Donald Hank
Here we go again: Bibi pulls a Dubbya
By Donald Hank
March 6, 2015

There are 2 important developments that Americans need to keep their eye on:

1-Israel and Saudi Arabia are working in concert to bring down Iran (see and

2-Americans want to fight ISIS (, not Iran.

Get ready for a shock.

If the US Congress and Senate have their way, we will focus our war efforts on exactly the wrong country again, namely, Iran, just as we did after the 911 attacks. Remember that both legislative bodies are working with Obama to give amnesty to lawbreakers and therefore cannot be trusted. Yet the invitation to Netanyahu to address Congress and their 21 standing ovations during his address were part of a ploy to make you trust these sneaky pols and most of you fell for it! (There are two antagonistic entities, both referred to as the US. One is the American people, ie, US 1, while the other is their enemy, the political class and media, ie, US 2). Bibi knows that, as Daniel Greenfield argues here, no amount of treaties and no aerial bombardment of Iran, or any other country, will keep anyone from getting nukes. Greenfield says only MAD (mutually assured destruction) will deter a country from using nukes. So what was the real purpose of Netanyahu's speech before Congress?

The strategy of our GOP pols, in concert with Israel and the Saudis, was to focus on Bibi's swag and machismo and to contrast it with Obama's wimpiness, when in fact the real issue is who is the true enemy of the American people (not the politicians, US 2) and who is not. The real enemy is obviously ISIS, whom Americans have said they want to fight. The false enemy is Iran, which is not a true enemy of US 1. Pakistan has nukes too and no one is worried.

You should have noticed by now that the enemies of US 2 (the Establishment) are almost never the true enemies of US 1 (us). Usually it is the other way around.

Unless we wake up fast, we will be distracted by a false alarm over Iran and forget all about ISIS, the enemy of US 1, which US 2 wants you to ignore. And US 2 is not just Obama and the Democrats. It is the Republicrats. The US (no. 2) and Saudi Arabia created ISIS to take out Assad and oppose Iran and have created the Iran scare to take your eye off the ball (ISIS).

It worked. The internet is all abuzz with adulation for Netanyahu following his Iranophobic speech in Congress and no one is talking about the barbarians who roast people alive and behead them.

But what Bibi said is exactly what the Saudis want you to hear. Note that, while swaggering macho Netanyahu has not raised a pinky to fight ISIS, Iran has pitched in and is fighting them at this very moment, with the permission of the Iraqi government. Yet Bibi has the audacity to say that the Iranian militants bravely fighting our enemy are "rampaging." Bibi, if fighting ISIS is rampaging, please send Israeli troops to help them rampage.

Bibi is following the same deceptive strategy that GW Bush adopted after the 911 attacks. You will recall that the terrorists who attacked us were Saudis, every one.

Yet GW Bush, master of deception that he is, stood at ground zero in New York together with the heroic firemen (creating the illusion that he too was somehow a hero) and declared on national TV: "The people who did this are going to hear from us." And we all thought Hooorayyyy for America!

But the people who "did this" (Saudis) never heard from us, did they?

Instead, to divert our attention from the actual perpetrators and their support team in Saudi Arabia, Bush sent troops first to Afghanistan and then to Iraq, neither of which had anything to do with the attack, and when he took out Saddam, thoroughly confused Americans, in a paroxysm of cognitive dissonance, managed to convince themselves that now America had avenged itself of "the people who did this" (took down the Twin Towers).

The Saudis and their best ally, the US political class, had thoroughly snookered the US sheeple and it was easy, like taking candy from a baby.

It was abject. It was shameful.

It was a glimpse of the utter stupidity of the American public of that time.

Friends, the Saudis are at it again and have an unwritten pact with Israel to destroy Iran. Have you learned anything yet?

Wake up, Folks. The Saudi royals are Sunnis, the same sect as ISIS, whom they and the US clandestinely fund and supply! Even Iraqi News admitted the US recently airdropped weapons to ISIS, but that was a drop in the ocean compared to US 2's magnanimity to ISIS.

Iran is Shia, the natural enemy of Sunni ISIS. The US should be taking advantage of this cultural enmity between the two groups, but it obstinately refuses to do this.

To put it as succinctly as possible, please make this vitally important mental note (or jot this down):

The Shia (Shiites) are the significantly less violent and fundamentalist of the two main sects in the Muslim world, ie, Sunni and Shia. Some will counter by saying that the Shia read the same Koran as the Sunni and sooner or later they will join them. Nonsense! For the past 1500 years, Shia and Sunni have been at each other's throats and never have the twain met. Why? Quick answer: culture. Cultural differences include religion and the way people interpret their religious canons.

All the major terror groups (including al-Qaeda and ISIS) that slash throats and burn people alive in the Middle East are Sunnis, not Shia. When have you read that in the media? I haven't. But I don't swallow the media swill. I read beyond what they say. And if you want to survive as a nation, you had better put down that newspaper, drag yourself away from that TV and pick up some objective information about the world around you, because otherwise, we will all be snookered into an expensive war that takes the lives of our children in vain. And no, I am not a peacenik or a libertarian. I want war with our enemy, and that enemy is ISIS, the best ally the US political class (US 2, our enemy) and the Saudis have in the Middle East. But don't send my son to Iran in another false flag operation!

The US-Saudi alliance wanted you to think that Saddam was responsible for the 911 attacks (although, of course, they never said so outrightly). Billions of dollars and countless lost American lives later, people started to wake up from their daze and realized that the allies of the 911 perps were still alive and working their evil and violence because the political class and media had pulled a bait and switch on us.

We lost in Iraq, not because we failed our mission but because it was the wrong mission in the first place.

So stop cheering for Bibi and the US politicians who want to mislead you, and work to free US no. 1, the American people, from Sunni ISIS. We can start by divorcing ourselfs completely from US 2.

© Donald Hank


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Donald Hank

Until July of 2009, Don Hank was operating a technical translation agency out of his home in Wrightsville, PA. He is now retired and residing in Panama with his wife and daughter.

A former language teacher, he holds an undergraduate degree in French and German from Millersville State University (PA), a Master's degree in Russian language and literature from Kutztown State College (also in PA), has studied Chinese for 3 years in Taiwan at the Mandarin Training Center, and is self-taught in other languages, having logged a total of 8 years abroad in total immersion situations.

He is also the founder of Lancaster-York Non-Custodial Parents, a volunteer organization that provides Christian counseling for non-custodial parents.


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