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October 18, 2016
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October 18, 2016
Donald may not be old enough to be president
ALAN KEYES — In my column for the Daily Caller this week, I write about the significance of the lewd remarks Donald Trump made boasting about how his "star power" lets him have his way with women, invasively groping their private parts without their consent. Quick to apprehend the politically costly impression this particular brand of sexual prowess might have on Trump's candidacy, his defenders conjure up a change of venue. They push the line that his remarks were just "locker room talk."... (more)

October 17, 2016
MONA CHAREN — It's been nearly a week since the Access Hollywood tape helped to persuade key parts of the nation that Donald Trump might have a character problem. "Would you vote for a sexual predator?" asked New York magazine. "Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton: Choose Your Sexual Predator" headlined The Federalist.... (more)

October 17, 2016
CHARLOTTE OBSERVER — Gov. Pat McCrory Sunday called the weekend firebombing of a North Carolina Republican headquarters "an attack on our democracy," while one GOP official called it an act of "political terrorism."... (more)

October 17, 2016
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Hillary Clinton's team anticipated that her health could become a liability months before the official launch of her campaign, emails published by WikiLeaks on Sunday show.... (more)

October 17, 2016
WASHINGTON TIMES — Among all the recent WikiLeaks email dumps, perhaps the most important one of all has been overlooked by the mainstream media. In it, Neera Tanden, Hillary Clinton's longtime political guru, warned campaign manager John Podesta not to raise the question of primary opponent Bernie Sanders' health because it would draw unwanted attention to the hidden truth about Hillary's health.... (more)

October 17, 2016
WASHINGTON TIMES — Planned Parenthood's 100th anniversary was a day of grieving for many in the pro-life movement, a harrowing reminder of the millions of nameless and faceless people who might be here today if not for the abortion giant's inception a century ago.... (more)

October 17, 2016
FOX NEWS — Hillary Clinton's aides and supporters expressed concern about public perception of the Clinton family's charitable enterprise, with one left-leaning pundit writing that Clinton seemed unaware of the "danger" of her "money problem," according to purported emails disclosed by Wikileaks on Sunday.... (more)

October 17, 2016
SLATE — There seems to be little question that Hillary Clinton is on top, but two new polls out Sunday have very different numbers about how big her advantage is in the final weeks of the presidential campaign. The latest Washington Post/ABC News poll says that while enthusiasm for Donald Trump has waned among his supporters, Clinton only holds a four-point lead among likely voters, a small increase from the two-point lead she enjoyed before the first presidential debate.... (more)

October 17, 2016
JAMES A. LYONS — There have been many articles written about "political correctness" and how it has effectively silenced any dissent from our military leaders. In a recent article in Foreign Affairs by Michael E. O'Hanlon and David H. Petraeus, titled "America's Awesome Military," the authors continue to promote political correctness and the Obama administration's propaganda that "the United States has the best military in the world today, and have few, if any weaknesses." They go on to argue that "no radical changes or major buildups are needed."... (more)

October 17, 2016
WASHINGTON TIMES — A federal judge has ordered the IRS to finally clean up the tea party targeting mess, giving the tax agency less than a month to decide on a handful of applications that are still pending more than three years after officials first admitted they were targeting the conservative groups and subjecting them to intrusive scrutiny.... (more)

October 16, 2016
INQUISITR — When a September 22 Inquisitr article detailed how denying both Trump and Clinton even just one state's electoral votes with an aggressive campaign to write in Bernie Sanders could throw a wrench in the entire election, it seemed almost unimaginable and highly implausible. Yet, it was not long before Berniecrats birthed multiple write-in campaign groups, armed with the understanding of the 12th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and renewed hope.... (more)

October 16, 2016
ANDREW C. MCCARTHY — With due respect, the estimable Charles Krauthammer is way off base in his weekly column, addressing Donald Trump's "threat, if elected, to put Hillary Clinton in jail." (The headline refers to this threat as a "promise," but I don't take that to be quite what Charles -- or, for that matter, Trump -- is saying.)... (more)

October 16, 2016
ANDREW C. MCCARTHY — Among the most noteworthy of the hacked e-mails from John Podesta's accounts is an exchange in which Podesta consults Clinton consigliere Cheryl Mills about the private e-mail exchanges between President Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.... (more)

October 16, 2016
NEWSMAX — After a brutal week for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, Democrat Hillary Clinton maintained a substantial projected advantage in the race to win the Electoral College and claim the U.S. presidency, according to the latest results from the Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project released on Saturday.... (more)

October 15, 2016
RICH LOWRY — Lanny Davis must be dizzy from the dejΰ vu. Davis was a stalwart defender of Bill Clinton during the scandals of the 1990s. Little did he know that the excuses and rationalizations made for Clinton then would be repurposed by some of Clinton's harshest and most moralistic critics for a Republican presidential contender.... (more)

October 15, 2016
NEWSMAX — Donald Trump's image has taken a nosedive this week over multiple allegations of sexual assault. The saga began Oct. 7 -- two days before the second presidential debate between Trump, a Republican, and Democrat Hillary Clinton -- when a 2005 tape of Trump making sexually aggressive comments was made public.... (more)

October 15, 2016
BREITBART — In a rare exclusive interview, Gennifer Flowers, who says she had a 12-year affair with Bill Clinton, opened up about what she described as the experience of having an abortion after she says she found out she was pregnant with Clinton's child.... (more)

October 15, 2016
NEWSMAX — Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson -- optimistic there's an "opportunity" for his White House bid -- says voting for either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton is like choosing "between a heart attack or cancer."... (more)

October 15, 2016
GARTH KANT — One of the nation's top legal minds, former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, told WND the latest WIkileaks bombshell confirms his belief that Hillary Clinton wasn't prosecuted for mishandling classified information because President Obama would have been implicated, too.... (more)

October 15, 2016
WASHINGTON TIMES — A judge on Friday dismissed a wrongful death lawsuit by Newtown families against the maker of the rifle used in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, saying federal law shields gun manufacturers from most lawsuits over criminal use of their products.... (more)

October 14, 2016
TOM O'TOOLE — First, to my regular readers, I apologize for my inability to bring my writing to you lately, but the combination of working two jobs and the physical ailments that hit us all as we grow older, have left me unable to share my gift with you 'til now.... (more)

October 14, 2016
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Donald Trump has all but disappeared from the TV news sets and press conference stages he once seemed all too eager to dominate earlier in the election, and is making it clear to the thousands of people who attend his rallies that the press is now his enemy.... (more)

October 14, 2016
TIMOTHY P. CARNEY — When video footage emerged last week of Donald Trump bragging of his sexual exploits and assaults, he tried to deflect by saying Bill Clinton has said and done worse.... (more)

October 14, 2016
NEWSMAX — Gov. John Kasich is urging GOP officials to "lead by example" in responding to a 2005 hot-mic tape of Donald Trump bragging his star status allowed him to be sexually aggressive with impunity.... (more)

October 14, 2016
NBC NEWS — Donald Trump's campaign is "pulling out of Virginia," a move that stunned staff in the battleground state, three sources with knowledge of the decision told NBC News.... (more)

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