Alan Keyes
Triumph of the 2-party sham
'GOP's elitist faction leaders' will not hold 'O' accountable
By Alan Keyes
November 11, 2014

Despite their best efforts to do so, the quislings of the GOP's elitist faction leadership could not prevent the 2014 election from reflecting the nausea many Americans feel as Obama's destructively anti-American policies rip through their country's guts. During the GOP primary season, the Boehner/McConnell congressional leaders declared war on their conservative constituents. They aimed to make sure that few if any of the non-incumbents who made it through to the general election would, once elected, be sincerely committed to representing conservative voters in a way that interfered with the agenda the elitist faction leadership in both the so-called major parties actually serves.

In the war against their party's grassroots conservative constituency, the GOP's Boehner/McConnell/Rove warriors openly employed tactics that clearly demonstrated the truth of the "quisling" label I often apply to them. I mean, of course, tactics like the open reliance on aid from Obama's hardcore followers that allowed U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran to thwart the will of the conservative constituency in Mississippi. Strong conservative revulsion against the GOP quislings' collaboration with Obama would otherwise have doomed his chances for re-nomination.

Some conservatives have sense enough to remember this open, and generally successful, warfare against candidates willing to represent them. They also have sense enough to resent the false prophets of conservative victory who are presently filling the waves of air and ether with phony claims that the outcome of last Tuesday's election means a tidal wave of conservative change in Washington, D.C. Unfortunately, in the likely event that GOP quislings like Boehner and McConnell retain their leadership positions, it means nothing of the kind.

Far from grasping the opportunity to reverse the fatal course Obama has set for the republic, McConnell is pretending that the election outcome is a mandate to "work with Obama." Mitt Romney, the pioneer of socialist healthcare in Massachusetts (who unsuccessfully masqueraded as a "conservative" on his way to throwing the last presidential election to Obama), says that the GOP's midterm victory clears the way for putting an immigration bill on Obama's desk in short order.

Loud voices seek to lull conservatives with the notion that the election outcome will translate into a rejection of Obama, Hillary Clinton, and all their works. Yet Sen. McConnell makes it clear that Obamacare is not on his endangered species list (however dangerous it is to our rights of conscience and economic liberty) and says that the quisling leadership means to push for entrusting this failed, anti-American president with "fast track" authority on trade agreements. That will keep real conservatives in the GOP's new Senate majority from interfering with concessions that further intensify the assault against the economic prospects and prosperity of the American people.

All this explains why Obama's post-election press conference reads like a confident sigh of relief. He knows that the GOP quislings did their job. The election in which voters signaled their desire to see his mal-administration cut off at the roots will result in a Congress primed to cooperate with Obama to advance the agenda elitist faction leaders in both parties are in fact committed to serve. Those in the GOP will feign reluctance here and there, but in the end they will cooperate in results that are as far as may be from conservative America's strong desire to spew Obama from power.

In this respect, the GOP quislings are slyly determined to heed Nancy Pelosi's call for election outcomes that don't matter much. So they will join hands with their elitist faction counterparts among the Democrats in a grand show of "governing," just as if that has anything to do with the oath to uphold the Constitution they will once again forswear almost as soon as the new Congress formally gets under way.

Obama's unconstitutional actions have set precedents that discard the constraints on government abuse the Constitution was framed to impose. If the GOP's elitist faction leaders meant to fulfill their oath, they would not be setting out to "govern" as if America's Constitution for decent self-government has not been trashed and shredded. They would commit the GOP's new and renewed majorities in the U.S. House and Senate to the task of making sure that Obama and his cohorts are called to account for their abuses. They would be intent on repudiating Obama administration actions and policies they themselves have repeatedly denounced as "lawless."

I predict that they will do nothing of the kind. Instead, they will let these abuses go without censure, leaving them to lie in wait so that the next occupant of the White House can use them to make the demise of government of, by, and for the people openly clear and complete. Instead of acting on the deep revulsion against Obama and all his works the American electorate has just expressed, the GOP's quisling leaders will collaborate with their Democratic counterparts to serve the agenda of power, control, and self-aggrandizement that has been dictated "de longue main" (with lengthy preparation, as the French put it) by the elitist faction. The contrary will of the people has been expressed, in spite of them. But yet and still, it will not be served.

I make this prediction because I firmly believe it to be the stark and stubborn truth. I say it though I pray God unceasingly that it will not be so. But the proven facts and trends of past and current events make it more than likely. So does the fact that the corruption of the political process simply reflects and expresses a corruption of heart and conscience that continues to grow apace, like the ravages of a virulent disease, particularly among the pampered, arrogant elitists America's liberty has most generously rewarded.

The spiritual, moral, and intellectual culture of right, premised on respect for the goodwill of the Creator (as expressed in America's Declaration of Independence), is being progressively degraded into a fatal culture of "rights," premised on the assertion of human willfulness, without respect for any limits but those imposed by power, and enacted by force and deceitful manipulation. Only by faithfully reviving the God-acknowledging principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence will the American people rescue their republic from the tyrannical empire implied by this progressive degradation.

This revival will require that we courageously reassert the self-evident truths that were the nation's first beginnings and which remain the keys to rediscovering its enduring strength and common goodwill. Where are the citizens of that true republic who, in the face of every falsehood, sham, and difficulty, will prove their loyalty to those God-acknowledging truths? Nowhere, I fear among the wary, calculating, "pragmatic" crowd of self-serving "leaders" who still refuse to put the lie to sham (bi)partisanship, even though it now moves forward to deliver the final, stealthy "coup d'état" against America's liberty.

Unless such citizens are found, the cry for accountability so many voters raised in last Tuesday's election will fall away into the silence of the lambs, being led forward meekly to the slaughter of their constitutional self-government. Such will be the triumph of the sham, the prelude to administering the Last Rites to America's God-revering constitution of liberty. Which of you is content to let this be?

To see more articles by Dr. Keyes, visit his blog at and his commentary at and

© Alan Keyes


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Alan Keyes

Dr. Keyes holds the distinction of being the only person ever to run against Barack Obama in a truly contested election – featuring authentic moral conservatism vs. progressive liberalism – when they challenged each other for the open U.S. Senate seat from Illinois in 2004... (more)


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