Dan Popp
Nowhere Woman
By Dan Popp
He's a real Nowhere Man / Sitting in his Nowhere Land / Making all his nowhere plans for nobody. – John Lennon
The purpose of this essay isn't to criticize Hillary Rodham Clinton; by now, criticism is sinfully easy, if not superfluous. I want to spend a few minutes in dread and wonder at the spectacle of a woman with no soul. I want to force myself to look at this ghastly public display of what godlessness hath wrought.
I see Hillary Clinton as the embodiment of relativism – a human being who incarnates the "nowhere" notions of knotted-up intellects like Karl Marx, Saul Alinsky and Friedrich Nietzsche. She is the reductio ad absurdum of progressive philosophy.
Behold the übermensch – the higher man. And, surprise! it's a woman. Not incidentally a woman, but reduced by her own line of reasoning to only her sex (Vote for me because I'm a girl.)
England had its Iron Lady; well, here is the Tin Woman. Who can name one policy of this person who has been pushing her policies on us for a quarter-century? Killing unborn infants – OK, that's one. The Von Bismarck healthcare gulag for all – that's two. But she was against counterfeit marriage before she was for it, reverse that for the Iraq war, and she flip-flops on tough issues like the baking of cookies. As with many other politicians, she seems to have no core.
Doesn't have a point of view / Knows not where he's going to / Isn't he a bit like you and me?
Hillary Clinton is known best for the scandals she's caused and/or enabled. To those of us on the right she's infamous for letting four Americans die in Benghazi and blaming it on a video. And when weakly called to account for her negligence and lies in that debacle, for shrieking, "What difference, at this point, does it make?"
The demands of justice are not eternal, to her. They're merely the nefarious machinations of political opponents – the "vast right-wing conspiracy." Absolute truth is a fiction made up by meanies.
The blunt truth is that Hillary has persistently shown herself to the world as a person with no conscience, with no self-awareness, apparently with no empathy for anyone except the most evil scum. But Hillary is far from unique. Many like her are bubbling up from the anti-theistic stew served daily in postmodern culture.
When a human being tries to become God, he – or she – forfeits his humanity and becomes lower than an animal.
Utopia means "nowhere." Hillary Clinton is Nowhere Woman.
And we are just about the Nowhere Nation. When you look at Hillary, and perhaps recoil at the hollow caricature of a human being that she has made of herself, you're looking into a mirror, America. Our politicians are a reflection of us.
Behold the übermensch. Is she that all you expected?
© Dan Popp
April 14, 2015
He's a real Nowhere Man / Sitting in his Nowhere Land / Making all his nowhere plans for nobody. – John Lennon
The purpose of this essay isn't to criticize Hillary Rodham Clinton; by now, criticism is sinfully easy, if not superfluous. I want to spend a few minutes in dread and wonder at the spectacle of a woman with no soul. I want to force myself to look at this ghastly public display of what godlessness hath wrought.
I see Hillary Clinton as the embodiment of relativism – a human being who incarnates the "nowhere" notions of knotted-up intellects like Karl Marx, Saul Alinsky and Friedrich Nietzsche. She is the reductio ad absurdum of progressive philosophy.
Behold the übermensch – the higher man. And, surprise! it's a woman. Not incidentally a woman, but reduced by her own line of reasoning to only her sex (Vote for me because I'm a girl.)
England had its Iron Lady; well, here is the Tin Woman. Who can name one policy of this person who has been pushing her policies on us for a quarter-century? Killing unborn infants – OK, that's one. The Von Bismarck healthcare gulag for all – that's two. But she was against counterfeit marriage before she was for it, reverse that for the Iraq war, and she flip-flops on tough issues like the baking of cookies. As with many other politicians, she seems to have no core.
Doesn't have a point of view / Knows not where he's going to / Isn't he a bit like you and me?
Hillary Clinton is known best for the scandals she's caused and/or enabled. To those of us on the right she's infamous for letting four Americans die in Benghazi and blaming it on a video. And when weakly called to account for her negligence and lies in that debacle, for shrieking, "What difference, at this point, does it make?"
The demands of justice are not eternal, to her. They're merely the nefarious machinations of political opponents – the "vast right-wing conspiracy." Absolute truth is a fiction made up by meanies.
The blunt truth is that Hillary has persistently shown herself to the world as a person with no conscience, with no self-awareness, apparently with no empathy for anyone except the most evil scum. But Hillary is far from unique. Many like her are bubbling up from the anti-theistic stew served daily in postmodern culture.
When a human being tries to become God, he – or she – forfeits his humanity and becomes lower than an animal.
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them. (Romans 1:28-31, NKJV)
Utopia means "nowhere." Hillary Clinton is Nowhere Woman.
And we are just about the Nowhere Nation. When you look at Hillary, and perhaps recoil at the hollow caricature of a human being that she has made of herself, you're looking into a mirror, America. Our politicians are a reflection of us.
Behold the übermensch. Is she that all you expected?
© Dan Popp
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