Alan Keyes
Obama's evil Machiavellian Ebola strategy
Insidious plan behind importation of infected people
By Alan Keyes
October 27, 2014

    But when one acquires states in a province disparate in language, customs, and orders, here are the difficulties, and here one needs to have great fortune and great industry to hold them; and one of the greatest and quickest remedies would be for whoever acquires it to go there to live in person....

    The other, better remedy is to send colonies that are, as it were, fetters of that state, to one or two places, because it is necessary either to do this or to hold them with many men-at-arms and infantry. One does not spend much on colonies, and without expense of one's own, or with little, one may send them and hold them; and one offends only those from whom one takes fields and houses in order to give them to new inhabitants – who are a very small part of that state. And those whom he offends, since they remain dispersed and poor, can never harm him, while all the others remain on the one hand unhurt, and for this they should be quiet; on the other, they are afraid to err from fear that what happened to the despoiled might happen to them.

    For the Romans did in these cases what all wise princes should do: they not only have to have regard for present troubles but also for future ones....

    And it happens with this as the physicians say of consumption, that in the beginning of the illness it is easy to cure and difficult to recognize, but in the progress of time, when it has not been recognized and treated in the beginning, it becomes easy to recognize and difficult to cure. (Machiavelli, "The Prince," Chapter 3)

    And whoever becomes patron of a city accustomed to living free and does not destroy it, should expect to be destroyed by it; for it always has a refuge in rebellion in the name of liberty and its own ancient orders which are never forgotten either through length of time or because of benefits received. Whatever one does or provides for, unless the inhabitants are broken up or dispersed, they will not forget that name and those orders. (Machiavelli, "The Prince," Chapter 5)

    And the master commended the unjust steward, forasmuch as he had done wisely: for the sons of the age are more worldly wise in their generation than the children of light. (Luke 16:8)
It is a defect of their virtue that decent people are prone to see only what their own good nature and experience prepare them to see. This is no doubt why Jesus Christ, though he is the paragon of single-hearted righteousness, nonetheless invited his disciples to ponder the craftiness of the deceitful, self-serving, and unjust steward, as well as that of the master who praised him on account of it.

Are decent Americans finally waking up to the fact that Barack Obama's much touted mantra of change serves the advantage of elitist factional interests deeply hostile to the liberty (i.e., constitutional self-government) of the American people? His bizarre insistence on actions that seem calculated to spread the Ebola epidemic to America appear to be scraping scales from the eyes of many. But if the majority's newfound wakefulness doesn't lead them to respond effectively to the threat, they will soon be using it to look upon a country no longer their own.

As Election Day approaches, I thought it might be helpful in this respect to follow Christ's example by inviting my readers to think about Obama's actions in the context of some intriguing observations by the first and most meticulous modern cartographer of unrighteous thinking. In light of Machiavelli's observations, Obama's plans for exploiting the Ebola crisis appear to combine the virtues of colonization – already at work in his efforts to increase and legitimize illegal immigration into the United States – with the deadly aim of utter destruction Machiavelli recommends as the only sure way of suppressing the liberty of people who are accustomed to living in freedom.

The Obama faction's plan to import Ebola-infected persons into the United States maintains the outward appearance of an unarmed invasion while in fact introducing into the country what amounts to specialized "armies of one," each of them carrying a biological weapon of mass destruction. If and when the resulting infections get out of hand (which seems to be happening despite repeated, apparently erroneous, possibly deceitful, assurances of effective containment), what will be made of the resulting health crisis? When, by way of this sly biological warfare, "Obamacare" morphs into "Ebolacare," what will become of the (always suspect) commitment of Obama's ostensible opponents in the GOP's elitist faction leadership to roll back the government takeover of the health sector?

If the demographic effects of such warfare are intense enough, the policy of importing foreign workers will also morph from a bad choice into a woeful necessity.

Elsewhere in "The Prince," Machiavelli suggests that, in replacing one domestic regime with another, "it is enough to have eliminated the line of the prince whose dominions they were." To apply this thought to a whole people requires unrighteous thinking on a genocidal scale, the sort of thinking that can ordinarily be translated into action only if it masquerades as something else. Does America's current twin-party sham exist precisely in order to weave the tangled web required to veil such evil? Is there no way for decent Americans to cut through the Gordian knotted electoral process by which that veil is being maintained?

Though the hour is late, and the illness well advanced, the heart and will required to implement the Pledge To Impeach mobilization may energize the constitutional sword intended to offer a way. Have you joined the Pledge To Impeach mobilization? Are you encouraging everyone you can influence to do likewise?

To see more articles by Dr. Keyes, visit his blog at and his commentary at and

© Alan Keyes


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Alan Keyes

Dr. Keyes holds the distinction of being the only person ever to run against Barack Obama in a truly contested election – featuring authentic moral conservatism vs. progressive liberalism – when they challenged each other for the open U.S. Senate seat from Illinois in 2004... (more)


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