Sylvia Thompson
Why there will be war
By Sylvia Thompson
December 27, 2013

As the Left foams at the mouth over Phil Robertson, the Christian man who described Almighty God's take on homosexuality and other gross sins, their fear is becoming more and more apparent. They seem gradually to be realizing that they are a pernicious minority that only thrives because they are bolstered by Obama's morally corrupt federal government; intellectually lightweight media, devoid of principles; and interestingly, a general decency of American people influenced by the nation's Judeo-Christian roots. The masses, however, are becoming increasingly fed up with the Left's imposition of a twisted worldview that does not comport with anything resembling America as it was founded, and they are voicing that sentiment by the thousands. So far, the pushback is with protests and petitions against amoral multi-million-dollar corporations, such as Cracker Barrel and A&E. Such benign acts of self-preservation will not continue indefinitely.

If it were not so pathetic, it would be laughable that some leftists actually think that they can dictate to those of us who oppose their worldview how we should say things that offend them. I refer here to the Fox News commentator Greta Van Susteren's question to former governor Sarah Palin on a recent "On the Record" show. She asked Palin if it would not have been better if Mr. Robertson had said what he said differently. That attitude, which is shared by others of Ms. Van Susteren's leftist cohorts on Fox and throughout the culture, is insufferably hubristic. We, who oppose their worldview, must now speak our opposition only in ways that they approve.

It is also interesting that those who oppose biblical Christianity (and a few who claim that they do not oppose it) have trotted out their list of affirmed homosexuals who proclaim Phil Robertson's right to "his opinion." To any but the scripturally ignorant, Robertson's statements are not "his opinion." He did not inspire the writing of the scriptures that condemn homosexuality; God did. In paraphrasing Scripture, Robertson did not compare homosexuality to bestiality; God did. Robertson's "opinion" is only that he chooses to accept God's directives. What homosexuals and the rest of the Left fail to comprehend is that their ultimate fight is with God, not believing Christians. We just happen to be visible objects to which wrath can be directed.

In a recent airing of the "Sean Hannity" show on Fox Cable News, Hannity hosted two Catholic priests and a female Fox religion commentator to discuss the Robertson issue. This show inadvertently shed light on the division in the Christian church between those who will follow God's directives and those who choose not to.

Of the two priests, one (also a Fox commentator) was clearly of a leftist bent. He tried to make the case that homosexuality is not sin if it is not acted upon. That twisted logic is employed by many proclaimed Christians grappling with how to accept homosexuality for personal reasons in light of God's condemnation of it. The second priest (obviously biblically directed) immediately followed with the biblical truth that the inclination to homosexuality itself is condemned by God. He compared the inclination to that of Hannity's lusting after a female, if he chose to do so. Pope Benedict XVI, who preceded the current Pontiff, described homosexuality as a "disordered orientation," allowing for the fact that the behavior can be "ordered" if the homosexual chooses to seek help, obviously from God and, if necessary, from medical professionals.

A moment of deafening silence ensued between the two priests, with a disapproving look from the leftist. He seemed perturbed at having been countered by the other priest. There was no nodding of the head in agreement. It turns out that the priest with the leftist view of Scripture has a homosexual sister in a "union" with another woman.

Frank Camp, a commentator posting at the Last Resistance blog site (12/23/2013), states that the latest strike by the Left against Christians (in the person of Phil Robertson) is a defining moment in time. He predicts, and I agree, that this moment is only one of many coming in the near future as the agenda of the Left becomes more and more hostile toward "average American values." He describes the current circumstances as what happens when Americans get angry and do something about it.

As does Mr. Camp, I think there is a power embodied in righteously indignant anger that can take down any foe. That foe, in our time, comprises the Left (in all its manifestations, particularly its defiance against Almighty God); elitists, those in power and those claiming power that they do not deserve (such as Democrats, establishment Republicans, and the media – including the Fox News cadre of liberals and faux-conservatives); and other anti-God, anti-American forces that have long sought America's destruction from within.

I truly hope that Phil Robertson has started a different movement, one that is not political but expressive of patriotic America saying "Enough."

Before this nation's founding, a group of pilgrims were able to escape the repression of the Church of England by seeking safe haven in a new territory. There are no more new worlds. There is nowhere else to run, and there will be no coming together in peaceful coexistence. The reason is that Christians are being required to do what we will not and cannot do – defy God for the sake of a corrupt, rotting culture. And not all Christians will passively bow to force.

This space called America cannot be concurrently occupied by the existing opposing worldviews. How this tragedy that is the destruction of America will play out remains to be seen, but I predict that it will not end peacefully.

© Sylvia Thompson


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Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson is a black conservative writer whose aim is to counter the liberal spin on issues pertaining to race and culture... (more)


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