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July 16, 2009
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July 16, 2009
WASHINGTON TIMES — Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor ducked and deflected Republican attempts to pin her down Wednesday on hot-button social issues, while facing a largely friendly round of questions from Democratic senators during her third full day of confirmation hearings... (more)

July 15, 2009
ASSOCIATED PRESS — Supreme Court aspirant Sonia Sotomayor says she considers the question of abortion rights "settled law" and says there is a constitutional right to privacy... (more)

July 15, 2009
DICK MORRIS — In the polling hierarchy, the least significant data measure is a president's personal popularity. Here, President Obama excels, with most polls showing him in the high 60s. Next comes his job approval, significant but not necessarily predictive... (more)

July 15, 2009
CHRISTIAN POST — The nation's largest association of atheists and agnostics filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday to stop the engraving of "In God We Trust" and the Pledge of Allegiance at the Capitol Visitor Center in Washington... (more)

July 15, 2009
LIFESITENEWS.COM — Senate Democrats announced on Monday that the Senate would consider a homosexual "hate crimes" proposal as an attached amendment to the annual defense authorization bill, and will likely vote on the bill tomorrow... (more)

July 15, 2009
NEWSMAX — Speculation is increasing among former aides, political journalists, and even Rush Limbaugh that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is considering forming a third party as an alternative for conservatives... (more)

July 15, 2009
WORLDNETDAILY — The Department of Defense has compelled a private employer to fire a U.S. Army Reserve major from his civilian job after he had his military deployment orders revoked for arguing he should not be required to serve under a president who has not proven his eligibility for office... (more)

July 15, 2009
JOSEPH FARAH — He's been president for six months. But it's amazing how little we know about Barack Obama. This was illustrated by a WorldNetDaily story last week about where Obama was born. Even this is a mystery... (more)

July 15, 2009
ASSOCIATED PRESS — House Democratic leaders, pledging to meet the president's goal of health care legislation before their August break, are offering a $1.5 trillion plan that for the first time would make health care a right and a responsibility for all Americans. Left to pick up most of the tab were medical providers, employers and the wealthy... (more)

July 15, 2009
ED FEULNER — When a Supreme Court justice decides a case, should he or she look exclusively to the Constitution and U.S. laws? Or should foreign policies or laws come into play?... (more)

July 14, 2009
WORLDNETDAILY — Thousands of taxpayers from across the nation are planning to descend on Washington, D.C., to take their fight against excessive spending, bailouts, growth of big government and soaring deficits to the front door of the U.S. Capitol -- and they say lawmakers can't hide from their loud and clear message... (more)

July 14, 2009
CHUCK NORRIS — I agree with Judge Andrew Napolitano, who said last week, "We know more about the CIA than we do about the Federal Reserve." The Federal Reserve is the Freemasonry of government agencies. It is a virtual secret society unto itself -- a group of unelected brokers who hold the value of our dollar in the palms of their hands... (more)

July 14, 2009
ASSOCIATED PRESS — The plaintiff in Roe v. Wade, who became an anti-abortion protester in recent years, was among four protesters arrested Monday for disrupting Sonia Sotomayor's Supreme Court confirmation hearing... (more)

July 14, 2009
LIFESITENEWS.COM — The American people continue to move to the pro-life perspective on abortion according to the latest Moral Compass polling by the Knights of Columbus and Marist Institute... (more)

July 14, 2009
CNSNEWS.COM — A Zogby poll commissioned by the Seattle-based Discovery Institute says more than three-quarters of Americans would like teachers to have the freedom to discuss both the strengths and weaknesses of Darwinian evolution, with an even higher number reported among Democrats... (more)

July 14, 2009
ASSOCIATED PRESS — Republican Gov. Jan Brewer on Monday set a new course from her Democratic predecessor on the issue of abortion, signing a measure imposing new mandates and restrictions... (more)

July 14, 2009
ASSOCIATED PRESS — President Barack Obama's nominee to lead the 2010 census has been approved by the Senate. The confirmation Monday for Robert Groves, a veteran survey researcher at the University of Michigan, ends weeks of opposition by a pair of Republican senators... (more)

July 13, 2009
FRED HUTCHISON, RA ANALYST — Self-deceiving pride leads the sons of Adam into many foolish vanities and conceits. Some people concentrate on the petty vanities, and others indulge in grandiose delusions about themselves. It has long been clear to me that grandiose delusions of pride are sometimes the motor force behind the personal ambitions of political careers... (more)

July 13, 2009
MARIE JON, RA ANALYST"I recommend my soul to that Almighty Being who gave it, and my body I commit to the dust, relying upon the merits of Jesus Christ for a pardon of all my sins." -- From the will of Samuel Adams, forefather of the American Revolution and signer of the Declaration of Independence... (more)

July 13, 2009
The message -- shut up if you disagree
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — When it comes to reasons why Sonia Sotomayor is not qualified for a seat on the highest court in the land, critics of the judge have an embarrassment of riches. There are so many, one has to pause at the opening gate and say -- for example -- how am I going to get all this in one column?... (more)

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