Matt C. Abbott
Catholic Demo-rats chide pope; Legionaries' latest scandal; 'Never Again'
By Matt C. Abbott
From a Feb. 2 Catholic League news release:
Shame on them.
Meanwhile, the Vatican has demanded that Bishop Williamson publicly recant his views regarding the Holocaust (click here).
More bad news for the Legionaries of Christ — click on this link if you want to know more.
Patrick Madrid has some very good observations on the situation (click here), as does Phil Lawler (click here) and canon lawyer Edward Peters (click here).
From Alex Schadenberg:
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Michael Dubruiel, husband of Catholic author Amy Welborn. Mr. Dubruiel died suddenly on Feb. 3. Please also pray for Mrs. Welborn and her young children.
© Matt C. Abbott
February 4, 2009
From a Feb. 2 Catholic League news release:
'On January 29, nearly 50 Catholic Democratic congressmen sent a letter to Pope Benedict XVI stating their concerns over Bishop Richard Williamson's comments questioning the historical record on the Holocaust. The bishop belongs to the St. Pius X Society; he is one of four bishops who recently had his excommunication lifted by the pope. The congressmen implored the pope to denounce the bishop's views....'
'The hypocrisy is mind-boggling. They beg the pope to 'publicly state your unequivocal position on this matter so that it is clear where the Church stands....' How ironic that most of these very same Catholics fail to speak with clarity about what the Church teaches on abortion. Of the 47 signatories, the majority have a 100 percent NARAL score (meaning they vote with the radical pro-abortion group on every issue). The leader of this group, Rep. Rosa DeLauro, never agrees with the Catholic Church on abortion — her NARAL score is 100 percent.'
Shame on them.
Meanwhile, the Vatican has demanded that Bishop Williamson publicly recant his views regarding the Holocaust (click here).
More bad news for the Legionaries of Christ — click on this link if you want to know more.
Patrick Madrid has some very good observations on the situation (click here), as does Phil Lawler (click here) and canon lawyer Edward Peters (click here).
From Alex Schadenberg:
'The theme for the Second International Symposium on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide is: Never Again.
'The symposium will focus on building an effective, unified and focused direction for groups and individuals who oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide. It will be held at the National Conference Center, 18980 Upper Belmont Place, Lansdowne, Virginia, near the Washington D.C. Dulles Airport on May 29–30, 2009.
'The Second International Symposium on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide will set the stage for the upcoming cultural battles over euthanasia and assisted suicide. We have already witnessed the court-imposed assisted suicide law in Montana and a proposed bill to codify the judgment into law in Montana. We know that New Hampshire is moving quickly toward debating assisted suicide; Wyoming rejected a bill to outlaw assisted suicide; Hawaii is debating a law to legalize assisted suicide; Canada will soon be debating the legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide, and so on.
'The Second International Symposium is co-sponsored by Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, Physicians for Compassionate Care, Not Dead Yet, Vermont Alliance for Ethical Health Care, Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation, Institute for the Study of Disability and Bioethics, Care Not Killing Alliance — UK, No Less Human — UK, Alert — UK, Compassionate Health Care Network — Canada.
'The registration fee for the symposium is $199 regular or $139 for students and people with disabilities.
'You can register for the symposium by going to our Web site, www.epcc.ca. The promotional material is printed and will be on the Web site soon. If you or your group are willing to distribute promotional material or place an ad in your newsletter for symposium, please contact us at info@[no SPAM]epcc.ca or call us toll free at 1-877-439-3348. Due to the cost associated with credit card payment, we prefer payment for registration by check sent to the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition.
'At the First International Symposium we were able to register many students, people with disabilities and others who were unable to pay the registration fee. Once again, for those who are unable to attend the symposium but are willing to donate the cost of registration, please send either $199 or $139 to the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition. We have already had several requests for subsidy.'
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Michael Dubruiel, husband of Catholic author Amy Welborn. Mr. Dubruiel died suddenly on Feb. 3. Please also pray for Mrs. Welborn and her young children.
© Matt C. Abbott
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