Harold Witkov column

Harold Witkov is a freelance writer in the Chicago area, who previously worked in textbook publishing and sales for more than thirty years.
He began his freelance writing fifteen years ago, specializing in inspirational and humorous first-person narratives. Among others, he has written for Science of Mind, Unity Magazine, Reunions Magazine and The Jewish Voice and Opinion. Harold Witkov's articles are widespread on the Internet. He has written for Renew America, American Thinker, Right Wing News, Enter Stage Right, and Land of the Free, just to name a few.
He began his freelance writing fifteen years ago, specializing in inspirational and humorous first-person narratives. Among others, he has written for Science of Mind, Unity Magazine, Reunions Magazine and The Jewish Voice and Opinion. Harold Witkov's articles are widespread on the Internet. He has written for Renew America, American Thinker, Right Wing News, Enter Stage Right, and Land of the Free, just to name a few.
Harold Witkov
October 12, 2015
I think the likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed . . .
Harold Witkov
March 3, 2015
Today, Benjamin Netanyahu will speak bluntly before a joint session of Congress about Iran, a nation that denies the Holocaust and calls for the destruction of . . .
Harold Witkov
February 25, 2015
Remember the dance contest in the John Travolta movie, Saturday Night Fever? Up first is an African-American couple and they do a nice job. Then it is Tony and . . .
Harold Witkov
February 10, 2015
I once met a woman who was born and raised in Iran and lived under the Shah, and later, under Ayatollah Khomeini. I remember how she spoke passionately, in her . . .
Harold Witkov
January 19, 2015
So ten years ago I am on a short excursion to Paris with my wife and we are in a small grocery store buying a few items. While we are checking out at the . . .
Harold Witkov
January 4, 2015
I had a non-Jewish girlfriend my first year at College some four decades ago. I remember being at her home one day and visiting with her and her mother. The . . .
Harold Witkov
December 12, 2014
Dear Mr. Rose:
I have been living in the Chicagoland area all my life, and I am a long-time Bulls fan. However, I am not writing to you today about . . .
Harold Witkov
November 27, 2014
My 91-year-old dad loves to tell the story about the time he met "Two-Gun Pete." It happened some sixty-five years ago, but to hear my dad tell the narrative, . . .
Harold Witkov
November 22, 2014
So there is this scene in Animal House that has "Boon" telling his girlfriend Katy about the wild party antics she missed out on the other night. He boasts, " . . .
Harold Witkov
November 1, 2014
Hank Greenberg was one of the top major league baseball sluggers of the 1930's. A Hall of Fame member who played almost his entire career for the Detroit Tigers . . .
Harold Witkov
October 7, 2014
I remember watching, on live TV, Neil Armstrong's first steps on the Moon back in 1969. I also recall the three Apollo 11 astronauts being quarantined after . . .
Harold Witkov
August 29, 2014
(Sung to the tune of "Ants go Marching")
Hamas goes marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah
Hamas goes marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah
Hamas goes marching . . .
Harold Witkov
August 26, 2014
Once upon a time in 1971, on an oil rich peninsula in the Persian Gulf, a not so funny plot was hatched. An extended Sunni family, the Al-Thani's, created a . . .
Harold Witkov
August 7, 2014
The year is 1987. It is a fun year in American pop culture. The Twins beat the Cardinals in the World Series, the Bill Cosby Show is # 1 on TV, Giants QB Phil . . .
Harold Witkov
June 14, 2013
The losing of my liberty, is greatest of concern,
I'm told it's for my own good, of which I can't discern.
When I took a jet plane, my body they did scan,
My . . .
Harold Witkov
May 30, 2013
Back when I started college in the Fall of 1970, the Vietnam War and civil unrest were American open wounds, and my mind was fertile soil for the seeds of . . .
Harold Witkov
April 24, 2013
Well, I've seen what can happen when a pressure cooker gets into in the wrong hands. So I've been ruminating a lot about what could possibly happen if our . . .
Harold Witkov
February 28, 2013
"Hitch your wagon to a star"- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Hollywood love fest known as the 85th Academy Awards is thankfully behind us. My oh my, but how the . . .
Harold Witkov
November 3, 2012
For those who wish to do the right thing when they vote it can be confusing. To watch Fox News and CNN cover the same news story is like viewing two entirely . . .
Harold Witkov
August 29, 2012
I heard Wolf Blitzer "lamenting" yesterday (Monday) that when Isaac hits shore CNN just might have to go split screen coverage during the Republican Convention. . . .
Harold Witkov
July 1, 2012
Then the Lord appeared to Chief Justice Roberts and said, "The outrage of America is so great, and their sin is so grave! No longer are there any Americans who . . .
Harold Witkov
May 30, 2011
Because I embrace my Judaism, I am counting the days of Omer. Because I embrace my country, I am counting the days of Obama.
For me, these are the days of . . .
Harold Witkov
May 5, 2011
The man who got Osama bin Laden,
He got, Osama bin Laden,
He was the bravest of them all
- sung to the tune of The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (Gene . . .
Harold Witkov
March 24, 2011
I have to admit it. With all the tumult going on in this country and the world, for Barack Obama to take time out from his busy schedule to do his bracket . . .
Harold Witkov
February 12, 2011
Because I am a conservative, as far as the left is concerned, I am assumed guilty of several psychological disorders. I am, just to name a few, a sexist, a . . .
Harold Witkov
January 17, 2011
The President's State of the Union address will be upon us soon and a new great debate regarding the seating arrangement at the event is taking place. Should . . .
Harold Witkov
November 27, 2010
Once upon a time, there lived a vain Emperor. Because he was a man of little substance, he knew he had to project a grand image to fool his subjects. . . .
Harold Witkov
November 1, 2010
I recently attended a Jewish Chasidic funeral and a new concept came my way that I have begun to embrace. During the eulogy, the presiding rabbi referred to the . . .
Harold Witkov
May 7, 2010
Would you think poorly of me if I honored myself today on my birthday? I think I am a little entitled. After all, it is my birthday.
I was born May 7, 1952 . . .
Harold Witkov
March 25, 2010
A behind closed doors wrestling match at the White House between Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu recently concluded. President Obama tried to get Prime . . .
Harold Witkov
January 6, 2010
You do not have to be fluent in Pig Latin to understand that the president, the majority leader of the House, and the majority leader of the Senate have been . . .
Harold Witkov
November 22, 2009
In American literature, Captain Ahab's obsession to destroy the great Moby Dick is legendary. Sensing his impending meeting with the "White Whale," Ahab asks . . .
Harold Witkov
November 18, 2009
Barbara Walters asked Sarah Palin, " On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the best, where do you rate Barack Obama?" Sarah Palin gave Barack a "4."
As a big fan . . .
Harold Witkov
October 11, 2009
Mr. President, I know you are not the first politician to stretch the truth, but come on, you have lobbyists, you are aware your health care program will not . . .
Harold Witkov
October 3, 2009
For Jews around the world, the celebration of Sukot has begun. For this occasion, God, via Moses, commanded the citizens of Israel to live in booths, or huts, . . .
Harold Witkov
September 22, 2009
Back in the 1950's, a beautiful and buxom bombshell named Jayne Mansfield came upon the movie scene. In an effort to separate herself from the pack of . . .
Harold Witkov
September 8, 2009
As we all well know, President Obama has been taking a lot of criticism because he is assembling his own private army of Czars. All across the Internet, . . .
Harold Witkov
July 10, 2009
Imagine you are in a spaceship landing on a strange distant planet and you find its population ruled by mob bosses who mirror Chicago's Al Capone. This is . . .
Harold Witkov
June 8, 2009
Now that much of the hoopla has passed regarding President Obama's Cairo television address to the Muslim world, the effectiveness of his oratory can probably . . .
Harold Witkov
May 22, 2009
Many Americans today believe certain illegal vices in our society should be decriminalized, taxed, and regulated. The most popular of these vices include . . .
Harold Witkov
May 14, 2009
In the modern-day world, the death of a species can be attributed to shrinking habitats, and out of control hunters and poachers. To what extremes wildlife . . .
Harold Witkov
May 7, 2009
It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World is one of the zaniest comedy classics of all time. Starring an unsmiling Spencer Tracey as the straight man, it is about an . . .
Harold Witkov
May 1, 2009
Prior to the arrival of the horse in North America, certain Native American tribes had an interesting system for hunting buffalo. The hunters would wait for a . . .
Harold Witkov
April 25, 2009
Many years ago, my wife and I purchased our first home. It was an older house, and I was not very handy then. Whenever something needed fixing, a tradesman was . . .
Harold Witkov
April 20, 2009
In 1928, a London breeze transported some mold spores through an open window and gently placed them upon the discarded petri dish of a Scottish research . . .
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