Jenn Giroux
Hold the celebration, the Defendant, Tiller, has accidentally uttered the truth
By Jenn Giroux
March 27, 2009

The Governor's Mansion in Kansas is readying for another party for the abortion industry. Two years previous, in 2007, Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius hosted notorious late-term abortionist George Tiller to thank Tiller for the millions he and Planned Parenthood poured into Kansas to defeat Attorney General Phill Kline in the 2006 elections and to elect Sebelius and her hand-picked successor to Kline, Paul Morrison. Party photos show the Governor yucking it up with Tiller and his staff as Tiller takes a break from aborting viable children up until birth for any reason whatsoever.

Kline had to be defeated because he was an Attorney General who was attempting to enforce Kansas laws restricting late-term abortion. Since preventing any enforcement was the Governor's top priority she thought this was the only way to stop him as he was willing to take severe Kansas media abuse and the hostility of the Sebelius appointed Kansas Supreme Court in order to do his job.

But that first party by Sebelius was premature. Kline got himself selected as a District Attorney and was able to continue his investigation. His evidence, public pressure and a District Court Judge gave no option for AG Morrison but to file some type of charges against Tiller. Morrison filed the weakest charges possible, probably planning to plea Tiller out, requiring payment of a fine and allowing Tiller to continue his practice. But before the plan was fully implemented, Morrison was forced to resign in scandal.

Governor Sebelius went to the well again and picked Stephen Six to fill out Morrison's term. Six is a Kansas trial attorney who has not held any public position except one provided by Sebelius. During this time Kline as District Attorney filed charges against Planned Parenthood. The charges filed by Kline were approved by a District Court Judge, representing the fifth time a District Court Judge had reviewed Kline's evidence and found probable cause to believe that either Planned Parenthood and/or George Tiller had committed crimes. And through it all, not one patient's name had been revealed. "Patient Privacy," the rallying cry of the Kansas media against Kline, had always been protected.

And so newly minted General Six had his hands full. He had inherited Morrison's "technical" charges against Tiller (Morrison having rejected anything more serious) and he had Kline going after Planned Parenthood. No worry. Six had a full understanding of whose money had put him there and what he was there to accomplish. Six, without notice to Kline and in secret went to the Sebelius appointed Kansas Supreme Court and got that Supreme Court to secretly order one of Kline's key witnesses never to testify in the Planned Parenthood case. The order, which is one paragraph long and cites no reason, still stands today. The Kansas Supreme Court simply silenced a witness to Planned Parenthood's criminal conduct. To be clear, Six ran interference for Planned Parenthood to prevent the key witness from testifying in order to prevent a felony conviction. This is public office prostitution for a special interest in its most blatant form..

But what to do about the Tiller case. It would be unseemly to dismiss what Morrison filed. Well, there are a million ways to throw a case and Six would exercise each one. He ordered his prosecutors to not engage in any more effort to gather information against Tiller. Publicly he stated that any further effort would be "an invasion of privacy" even though the charges have nothing to do with patient records. Six told his staff they could solely rely on one witness Kline was able to develop while he was Attorney General.

And so, in the high profile Tiller prosecution that began this week the State presented one witness; only one. That's it. A witness that Six's staff had never spoken with.

And so Governor Sebelius was ready to pop the champagne corks again. Kline's evidence would have to be mighty strong to convict when presented by only one witness. And even if the jurors agreed, the Kansas Supreme Court serves as a back-up.

Kansas law requires that two doctors find that a woman would suffer severe and irreversible damage to a major bodily function if the abortion is not performed. For Tiller to be able to perform post-viable abortions, he needed a second consultation by an unrelated doctor. . AG's Morrison and Six had helped Tiller all they could by saying that if Tiller says the woman would suffer that way — then they would. In other words, whatever Tiller says is reason enough for an abortion then that would be the interpretation of the law. This absurd legal interpretation allowed Morrison and Six to ignore Kline's evidence that Tiller performs abortions on viable children for obscene reasons like these: so that the woman can attend a rock concert, go to the prom or compete in that year's rodeo season.

But Kline also had evidence that Tiller's second doctor was a laser hair technician in north-central Kansas who often "consulted" the patients by phone, didn't make any diagnosis and simply signed a Tiller form letter stating "I find the women would suffer severe and irreversible damage to a major bodily function." This consulting physician claimed she rejected some patients for an abortion but could not produce any evidence of such. Tiller paid her $300 a patient and this was her sole source of income. The problem for Tiller is the law required the second doctor to be "independent" and this second doctor sure seemed like an employee. If so, Tiller is guilty.

No bother, if the State only presented one witness, one juror is likely to hesitate or the Supreme Court can do its thing on appeal and the Kansas media will fill in the blanks: radical Kline started a witch hunt from the beginning, poor George Tiller everyone is after him, what a waste of tax payers money, etc, etc.

But then George Tiller took the stand in his own defense. In what can only be considered Divine intervention he accidently told the truth. When answering a question about his second doctor Tiller testified: "When she was working for me — correction, when she was providing consultations for the patient ..." He also made one more verbal mistake when he referred to Dr. Neuhaus and said, "when someone new is going to join your organization....."

We can only hope that the jury was paying attention. Who knows, it may be enough for them to see through AG Six's one witness throw the case effort and see the truth. And so, we urge the Governor to remember what happened the last time she decided to party prematurely. It might be wise, Governor, to put the bubbly back on ice for the time being.

© Jenn Giroux


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Jenn Giroux

Jenn Giroux has been a Registered Nurse for 29 years, where she has witnessed firsthand the physical, emotional, and spiritual fallout of the women's movement, especially in the areas of contraception and abortion. In response, she has answered God's call to be a witness to the hidden truths on these subjects... (more)


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