Alan Keyes
Stopping the 2-party tyranny
Disenfranchised GOP voters must do more than despair
By Alan Keyes
February 3, 2014

Did you listen to the dueling State of the Union addresses this week? I frankly don't know why any sensible person would bother. It's all lies. Obama speaks lying words to mask his truly damaging actions. Those who represent his GOP collaborators speak words that are true enough, but only to mask actions that consistently, continually, treacherously belie their words.

Both do what they do in order to conceal and serve the interests of a powerful elitist clique that aims to restore rule by the self-worshiping few. That's the kind of regime inflicted on the bulk of humanity pretty much everywhere and always before God's Providence allowed the people of the United States to try something better.

On my blog earlier this week, I offered a glimpse of Alexis De Tocqueville's rather hopeful view of the American alternative. I focus in particular on the fact that he saw Christianity giving impetus to the egalitarian tide that lifted the people toward political self-rule. Then I point to the ongoing effort "to drive the mind and heart of Christ, and so God's breath in the Creative Word, from every precinct, cell and vestige of America's Life." I see the anti-Christian offensive as a telltale sign of the elitist faction's agenda: To restore oligarchic tyranny as the unchallenged paradigm for human government.

Certainly, evidence of that agenda has recently been on full display. Witness this week's report about a British bank refusing to give people access to their own money unless they provide a satisfactory explanation of what they intend to do with it. Remember that kiddie bank account you had when you were a child? Now it seems grown-up folks will have to ask their bank's permission for withdrawals, the way you had to ask your parents. The premise of this patronizing approach is that "your" money doesn't belong to you. Forget the headaches, heartaches, and aching muscles you had to endure to earn it.

Where did this come from? Actually, it flows quite logically from your government's imposition of an income tax – followed by the use of tax dollars to bail out banks and the big investors who mostly profit from them. Though most people don't bother to think it through, the premise of the income tax is that all the money you earn belongs to the government until the government decides how much to let you keep.

Once governments take over the banks (or vice-versa), that logic extends to all your money, even the after-tax dollars you thought you got to keep. The next step in this logic (already well advanced in some European countries) is that your savings, investment, and pension accounts also belong to the government, which will reach in and take out money whenever the "need" arises.

If you like, you can comfort yourself with the delusion that this is just an economic or financial issue. To keep the delusion going, don't think about the words we generally apply when someone asserts that what is yours is theirs, with no better warrant than the superior force needed to back it up (theft, robbery, extortion – take your pick.) Here you thought only the folks living in gang/mafia-dominated urban neighborhoods had to put up with gangsta "government."

I know that some of you are strangely obtuse enough to think that I'm just talking about Obama and his nasty, bad old communist buddies. But consider the reports this week confirming the RNC's plans to make the next Republican presidential primary voting season as short and uninformative as possible. This has no purpose but to make it as hard as possible for candidates lifted up by the voters themselves to compete effectively with those whom the elitist faction oligarchs anoint with their most abundant asset: the money needed to deluge the media and create an impression of inevitability that, however false in terms of voter sentiment, takes time to overcome.

Moreover, against the clear wishes of its own voter base, the GOP leadership is also working on its own version of Obamacare, a deal to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants and fast tracking a trade regime that will further destroy the economic prospect of America's wage earners. Not content to betray their constituents, they want to mock and demoralize them by signaling the betrayal well in advance, leaving no doubt that voters are no longer in charge.

Are you among the voters helplessly disenfranchised by the GOP's refusal to represent you? Like discouraged job-seekers who have given up looking for work, have you given up looking for political representation? While you still have the chance to do something about it, you really should think again...and again and again until you think your way out of the delusional matrix that is all that's left of real electoral politics in the present twin-party sham.

There comes a time when the only way to fix what you're doing wrong is to stop doing it. Get behind the movement that simply demands that any and every candidate who wants your vote must pledge to impeach and remove Obama and his collaborators – without excuse, without fail, and without delay – after the new Congress convenes in 2015. Help turn the 2014 elections into a vote of no-confidence in the present administration of government. Now that would be something completely different.

And the more the usual suspects blather on about how crazy, ridiculous, impractical, and impossible it is, the more you should commit yourself to doing what it takes to make it work. Sometimes the best guide to success is to determine what your true enemies truly don't want you to do. Do you care enough to do more than think about it? See "Obama's Marxist coup: Ending the nightmare, Part 2."

To see more articles by Dr. Keyes, visit his blog at and his commentary at and

© Alan Keyes


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Alan Keyes

Dr. Keyes holds the distinction of being the only person ever to run against Barack Obama in a truly contested election – featuring authentic moral conservatism vs. progressive liberalism – when they challenged each other for the open U.S. Senate seat from Illinois in 2004... (more)


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