Lisa Fabrizio
Stifling our children
By Lisa Fabrizio
April 16, 2013

    Boy the way Glen Miller played;
    Songs that made the hit parade.
    Guys like us we had it made;
    Those were the days.

    And you knew who you were then.
    Girls were girls and men were men.
    Mister we could use a man
    Like Herbert Hoover again.

    Didn't need no welfare state;
    Everybody pulled his weight.
    Gee our old LaSalle ran great.
    Those were the days.

When I was a little girl back in the early 1960's, before the world went mad, life was easier than it is today. Why? Because, as so elegantly put by Edith Bunker above, everyone knew who they were then: girls were girls and men were men. Today, girls are raised to be men and men are, well, they're just confused. The deadly combination of feminism, socialism and political correctness have robbed two generations of Americans – aptly named Generation X, and Y; the unknown quantities – of their proper identities according to the Natural Law. Day after day give evidence that the tender mercies of liberals have left millions of people dazed and confused and our moral fiber in tatters.

In the old days, the family unit was sacrosanct. A man was the king of his castle and that castle was to be defended against any and all who would dare to breach it; by force, if necessary. This very concept was the basis of the founding of our country. Today, a man's property belongs to the communal tax-base, and his children are little more than wards of the state, as evidenced by this PSA run on MSNBC which actually admits this. And boy, how the state has been raising them.

Back in Archie Bunker's halcyon days, girls were considered children and were treated as such; that is, until they grew up to be women who would assume the honored and vital roles of wives and mothers if they so chose. Now, little girls – once the very epitome of innocence – who formerly scampered happily and unencumbered through childhood in pigtails, are taught that their most important function in life is sex; a notion that was formerly discouraged as detrimental to society, even for grown men.

It is truly disgusting to contemplate that these sweet little ones must have their girlhoods despoiled by being drilled in the mannish ways of sexual activity long before puberty. And now, thanks to our morally bankrupt judiciary, these girl-men will have access to abortion pills – the murderous equivalent of male 'protection' – which are available to them without parental notification; further proof of their 'liberating' masculinization.

As for our boys, quite the opposite is true. In the past, boys were raised to grow into men who were respectful of women and their elders, but during childhood they were expected to show a certain degree of rambunctiousness; as in "boys will be boys." Now, their boyish ways are drugged out of them by their communal village parents; until, that is, they reach adulthood, where our modern culture encourages them to act as loutish, irresponsible children forever. Confusing? Not really, when you consider that the aim of liberals seeks to keep them docile as regards their former status as heads of households and responsible American guardians of their family's autonomy and liberty.

In a time which seems eons ago, our national motto was "In God we trust." Today, those who would hew to that belief are considered hateful and harmful to society. To paraphrase the eminent author and raconteur G.K. Chesterton – who would have a field day in Barack Obama's America – those who believe in nothing will believe in anything. Well today, youngsters are counseled, ad nauseam, to "believe in themselves;" as if such belief will accomplish, and even more importantly, excuse anything. And while the little moppets continue in that vein, they are encouraged by their government nannies: as long as that belief comports itself with modern leftists' twisted templates of gender identity.

Yes, modern America would have been Archie Bunker's worst nightmare. But what do you expect from a once-great nation now run by dingbats?

© Lisa Fabrizio


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Lisa Fabrizio

Lisa Fabrizio is a freelance columnist from Stamford, Connecticut. You may write her at


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