor
February 14, 2010

Note to Erickson, Breitbart, O'Reilly and Beck: At a minimum, Obama has not been fully candid with the American people about his birth certificate. Giving him a . . .

What Fox's Glenn Beck and ACORN 8's Michael McCray did not tell you
Michael Gaynor
February 12, 2010

I should have added that McCray had quietly acted in his own interest in pushing Kappa Alpha Psi Federal Credit Union (KAPFCU) to replace Citizens Consulting, . . .

Odd fellows: Glenn Beck, Marcel Reid, and Ron Karenga
Michael Gaynor
February 8, 2010

Did Ms. Reid mesmerize the Beckster? Is Beck educable, or doomed to remain a Reid dupe? Why has Glenn Beck enthusiastically promoted Marcel Reid and her . . .

When it comes to Obama, DON'T assume!
Michael Gaynor
February 5, 2010

The sooner the whole truth about Obama and his radical enablers is generally known, the better. Law students are told not to assume. It's good advice for . . .

Hannah Giles for the defense
Michael Gaynor
February 3, 2010

Note to Ms. Giles: Surreptitious recording is felonious in Pennsylvania, Maryland, California and your home state of Florida, entering federal premises under . . .

Is prison in store for the Louisiana Caper Four?
Michael Gaynor
February 1, 2010

Many "Pimp and Pro" sting fans will continue to rationalize that whatever O'Keefe feels he needs to do to dig out the truth is lawful, but not all means are . . .

James O'Keefe's written statement: good grief, Mr. O'Keefe
Michael Gaynor
January 31, 2010

O'Keefe's main problem is not whether professional journalists like David Shuster can get facts straight or are credible, but whether he committed a crime in . . .

We need the whole truth about Obama, ACORN, and the Landrieu sting
Michael Gaynor
January 28, 2010

"Exposing the corruption and criminality of the Left is essential, but 'using their own tricks' may be a slippery slope or criminal." Michelle Malkin: "Ugh: . . .

Brown win, Beck documentary, and Obama/ACORN truth put Obama/far left in political peril
Michael Gaynor
January 25, 2010

Obama's personal popularity is based on the general willingness of Americans to give him the benefit of the doubt, the wickedness or willful blindness of the . . .

Rich Lowry would not have been surprised if he knew ACORN whistleblower Anita MonCrief
Michael Gaynor
January 22, 2010

Rich, Obama's personal popularity remains high only because the truth about him is little known and you need to know about Ms. MonCrief. National Review . . .

For Obama, the lights went out in Massachusetts!
Michael Gaynor
January 20, 2010

The message was clear: America remains a center-right country, Obama has not delivered the change most Americans want and the Far Left's big-government and will . . .

Glenn Beck exquisitely admonished for ridiculing "birthers"
Michael Gaynor
January 17, 2010

"Stopping things which can be proven unconstitutional is praiseworthy and I applaud you for your efforts. Stopping persons, however, who may be proven . . .

Harry Reid really apologized for being truthful, but politically incorrect
Michael Gaynor
January 10, 2010

Harry Reid's comments were politically astute, but politically incorrect, so he had to apologize, for being truthful, albeit privately, and embarrassing Obama.  . . .

On "birthers," heed "Radio Patriot," not Glenn Beck
Michael Gaynor
January 6, 2010

The logical conclusion is that there is SOMETHING on the document that Obama does not want to share with the American people. Even the Beckster should realize . . .

Americans still need to know the whole truth about ACORN and Obama
Michael Gaynor
January 5, 2010

Vadum is right about ACORN wrongdoing being "whitewashed" in the report, Democrat coverup for its unofficial arm ACORN and Darnell Nash's fraudulent voting, but . . .

Pretense triumphed, not judicial conservatism
Michael Gaynor
January 1, 2010

We need clarity, not spin, especially when pretense is triumphing. Edward Whelan, president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center and regular contributor to . . .

Of course Obamacare is ACORNcare
Michael Gaynor
December 28, 2009

Obamacare is NOT "just another giveaway to liberal groups." It's a key part of the wealth redistribution strategy and a dangerous expansion of government . . .

Obamacare looms because Alinskyite Obama has not been exposed
Michael Gaynor
December 21, 2009

To win passage of Obamacare, Obama cleverly put up the traditional White House creche after all and finally ordered a surge in Afghanistan. (First things first. . . .

De-fund ACORN properly, PLEASE
Michael Gaynor
December 16, 2009

ACORN does not have a right to federal funding, but, like everyone else, ACORN has a constitutional right not to be the subject of a bill of attainder and Judge . . .

Savvy, unsavory Obamas celebrating coming of Obamacare by serving ACORN cookies at Christmas party
Michael Gaynor
December 10, 2009

Now dangerous organizations — ACORN, SEIU and La Raza — have their man Obama pursing their radical agenda and the Obamas are celebrating by serving ACORN . . .

What's the whole truth about the origin and legality of the "Pimp and Pro" ACORN sting?
Michael Gaynor
December 7, 2009

Will the California Attorney General consider Breitbart legally responsible for the surreptitious recording in California, based on his own statements, even . . .

House Republicans focus on ACORN political corruption, not ACORN aid to pimps and prostitutes
Michael Gaynor
December 3, 2009

"The Lid" rightly described Ms. MonCrief's testimony as "incredible," but mistitled its excellent article "STUNNING New ACORN Revelations: Shifting Public Money . . .

From Watergate to "ACORNgate"?
Michael Gaynor
November 30, 2009

Will the "Pimp and Pro" ACORN story morph into ACORNgate? Some people do hard work the right way, while others choose to disregard law that they don't . . .

ACORN apologists Martin and Dreier rewrite history, Breitbart notes inadequate Dreier description
Michael Gaynor
November 27, 2009


Andrew Breitbart should read and rely on the honorable Justice Clarence Thomas
Michael Gaynor
November 24, 2009

God bless Justice Thomas! The late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan was right about people being entitled to their own opinions but not their own facts.  . . .

Andrew Breitbart's astonishing "option" for Attorney General Holder
Michael Gaynor
November 21, 2009

Was that tactic a stroke of brilliance or an act of stupidity and desperation? ACORN is a subversive, corrupt, criminal enterprise that has corrupted America . . .

Limitations and risks of the "Pimp and Pro" ACORN sting
Michael Gaynor
November 19, 2009

In sum, the sensational "Pimp and Pro" ACORN videos have adversely impacted ACORN, but not ACORN's radical political agenda being pursued by the Obama . . .

Rule of law, not Alinsky's rules/Jerry Brown v. Andrew Breitbart
Michael Gaynor
November 16, 2009

Exposing the corruption and criminality of the Left is essential, but "using their own tricks" may be a slippery slope or criminal. Turnabound may be fair . . .

"Publisher" Breitbart's "coup" strategy, polygraph challenge, and big government debut
Michael Gaynor
November 13, 2009

In the Superman story, Perry White is the editor-in-chief of The Daily Planet, Lois Lane is the beautiful investigative reporter and Jimmy Olson is the . . .

The full scope of the ACORN scandal
Michael Gaynor
November 12, 2009

Exposing (legallly or illegally) ACORN's willingness to facilitate prostitution, child prostitution, child abuse, illegal immigration, tax fraud and bank fraud . . .

Coming close is NOT good enough!
Michael Gaynor
November 5, 2009

Public ignorance is President Obama's friend, and for the truth to prevail, the truth must become generally known. Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the . . .

Was Fox News prescient or was Wade Rathke "played"?
Michael Gaynor
November 3, 2009

When were Fox News, Beck and Ms. Kelly first aware of the "Pimp and Pro" sting at the Baltimore ACORN office and the sensational videos? In 1970 Wade Rathke . . .

Daughter and dad "pit bulls" Hannah Giles and Doug Giles and surreptitious recording law
Michael Gaynor
October 29, 2009

Doug succeeded splendidly with Ms. Giles. There's no doubt that she did what she thought was right, as she had been taught by her dad (and surely mom too).  . . .

BigGovernment, Fox News, surreptitious recording by O'Keefe and Giles and serendipity
Michael Gaynor
October 26, 2009

If BigGovernment.com and/or Fox News are NOT "otherwise innocent," then Ms Giles and Mr. O'Keefe will have company on the legal hot seat. One of the jokes at . . .

One-party consent to surreptitious recording should be lawful everywhere
Michael Gaynor
October 23, 2009

The truth is that state laws on taping conversations vary and federalism allows that. John 8:32 (New International Version): "Then you will know the truth, . . .

Radical Norman Blizter versus ACORN whistleblower and ex-radical Anita Moncrief
Michael Gaynor
October 20, 2009

The truth is Ms. MonCrief's sword AND shield. Only radicals and cowards are terrified as it is revealed. The Far Left has a champion! Right after ACORN . . .

The real problem with Fox News
Michael Gaynor
October 16, 2009

Fox News has the means to win its war with the Obama Administration, but does it have the will? With the Obama Administration having publicly designated Fox . . .

Obama administration declares war on Fox News: Anita Moncrief, Fox News now needs YOU!
Michael Gaynor
October 14, 2009

Instead of bluster, egotism, excessive caution or a fusion of news and comedy, it's time for straight talk, the whole truth and sanity. That means it's time for . . .

Nobel Peace Prizes for deceitful "community organizers" Menchu (1992) and Obama (2009)
Michael Gaynor
October 12, 2009

False testimony IS as powerful as true testimony, if it is perceived to be true, and a candidate can be elected President of the United States if the truth . . .

Why is Fox News still promoting Marcel Reid and her ACORN 8?
Michael Gaynor
October 9, 2009

Doesn't Fox News know that the leaders of the ACORN 8 (Ms. Reid and Karen Inman) were complicit in the decision not to pursue legal action against ACORN founder . . .

ACORN 8 defender rants about Michelle Malkin, Anita Moncrief, and me
Michael Gaynor
October 7, 2009

Thesubpoena just issued by the Louisiana Attorney General stated that "the exact account of the embezzlement was....recently acknowledged in a board of . . .

The rest of the story about the Kingsley Report on ACORN
Michael Gaynor
October 2, 2009

Part of a page of the Kingsley Report that Ms. MonCrief was shown by Ms. Reid was covered, however, and now page 14 is missing. That should set off alarm bells, . . .

Anita MonCrief & BigGovernment.com team up. Obama & ACORN, beware!
Michael Gaynor
September 28, 2009

God DID bless America: Ms. MonCrief has been telling the truth we need to know. Thanks to the sting, more and more people are likely to pay careful attention!  . . .

The facts about ACORN/Obama/NYT Steny Hoyer needs to know
Michael Gaynor
September 23, 2009

Ms. MonCrief, an observant, computer savvy, young black single mother who was inside "the belly of the beast," turned to the light and chose to do what's right, . . .

Expose the WHOLE Obama/ACORN relationship
Michael Gaynor
September 18, 2009

Americans need (1) to pursue the whole truth about corrupt, criminal ACORN until they fully understand it and Obama and (2) to prevent the implementation of the . . .

The decline and fall of ACORN (and Obama too)?
Michael Gaynor
September 15, 2009

With ACORN criminality having been recently exposed in videos, Fox News and especially Beck are being urged to present Ms. MonCrief to explain ACORN's political . . .

President Obama, outwardly respectful but reprehensibly radical; Congressman Wilson, rude but right
Michael Gaynor
September 12, 2009

Like the child who said that the Emperor was not wearing any clothes, Congressman Wilson was correct. God bless The Pray in Jesus Name Project for succinctly . . .

Despite liberal mainstream media, ACORN and Obama are being exposed
Michael Gaynor
September 10, 2009

Bottom line: Since its creation, ACORN has been a subversive organization that has served for years as an unofficial arm of the Democrat Party and President . . .

Honduras supports rule of law, infuriating the Obama administration
Michael Gaynor
September 8, 2009

Judge Obama by his actions, not by his rhetoric, and beware! Don't be misled on what happened in Honduras: the Honduran military did NOT arbitrarily take . . .

The lesson about the liberal media establishment from the Van Jones resignation
Michael Gaynor
September 6, 2009

Let's uncover and spread the whole truth about Obama, not just his appointees! Vile "Green Jobs" "Czar" Anthony "Van" Jones dutifully resigned over the Labor . . .

Obama conned voters, Van Jones and Valerie Jarrett are "his people"
Michael Gaynor
September 4, 2009

The exposure of Van Jones and Valerie Jarrett is exciting, but don't let it distract from the main problem — Obama's radicalism — by disgusting detail about . . .

Raymond Arroyo exposes the Ted Kennedy-as-devout-Catholic myth
Michael Gaynor
September 1, 2009

People who watched Senator Kennedy's wake, funeral Mass and burial were deliberately led to believe that Senator Kennedy was a devout Catholic, not a Catholic . . .

Glenn Beck boldly battles Team Obama-inspired sponsor boycott with facts and questions
Michael Gaynor
August 25, 2009

Presenting information about Obama's "czars" will be a valuable public service, but more is needed to thwart the Obama administration's plan to transform center . . .

Reality: America's still center-right while Obama and Pelosi are far left
Michael Gaynor
August 20, 2009

The plan for Obama to transform America to suit those Marxist professors he favored is not being rubberstamped by the American . . .

The upcoming Fox News specials on ACORN
Michael Gaynor
August 17, 2009

"ACORN is eligible for untold millions more in taxpayer funds from the trillion-dollar stimulus package that President Obama signed into law in February 2009 . . .

The problem is Obama, not "Obamaphobia"
Michael Gaynor
August 14, 2009

Obama is the problem, not the solution, and he's President due to ACORN and liberal media pollution. "The Rising Stakes of Obamaphobia," by John L. Jackson . . .

Obama, Subverter-in-Chief: from American exceptionalism to immoral, mediocre America?
Michael Gaynor
August 10, 2009

The liberal media establish shamelessly sold Obama instead of scrupulously scrutinizing him. Abraham Lincoln closed his Gettysburg Address with the hope . . .

Michelle Malkin and Culture of Corruption can't be discredited
Michael Gaynor
August 6, 2009

It's an awesome book, because it combines substance and style and sets forth what the liberal media establishment does not report that Americans need to know.  . . .

Why President Obama tells you to look ahead hopefully, not back or closely
Michael Gaynor
August 2, 2009

President Obama apparently finds consistency less foolish than hypocrisy, secrecy and actual transparency. Chris Matthews of NBC and MSNBC astonishingly . . .

Michelle Malkin exposes Obama's culture of corruption, extols ACORN whistleblower Anita Moncrief
Michael Gaynor
July 29, 2009

In the book's acknowledgements, Ms. Malkin gave "special thanks to Anita MonCrief for her enormous courage and vigilance on ACORN corruption . . .

Wise Wendy Long & Stuart Taylor v. "wise Latina" Sonia Sotomayor
Michael Gaynor
July 22, 2009

Judge Sotomayor is eminent, and her confirmation seems imminent, but will America's best interests be served by elevating a Latina who even as a federal judge . . .

"MsPlaced Democrat" misplaced her trust and misreported on ACORN scandal
Michael Gaynor
July 20, 2009

Don't confuse ACORN "troops" with United States Marines or Marcel Reid with Rosa Parks or demand perfection from a penitent person who eventually found the . . .

Judge Sotomayor's lucky Ann Coulter isn't on the Senate Judiciary Committee
Michael Gaynor
July 15, 2009

Judge Sotomayor's comedy routine about judges making policy but not admitting it refers to judicial activism disguised as judicial determination, not appellate . . .

Judge Sotomayor's record should be scrutinized, not whitewashed or ignored
Michael Gaynor
July 12, 2009

Is Judge Sotomayor a wise impartial judge dedicated to the rule of law or a passionate, partisan Latina who will use instead of follow the law when the . . .

Obama apologist Douglas Kmiec is no longer pro-life
Michael Gaynor
July 6, 2009

Professor Kmiec's political effectiveness is dependent upon his continued insistence that he IS still pro-life. That way he confers a bit of respectability and . . .

Why "Publius" authored the Federalist Papers
Michael Gaynor
June 28, 2009

It should be noted, I believe, that (1) Alexander Hamilton probably originated the successful "Publius strategy" for urging the ratification of the Constitution . . .

ACORN 8 played Glenn Beck very deftly
Michael Gaynor
June 23, 2009

Sharing the whole truth with and being fully transparent to and accountable to the public are NOT on the ACORN 8 agenda. It's a good thing that Glenn . . .

Sean Hannity: Heed Hannity Forum posters at last, interview ACORN whistleblower Anita Moncrief fast
Michael Gaynor
June 15, 2009

There's no dispute that Sean Hannity ardently argued that Obama was radical and unfit to be President of the United States and wisely warned voters against . . .

Lindsay v. APFA: a case of tremendous importance to the rule of law
Michael Gaynor
June 11, 2009

American Airlines and the union leadership in the Lindsay case spent nearly six years fighting the employees' attempts to claim the benefit of the rule of . . .

"The fierce urgency of now" leads to decisions based on ignorance, not full awareness
Michael Gaynor
June 8, 2009

Since a United States Supreme Court Justice is NOT term-limited, the United States Senate should NOT allow President Obama to obtain a hasty rubberstamping of . . .

Obama fiction antidote: ACORN whistleblower Anita Moncrief telling the whole truth
Michael Gaynor
June 4, 2009

To Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck and anyone else with an important platform: interview at length Ms. MonCrief, or else Americans will . . .

NYT Public Editor Clark Hoyt can't kill the ACORN/Obama/NYT story
Michael Gaynor
May 31, 2009

"The Factor" got a detail wrong, but the essential story right. What matters is the truth. The entire voicemail confirms that The Times DID 'kill[] a story." Ms . . .

Stand up for constitutional fidelity, stop Judge Sotomayor
Michael Gaynor
May 27, 2009

The only issue is whether Judge Sotomayor would interpret the law and the Constitution instead of making up the law and depriving "We the people" of the right . . .

The war between the New York Times and Bill O'Reilly and the truth
Michael Gaynor
May 19, 2009

If Ms. Strom had been allowed to go to Washington, D.C. to meet with Ms. MonCrief and to obtain documents, and then been allowed to write the truth about the . . .

The empath-in-chief versus the Bible on judges
Michael Gaynor
May 14, 2009

President Obama is rejecting the Judeo-Christian tradition on the role of judges. Deuteronomy 1:17 says, "Do not show partiality in judging; hear both small . . .

Glenn Beck's supporting the ACORN 8
Michael Gaynor
May 12, 2009

ACORN was out for power from the start and not concerned about legalities, much less niceties. Glenn Beck is focusing on the scandal that is ACORN in a big . . .

The truth about ACORN will prevail SOON
Michael Gaynor
May 7, 2009

This coming Mother's Day should be especially memorable. ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) has been riding high with its . . .

Stop Obama and Sotomayor from rewriting instead of respecting law
Michael Gaynor
May 4, 2009

The winning strategy is making the truth about Obama, ACORN and The New York Times generally known. The truth is that (1) President Obama is NOT the moderate . . .

ACORN whistleblower Anita MonCrief's blog
Michael Gaynor
April 27, 2009

Ms. MonCrief has truth to tell that ACORN, the liberal media establishment led by The New York Times and, yes, President Obama and his successful presidential . . .

Will ACORN's favorite president socialize America?
Michael Gaynor
April 23, 2009

On September 12, 2008, New York Times national correspondent Stephanie Strom emailed ACORN whistleblower (and then confidential Strom source) Anita MonCrief: ". . . .

Times public editor seeking facts about Times killing ACORN-Obama expose before 2008 election from ACORN whistleblower Anita Moncrief
Michael Gaynor
April 21, 2009

Is Mr. Hoyt surreptitiously pursuing discovery for Times lawyers instead of seeking the answer to the question, "Did Times editors tell Ms. Strom to 'stand down . . .

The First Amendment affords conscience protection to religious persons as well as atheists
Michael Gaynor
April 16, 2009

American health care professionals who, because of religious scruples, are unwilling to participate in abortion deserve at least as much consideration as alien . . .

God and "Christian America" will survive Newsweek editor Jon Meacham too
Michael Gaynor
April 14, 2009

America's Constitution prescribes no religious test for office, but the institutional separation of church and state established by America's Founders means . . .

Times reporter Stephanie Strom's dilemma
Michael Gaynor
April 7, 2009

The reported killing of the story that might have been "a game changer" caused Ms. MonCrief to permit me to identify her. Ms. MonCrief had long wanted the truth . . .

Missing seconds from the explosive audiotape played on "The O'Reilly Factor"
Michael Gaynor
April 3, 2009

Expect the whole audio to be available online by Monday, April 6, thanks to Ms. MonCrief. When it comes to exposing bias and blatant news management, I'm . . .

Bill O'Reilly exposes New York Times ACORN news management during 2008 presidential campaign
Michael Gaynor
April 1, 2009

Tragically, due to the bias of the liberal media establishment in general and The New York Times in particular, not nearly enough voters knew what they needed . . .

What New York Times did NOT report about ACORN, Obama, and itself
Michael Gaynor
March 20, 2009

What ARE very newsworthy, but not yet much known, are the pre-Election Day 2008 relationship between Ms. MonCrief and The New York Times and the shameless, but . . .

New York Times malicious news management in the Duke case
Michael Gaynor
March 16, 2009

The truth eventually prevailed in the Duke case, notwithstanding The New York Times, and in time, more truth about New York Times news management will . . .

Vilifying Ann Coulter is wrong way to seek "Mr. Far Right," Meghan McCain
Michael Gaynor
March 13, 2009

Having voted for John Kerry in 2004 and switched her registration from independent to Republican as a birthday present for her then presidential hopeful father . . .

Obama would transform recession into depression
Michael Gaynor
March 10, 2009

Tragically, many have been fooled by Obama's rhetoric and manner and erroneously assumed that he was moderate because his rhetoric and manner contrasted so . . .

Fate of foreign journalists in Iran
Michael Gaynor
March 5, 2009

Please demand that Ms. Saberi be immediately allowed to leave Iran safely, like Ms. Raddatz, and pray that Ms. Saberi is not another raped fatality like Ms. . . .

The education of ACORN whistleblower Anita Moncrief
Michael Gaynor
March 3, 2009

There's nothing more dangerous to the liberal Democrat leaders than an intelligent African-American man who thinks for himself, except an intelligent young . . .

We need the WHOLE truth about ACORN, Obama, and NYT
Michael Gaynor
March 1, 2009

The financially challenged New York Times, leader of the liberal media establishment, desperately needed Obama to win, so it not only ran a phony scandal story . . .

Decision time for United States bishops on pro-abortion "Catholic" politicians
Michael Gaynor
February 23, 2009

The gauntlet has been thrown, and it was thrown by Speaker Pelosi. Speaker Pelosi is continuing to choose to obstinately (and publicly) persist in manifest . . .

Pope gives Pelosi pre-excommunication warning
Michael Gaynor
February 20, 2009

By visiting Pope Benedict and then issuing the public statement she issued after the meeting, Pelosi has made it imperative for her bishop to begin . . .

Alas, ACORN 8 can't have it all
Michael Gaynor
February 17, 2009

In the last of the 2008 presidential debates then candidate Obama conveniently lied about his relationship with ACORN and the liberal media establishment . . .

From ACORN-generated financial crisis to ACORN-generated depression?
Michael Gaynor
February 13, 2009

The American people as a whole, Democrats included, won't insist that matters be set right unless and until the whole story of ACORN's relationship to now . . .

Obama's promoting socialism and judicial activism
Michael Gaynor
February 12, 2009

The secret of President Obama's success is combining audacity, a pleasant demeanor, a talent for subterfuge, a willingness to pander shamelessly and the . . .

Obama "stimulus" plan fails Reagan "trust, but verify" test
Michael Gaynor
February 4, 2009

Will New York's senior Senator, Chuck Schumer, tell President Obama that the United States Senate was designed to be "a cooling saucer" and remind him that he . . .

President Obama and the activist judge threat: beware
Michael Gaynor
February 3, 2009

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. President Obama took an oath to uphold the United States Constitution when he was inaugurated as the 44th . . .

ACORN 8's dilemma
Michael Gaynor
February 1, 2009

Unless the public discovers the whole truth, ACORN will not become "the most incredible, honorable, respected organization it can be" and those who cover up the . . .

The best path for the GOP
Michael Gaynor
January 30, 2009

The Republican Party needs to teach history to all of the American people as well as never forget it, because the liberal media establishment has not been . . .

The ACORN 8: In the nick of time or too late?
Michael Gaynor
January 29, 2009

ACORN needs reform, truth and transparency...and its political and media allies should be exposed and inspected, not encouraged and protected. The ACORN 8 . . .

Federal billions for ACORN's insidious campaign to socialize America?
Michael Gaynor
January 28, 2009

The whole story of ACORN, its political machinations and its allies in both government and the media has not yet been told. The sooner it is told, the better.  . . .

Obama didn't "turn a corner," Father Groeschel
Michael Gaynor
January 26, 2009

Catholic clerics, including bishops, need to obey canon law. That means refusing Communion to Speaker Pelosi, Vice President Biden, Senators Kerry and Kennedy . . .

Pray for change of Obama's attitude toward torturing the unborn
Michael Gaynor
January 23, 2009

If terrorists should not be tortured, surely the unborn should not be tortured. It is undisputed that President Obama campaigned on hope and called for . . .

"Take this" taunting
Michael Gaynor
January 22, 2009

If the former President should not have publicly challenged terrorists to "bring it on," surely Mr. Brokaw and Ms. Brezezinski should not make the job of the . . .

Beware Duke case revisionist history and political correctness spin
Michael Gaynor
January 21, 2009

Alas, political correctness run amok has contaminated America's education system at all levels Harvard Law School Professor Alan Dershowitiz recently chose . . .

America's Declaration deserves devotion, not revision, Mr. President
Michael Gaynor
January 19, 2009

There is no doubt that the Declaration of Independence contemplated the creation of an independent nation "under God," not a secular extremist society.  . . .

Rest in peace, Father Richard John Neuhaus
Michael Gaynor
January 11, 2009

Wikipedia: "Richard John Neuhaus (May 14, 1936 — January 8, 2009) was a prominent American churchman (first a Lutheran pastor, later a Roman Catholic priest) . . .

Laura Ingraham v. Michael Newdow on public God reference
Michael Gaynor
January 7, 2009

The First Amendment means that an atheist or agnostic cannot be compelled to say "So help me God" or "under God." It does NOT mean that "So help me God" must be . . .

God belongs at presidential inaugural ceremonies
Michael Gaynor
January 4, 2009

In what Gwen Ifill calls "the Age of Obama," will Newdow's sinister efforts fare better? Once against, atheist Michael Newdow is asserting that his atheist . . .

Will a United States Senate seat be stolen with ACORN help?
Michael Gaynor
December 20, 2008

"Then one heavily Democratic town miraculously discovered 100 missing ballots. And, in another marvel, they were all for Al Franken! It was like a completely . . .

REALLY expose ACORN, Anita MonCrief!
Michael Gaynor
December 18, 2008

What is needed, Ms. MonCrief, is an expose of what The New York Times knew, when it knew it and what it did (and did not do) with what it knew. It's . . .

Whistleblower Anita MonCrief's warning to New Yorkers
Michael Gaynor
December 11, 2008

Anita MonCrief: "Watch out New York! ACORN has been operating as a de facto arm of the Democratic Party for years, and while I am a ardent democrat, I believe . . .

Jefferson would NOT ignore constitutionally prescribed presidential qualifications
Michael Gaynor
December 9, 2008

If the Presidency is being hijacked by a usurper, pretending that all is well is the first step on the road to hell. Warner Todd Huston's latest article,  . . .

Individual bishops are NOT above canon law
Michael Gaynor
December 8, 2008

Ironically, it is Bishop Malooly (and those like him) who are "politiciz[ing] the Eucharist," permitting sacrilege and public confusion and sowing confusion . . .

Will the President-elect nominate radicals for the bench?
Michael Gaynor
December 3, 2008

Mr. Taylor's considered judgment: "Barack Obama and his advisers should now reflect on scary things that the judges demanded by his liberal base might do . . .

"Same-sex marriage": corrupting AND oxymoronic
Michael Gaynor
December 2, 2008

"There are absolutely no grounds for considering homosexual unions to be in any way similar or even remotely analogous to God's plan for marriage and family. . . .

Mr. President-elect, don't fool with the law on terror
Michael Gaynor
November 30, 2008

If the Obama administration arrogantly disregards the implications of the Mumbai attack and foolishly fails to heed the advice of the Attorney General and Mrs. . . .

Is the President-Elect blackmail-able over his birth certificate?
Michael Gaynor
November 26, 2008

It IS cause for concern that the President-Elect is hiding his birth certificate and the logical questions presenting themselves are, why is the President-Elect . . .

Pernicious Planned Parenthood proving principled Father Neuhaus right
Michael Gaynor
November 23, 2008

I am NOT sure that now President-Elect Obama really shares the same hope for a "pluralistic and free society" of Father Neuhaus, but I am sure that the . . .

How Cardinal Egan helped president-elect Obama win
Michael Gaynor
November 11, 2008

Cardinal Egan helped the President-Elect pass the acceptability test and the result was that the President-Elect did what the baptized Catholic 2004 Democrat . . .

Obama win does not excuse ACORN sin
Michael Gaynor
November 9, 2008

"A forensic audit and the investigations will aid in proving my allegations. I also have documents to back up my claims. I have put myself out there in order to . . .

America is still center-right, Mr. President-elect
Michael Gaynor
November 6, 2008

Obama is virtually certain to put judicial activists on the United States Supreme Court if the opportunity is presented and to put many of them federal . . .

Why Obama won and McCain lost
Michael Gaynor
November 5, 2008

ACORN succeeded in making their man, Obama, president, because not enough voters learned what ACORN whistleblower Anita MonCrief knew, that ACORN is "a corrupt . . .

Will ACORN steal the presidency for its man, Obama?
Michael Gaynor
November 4, 2008

Voter, Obama is "the Senator from ACORN" and he's been lying to you about his ties to it. That should be all you need to know. Whistleblower Anita MonCrief's . . .

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