Bryan Fischer
Trump cabinet has Founders' reverence for the Bible
By Bryan Fischer
August 2, 2017

Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at "Focal Point"

Host of "Focal Point" on American Family Radio, 1-3pm CT, M-F

The Founders frequently cited outside authorities in their public political writings to support, amplify, and confirm their positions. Of all these outside citations, 34% came from the Bible. The source cited next most frequently, Montesquieu, clocked in at a mere eight percent. There is simply no historical argument against the proposition that our new nation was founded on principles articulated in the word of God.

It turns out that the reverence the Founders had for the Scriptures is shared by influential political leaders even today.

What do Health Secretary Tom Price, HUD Secretary Ben Carson, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue, EPA Director Scott Pruitt, and CIA Director Mike Pompeo have in common? They are all members of Donald Trump's Cabinet, and they all attend a weekly Bible study together. Vice-President Mike Pence is a sponsor, and President Trump receives a copy of the study leader's weekly teaching.

Get ready for the great, left-wing media freakout. We're liable to see a Chernobyl-style meltdown as the air will soon be filled with manic cries of "Theocracy! Theocracy!" Regressive politicians and media mavens will frantically wring their hands and shriek about the impending apocalypse threatened by people of biblical faith permeating the Trump administration.

Well, tough darts. To quote our last president, "Elections have consequences. We won, you lost. Get over it." This Bible study is happening, and short of burning down the White House as the British did in 1814, there isn't a blessed thing the enemies of the truth can do to stop it. The First Amendment protects the right of these Cabinet members to "the free exercise" of their Christian faith, and they have set about exercising it.

The weekly study – the first Cabinet-level Bible study in 100 years – is led by Ralph Drollinger, who won two national NCAA championships under John Wooden at UCLA, and eventually signed with the fledgling Dallas Mavericks. He was, in fact, the very first Dallas Maverick, and signed with the franchise just so he could attend Dallas Theological Seminary in the offseason (a knee injury ended his NBA career after one season).

He has worked actively with various sports ministries, including the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Athletes in Action, and Pro Athletes Outreach. He is the founder of Sports Spectrum Magazine, which features the testimony of Christian athletes, and produced Julius Erving's Sports Focus, a weekly television anthology hosted by Dr. J and likewise featuring the testimonies of Christian athletes.

As another historical footnote, he was playing a pickup basketball game with James Dobson and Pistol Pete Maravich when Maravich had a massive heart attack and died, despite the efforts of Dobson and Drollinger to administer CPR.

Drollinger founded Capitol Ministries in 1997 with a goal of bringing the salt and light of the gospel into the political arena. Drollinger has started Bible studies in 40 state capitols and, in addition to the one he leads with the Trump administration, also leads two in the U.S. Capitol, one for members of the House and another for members of the Senate.

Speaking of his Cabinet-level study, Drollinger says, "It's the best Bible study that I've ever taught in my life.... these guys are faithful, available, and teachable and they're at Bible study every week they're in town."

The main knock against Drollinger is that, well, he believes the Bible. And he believes what the Bible teaches about salvation, marriage and the family, gender, and homosexuality. He rejects the hoax of man-caused catastrophic global warming on theological grounds and is aware of the grave threat that the counterfeit religion of Islam poses to the West. In other words, the criticism of Drollinger is that he has a thorough and unapologetic biblical view of the world.

As CBN puts it:
    A spiritual awakening is underway at the White House.

    Some of the most powerful people in America have been gathering weekly to learn more about God's Word, and this Trump Cabinet Bible study is making history.

    They've been called the most evangelical Cabinet in history – men and women who don't mince words when it comes to where they stand on God and the Bible.

It's striking that each member of this study was hand-picked by the president to be a part of his inner circle of political advisors and to exercise significant leadership in his determined effort to make America great again.

How much President Trump knew about their faith before selecting them is anyone's guess. It may be that, like Cyrus of old, he picked these men (and women) simply because he sensed there was something about their character, wisdom, insight, and courage – which has been imparted to them by the Spirit of God – that made them indispensable assets in handling the affairs of state.

President Andrew Jackson famously said, "The Bible is the rock on which this Republic rests." The good news is that Donald Trump's cabinet agrees with him.

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)

© Bryan Fischer


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