Alan Keyes
Why Rubio's aides are dissing America's workers
By Alan Keyes
June 20, 2013

Remember the Time magazine cover that touted Marco Rubio as the new voice and savior of the GOP? Now his complicity in the Gang of 8′s betrayal of America's sovereignty is forcing conservatives to admit what Time magazine's stamp of approval should have proven to them already. Marco Rubio is just another deceitful figurehead of the elitist faction forces working to overthrow constitutional self-government in the United States. I warned people about this back in March in an article that analyzed the specious pro-life rhetoric Rubio used in his CPAC speech. Of course, if reasoning were enough to convince the people still wasting time, money, and morale on the GOP wing of the elitist faction, a new and truly conservative political vehicle would by now have displaced the treacherous so-called Republican Party.

Like a repeatedly abused spouse, some people won't withdraw from the GOP no matter how many times they are smacked in the head and kicked in the gut by its betrayals of fundamental principle. They go on accepting the same beguiling deceits just because they come from a new face with a new name. Their gullibility arises from the fact that they are willing to judge by words and appearances, instead of seeking to verify that an individual's rhetoric and actions spring from good seed, deeply rooted and developed, into a tree that bears good fruit.

However, even the gullible conservatives still dancing on the deck of the GOP's titanic betrayals have turned against Time's Savior (or is that timeserving?) Marco Rubio on account of his willingness to shill for the Gang of 8′s treacherous immigration proposal. That proposal grants amnesty to illegal immigrants on terms tantamount to the de facto surrender of America's border security and sovereignty. By embracing it, Rubio proves that he is a self-serving politico, more than willing to sacrifice the common good of the American people to the ethnic and political interests that promote his personal ambition.

In the last few days, however, reports have circulated that should lead even the gullible conservatives hanging on to the GOP to admit the deeply repugnant truth about elitist faction darlings like Rubio. In a recent interview reported at, two of Rubio's aides cited the incompetence and bad character of American workers as economic grounds for importing foreign workers into America. This slanders American job seekers, at a time when job-destroying government fiscal policies have worked so well that millions swell the ranks of those, so discouraged by failure to find work, that they are no longer counted among the unemployed.

More outrageous, however, is that it comes after decades during which the elitist faction has worked to sap the work ethic and moral self-discipline of the American people, turning them away from biblical standards of restraint and self-reliance and toward an anything goes mentality of self-indulgence. This demoralizing elitist faction agenda is epitomized by the frenzied campaign to discard, trample upon, and even criminalize the concept of rights that is rooted in an individual's commitment responsibly to fulfill his obligations to God and the God-determined common good of humanity. This is the real purpose and import of the elitist faction's effort to force acceptance of homosexuality down the throats of a righteously resistant majority of Americans.

So first they do everything in their power to corrupt the character and self-discipline of the people. Then they use the people's corrupt character and lack of discipline as the excuse for displacing them with millions of people imported from countries where the concept of "democracy" refers to elitist faction governments wielding virtually unchallenged totalitarian power. This concept of "democracy" aims to equip elitist faction representatives to superintend a human herd, manipulating its appetites, passions, and fears so it will only "stampede" at the time and in the manner prescribed by its elitist proprietors.

I hope people will ponder the sly invective Rubio's staffers deployed against the regular folks who, by and large, make up the preponderance of the American people. If they do, they may realize that when I refer to the elitist faction, I'm not just talking about people with a self-serving economic, political, and moral agenda. I'm talking about people who pursue that agenda with and on account of an attitude of deep contempt for regular folks. I'm talking about people who reject the God-acknowledging moral egalitarianism that is the vital first premise of America's identity.

These people see everything in terms of the material standards of success and power that validate their presumption of superiority. Because it supersedes these standards, they have worked diligently to expunge the acknowledgement of God's authority in the American Declaration of Independence. According to the Declaration, the Creator has placed within the reach of every human being the princely dignity required for self- government . All that it requires is the willingness to act from the motive of right conscience that God has programmed into the nature of all humanity.

American politicians devoted to preserving constitutional self-government (as the oath they take requires) would be careful to make sure that every action government takes respects and implements the motive of right conscience, for in practice it constitutes the primordial basis for the common good of the governed. They would not accept an agenda that disregards or silences that motive, in order to use the corruption that results as an excuse to impose their will upon the people they have thus prepared for the destruction of liberty.

Who can deny that, by their actions, both the Democrat and Republican parties have amply demonstrated that this corruption of God-endowed conscience is their shared agenda? Who is so blind to the abuses being reported every day that they do not realize that the destruction they aim at is very close to irreversible completion? The only way to withdraw support from politicians willing to cooperate with this agenda is to withdraw from the parties that drive them to do so. We must build a new political vehicle that gives first priority to stopping the moral rot these parties have encouraged, and renewing the moral premises they are systematically seeking to ruin beyond repair.

To see more articles by Dr. Keyes, visit his blog at and his commentary at and

© Alan Keyes


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Alan Keyes

Dr. Keyes holds the distinction of being the only person ever to run against Barack Obama in a truly contested election – featuring authentic moral conservatism vs. progressive liberalism – when they challenged each other for the open U.S. Senate seat from Illinois in 2004... (more)


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