Madeline Crabb
Elections have consequences—Choose wisely
By Madeline Crabb
November 3, 2022

President Dwight D. Eisenhower once said, “The future of this republic is in the hands of the American voter.”

American citizens have the privilege and duty to vote in the midterm election next week. Many of you may have already voted, but for the rest, I hope you will seriously consider the following thoughts before you go to the polls. Why not also share these admonitions with those you know who might not understand the consequences of wrong choices?

How many times have we heard media talking heads remind audiences that elections have consequences? How about going back to 2008 when Barack Obama promised to fundamentally transform America, which he was highly effective at doing?

Of course, 2020 brought us one of the most disputed elections in recent history. Talk about consequences. While we are constantly told there was no election fraud, the fraud is being discovered and made known nearly every day. Another case in Pennsylvania was just adjudicated and the results were announced yesterday, according to Mark Levin. So then, since 2020 was the fairest election in our history, there is nothing to fear in the 2022 midterms—right?

President James A. Garfield once reminded us of the profound importance American citizens have concerning our government, saying “Now more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption” ( A further explanation is that "in any society, the nature of the authorities is a reflection of the people themselves. The people deserve the ones who rule them.”

I submit that far too many in our population tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption. Corruption rules and reigns in America, and yet, we keep re-electing the crooked, inept scoundrels! (An article on corruption is coming soon.) And then we complain when the consequences of our choices begin to personally affect us! Absurd. A “reality-show”-obsessed population treats elections as popularity contests.

Our so-called leaders—all the way to the top of the heap—are now reckless in nearly all their decisions. The current occupier of the White House, who in my humble opinion has been a clueless, self-serving, blathering buffoon his entire career, is completing what Obama started back in 2008. In fact, this is basically Obama’s third term, and he and his associates who fill the ranks of the current executive branch are hell-bent on America’s “fundamental transformation.” Have you noticed the drastic changes in just the past two years?

And ignorance of the foundational principles by those within our government is astounding. First of all, for a long time, Democrats have been pushing the idea that America is a democracy, instead of a republic. Why is that? In various writings, which are easily obtainable, the Founding Fathers referred to democracy as “mob rule.” Giving an in-depth lesson on this topic is beyond the scope of this article. However, the important distinction made between the two forms of government is that in a republic, there is a constitution that limits what the government can do, and thus protects the citizens of the nation. More information for the curious can be found here.

Increasingly though, politicians and judges are shredding our Constitution. Emotions and people’s personal desires now drive the interpretation of clear words that have been understood by We the People since the writing of this founding document. Do you think this is an accident? Many of today’s politicians are themselves either ignorant of the “Law of the Land” or are intentionally misleading people with emotional words and concepts to keep the people angry and dissatisfied, pointing fingers of blame to another group, and eventually acting out their emotions in ever-escalating fits of violence—leading us to what the Founding Fathers feared: mobocracy.

Elections are not popularity contests. The people we choose to represent us should be serious people of character who believe in the founding principles of our nation and agree to uphold the tenets of said principles and founding documents. The following is the oath taken by all congressional representatives:

    I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

Are the people you plan to vote for willing to honor the above oath? I mean, really honor it? Will they place their hands on the Holy Bible as they swear to Almighty God? Do they speak of American ideals, or those of the Marxist/communists? Do not act shocked by such a question. Most of our Congress is filled with the latter and has been for decades. However, serious investigation into such matters stopped long ago, and is now called "conspiracy." Uh huh… Researchers regularly prove conspiracy theories as fact.

If any of you do not understand Marxism, read the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, and Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. Both books will show what is happening to America, caused by the people we have continued to put in office. One could even wonder why the Democrat Party does not change its name to the Communist Party. Many Democrats are involved with and endorsed by the Communist Party USA. Is this really who American citizens support? Or are we just too lazy to do our due diligence in learning the facts? Truth hurts, but not as much as subjugation to totalitarian governance. Yes, it is happening here. Again, elections have consequences.

Dear people, we have been on a slide into totalitarianism ever since we kicked God out of our schools in the 1960s. It is indeed time to turn back to God, repent of our sin, selfishness, and rebellion, and ask Him to help us restore our nation. The Old Testament of the Holy Bible tells of how the people of ancient Israel repeatedly rebelled and were then taken as slaves into foreign lands. When they truly repented, God restored them. Will Americans ever repent? The way our nation repents is one person at a time. Our lives here are not meant to benefit just ourselves, but our families, communities, and nation. When we begin living lives pleasing to the Heavenly Father, we can begin to change the course of our nation by making right choices.

Earlier it was stated that in any society, the nature of the authorities who rule them is a reflection of the people themselves. When we observe the behavior of these people, some of which is beyond the pale of acceptable, we should be convicted that we are what we vote for. Liars, pedophiles, womanizers, thieves, cross-dressers, sexual perverts, drunks? They represent us and our values.

Again, elections have consequences, so choose wisely. Voting for a person who promises to meet our specific desires, but will harm the rest of society, is selfish and wrong. Tolerating and even celebrating ignorance, recklessness, and corruption from our elected officials is also wrong. The very existence of our nation is at stake, or as the Declaration of Independence makes clear, if we are not governing ourselves wisely, our God-given unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are in jeopardy. Anyone promising anything that does not lead to protecting these rights is not worthy of a vote. Do you concur? To anyone willing to hear….

© Madeline Crabb


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Madeline Crabb

Madeline Crabb is a Christian, a Constitutional Conservative, and a patriot. Holding a degree in journalism and public relations, and training from the Leadership Institute, she has been a columnist since 2000, and has written for various Christian newspapers around the country. As a “watchwoman” on the wall (Is.62:67), Madeline calls all citizens to awaken, arise, and act in restoring one nation under God.


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