Linda Kimball
The yogic Christ and the terrifying demonic reality of yoga
By Linda Kimball
July 2, 2017

In "The Yoga of Jesus: Understanding the Hidden Teachings of the Gospels," Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952) reveals the hidden yoga of the Gospels and confirms that Jesus, like the ancient sages and masters of the East, not only knew yoga but taught this ancient royal science of god-realization to his closest disciples.

Hailed as "the father of Yoga in the West," Paramahansa Yogananda is regarded as one of the great occult spiritual figures of our time. Born in northern India, he came to the United States in 1920, where for more than 30 years he taught the ancient science of Kriya Yoga meditation and the art of balanced spiritual living. Yogananda emphasized the underlying unity of the world's great religions, including Christianity, and taught universally applicable methods for attaining direct personal experience of god within. He founded Self-Realization Fellowship to disseminate his writings and teachings worldwide and through his best-selling classic, Autobiography of a Yogi, and his numerous other books, he introduced millions throughout America and the world to the spiritual principles of yoga meditation and the universal occult truths underlying all world religions.

The Second Coming of Christ continues the legacy of the Sanatana Dharma – the perennial philosophy that proclaims the bliss of god as the overarching goal of all religious practice. This consummation is available to one and all, and the apparent exclusivity of the Yogic Christ's claim, "No man cometh unto the Father, but by me" (John 14:6), becomes a promise to all humanity, irrespective of creed. (1)

Yogananda explains by quoting his own guru, Swami Sri Yukteswar:

"Jesus meant, never that he was the sole Son of God, but that no man can attain the unqualified Absolute, the transcendent Father beyond creation, until he has first manifested the "Son" or activating Christ Consciousness within creation. Jesus, who had achieved entire oneness with that Christ Consciousness, identified himself with it inasmuch as his own ego had long since been dissolved." (p. 1373)

In a further elaboration, Yogananda explains that the Christ Consciousness present in Jesus, and in all vibratory creation (universe) and phenomena,

" the noumenon, "truth," the primary substance and essence of life of everything in creation. No human being who is a part of vibratory creation can take his consciousness to Cosmic Consciousness, "the Father" – which lies beyond vibratory creation and the immanent Christ Consciousness – without first experiencing the Christ-imbued Cosmic Vibration, or Holy Ghost, that manifests vibratory creation, then passing through the God-reflection of Christ Consciousness. In other words, to "come unto the Father" every human consciousness has to expand and attain realization of the Cosmic Vibration first, and then know Christ Consciousness, in order to reach Cosmic Consciousness."(P.1373–74)

Today millions of Americans, Christian and non-Christian, practice forms of Eastern meditation and yoga to achieve oneness with the Christ Consciousness and be released from the bondage of opposites,

"...and to succeed in joining the dark and light sides of existence." Dr. Peter Jones, Star Wars and the Ancient Religion

In "One or Two?" Dr. Jones, Director of truthXchange and Adjunct Professor of New Testament at Westminster Seminary California writes that a wide variety of occult spirituality is available in post-Christian America. There is something for everyone:

"A Course in Miracles, Alchemy, American Indian Quest, Ancient Mythology, Arkashic Record, Aryuvedic Medicine, Astrology, Bahai'i Unity, Buddhism, Buddhist/Christian Dialogue, Chakras, Channeling, Christian Monastic Mysticism, Crystals, Divination, Dream work, Druidism, Eastern Meditation, Eckankar (soul travel), Ecofeminism, Enneagram, EST, Feng Shui, Gnosticism (ancient and modern), Goddess worship, Hare Krishna, Hermeticism, Higher Self, Hinduism, Holism, Human Potential Movement, Hypnosis, I Ching, Iridology, Jungian Transpersonal Psychology, Kabbalah, Karma, Mandalas, Mantras, Mind-altering drugs, Parapsychology, Past Life Regressions, Reiki, Re-incarnation, Religious syncretism, Rolfing, Sacred Technologies, Santeria, Scientology, Shamanism, Sufism, T'ai Chi, Tantrism, Tarot Cards, Teilhardism, Therapeutic Touch, Tikkun, Transcendental Meditation, Ufology, Urantia Book, Visualization, Wicca, Yoga, Zen." (Pp. 40-41)

It is well documented that perversions, murder, demonic possession and other evils, including human sacrifice, occur in Western witchcraft, Satanism and Eastern mysticism (e.g., tantric yoga) as well as pagan and pantheist occult religion in general. In his "Occultism, Witchcraft and Cultural Fashions," the noted cultural anthropologist Mircea Eliade of the University of Chicago refers to the interconnections between European witchcraft and Hindu Tantric yoga...the royal path to raising Kundalini Serpent Power. Eliade argues that "even a rapid perusal of the Hindu and Tibetan documents" reveals the connection:

"As a matter of fact, all the features associated with European witches are – with the exception of Satan and the Sabbath – claimed also by Indo-Tibetan yogis and magicians. They too are supposed to fly through the air, render themselves invisible, kill at a distance, master demons and ghosts, and so on. Moreover, some of
(them) boast that they break all the religious taboos and social rules; that they practice human sacrifice, cannibalism, and all manner of orgies, including incestuous intercourse, and that they eat excrement, nauseating animals, and devour human corpses. In other words, they proudly claim all the crimes and horrible ceremonies cited ad nauseum in the western European witch trials." (Psychic Forces, Chapter 22, "The Occult History of Parapsychology," Clifford Wilson and John Weldon, pp. 341-49)

Kundalini is the key term in Pandit Gopi Krishna's (1903-1984) theory of evolution (serpent power). Coming from ancient Sanskrit, it means, "coiled up" like a snake or spring, and implies latent serpent power or potential to expand. Gopi Krishna translates it as "latent power-reservoir of energy" or "psychosomatic power center." In the Tantras and the Shakti Shastras, Kundalini is invariably designated as a Goddess or as the Creative Power of the Absolute. In the present-day versions it is often referred to as a "Force," as "Serpent Power," or as "Energy." (2) Thus Kundalini is the fundamental,

"...bioenergy of life, stored primarily in the sex organs but present throughout the entire body. This potent psychic radiation is normally associated with the genitals for simple continuance of the species by providing a sex drive. This is what Freud called libido (although the Freudian conception is strictly psychological and lacks the energy tie-in to physics and biology which Gopi Krishna is pointing out)." (Kundalini: Universal Ladder of Awakening, Atlantis Rising Magazine, Jan/Feb 2010)

The very popular Tantra Kundalini yoga is based on the occultic chakra system which teaches that universal evolutionary energy (Kundalini Shakti, the Supreme Power; serpent power) is coiled at the base of the spine and flows through human beings and all of creation, uniting everything above and everything below, thus acknowledging divinity in all things and all people. Through strenuous yoga and other occult techniques outlined in ancient and modern texts, Kundalini Shakti uncoils and rises through seven "chakras" or power centers within the human body. During so-called kundalini arousal, which may last for months or even years, protracted insanity and demonization must be endured. In the words of power yogi Muktananda:

"I was assailed by all sorts of perverse and defiling breathing (became) abdomen would swell with mind was sick with fear (my) thoughts became confused, meaningless. My limbs and body got hotter and hotter...Then I felt a searing pain...I wanted to run away, but my legs were locked tight in the lotus posture...Then...a moonlike sphere...came floating in (it) struck against my eyes and. passed inside me...I was terrified (but) still locked in the lotus posture (with) my head forced down and glued to the ground.... I started to make a sound like a camel, which alternated with the roaring of a tiger (I went) completely insane (and jumped and hopped) like a frog (while) my limbs (shook) violently. (Later) I learned that this was a Hatha Yoga process effected by the Goddess Kundalini in order for Her to move up through the spinal column into the sahasrana (upper psychic center.)" (Play of Consciousness, Swami Muktananda, pp. 75-81, 84-85, 88-89)

With continued practice, surrender, and preparation, one day the kundalini current (possessing demon) will reach full voltage and there will no longer be anyone home but an unholy spirit residing in an empty shell of a body:

"The moment of power transfer had come....Muktananda (adept of Nityananda) was about to make the timeless journey.... of the power yogi (the Siddha), but it required the catalytic power of the master guru, Nityananda...who was God to Muktananda, therefore worthy of worship as the supreme Deity. The voyage of consciousness, prized by the ancients, would split Muktananda into fragments...Sometimes (his) body would writhe and twist like a snake's while a hissing sound would come from inside (him)." Finally it happened – explosion, the point of no return where Muktananda "as an individual would be obliterated. Superconscious states would take control of him, and his consciousness would be kicked out to more and more remote levels." "In place of the former person was the walking void, the Unself, the hollow shell filled with the soul of the universe..." (Riders of the Cosmic Circuit, Tal Brooke, pp. 36-45)

Yoga is an occult technique that originated in the Orient. Common denominators of Eastern mysticism, Wicca, contemporary Luciferian Theosophy, and occult spiritual New Age are spiritistic or animistic backgrounds resulting in the development of psychic powers and contact with demons, or familiar spirits.

Dr. Kurt Koch (1913-1987) was a noted German theologian, minister and evangelist who pastored, counseled, and delivered thousands of people in bondage to the occult. In his book, "Occult ABC: Exposing Occult Practices and Ideologies," he wrote that missionaries and Christian researchers who have lived:

".... in Asia for many years claim that between 95 and 98 percent of the nonChristian population have psychic powers (which) vary considerably in strength, depending on the extent to which the person has been involved with the occult practices of Asiatic religions." (p. 9)

Behind magic, mysticism and the occult, the yoga system of initiation is present. The first stage of yoga has the aim of helping the student to "gain control of his consciousness and his body," through mental and physical exercises. The second stage produces control of the unconscious mind while the third combines magic and yoga to produce power over nature. At the fourth stage of initiation, the yogi gains mastery of the dark arts and all the powers of a supernatural order, which are indispensable for occult activities. (Koch, p. 260)

Former guru Rabindranath R. Maharaj, now a committed follower of the Way of Jesus Christ, describes his former occult rituals and their terrifying consequences:

"Nothing was more important than our daily transcendental meditation, the heart of Yoga...Frightening psychic experiences awaited the...meditator. Demons described in the Vedas had been known to take possession of some Yogis. Kundalini power, said to be coiled like a serpent at the base of the spine, could produce ecstatic experiences when released in deep meditation could do great mental and bodily harm. The line between ecstasy and horror was very fine...During daily meditation I began to have visions of psychedelic colors, to hear unearthly music, and to visit exotic planets where the gods conversed with me, encouraging me to attain even higher states of consciousness. Sometimes in my trance I encountered the same horrible demonic creatures...depicted by the images in Hindu, Buddhist, Shinto, and other religious temples. It was a frightful experience, but the Brahmacharya explained that it was normal and urged me to pursue the quest for Self Realization. At times I experienced a sense of mystical unity with the universe. I was the universe, Lord of all, omnipotent, omnipresent. My instructors were excited at this. I was obviously a chosen vessel, destined for early success in the search for union with Brahman. The Forces that had guided my father were now guiding me." (Death of a Guru, Rabindranath R. Maharaj, pp. 56-57)

Dr. Koch strongly advises Christians to steer clear of yoga:

"There are many Christians who believe that it is possible to participate in (the) first stage of yoga without harm. It is merely a matter of relaxation exercises (they say). If only this were true! Counseling experience tells otherwise. This technique of relaxation and these "emptying exercises" (of the mind) lead to the inflowing of another spirit – other spirits. The students of yoga do not notice it." (p. 257-258)

Yoga: Highly Refined Royal Science of Babylon

Neo-paganism, witchcraft, New Age spirituality, and Eastern systems are of the world view of monism which teaches that all that exists is one self-evolved, self-sufficient substance and/or energy field which may be divine spirit or impersonal mind (pantheism) or spiritless physical substance (materialism).

Monism is held in common by all of the world's ancient mystery religions underlying modern Secular Humanism (evolutionary secular humanism) and occult New Age spirituality, a kind of Cosmic Humanism firmly anchored in Hinduism and Buddhism.

All of the ancient mysteries were monistic. Monism originated in the city of Babylon in Mesopotamia and migrated from there to every corner of the world. Hinduism is an offshoot of the original Babylonian monism (via the Aryans of ancient Persia) and Buddhism is an offshoot of Hinduism:

"All of the Eastern religions of today are ultimately traceable to ancient Babylon, where the post-Flood rebellion against God began." (The New World Religion, Gary Kah, p. 246)

The heart of ancient mystery traditions is the Great Lie of Genesis 3. Emanating from the heart are four central presuppositions:

1. Monism: There is no Creator-creature distinction, or distinctions between good and evil, male and female, past and present, immutability and change. Nor is there eternal separation of saved and lost. Thus all men are gods in process of evolution. From this it follows that all separations (i.e., male from female, light from dark) and oppositions such as good and evil are illusory manifestations of the one divine substance (occult reality). All objects (planets, rivers, trees) and individuals are parts or aspects of the all-inclusive divine one-substance:

"The Hindus call it atom-paramatma, Brahmin, and sat-chit-ananda ('being-consciousness bliss') (The Mystery of Death, Tal Brooke, p 97)

2. Man is inwardly divine, one with God in essence. Since there is only one substance or energy field and men are emanations of it, then mans own consciousness provides the specific connecting link. In experiencing this occult reality via meditation, yoga, and other occult techniques, man experiences oneness with the divine. All forms of occult philosophy are united around the central belief that the inner or real self of man is God:

"This is the fundamental form of the primary lie spoken of in Genesis. 'You will be like God,' Gen. 3:5, RSV (ibid)

3. Life's purpose is to realize the divine within. The path is usually the way of supreme illumination or gnosis (supreme knowledge) reached by spiritual and psychic techniques practiced by craft adepts and adepts of raja or kundalini yoga:

"The idea is that the person is a cosmic amnesiac who has forgotten his true divine identity, but the right system will remind him that he is really God after all. The closer he is to becoming God, the more conscious he becomes." (ibid, p. 98)

4. Self-realization leads to psycho-spiritual power. As an initiate of the craft (witchcraft) or yoga advances upon the path of enlightenment or gnosis he becomes increasingly attuned with the divine 'one' and its relationship to the material world of reality, 'creation.' Thus as man-god he allegedly becomes master and creator of his own reality. And since reality is supposedly composed of consciousness, the adept learns to control reality by controlling consciousness. Therefore, since matter is created or dematerialized with the ease of a divine conjurer the universe is the creation of the man-god:

"It is our creation now. We make the rules. We establish the parameters of reality. We create the world, and because we do, we no longer feel beholden to outside forces. We no longer have to justify our behavior, for we are now the architects of the universe. We are responsible to nothing outside ourselves for we are the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever." (Algeny, Jeremy Rifkin, 1983, p. 188)

Yoga does not enslaves and binds. It does not enlighten but rather causes confusion and darkness. It does not prepare the way for Jesus Christ but rather makes people immune to redemption through Him, for it does not open the door for the Holy Spirit but for unholy spirits.

In post-Christian America, occult spirituality is all the rage, thus it comes as no surprise that yoga courses are conducted in churches and schools all over southern California, New York, and elsewhere. Course descriptions read:

"Age and developmentally appropriate yoga poses, breathing exercises, chanting, meditation, and relaxation techniques offer a child-friendly relationship to the physical and philosophical traditions of yoga." (The Emperor's New Yoga Pants, Mary Eady, truthexchange, Dec. 1, 2011)

The almost 2000 year old Book of Revelation summarized and distilled over 1500 years of biblical prophecy in its far-reaching vision of the final world order, a serpent-powered global world order involving religious, economic, political, and military forces under an occult spiritual regime of absolute oppression and delusion known as Mystery Babylon.

Under the guise of science, evolution, and technology, the already emerging world order offers itself to us as Hermetic wisdom teachings whose origins are ancient Babylonia, Egypt, and according to New Age historians, pre-flood Atlantis. As it was in the days of Noah, Babylonians, Egyptians, and today's New Age are earmarked by their embrace of the Great Lie, monism, sorcery, meditation, initiations (i.e., four stages of yoga), secret words (mantras), psychic powers, hedonism and androgyny.

The Holy Triune God does not deny the reality of psychic powers but we learn that the true source of occult serpent powers is Satan. Yahweh abhorred these practices and warned His people against them in Deuteronomy 18:10-12, Leviticus 19:31, and Isaiah 8:19.

The mystery religion of Babylon is the mother of all post-flood mystery religions, initiations (stages of yoga) and occult evolutionary science. It promises the keys to psychic powers, immortality, and divinity. Over the centuries, said Tal Brooke, it has fermented "into a refined wine – the Chateau vin du Rothschild of mystical wines." Revelation predicts that at some point the whole world becomes drunk on the wine of Babylon, its serpent-empowered celebrants convinced of their own divinity (Rev. 16:17-21; Rev. 17: 1-6).

@ Linda Kimball

1.The Yogic View of Jesus, Quincy Howe, July 7, 2014, Yoga International

2. Kundalini in Time and Space, Chapter 1, Gopi Krishna

Linda writes on worldview and related subjects.

© Linda Kimball


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