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August 27, 2009
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August 27, 2009
FRED HUTCHISON, RA ANALYST — Renew America, now recognized by as one of the top ten conservative web sites in the U.S., stands out as being the most Christian of the ten and the site most concerned with issues pertaining to America's founding... (more)

August 26, 2009
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON — The first seven months of the Obama administration seemingly make no sense. Why squander public approval by running up astronomical deficits in a time of pre-existing staggering national debt?... (more)

August 26, 2009
ASSOCIATED PRESS — Sen. John McCain met with an angry crowd at a town-hall meeting about health care reform Wednesday, sometimes having to fight to talk and telling one woman who wouldn't stop yelling that she had to leave... (more)

August 26, 2009
JOAN SWIRSKY — Back in October of 2008, when the subject of Obama's constitutional eligibility to be president of the United States was just a blip on the radar screen of public awareness, I wrote an article about how easy it was to find my then- 92-year-old mother's birth certificate... (more)

August 26, 2009
ANN COULTER — With the Democrats getting slaughtered -- or should I say, "receiving mandatory end-of-life counseling" -- in the debate over national health care, the Obama administration has decided to change the subject by indicting CIA interrogators for talking tough to three of the world's leading Muslim terrorists... (more)

August 26, 2009
MICHELLE MALKIN — Savor the silence of America's self-serving champions of privacy. For once, the American Civil Liberties Union has nothing bad to say about the latest case of secret domestic surveillance -- because it is the ACLU that committed the spying... (more)

August 26, 2009
ARMSTRONG WILLIAMS — Free speech is such a fundamental principle in the United States that it was codified by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The First Amendment protects all speech, especially political speech that criticizes the government or proposes unpopular or obnoxious ideas... (more)

August 26, 2009
CHRISTIAN POST — As students step foot on campus for another school year, an intelligent design proponent has offered a few tips for the millions who will face the teaching of evolution in their science classrooms... (more)

August 26, 2009
WORLDNETDAILY — Supporters of a first-of-a-kind law in Montana that declared weapons or ammunition made and kept in the state were exempt from federal rules are preparing for a court challenge to the federal government's insistence it will regulate those items... (more)

August 26, 2009
ASSOCIATED PRESS — In a chilling forecast, the White House is predicting a 10-year federal deficit of $9 trillion -- more than the sum of all previous deficits since America's founding. And it says by the next decade's end the national debt will equal three-quarters of the entire U.S. economy... (more)

August 26, 2009
MONICA CROWLEY — This week, President Obama made two incredibly dangerous and arrogant decisions involving the war on terror, or as his administration prefers to call it, the "global contingency operation" to prevent "man-made disasters"... (more)

August 25, 2009
CHRISTIAN POST — A federal judge on Monday threw out a lawsuit filed against the Defense of Marriage Act, saying that the suit had been improperly filed in state court before it was transferred to his jurisdiction... (more)

August 25, 2009
WORLDNETDAILY — A court decision that is being described as precedent-setting because it applies standard non-discrimination protections now provided to homosexuals to people who have left the lifestyle is being publicized by an activist group involved in the dispute... (more)

August 25, 2009
CBN NEWS — Lawmakers in Washington, D.C., Wednesday were mourning the death of Massachusetts Senator Edward M. Kennedy. Kennedy died at his home in Hyannis Port, Mass. late Tuesday night. The 77-year-old had been battling brain cancer for a year... (more)

August 25, 2009
LAKELAND TIMES — Every 10 years, the federal government undertakes a constitutionally mandated count of the American population to determine the apportionment of elected representatives among the 50 states, and, given the political stakes, it has always been a lodestone for controversy... (more)

August 25, 2009
BRIAN DARLING — Inside the Beltway, things are slow. Staffers and lobbyists are working on their golf games. Congressional staffers are catching up with old friends. Yet the Obama administration and liberal Members of Congress have been woken up from their sleepy August recess by the loud voices of angry voters -- the Town Hall Patriots... (more)

August 24, 2009
PAT BUCHANAN — "We just can't afford it!" Not long ago, every America child heard that, at one time or another, in the home in which he or she was raised. "We just can't afford it!" It may have been a new car, or two weeks at the beach, or the new flat-panel TV screen... (more)

August 24, 2009
WASHINGTON TIMES — President Obama set out for a weeklong family vacation Sunday facing the first stiff headwind of his presidency, with public polls showing his popularity has dipped as he has attempted an overhaul of the nation's ailing health care system... (more)

August 24, 2009
MARIE JON, RA ANALYST"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty" -- Thomas Jefferson. President Barack Obama, you've overwhelmed "We The People." Since you were given the prestige of the highest office in the land, there has not been one day of peace or tranquility for the citizens of our country... (more)

August 24, 2009
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — Robert Novak's most appropriate epitaph would be that he succeeded because he was true to himself. He was an insider's insider who was not swallowed up by the conventional wisdoms of Washington insiders. Though he himself was very much a part of the national media, he was openly scornful of their infamous herd instinct... (more)

August 24, 2009
PETER LABARBERA — Barack Obama sure has a strange way of showing his much-touted support for traditional "marriage." On Aug. 17, Obama's Justice Department filed a legal brief against DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act, which was signed into law by the last Democrat to occupy the Oval Office: Bill Clinton... (more)

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