Tom DeWeese
ERIC – The Electronic Registration Information Center – A dream database for voter fraud
By Tom DeWeese
March 1, 2022

By Kat Stansell, an associate of Tom DeWeese

The Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) is a nation-wide voter data-gathering system, funded by the Pew Center and an “anonymous” donor, the Soros Open Society. Designed by activists in 2014, it is a membership organization established to maintain states’ voter rolls. Please don’t misunderstand. Legitimate maintenance of voter rolls, although required of every state by law, was not the intent of ERIC.

Eleven blue states joined the first year, 2014. Membership was up to 22 states by 2017, which was the last year that it published an annual report. By 2022, 31 states – some red and some blue! – were a part of the Center.

ERIC’s advertised purpose at its outset was to provide states a system of voter roll management. Provision of this data to the public is something that the Democrat Party has fought against for decades, since the NVRA (“motor voter” act) became federal law in 1993. That Act allows public inspection of “voter list maintenance records” – which has, of course, become hugely contentious since the blatant election fraud took place in 2020. The Public Interest Legal Foundation has recently sued the District of Columbia for its records rather than attempting FOIA requests, which are so often stalled or ignored by this regime. More on this later, however. Just know that ERIC is not forthcoming with the vast amount of voter data it has in its possession, and this IS against the law.

ERIC is a voluntary membership organization which charges each member $25,000 annual membership fee – for its services.

Each member state is mandated by the ERIC bylaws, to submit ALL details on every voter, both active and inactive, to ERIC every 60 days. Along with this, states must give over all data from their motor vehicle registration divisions. This provides ERIC the information on everyone with a drivers license or even a learner’s permit PLUS all ID recipients which include illegals, elderly shut-ins, etc. For this, ERIC then gives each member state a targeted list of all those NOT registered to vote, and requires that the state contact a minimum of 95% of these people within 90 days, soliciting them to register. Where updates in individual profiles are garnered, those voters must be contacted within 90 days as well. The one thing that is NOT mandated is that voter rolls be purged – the ostensible reason behind the organization. Member states are encouraged but not required to “update” their lists once every year. ERIC sends their data updates approximately every 425 days, whether or not it is requested.

Let me highlight this provision of ERIC membership, from its own bylaws: “Under no circumstances shall the members transmit any record indicating an individual is a non-citizen of the U.S.” This, lest you be confused about the intent of the organization.

In reality, ERIC creates a left-wing voter registration drive, using an incredibly complete list of potential voters it obtains from member states – at the taxpayers’ expense, which expenditure climbs to millions of dollars per state after all the ERIC mandates are fulfilled. In other words, the residents of ERIC member states are paying for the destruction of their own voter integrity, and this hurts both parties.

Data collection does not stop with DMV and voter records. ERIC requires submission from each state of totals of provisional ballots counted, totals of those uncounted, and why. ERIC demands to know how many voters changed or updated their registrations on the day of voting; how many paper ballots were cast, and how many electronic votes were tabulated. ERIC even requires names of all individuals who participate in the act of registeriing voters, including public library staff, DHS, Depts. of Health and Public Safety, and volunteer organizations.

Artificial intelligence from Senzing (an IBM spinout company) links this data with USPS records and Social Security information (death records). This company bills themselves as having the “most advanced data matching and relationship discovery capabilities, discovering “who is related to whom, including networks and households.”

In the words of The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft, ERIC’s data collection is “comprehensive and would be one of the most coveted by bad actors looking to influence an election.”

To quote J. Christian Adams of the Public Interest Legal Foundation, “From there is it unclear as to how else this data is massaged and utilized. Because a top election official from each state is on the ERIC Board, it might be assumed that the states know everything and anything about this organization, but they don’t. With what system or systems does ERIC interface after the massive collections? How is this data utilized?” In a Breitbart podcast, J. Christian Adams says, “ Even Secretaries of States who are on ERIC’s Board do not know the answers. State officials have seemingly lost track of a lot of what is happening. For lack of the initiative to build and maintain their own voter roll management systems, states have sacrificed all data on their citizens to the professional fraudsters.

Some red states joined after leftist courts took out the Kansas Cross Check System of voter roll cleansing, which was being utilized by several states, apparently successfully. This left many red states without a system of their own, so they joined ERIC. (Yes, stop and ask yourself, “red states joining a Soros organization?? Must be time to elect better smarter people.) This is when ERIC got comprehensive powers. Thirty one states had no ability to deal with their own voter rolls but through the nationalized roll manipulation center.

I know you’re curious, so here is the membership list of states who have thrown away their sovereignty:

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Is your state among them?? If so, your first call after reading this should be to your local board of elections. Ask them to verify. Remember, they may be as clueless as to the electronic mole in their midst, ERIC, as the secretaries of states who are on its board, but it will be entertaining to find out. Make sure they know that YOU know, and forward them a copy of this article. Assemble a community to attend the next meeting, and bring the matter to the floor. Should be fun to watch reactions of your public officials.

In the next piece, I will tell more of this Leftists’ dream data base, and how it is related to and developed from decades of dishonesty at the ballot box. I will also lay out an action plan for you to begin to reclaim your rights and secure your ballots.

We MUST get off the couch and out the door. We have a country to save, and time is running very short.

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Kat Stansell is the Grassroots Outreach Director for the American Policy Center. A native of Cincinnati Ohio, and graduate of Denison University, Kat served the Village of Mettawa, IL, as treasurer and chair of the Planning Commission, where she got a good look at the process of civic vs. corporate interaction. She has been a local activist, working for several candidates and organizations. She has also written for newspapers and websites, and organized events highlighting issues of the day.

© Tom DeWeese


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Tom DeWeese

Tom DeWeese is one of the nation's leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education, and American sovereignty and independence... (more)


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