Donald Hank
Just as I told you: Sharia law coming to Libya
You can't say I didn't warn you: Libya's new leader wants sharia law
By Donald Hank
October 25, 2011

Newsmax just now reported that the new unelected leader of Libya is a strong proponent of Sharia law — in contradistinction to the moderate Ghadaffi whom we just murdered.

Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, the favorite of NATO, the EU, David Cameron, Nicolas Sarkozy and most other European leaders, as well as of Obama, "laid out a vision for the post-Gadhafi future with an Islamist tint, saying Islamic Sharia law would be the 'basic source' of legislation and existing laws that contradict the teachings of Islam would be nullified."

Why was this no surprise to me?

I had just recently researched Mustafa Abdul Jalil's background and learned :

    After graduating from the department of Shari'a and Law in the Arabic Language and Islamic Studies faculty of University of Libya in 1975, Abdul Jalil was initially "assistant to the Secretary of the Public Prosecutor" in Bayda, before being appointed a judge in 1978.[6]

Abdul Jalil was a judge "known for ruling consistently against the regime,..."

I had looked this up in response to naïve comments from a reader who has the misfortune to be addicted to the MSM and apparently has not yet seen the extent to which modern "journalists" are in fact propagandists and little else.

This reader quoted a prediction that if the war were to continue, a half-million Libyans would die.

I read the article this reader linked to and was astonished to find the quote was attributed to none other than the leader of the transition government, Mustafa Abdul Jalil.

So I researched his background and sure enough, he is a proponent of Sharia law.

Now, go ahead and tell me the EU, NATO, Sarkozy and Obama didn't know this.

We just murdered a man who was a moderate and Western-friendly in order to install a radical Islamist who will rule the same way they rule in Iran and Saudi Arabia. That can only mean the cruelest possible punishments. Just for reference, a Saudi court recently ordered a migrant worker's eye gouged out.

Ghadaffi had tried Sharia law and found it did not work well in the real world; further, while the Western propaganda bleated that Ghadaffi was a ruthless dictator who swept aside all opposition, he obviously had kept Abdul Jalil alive and in power despite their major differences. If he was so ruthless, why is Abdul Jalil still alive?

OUR money paid for Ghadaffi's brutal murder. OUR American and British and French blood was spilled to murder a friendly moderate and install a hostile Islamist in Libya.

It is a self-replicating pattern of what was done in Iran, Kosovo, Iraq, Egypt and Ivory Coast: support for rigid, radical Islamists over moderates who tolerated Jews and Christians.

YOUR government did not do it. You do not have a government. You have, in lieu of a legitimate government, a clique of usurpers with superior mind control methods, led by bankers, corporations, media moguls and assorted government agencies and officials in league with each other, who despise you, your values and your Western way of life and, using the language of moderation and tolerance, are stealthily installing leaders in the Middle East to destroy the last traces of Western influence, except for heavily guarded ties to the Western Ruling Class and the banking system (Ghadaffi had made the mistake of establishing an independent Libyan banking system). Nothing has changed since the late 1880s when a small group of rich radicals met at a private home in a banking area of London for the purpose of accomplishing two heinous goals throughout the world: 1) Install socialism, and 2) eliminate Western (particularly Christian) culture. They later took the name "Fabian Society" and are still quite active today, both in the open, and more importantly, under a cloak of secrecy. Mild-mannered Tony Blair is a member.

Things are going swimmingly for them, what with millions of Muslims imported against the will of the people and wars in the Middle East that tend to strangle Christian influence there.

People don't get it. They say "these leaders must be crazy" and "if only we could make them understand what they are doing to us."

But they know exactly what they are doing to us. And they are far from crazy. But so far we have been docile little toadies bowing and scraping before them and dutifully taking notes as they instruct us in the most efficient means of self destruction.

That must stop or we are doomed.

Pray for Israel. Pray for the Middle East Christians.

Pray that others will wake up and see the evil shadow government behind the mask and behind weasel words like peace, sustainable development, green energy, wealth redistribution, quantitative easing...

The Ruling Elites also speak out of both sides of their mouths on Israel and the Jews, subtly promoting anti-Jewish sentiment eerily reminiscent of Germany in the 30s and 40s, while pretending to honor holocaust victims. As a result of their anti-Jewish whispering campaign, I find that even some of my freedom advocating correspondents in Europe, who properly grasp that the EU is a dictatorship, show decidedly anti-Jewish sentiments, failing to understand that in so doing, they are, tragically, supporting the people they think they are opposing.

The words of Western "leaders" mean just the opposite of what they say and suggest.

Open your eyes.

You can't fight an invisible enemy, and you can't survive if you don't fight back.

I tried to warn you before:

The Fabian society:

© Donald Hank


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Donald Hank

Until July of 2009, Don Hank was operating a technical translation agency out of his home in Wrightsville, PA. He is now retired and residing in Panama with his wife and daughter.

A former language teacher, he holds an undergraduate degree in French and German from Millersville State University (PA), a Master's degree in Russian language and literature from Kutztown State College (also in PA), has studied Chinese for 3 years in Taiwan at the Mandarin Training Center, and is self-taught in other languages, having logged a total of 8 years abroad in total immersion situations.

He is also the founder of Lancaster-York Non-Custodial Parents, a volunteer organization that provides Christian counseling for non-custodial parents.


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