Kevin Fobbs
Did Jay Leno go rogue in picking Sarah Palin as Tonight Show guest
By Kevin Fobbs
Sarah Palin will not only help to re-launch Jay Leno's second stint as The Tonight Show host but will serve as an example for other conservatives and those leaders in the Tea Party Patriot movement that late night can be a welcome home for its supporters and viewers.
There are of course the naysayers on the left coast who believe that Jay Leno's booking of Sarah Palin on The Tonight Show in such a high visibility slot only gives credence and support for a possible positioning of a run for the presidency in 2012 as well as a confirmation, of sorts, of the array of traditional values that she and conservatives hold dear.
Yet what is startling for some is the possibility that again, Sarah Palin is showing that it is the quality of her character and the widespread appeal she has to Americans that confuses her detractors. She appeals to those who live not just in the middle of the country, which has been traditionally considered the heartland, but also reaches into the neighborhoods and homes of residents on both coasts. Case in point is the newly claimed ground zero for Tea Party Patriots of the Commonwealth of once-blue-now-purple-turning-red Massachusetts.
Is it only a television show? Is it only one appearance that shall long be forgotten as Jay Leno attempts to recapture his late-night magic?
Not so. If Sarah Palin did not have such a universal draw, then Sarah Palin would not have been on Leno's list of first week guests in the first place. Think about the other possibilities who Leno could have selected. If he were attempting to be politically correct according to Hollywood standards then he easily could have selected anyone from a number of left-leaning Hollywood stars or even his old standbys.
Instead Jay, like most Americans who are sensing a sea change in the mood and temperament of the nation, more than likely looked at the new conservative demographics as well as the potential ratings numbers and it spelled cha-ching for him as well as for his advertising supporters.
This gives Sarah Palin and Tea Party Patriots, as well as other conservatives, an opportunity to ring up a little cha-ching in their coffers as well. Why not host a Sarah Palin viewing party in your home or do it as part of an online viewing party?
Circulate an online list amongst your friends and family who will help build your local issues effort by raising and recruiting new members as well as new money to help finance your organizational outreach?
Who knows? Perhaps Hollywood in the Heartland conservatives will catch on. Hopefully other rising stars in the conservative movement will help make their late night debut not as the butt of comedic put downs from the likes of a David Letterman. Instead the conservative luminaries will bring the grace and conciseness of their beliefs and appeal to a late night landscape that has for too long been the habitat of the late night left.
What do you think?
Jay Leno may make it fashionable to go rogue on late night and America will be watching. Go get'em Sarah!
Let me know what you think! If you agree or disagree or have a different thought or idea send a comment to: http://tinyurl.com/yj8lond
© Kevin Fobbs
February 27, 2010
Sarah Palin will not only help to re-launch Jay Leno's second stint as The Tonight Show host but will serve as an example for other conservatives and those leaders in the Tea Party Patriot movement that late night can be a welcome home for its supporters and viewers.
There are of course the naysayers on the left coast who believe that Jay Leno's booking of Sarah Palin on The Tonight Show in such a high visibility slot only gives credence and support for a possible positioning of a run for the presidency in 2012 as well as a confirmation, of sorts, of the array of traditional values that she and conservatives hold dear.
Yet what is startling for some is the possibility that again, Sarah Palin is showing that it is the quality of her character and the widespread appeal she has to Americans that confuses her detractors. She appeals to those who live not just in the middle of the country, which has been traditionally considered the heartland, but also reaches into the neighborhoods and homes of residents on both coasts. Case in point is the newly claimed ground zero for Tea Party Patriots of the Commonwealth of once-blue-now-purple-turning-red Massachusetts.
Is it only a television show? Is it only one appearance that shall long be forgotten as Jay Leno attempts to recapture his late-night magic?
Not so. If Sarah Palin did not have such a universal draw, then Sarah Palin would not have been on Leno's list of first week guests in the first place. Think about the other possibilities who Leno could have selected. If he were attempting to be politically correct according to Hollywood standards then he easily could have selected anyone from a number of left-leaning Hollywood stars or even his old standbys.
Instead Jay, like most Americans who are sensing a sea change in the mood and temperament of the nation, more than likely looked at the new conservative demographics as well as the potential ratings numbers and it spelled cha-ching for him as well as for his advertising supporters.
This gives Sarah Palin and Tea Party Patriots, as well as other conservatives, an opportunity to ring up a little cha-ching in their coffers as well. Why not host a Sarah Palin viewing party in your home or do it as part of an online viewing party?
Circulate an online list amongst your friends and family who will help build your local issues effort by raising and recruiting new members as well as new money to help finance your organizational outreach?
Who knows? Perhaps Hollywood in the Heartland conservatives will catch on. Hopefully other rising stars in the conservative movement will help make their late night debut not as the butt of comedic put downs from the likes of a David Letterman. Instead the conservative luminaries will bring the grace and conciseness of their beliefs and appeal to a late night landscape that has for too long been the habitat of the late night left.
What do you think?
Jay Leno may make it fashionable to go rogue on late night and America will be watching. Go get'em Sarah!
Let me know what you think! If you agree or disagree or have a different thought or idea send a comment to: http://tinyurl.com/yj8lond
© Kevin Fobbs
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