Chip McLean
The end of the Wicked Witch of the Left?
By Chip McLean
August 24, 2016

Could the death of the Hillary Clinton campaign be looming?

Even the left-wing MSM seems to be sensing that events could be moving to a cataclysmic end for Hillary's presidential aspirations.

Every day (sometimes hourly), there are new revelations about missing, deleted emails that are being recovered; more and more evidence that points to Hillary's deteriorating health; previous scandals that have gained new traction; more to come from WikiLeaks...but the thing that is truly proving to be the albatross hanging around Hillary's neck is the Clinton Foundation scandal.

By now it should be patently obvious that this so-called charity is nothing more than a money laundering scheme where political influence and favors are sold to the highest bidder. The millions that have poured into the Clinton Foundation from corporations – and even worse – foreign interests, have been influencing government policy.

It is especially egregious that these activities occurred while Hillary was Secretary of State. While supposedly her ethics agreement precluded Hillary from conducting such activities, other State Department employees – including gal-pal Huma Abedin were busy arranging access to Hillary by foreign mega-donors to the Clinton Foundation. The left-leaning website Politico broke this story about Abedin brokering a meeting with Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain.

The New York Times ran a story over the weekend detailing the problems facing Hillary regarding conflicts of interest due to multi-million dollar donors to the "charity" being from Saudi Arabia – as well as other foreign nations.

Donald Trump and Mike Pence have naturally, both called for the Clinton Foundation to be shut down. What is surprising is that they are being joined by others from the left. Even the notoriously left-wing "Huffington-Puffington" Post has called for an end to the Clinton Foundation.

You know it's getting bad when even Barack Obama has begged off an appearance at the final meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative (an entity that is shutting down, but was operated under the auspices of the Clinton Foundation). Obama claims this is due to a "a function of schedule," and not because of the current controversy involving the Clinton Foundation. Sure...

The reality is that Hillary Clinton couldn't be trusted to keep her "charity" separate from her duties to the State Department – so why would anyone trust her to do so as President?

The Clintons have more skeletons than a New Orleans cemetery, but it is the Clinton Foundation money laundering, influence peddling scheme that has made her so toxic that a number of her fellow travelers on the left are cutting her a wide berth.

This could ultimately be the house that squashed the wicked witch of the left.

© Chip McLean


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Chip McLean

Chip McLean is the founder and editor/publisher of Outsider News Publishing, the umbrella for Capitol Hill Outsider, Capitol Hill Coffee House and Rino Tracker (co-founded with Chris Adamo). Chip is a former broadcaster and long time sales professional whose interest in politics began in 1964 at the age of eight, when his parents took him to a Barry Goldwater rally during the presidential campaign. He identifies himself as a "constitutionalist" and started the "Outsider" as a response to an out-of-control federal government that has seen both major parties disregard the very document they are sworn to uphold. In addition to his work at Outsider News Publishing, Chip's columns have appeared in a number of online publications.


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