Alan Keyes
Representation or dictatorship: whither the GOP?
Republican elitists 'war against their own constituents'
By Alan Keyes
November 17, 2014

Over the weekend, I read a commentary on the aftermath of the recent midterm election that began with the following observation (which I quote in a slightly edited version suitable for home schooling):
    The bastards have already forgotten that we elected and reelected them to office.

    Citing Politico as her source, Melanie Batley reports for NewsMax, Nov. 6, 2014, that just two days after their historic midterm victories, the Republican congressional leadership is "sending out signals" to the Republican rank-and-file, especially the so-called "hard right," that infighting and gridlock will not be tolerated.

    In other words, they are telling Conservatives and the Tea Party to shut up.

    The way Politico put it was: "Emboldened by sweeping midterm election victories, Republican leaders are vowing not to repeat the errors of past years, when messy fiscal fights eroded public confidence in Washington and became the hallmark of the GOP controlled House." That's because the GOP leadership feel justified in demanding loyalty from the conservative wing of the party, given that the victories from this election cycles were mainly the result of the party's early backing of establishment candidates...."
Like a great portrait painter, this report accurately depicts the presumptuous attitude of the GOP's elitist faction leaders. Gone are the days when newly elected officials at the very least pretended to be humbled by the trust and confidence the people had just reposed in them. Even the pretense of such humility might remind Americans of what our congressional elections are supposed be about – i.e., choosing people to bear, for a limited time, the responsibility of representing us in our self-government.

With that responsibility in mind, Election Days in the United States do not give the victors any right to demand loyalty from those who voted for them. To the contrary, they give the people who elected them the right to demand that the people they've elected wield the authority of their offices to carry out in good faith, in regard to the common good of the whole community, the judgments made in good faith by the majority that elected them.

Of course, this understanding of what elections are all about has little or nothing to do with the stupid "horse race" popularity contests being staged by the elitist clique that has, for the time being, hijacked America's electoral process. Such contests take place for propaganda purposes. They are conducted to lend the appearance of legitimate consent to fraudulent government, based on the power of superior deception and/or force. They are simply ballot wars, carried out with no more regard for truth, justice, and decent liberty than bullet wars, which routinely denigrate or exile respect for all three.

The victors in such "elections" apparently regard themselves as conquerors, to whom others are bound to give loyalty and obedience. That is, after all, the law of conquest, isn't it – the law of armies stalking victory as beasts hunt down their prey? But in the Machiavellian version of politics that now bedevils the people of the United States, make no mistake: The Democrats and the GOP are both of them hunting parties in pursuit of votes according to the mantra of jungle law: "You eat what you kill." This makes sense of the predatory tactics employed by the elitist faction leaders of the GOP during the primary season. And it makes sense of the abuse of victory they perpetrated against their constituents after the 2010 election, and which they apparently plan on continuing now that the 2014 election is over.

Instead of representing the people who voted for them, they seem bent on putting the preferences and views of their supporters on the menu of compromise and accommodation to be served up to the elitist faction powers that have been feasting on the treasure, credit, rights, and liberty of the American people for the last decade and more. So Sen. McConnell talks of giving priority to areas of agreement with Obama. These apparently include things like the passage of so-called "fast track" authority for the already negotiated TPP trade agreement. So he already signals that Obamacare is here to stay, with just a little tinkering to make sure Americans choke down its poison long enough to assure the death of liberty.

Some GOP senators (like Lindsey Graham) are already talking as if Obama's nomination of a replacement for Eric Holder can be treated as "business as usual." Was Holder's blatantly racist bias in law enforcement "business as usual"? Was the intended assault on constitutional right involved in the deceitfully scandalous "Fast and Furious" gun-running scheme "business as usual"? Was the faithless execution of the laws that colluded with foreign governments to facilitate an invasion of U.S. territory (exploiting underage children in the process) "business as usual"?

Obama's abuses have been encouraged by the GOP leaders' calculated unwillingness to call him to account for assaults against the authority of the U.S. Constitution. So he now threatens an even more blatant implementation of dictatorship.

The people of the United States handed the GOP a larger majority in the House, and a new majority in the U.S. Senate. They clearly withdrew their trust from the Obama faction, and would have done so even more decisively if the GOP's elitist faction leaders had not contrived a war against their own constituents to rob them of that opportunity. Yet, instead of making it clear they mean to call Obama to account for what they themselves have decried as lies, dereliction, and lawlessness, the elitist faction quislings at the helm of the GOP appear disposed to rebuke and betray the will of their voters, instead of representing them.

Of course, I have no crystal ball to know whether these leaders will, in fact, continue what has been a consistent pattern of betrayal. Perhaps they will do everything in their power to make sure no such major decisions, repudiating the expressed will of the electorate, are taken during the lame-duck session. Perhaps they will use the confirmation process for AG nominee Loretta Lynch to demand a full accounting for the derelict enforcement, racial bias, and abuses of power that have thus far taken place on Obama's watch. Perhaps they will frame the issues so that Obama has no doubt that his intended shredding of the Constitution with respect to the status of illegal immigrants will lead to the impeachment and trial his high crimes and misdemeanors already richly deserve.

I pray to God every day that their past treachery will not be the prologue of continued bad faith – that this time GOP leaders will faithfully represent their constituents, in the American way, rather than joining with Obama to "govern" the nation in the style (though somewhat better dressed) of Soviet Communist Party dictatorship.

I would rather be wrong than see my people and my country wronged by any continuation of the elitist faction collusion that has so far set both on the path of self-destruction.

To see more articles by Dr. Keyes, visit his blog at and his commentary at and

© Alan Keyes


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Alan Keyes

Dr. Keyes holds the distinction of being the only person ever to run against Barack Obama in a truly contested election – featuring authentic moral conservatism vs. progressive liberalism – when they challenged each other for the open U.S. Senate seat from Illinois in 2004... (more)


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