Bryan Fischer
GOP candidates: you will never out-pander Hillary on homosexuality
By Bryan Fischer
April 14, 2015

Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at "Focal Point"

Host of "Focal Point" on AFR Talk, 1-3pm CT, M-F

Hillary declared her candidacy for president yesterday, and it was a rocky start by any objective observer's assessment. Her official logo looks it belongs outside a hospital emergency room, her first social media post made her look like a pirate with an eye patch, and her first press release inadvertently proclaimed she "fought children and family all her career."

In the process, she introduced her campaign with a video rather than a personal appearance, likely a concession on her part that the less direct contact she has with the public the better. Her campaign has already tacitly recognized her limitations – an inability to draw crowds (as her book tour demonstrated), and a shrill and screechy speaking style when she gets animated.

Her campaign is going to focus on smaller campaign appearances, likely with carefully selected audience members and limited press access, in what will be a vain attempt to present her as a woman of the people whose (wholly illusory) ability to personally connect with ordinary people will be the centerpiece of her campaign. This seems highly unlikely to work, in part because Hillary comes across as a person who despises ordinary people. It will be hard for her to sell herself as their champion if she does in fact have a thinly disguised contempt for them.

But one thing was abundantly clear in her roll-out: she will be an unapologetic, unabashed champion of all things homosexual. In her introductory video, she prominently featured two homosexual couples, one gay and the other lesbian, who can't wait to get married and who were thrilled beyond words to be included in Hillary's video.

She's a lock for the 2.3% of the American people who are gay or bisexual. Meanwhile, Republicans, the other 97.7% of the electorate isn't.

The point here quite simply is that GOP candidates must realize that there is no possible way for them to out-pander a hardcore liberal like Hillary on homosexuality. She will be able to trump them every time. So there's no point in even trying. She will always be able to make one more promise than you will, simply because there is no logical place for her to stop.

She will always be able to go further than a Republican in promoting sexually abnormal behavior because in a liberal's world there are virtually no recognizable restraints on human sexual behavior. A conservative can never say that or believe that without forfeiting any and all rights to call himself a conservative.

So Republicans, you might as well come out of the gate advocating fearlessly for natural marriage, like Ted Cruz has done. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

The American people are growing increasingly disturbed and even alarmed at the anti-Christian bigotry of the homosexual left and it's vicious name-calling and bullying tactics.

They don't like it when a salt-of-the-earth family in Walkerton, Indiana is driven into hiding like Anne Frank simply because their Christian convictions wouldn't allow them to cater a sodomy-based wedding. The American people are looking for someone who will be an unapologetic advocate for sexual normalcy and religious liberty.

You will not only clearly differentiate yourself from the likely Democratic standard-bearer, you will be on the right side of history while Hillary will be on the right side of hysteria. And more importantly, you will be on the right side of right.

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)

© Bryan Fischer


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