Linda Kimball
Evolution: anti-creation religion of secular atheism & the Green Dragon
By Linda Kimball
January 22, 2015

In the classic work "Earth's Earliest Ages" (1876), G.H. Pember (1837-1910), an English theologian, said today we see men "of this nineteenth century" returning to the occult wisdom traditions of "long past, and modern thought sustaining its flight upon the wings of ancient lore." Almost every characteristic,

".... of antiquity seems to be returning. Open intercourse with demons is being renewed on a vast scale in the very heart of Christendom....numerous circles are carrying on magical practices (and the) ancient Mysteries (are being restored together with) mesmeric healings....astrology....and other practices....And, impossible as it would have seemed a few years ago, all these 'superstitions' are floating back....upon the tide of 'modern thought." They come no longer veiled in mystery, "but in accordance with the spirit of the age, present themselves as the fruit of science...progress....and evolutionary philosophy." (Earth's Earliest Ages, G.H. Pember, pp. 243, 245)

Today evolution and the ancient occult pagan lore undergirding it is promoted by its practitioners as more than mere science. Evolution is promulgated as an ideology, a secular religion,

"...a full-fledged alternative to Christianity, with meaning and morality. I am an ardent evolutionist and an ex-Christian, but I must admit that in this one complaint – and Mr [sic] Gish is but one of many to make it – the literalists are absolutely right. Evolution is a religion. This was true of evolution in the beginning, and it is true of evolution still today.... Evolution therefore came into being as a kind of secular ideology, an explicit substitute for Christianity." Michael Ruse

Michael Ruse was professor of philosophy and zoology at the University of Guelph, Canada. He was the leading anti-creationist philosopher whose flawed arguments convinced a biased judge to rule against the 'balanced treatment' of creation and evolution in an Arkansas school bill proposed in 1981. At the trial, he and other anti-creationists loftily dismissed the claim that evolution was an anti-god religion. (

As Ruse admits, evolution is an anti-creation religion, a "full-fledged alternative to Christianity." It is promulgated by contemporary Western heirs of a rebellion against our Heavenly Father that emerged out of the Renaissance giving birth to an occult intelligentsia, open intercourse with fallen angels, astral plane travels, and Illuminism, an occult nature religion that teaches that man,

"...can evolve, through initiatory steps, into a god state himself." (New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies," William Still, p. 27)

"The figure of the Renaissance man is not complete if the place of the Magician is forgotten. Ficino was scholar, priest, and magician." (The Occult Underground, James Webb, p. 222)

The goal of Illuminism is imposition of a worldwide totalitarian occult pagan state. During the 20th century Illuminism took the form of scientific socialism and scientific communism. Today it is 'green' Technocracy, a scientific dictatorship calling for the radical transformation of traditional Western economics, government, law, energy, orthodox Christianity, and humanity, which is why it maliciously fosters the atheism, amorality, envy, chaos, blood-letting and revolution necessary for the undermining and overthrow of already existing governments. (Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, Patrick M. Wood)

Occult Evolution

In the heart of Christendom during the time of the Renaissance the "alternative" originally took the form of occult pantheist humanism bespeaking evolution of divine spark or spirit to higher and higher states of god-consciousness. Later on another form arose: evolutionary secular (materialist) humanism. While the former was blatantly occult and spiritually pagan, the latter was essentially a de-spiritualized but nevertheless arcane version of the former falsely presenting itself as demonstrable empirical science to masses of hopeless people:

"Reason had died sometime before 1865," wrote Webb. "After the Age of Reason came the Age of the Irrational...." Bereft of assurances of immortality after so great an attack on biblical revelation masses of hopeless people were, "begging for a revelation which was scientifically demonstrable."

Karl Marx's Illuminist-inspired messianic Communism was advertised as the longed-for "scientifically demonstrable" revelation. However, Marx's "scientifically demonstrable" dialectical-materialism (evolutionary theory) is merely a de-spiritualized version of Hegel's occult dialectic system. Master-magician G.W.F. Hegel was an important member of the occult intelligentsia. He closely studied ancient wisdom traditions including Egyptian Hermetic magic and Babylonian Kabala as well as mesmerism, psychic phenomena, dowsing, precognition, and sorcery. He professed belief in a pantheistic Earth Spirit, and informally aligned himself with Hermetic societies, anti-Christian God Freemasons, and the pantheist Rosicrucian's. (Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition, Glenn Alexander Magee, 2001)

Enrico Ferri (1856-1926) provides another example of occult magic science parading as empirical science. A prominent socialist of his day and an Italian criminologist who for many years was the editor of Avanti, a socialist daily, Ferri wrote of the divine miracle-producing energies animating natural causation in "Socialism and Religious Beliefs." Ferri confessed:

"....modern positive science...has substituted the conception of natural causality for the conception of miracles and divinity....I add that not only is Darwinism not contrary to socialism, but that it forms one of its fundamental scientific premises. As Virchow justly remarked, socialism is nothing else than the logical and vital outcome partly of Darwinism and partly of Spencerian evolution." (

In a final example of occult magic disguised as empirical science, Gustav Wetter expounds on the magical 'mental' and 'divine' properties animating and informing nonliving matter and dialectic:

"...matter itself continually attains to higher perfection under its own power, thanks to indwelling dialectic...the dialectical materialists attribution of 'dialectic' to matter confers on it, not mental attributes only, but even divine ones." (Dialectical Materialism, Gustav A. Wetter, 1977, p. 58)

Occult Scientism & Evolution

In his book, "The Abolition of Man" (1947), C.S. Lewis observed that the Renaissance had reawakened a magic view of man and the world closely connected with ancient occult sciences and pagan wisdom traditions. Along with these arcane nature systems came conceptions of biological and spiritual transformation of one kind of lower thing to another kind of higher thing (i.e. inert chemicals to life, pond scum to fish; apes to man; man to god), reincarnation, karma and for secular atheists there eventually came philosophically materialist Darwinism, natural selection (a mystical choice-making energy) and determinism (mystical fatalism).

Early on Lewis understood that these two types of pagan humanism were merely two sides of the same revival of spiritually pagan nature worship. Thus he argued, occult pantheist and materialist humanism are not enemies in principle but rather cooperating philosophies of naturalism united against the personal God in three Persons who created ex nihilo, His Authoritative Revelation to mankind, Original Sin, man as His spiritual image-bearer, His moral law, immutable Truth, Christian theism, and Christian-based civilization.

Catholic philosopher and historian Thomas Molnar (1910-2010) reveals the common threads uniting both schools of thought in his book "Utopia: The Perennial Heresy." The two recurring themes of modern revolutionary/evolutionary humanism and utopianism are evolutionary conceptions and monism, which means that only the substance of the evolving universe of matter and energy exists. At the root of these two themes there is:

"...defiance of God, pride unlimited, a yearning for enormous power and the assumption of divine attributes with a view to manipulating and shaping mankind's fate." (p. 227)

In other words, in order for modern Nimrods to scientifically engineer a perfected new world order populated by a scientifically engineered New Man, two actions must occur before the 'scientific re-engineering" of the souls of Westerners and Americans can begin: the speculative murder of the living God in three Persons who created all human beings in His spiritual image and the sealing off of the way to Heaven.

John Taylor Gatto, former New York State and New York City Teacher of the Year, also tracked the rise of this destructive modern occult pagan intelligentsia together with the potent "interconnected shadow-government they have created to radically reshape the Western and American consciousness." In his book, "The Underground History of American Education" Gatto points to the Fabian socialist utopians as one of the most powerfully effective revolutionary 'change-making' organizations and notes that,

" would not be too far out of line to call the twentieth century the Fabian century." (Gatto, p. 178)

What 'scientific' secular-atheists aspired to be in completely reordering Christian-based Western society and the souls of men, 20th century Fabians actually were. Much if not most of the madness, chaos and all else that has gone so horribly wrong here in America is attributable to the Fabians.

The first Fabians had almost all been lapsed Anglicans from Evangelical homes who became dignitaries in the Church of England:

"There was a Christian fringe to the London socialism of the eighties, but this too was Anglican. The Christian Socialists came together in Stewart Headlam's Guild of St. Matthew and the Land Reform Union; and the more respectable Christian Social Union, formed in 1889 – seeking in Fabian style to permeate the Anglican Church – soon attracted more than two thousand clerical members. Dissenting clergymen too began to find a place in the Fabian Society and the London Progressives, while Unitarian churches and centres like Stanton Coit's Ethical Church provided a meeting place for believers and idealist agnostics...Socialism was for all of them, the new Evangelism." (Norman and Jeanne MacKenzie, The Fabians, 1977, p. 18)

The failure of Anglican hierarchy to repudiate apostatizing higher critics and radical freethinkers scandalized faithful, orthodox Evangelicals whose outraged response was considered reactionary by the intellectually arrogant scholarly community. In 1861, Benjamin Jowett and six liberal Churchmen published a volume entitled Essays and Reviews in which they expressed alarm lest,

"...the majority of Churchmen, by holding fast the narrow, fundamental beliefs, should estrange themselves more and more from contemporary thought." (The Founders of Psychical Research, Alan Gauld, p. 49)

Jowett himself held that, "Scripture must be interpreted like any other book..."

The portents of apostasy in the Church of England were ominous:

"It seemed to conservative Christians quite appalling that at a time when the impregnable rock of Holy Scripture was being undermined by Darwin and his allies, a group of those whose sacred duty should have been to shore it up again had conspired to hammer their wedges not under it but into it." (Gauld, p. 50)

Gauld records the rapid decline in faith among younger Cambridge men:

"Skepticism based on science flowed into and reinforced the older stream of doubt stemming from historical and ethical considerations. Their joint effect may be traced in the fact that whilst the outstanding Cambridge men of the 1840's...all took Orders (three of them becoming great clerical headmasters and six bishops), the outstanding Cambridge intellectuals of the 1870's – the Trinity group centring on Henry Sidgwick and Henry Jackson and including Frederic Myers, G. W. and A. J. Balfour, Walter Leaf, Edmund Gurney, Arthur Verrall, F. W. Maitland, Henry Butcher and George Prothero – tended towards agnosticism or hesitant Deism." (Gauld, p. 64)

In this same period a group of young dons from Trinity College, Cambridge, were also turning to psychic research as a substitute for their lost Evangelical faith:

" In February 1882, Podmore took Pease to a meeting at which this group founded the Society for Psychical Research . . . Among those who founded the SPR were Henry Sidgwick, Arthur Balfour – later a conservative Prime Minister – and his brother, Gerald." (The Fabians, p. 18)

The progenitor of the socialist Fabian Society was the Cambridge University spiritist group, the Ghost Society, founded in 1851. The Ghost Society also spawned the Society for Psychical Research (SPR) founded in 1887:

"Council Members and Honorary Members of the SPR included a past Prime Minister (William Gladstone)...and a future Prime Minister (Arthur Balfour)...2 bishops; and Tennyson and Ruskin, two of the outstanding literary figures of the day (as well as) Lewis Carroll (and) a surprising number of titled persons." (Gauld, p. 140)

Having conceptually murdered the God of Revelation, disowned their own souls, and closed the way to Heaven Fabians sought power here below, thus the over-riding interest of the S.P.R. was the spirit realm. In search of power they conducted scientific research into phenomena such as mesmeric trance, telepathy, clairvoyance, apparitions, haunted houses, séances, and all aspects of mediumism, or contact with spirits, to determine the scientific laws of physical spiritualistic phenomena.

By the early 20th century, the materialist Sigmund Freud and heavily demonized Gnostic occultist Carl Jung were SPR Corresponding Members. Both men contributed to the S.P.R. Journal of Proceedings.

In an expose of Jung's occult tendencies Richard Noll writes:

"With the founding of the Society for Psychical Research in England in 1882, and the copious publications of its investigators, new models of the unconscious mind emerged. The most respected model was that of the 'subliminal self' by Frederick Myers (1843-1901), the 'mytho-poetic' (myth-making) function of which resembles Jung's later conception of a collective unconscious. Jung read widely in the literature of psychical research in medical school and his 1902 dissertation cites the work of Myers and others in this school." (Noll, The Jung Cult, pp. 31-2)

Above all else, revolutionary/evolutionary socialist organizations such as the Fabians were counter-establishment, anti-tradition, pan-sexual liberationists consisting of committed Darwinian Gnostic elitists who were intolerant of the Holy God in three Persons, man as His spiritual image bearer, and every vestige of authority ranging from immutable Truth, Moral Law, sexual ethics, and the traditional family to free market systems, individual liberties, and cumbersome processes of Americas' Constitutional Republic. What they desired was a new order ruled by a superior caste.

Fabianism took its name from Roman general Fabius Cunctator who finally defeated Hannibal by methodically chipping away at his patience and will to win, an idea adopted by Marxist theoretician Antonio Gramsci who called for a long, slow, stealthy march through Western and American mind and culture-shaping institutions. In this way, Christian foundations would be undermined and destroyed, minds captured, souls re-engineered and institutions re-ordered. Gatto writes that for Fabianists, Darwin was their ticket to power. He was the 'weird holy man' they adored,

"...the man who gave them a theory inspirationally equal to god-theory, around which a new organization of society could be justified." (p. 180)

To realize the tremendous task Fabian Nimrods assigned themselves, Gatto writes that we,

"...need to reflect...on Darwin's shattering books, 'The Origin of Species' (1859) and 'The Descent of Man' (1871), each arguing in its own way that....children are (the evolved product of) their race of origin, some 'favored'...some not" (Gatto, p. 179)

Together, Darwin's books issued a "do what thou will" license to America's ruling caste to justify moral relativism, the imposition of evolutionary teaching, forced schooling, perverse sex education, and much more, all destructive of America's traditional Christian-based Republic. Gatto writes that from an evolutionary standpoint, our government controlled schools,

"...are the indoctrination phase of a gigantic breeding experiment...Many (children are genetically) a racial menace (while) the rest...thought of as soldiers in genetic combat, the moral equivalent of war....For governments, children could no longer be considered individuals but were regarded as categories, rungs on a biological ladder. Evolutionary science pronounced the majority useless mouths waiting for nature to dispense with entirely." (Gatto, p. 179)

Whereas Christian salvation was formerly held to be a matter between Jesus Christ the Word Incarnate and the individual and the aim of Christian-based Europe and America had for centuries been fixed on the work of winning liberties for the individual against the oppressive State, the Age of Darwin brought an end to all of this. By the turn of the century the Fabian program based in occult science, ancient wisdom traditions, revelations from Transcended Masters (fallen angels) and Darwinism was spreading quickly through the best colleges and universities capturing the minds of America's best and brightest issuing in the view that rights, privileges, wealth and resources are the preserve of the superior caste in control of an omniscient mystical god-State together with salvation as a pantheist conception based in ideas of collectivity.

Secular historians of the nineteenth century agree that the dominant figures in the occult spiritist/socialist movements were mainly lapsed Evangelicals and Anglican clergymen preceded by Renaissance occultists. The onslaught of skepticism, atheism, agnosticism, higher Biblical criticism and dehistorization of the Genesis account together with moral relativism, Darwinism and occult New Age spirituality assaulting the tattered foundations of our Republic were inspired by Protestant/Evangelical heresy together with an unhealthy interest in spiritism. Norman and Jeanne MacKenzie explain this strange anomaly:

"The lesson instilled by Evangelical parents had been given a secular form. Evolution or what (Sidney) Webb called Zeitgeist, had taken the place of Providence, yet what Webb described as 'blind social forces'...which went on inexorably working out social salvation' did not relieve men of their moral responsibility. Victorian religion had taught that a belief in God's purposes must be accompanied by an effort to discern and advance them. Socialists who substituted a secular religion for the faith of their youth felt the same compulsion." (Norman and Jeanne MacKenzie, The Fabians, 1977, p. 115-116)

The Antichrist: Color Him Green

A brilliant visionary, Robert Hugh Benson (1871-1914), an English Catholic priest, predicted that evolutionary thinking would prepare secularized Westerners and Americans not only to embrace the 'green' spiritually pagan religion but to worship and adore Antichrist, for this human-god (Mr. Felsenburgh) would present himself as the first perfected product of nature and evolutionary forces. (p. 85)

Mr. Felsenburgh transfixes men, and they excitedly declare they have seen,

"...the Son of Man,' the 'Savior of the world,' we knew Him in our hearts as soon as we saw Him, as soon as He stood there. It was like a glory around his head (and now we) understand it all... It was He for whom we have waited so long; and He has come, bringing Peace and Goodwill in His hands." (pp. 85, 89)

Christianity failed, it divided people. But now Jehovah is gone. He never existed at all except as a hideous nightmare. Now at long last man's natural Savior has arisen:

"The reign of God has really begun (and) we are all partakers of God" because God is in everything, including all men...."Jehovah has fallen. He is in His grave." In His place is the evolved Son of Man, a god indeed and a man as well..."a god because human and a man because so divine." (ibid, pp. 93, 95)

The Green Dragon

By the mid 1880's the Green Dragon – the spirit of madness, lies, heresy, apostasy, moral relativism, occult magic, spiritism, nature worship and evolutionary thinking working within lapsed Evangelicals was already creeping into the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Church. Today Christendom is dead and the Green Dragon is bringing our Republic to ruin while steadily injecting its' abominations into the whole body of the humanized American Church. Aided and abetted by priestly falsifiers of the Revealed Word who have "penetrated the Church" with a mist of lies resulting in narcissistic self-affirmation, emotional ecstasy, moral relativism, acceptance of evolutionary philosophy and other ancient wisdom traditions along with liberation from sin and hell,

"....Western civilization is daily committing suicide, by aborting itself, ignoring the law of God, and binding itself in Green chains. What of professing Christians? It is not clear many believe, as they still did at the American Revolution, that 'the truths of the gospel are the most pure, its motives are the most noble and animating, and its comforts the most supporting to the mind.' Our culture is arguably as enslaved as were the ancient people chained by Gaia and Python." (Resisting the Green Dragon, James Wanliss, p. 267)

Only Christ can bring liberation. The Church needs to recover the Biblical,

".... persuasion that the Christian is a pilgrim on the road to a heavenly city, that the social structures of the earthly city do not represent the coming of God's kingdom, and the vision of a society should be to direct man to what is transcendent." (ibid)

© Linda Kimball


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