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July 9, 2012
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July 9, 2012
STEPHEN STONE, RA PRESIDENT — The prospect of elevating a Mormon to the presidency of the United States warrants more than a superficial glance at the LDS church. So far, unfortunately, the media have shied away from any serious examination of the church, on the pretext that a presidential candidate's religious commitments are his own and should be off-limits... (more)

July 9, 2012
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — No less a power than the highest court in the land has stumbled into the ultimate definition of Obamacare, and in the process has finally exposed the decades-long downslide of the political class's standards for honesty. It is up to us to try to reverse that... (more)

July 9, 2012
ALAN KEYES — When the U.S. Supreme Court announced its Obamacare decision, many conservatives professed to be shocked, even stunned, to hear that G.W. Bush appointee John Roberts wrote the decision in which he and the Supreme Court's anti-constitutional leftists upheld the individual mandate provision that, for many conservatives, is its most offensive feature... (more)

July 9, 2012
TIMOTHY P. CARNEY — The most dangerous enemies of capitalism today are capitalists. This is becoming clearer every day to people committed to free markets. The conservative and libertarian grassroots came to deeply distrust big business after the Wall Street bailouts and Obama's stimulus and health care bills, both of which had big-business backing... (more)

July 9, 2012
JANICE SHAW CROUSE — During discouraging times, pro-lifers remind themselves that William Wilberforce worked for two decades before he began to change hearts and minds and end 19th-century slavery in Great Britain. In efforts lasting twice as long, pro-life activists are just now beginning to see signs of success. A recent Gallup Poll found that 50 percent of American adults define themselves as pro-life (up 5 percent from 2011)... (more)

July 9, 2012
DAILY CALLER — Attorney General Eric Holder could lose his license to practice law in the District of Columbia, or face some other penalty from the D.C. Bar, now that he has been found in criminal and civil contempt of Congress... (more)

July 9, 2012
WORLDNETDAILY — Two separate database reports from the National Student Clearinghouse have contradicted President Obama's claim he attended Columbia University for two years. The reports have added to the intrigue generated by Obama's unwillingness to discuss his time at the Ivy League institution, his refusal to release educational records, and the fact that many political science students and faculty there in the early 1980s say they don't remember him... (more)

July 8, 2012
ASSOCIATED PRESS — The Supreme Court's decision to uphold most of President Barack Obama's healthcare law will come home to roost for most taxpayers in about 2 1/2 years, when they'll have to start providing proof on their tax returns that they have health insurance... (more)

July 8, 2012
HUMAN EVENTS — Main Governor Paul LePage accused the Obama Administration of organizing an army of "new Gestapo" agents to enforce the ObamaTax law. Gov. Paul LePage used his weekly radio address to blast President Obama's health care law and described the Internal Revenue Service as the "new Gestapo"... (more)

July 8, 2012
MICHELLE MALKIN — Good news: The Waldo Canyon fire, which forced 32,000 residents (including our family) to flee, claimed two lives and destroyed 347 homes, is now 100 percent contained. Bad news: Radical environmentalists won't stop blowing hot air about this year's infernal season across the West... (more)

July 8, 2012
WASHINGTON TIMES — The United Nations is deliberating over a treaty that will place comprehensive limits on the international weapons trade. The language of the draft agreement is so expansive it wouldn't take an Obama-appointed judge very long to extend the treaty to cover the domestic firearms market as well... (more)

July 7, 2012
PAT BOONE — "Now you see it . . . now you don't!" The hands are in constant motion, lifting, swapping and placing the walnut shells in ever shifting positions, occasionally giving a glimpse of the pea which will be found under one of the shells. The sleight-of-hand trickster is glib and talkative, alternately assuring and then questioning the observer about which shell hides the elusive pea... (more)

July 7, 2012
MARK STEYN — This weekend, I am thousands of miles from home in a remote and isolated part of the world with erratic communications and lack of basic services. No, not Washington, D.C. Things aren't that primitive, thank God. I'm in a rude Highland croft way up a far Scottish brae, enjoying the simple life by choice, rather than because the capital region of the global superpower is incapable of turning the lights back on within a week... (more)

July 5, 2012
ALAN KEYES — Most Americans who value their liberty realize by now that the survival of their life as a free people is currently endangered by a threat greater than any it has faced since the founding of the United States. This threat manifests itself in every facet of the nation's existence... (more)

July 5, 2012
The best of Fred Hutchison
FRED HUTCHISON, RA ANALYST — It was nice to listen to an intelligent articulate political debate for a change. Alan Keyes is probably the nation's most articulate black conservative, and Barak Obama is probably the nation's most articulate black liberal. What a delight to see them in a duel of wits, knowledge, and intellect in their Senate race from Illinois... (more)

July 5, 2012
ANN COULTER — It has become fashionable to equate the French and American revolutions, but they share absolutely nothing beyond the word "revolution." The American Revolution was a movement based on ideas, painstakingly argued by serious men in the process of creating what would become the freest, most prosperous nation in world history... (more)

July 5, 2012
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Chief Justice John Roberts' surprise decision to side with the liberal majority to uphold the individual mandate on taxing power grounds -- an argument that even liberal lower-court judges had rejected -- has scrambled both parties' health care strategies... (more)

July 5, 2012
JOSEPH FARAH — The way to build a consensus for good governance is to come up with a simple, beautiful vision of liberty and justice for all. That's what the Founding Fathers taught us. In 1776, the men who authored the Declaration of Independence probably did not represent the majority opinion in the colonies... (more)

July 5, 2012
WORLDNETDAILY — Donald Trump is again predicting President Obama will start a war with Iran solely to help his chances of getting re-elected this November. The billionaire developer made his forecast both on the Internet and television Tuesday, initially tweeting: "Just as I predicted, Barack Obama is preparing a possible attack on Iran right before November"... (more)

July 5, 2012
WORLDNETDAILY — Why is China constructing large, well-designed "ghost cities" that are completely devoid of people? Now, the BBC reports a giant new Chinese-built city has been spotted in Africa in the outskirts of Angola's capital Luanda. The city, Nova Cidade de Kilamba, was designed to hold up to a half million people and features 750 eight-story apartment buildings, 12 schools and more than 100 retail units, according to the report... (more)

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