Kevin Fobbs
Does modern day Nazism exist within the radical Islamic state?
By Kevin Fobbs and Matthew V
By Kevin Fobbs
December 7, 2017

ISIS and radical Islam has trained its deadly in focusing on the destruction of Christianity and the annihilation of the Jewish people in the 21st century. But, in 1941 Nazism's leader Adolf Hitler may have cemented a deadly partnership with Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, which launched a form of Nazism in the radical Islamic State which exists to this day.

WWII was a time period that put the entire world into turmoil, shook the foundations of civilization and set precedence for one of the biggest racial wars and extermination of a particular race, to take place in modern history. Germany had lost the first World War and was still reeling in a nationwide state of monetary and psychological depression. These conditions gave rise to one of the most seemingly pragmatic, propaganda lies told to a people in a country that was on the edge of ruin.

With the crash of the stock market in 1929, Germany's people were pushed even further to the societal breaking point, where uprising of the communist party in Russia and Fascism in Italy, fueled the belief of a majority of Germans that they needed a savior.

That man who arrived as a savior figure came in the person of Adolph Hitler. Hitler who led the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch in an effort to overthrow the Bavarian government, became to his people, not just the new Führer of the people, but established himself as the new figurehead of a new religion. This religion was built on a lie called the "Workers Party" Or Nazi's. Hitler had become the "Messiah" he intended to be for his followers.

Adolf Hitler's vision of an ethnically cleansed Europe and world, was not just confined to Germany and Austria, but had also spread to the Middle East to a man called Amin al-Husseini. Amin was the ruler of Palestine during this turbulent time and saw opportunity to also establish himself in the same position of Hitler in the Middle East.

Not only was he anti-Semitic but he was also anti American and Anti British as well. On November 28, 1941, at the Reich Chancellory in Berlin, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, sat down with Hitler and discussed grand tactics that could lead to the total eradication of the Jewish people. This a strong allegiance between the two leaders was formed.

In that meeting, the German leader officially assured him that, "He (the Fuhrer) would carry on the battle to the total destruction of the Judeo-Communist empire in Europe, at some moment which was impossible to set exactly today but which in any event was not distant, the German armies would in the course of this struggle...the Fuhrer would on his own give the Arab world the assurance that its hour of liberation had arrived. Germany's objective would then be solely the destruction of the Jewish element residing in the Arab sphere under the protection of British power." From that point, Mein Kampf was translated into Arabic and several other Middle Eastern languages, where it is in still, high demand today.

During Hitler's dictatorship of most of Europe, over 30,000 Waffen SS were converted to Islam. In fact, the 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar was a Muslim combat formation created by the Germans to restore order in Yugoslavia. It was the first non-Germanic Waffen-SS division, and its formation marked the expansion of the Waffen-SS into a multi-ethnic military force.

The Waffen SS "Werewolves" is created

Underneath Hitler's righthand man after, Hess abandoned him, Heinrich Himmler had formed an army within Nazi Germany called the Waffen SS. This ideology was not only built on the "Aryan" principle but established a new religion or cult that were not only a particular profile was allowed to join, also had ranks within ranks.

One of these ranks inside Himmler's Waffen SS was a small secret division called "Werewolves." This small elite task force run by Otto Skorzeny, was the group responsible for the liberation of Mussolini from his captors as the allies advanced towards Berlin on both fronts.

The purpose of this organization was a contingency for Heinrich Himmler's race war to continue if Berlin were to ever fall and Himmler and Hitler dead. They were rogue units that hid in forests and disguised themselves as civilians when the allied forces captured towns in the mid 1940's and execute Jews and prisoners of war.

After WWII in Palestine

When WWII had concluded and the East and West had divided up Germany into two sections, Skorzeny was liberated from an American prison and secretly taken to Cairo, along with several other high-ranking SS officers in hiding after Montgomery claimed victory against Rommel's Afrikon Corps to start training Husseini's men in the acts of terrorism we see today by Islamic extremists. Over 100 high ranking SS, after his reign were secretly sent to Palestine where they would train the Islamic extremists we see attacking America and the rest of the free world today.

The Nazi and Aryan legacy of propaganda still lives on

Like the Hitlerjugen or "Hitler Youth recruited for the future SS, promising an ethnic cleansed Germany, Islamic extremists still employ Himmler's tactics today to feel young adults and children into joining them for a "Greater Cause," for a Judeo-Christian slaughter to rid the world of their beliefs and bring in their own.

Like the SS Werewolves, Islamic extremists employ the same tactics, by hiding insurgents in civilian populations in the Middle East, not just for recruitment, but to create fear, to eliminate every belief but their own.

Their extremist leaders that think they are the only direct link to "Mohammed" or God and these extremists, like Hitler have their own version of the SS Werewolves do their bidding.

Documents uncovered by the Bush Administration in 2002, after September 11th to fight the war on terror, made terrible discovery. The direct correlation of the tactics and methodology by the same Islamic Extremists today, were trained in Cairo and special internment camps in Palestine, by not just the same principles Hitler tried to rule the world with, but were trained by his people directly to unleash a new Final Solution, should Hitler and his Nazi Party fail in their cause.

History, is not in fact repeating itself nearly 70 years later, the persecution is still going on, through a different front but with the exact same principles that killed over 6 million Jews, several million lower ethnic groups and caused the loss of over 60 million lives during a period of about 15 years.

The use of children and our next generation, is still the direct cause of a principal that was founded on propaganda and a dream built on a lie. A persecution of an innocent generation that was built, not because it was for the better, but for the dream of an "ultimate solution" that destroys the very principals of the Founding Fathers of this Great Nation, The United States of America.

© Kevin Fobbs


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Kevin Fobbs

Kevin Fobbs Media Bio: 05-21-2021

About Kevin Fobbs: Kevin Fobbs, a native Detroiter, is Chairman of the American Christian Civil Rights Movement (ACCRM), President of NAACP2021: National Association for the Advancement of Canceled People, Managing Partner of Ascension Entertainment Productions, and director of RTL Productions. He is a producer of the Holocaust-themed movie drama "Never Again," collaborator on the 2018 police documentary "Bleeding Blue" and producer/director of post-Civil War - World War II historical Christian southern civil rights drama "Johnathan - Living on the Edge of History," and Exec/Director-Producer of the film version of his soon to be released book a modern Christian fairy tale "Bernadine and Winston the Crooked Worm's Four Seasons of Life."

In the 1970's Kevin became a professional journalist and attended Wayne State University Law School. His written work has appeared in the New York Times and he has written for The Detroit News, The Michigan Chronicle, Clash Daily, Renew America, Communities Digital News (CDN) among others.

Kevin is co-writer of "Sandy Hook Massacre: When Seconds Count - Police Are Minutes Away In 2014 Kevin, together with his grandson, co-authored the Christian children's book "Is There a Lion in My Kitchen? " He is co-author of "Shut Yo' Mouth! How the Left Plays the Race Card to Silence Conservatives and How to Stop It.

He is co-host of New Right Network's "American Exceptionalism" and upcoming "American Correct" podcast shows.


For nearly 40 years, Kevin's personal devotion to Christian conservative values and principles has guided his public service in both state and national government, as well as private sector and media leadership roles, including elected and appointed positions. The primary Biblical verse that guides Kevin is: Isaiah 6:8 (NIV) 8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"


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