Stanley Zir
The battle for the soul of our nation has begun
By Stanley Zir
December 6, 2019

Make note, and spread this far and wide; I alone have been able to bring perfect clarity to the rule of law.not even Mark Liven the "Great One," or any of the rest of the constitutional scholars have been able to accomplish this. This is essential for the survival of our party and the re-election of President Trump.

Never before have the depths of the rule of law been explored to bring a comprehensive understanding of how the Constitution-its rule of law, its stance against tyranny-ensures that the foundation upon which our free republic rests remains unchanged in perpetuity: Once we understand that the origin of our rule of law, our Constitution, has its root in a Biblical point of departure, the logical question becomes: where does tyranny arise from? What provides the nourishment for the seed of tyranny to develop?

These are the notes I used for a recent podcast interview.

This was the fourth in my series of lectures to Keep America Free. The following is the second in a series to Christian pastors.

This lecture focuses on our pastors bringing their congregants to the battlefield, where the results of the election will be determined. Sitting in our churches, and not going out and doing the work to get the votes and win this election is a victory for the forces of godlessness.

What's also significant about this lecture is that, for the first time anywhere, I've referenced our rule of law from a Biblical/Constitutional point of departure, to finally give perfect clarity about the true function of the Constitutions Rule of Law- (Its Stance Against Tyranny) This alone determines whos policies supports the Constitution, upon which our Free Republic Stands, and who is an enemy of it.


America had almost succumbed to the tyranny of godless, Socialist, Secular Humanism here at home, of which Obama was the primary instigator, but Donald Trump foiled his plans.

Now Obama's army is back, and they too are determined to transform America into a totalitarian socialist state, as the new democratic socialist party is doing his bidding to complete his political coup against the American constitution.

This tyranny, embraced by Obama and the Democrats, is the dangerous reality America faces. Unless America throws off this tyranny at home, she is lost!

In order to facilitate this understanding for the public, I realized the time to bring the proclamations of our founding fathers up to date was now. To respond, we removed the dust that is presently clouding the real reason behind this conflict, by putting the word "tyranny" where it belongs, back into the spotlight as it was 200 years ago. I knew this would provide the only clear perspective to expose those nations and those among us that are now attacking the institutions of democracy and why they are doing so.

The podcast starts with the questions I was asked:

1) What practical actions must we people of faith take to insure our free republic remains intact from those who are determined to transform America into a godless socialist humanist tyrannical state?

We are facing an insurrection. The battle for the soul of our nation has begun. A resurgence of patriotic spirit unlike anything our nation has ever seen before is crucial if we are to overcome the Democrats – the forces of tyranny from within – who have pledged to make this their final assault on our way of life.

It's not the British who are coming to deny us our God-given rights, it's our own citizens who have embraced socialism and tyranny as their path toward transforming this country into a totalitarian socialist state diametrically opposed to our Constitutional rule of law! In order to respond, we must reclaim our Founders' just purpose and noble cause, whose declaration of war on tyranny secured all the freedoms we enjoy today.

The solution that presents itself is very clear. Our Republican clubs must become not unlike those Revolutionary-era taverns that the brave pastors of the Black Robed Brigade often visited, igniting the spark that set the American Revolution in motion.

Our nation is at a crossroads; the battle for the soul of our nation has begun. Like those pastors of Revolutionary times – when everything was at stake – had no choice but to empty their churches, bringing their congregants to the battlefields, where the battle for the soul of our new nation lay in the balance, pastors today must lead their congregants onto the battlefield by emptying their churches and coming into the "taverns" where people gather to make their plans to defeat their enemy.

Those "taverns" are our Republican clubs. And we need not worry about the separation of church and state to stop us from carrying out this task from amongst ourselves. After church, we can communicate to attend these meetings and get out the vote. But actually, my friend Bishop Benjamin, one of the leaders of the black community, is going to the churches to get this work done to get out the vote; and they have a history, going back to Martin Luther King, Jr., of bringing their parishioners onto the political battlefield. Today the rest of our Christain Church's do not. follow this path, And now, that has to change.

Therefore, our Republican clubs must become safe havens for those who would gather to inspire each other to go boldly forward into this battle where the future of our nation hangs in the balance. When we say, "One nation under God," we remember that people of faith founded this country, and only people of faith can save this country. It won't happen if we stay in our churches, and don't come to the battlefield, where the results of an election will determine whether you live in a nation under the governance of tyranny under the Democrat Socialist Party, or one where freedom and liberty will reign forever.

No matter what you believe, if you're a person of faith, consider: you are living in a nation, under governance, in a domain, that will decide your right to religious freedom or the lack of it. Sitting in our churches, and not going out and doing the work to get the votes and win this election is a victory for the forces of godlessness.

This is exactly what we intend to do in the East Stroudsburg Republican Club, and spread it throughout Pennsylvania. After all, Pennsylvania is the Keystone State, the birthplace of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, and the battle for President Trump's re-election starts here! We are following in the footsteps of our Founders – Join us!

2) When the Constitution of the United States is under attack, what is the obligation of all free people?

We all have different missions in our fight to defend our Judeo-Christian values, but when it comes to defending the Constitution, from an insurgency from within, we have one duty and one mission only – to unite as a force of one to protect our Constitution, the foundation upon which our free Republic stands.

When George Washington said the Constitution is the only guideline he would follow, he etched the eternal definition of our nation and alerted the nations of the world to our identity: a nation of equality, rights, and above all, the freedom from oppression and tyranny. While amendments were made to improve certain positions as our nation matured, the checks and balances of those laws were always measured against an embrace of tyranny's hateful edicts.

Simply put, America exists to triumph over tyranny. We have no tolerance for those who promote its hatred, and this is the essence of our rule of law. So now, it's time to follow the guidelines George Washington laid out for us, to save our nation, and follow what he did to secure our freedoms. It's time to put our Bibles in our pockets and meet the enemies of our freedom head-on by fighting to get out the vote and defeat them at the polls.

3) Why is it that only the Constitution's rule of law, its stance against tyranny, can provide us a clear picture of who the real enemy is who is now attacking our Constitution?

Once we understand that the origin of our rule of law, our Constitution, its stance against tyranny, has its root in a Biblical point of departure, the logical question becomes: where does tyranny arise from? What provides the nourishment for the seed of tyranny to develop?

The Bible introduces us to the destruction that ensues through tyranny when man, instead of honoring the sovereignty of God, uses his mortal power laud over and represses other men, demanding allegiance to himself instead of to God; to a God, he has created in his own image. These dehumanizing hateful manifestations are revealed here on Earth by nations whose constitutions honor tyranny as their rule of law to govern their sovereignties.

Thus, under their sovereignty, they must deny people their God-given rights so their godless authority cannot be challenged, and this guarantees they stay in power. You know these nations whose constitutions honor tyranny as their rule of law: the socialists, the fascists, the communists, and the Islamo-fascists. These are the domains of the godless, the fallen ones. You know them and God knows them all too well: the ones that praise God through the act of treachery and murder and oppression, and then call out for justice in His name.

We are free because our Constitution is a declaration of war on tyranny. Every article and amendment is a declaration of war on tyranny, designed to keep us free from those nations inhabited by the fallen.

This is the basis for our Western, Judeo-Christian value system. This is our core value that keeps the lamp of liberty lit. U.S. history began with our firm stance against tyranny and it remains our mission in the world today. It is our rule of law that guides our battles and our policies and reminds us that each time we pledge "One Nation under God" we answer the call, for only those who stand against tyranny stand with God.

How do you know who is on the side of the rule of law and defending the Constitution, and who is an enemy of it?

The answer becomes very clear: in the battle between Congress and the President of the United States over impeachment, the question is asked – how can the Democrats in Congress, whose majority has embraced socialism, supporting those within their ranks who call for the end of the United States and the destruction of Israel, fulfill their obligation of oversight as defenders of the Constitution, making sure the president does not violate his oath if they themselves have become an enemy to the Constitution and its rule of law by supporting socialistic and totalitarian policies that are a direct threat to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to all people seeking freedom in the world? That's the greatness of the rule of law: checks and balances against tyranny.

Who supports tyranny is the real question in this impeachment process. It's obvious it's the Democrats, whose mandate is to transform America into a socialist state. How can they do oversight to protect our Constitution, if they have declared war on its rule of law, trying to undermine our freedoms?

President Trump, however, supports our rule of law, our capitalist free market system, protects our borders and our sovereignty, and has put America first – the list of his accomplishments goes on, and they all support the original intent of our Founders, keeping our freedoms safe from those who would deny us our birth-right as Americans by championing a socialist state.

The most important thing we can understand now is that the kangaroo court impeachment hearings run by the Democrats are obviously being used as a political ploy to create doubt in the minds of Americans as to whether President Trump is capable of leading this country. They have totally violated every principle of due process: no defense witnesses were permitted, questions are restricted, and the president has no recourse to the Supreme Court because that would run out the clock! What makes this different than in any other banana republic?!

They know full well they can't win the election, and they know they can't remove President Trump because of our majority in the Senate, so what is the plan? It's very plain: they will claim that the Senate is not acting in a bipartisan manner, and even though President Trump is guilty of all these treasonous acts against our Constitution, his removal will be blocked.

They will claim that the mandate of the Constitution to remove an unfit president from the office will have been violated by the Republicans in the Senate. They intend to declare the 2020 election void when they lose, claiming the president and the Republicans have violated the Constitution, and that the president is a danger to our way of life, and he is conspiring with foreign actors to rig the elections in his favor. What do we do then? It's what we have to do now that matters: we have to win by huge margins, and we have to understand the rule of law, so we can understand who truly follows the Constitution, and who violates it. With this as our weapon, nothing can stop us, as long as we are ready to defend the Constitution and our way of life. That is the power that following the rule of law yields. This is the gift from our Founders that keeps us free!

I propose that you create Republican clubs in your area; we will come and help set it up. We have videos of our meetings, and we have succeeded with hundreds of guests.

Pray for President Trump, yes, but most importantly, pray for Republicans to get out and vote to keep America free!

© Stanley Zir


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Stanley Zir

Stanley Zir has dedicated his life's work to two issues: (1) combating forces that undermine the unique freedoms held by American citizens, and (2) the importance of the safety, security and survival of Israel. As founder of several websites, he is unafraid to spotlight incongruity, illegalities and treason in government power plays.... (more)


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