Alan Keyes
Will Cruz put party above constitutional allegiance?
By Alan Keyes
March 30, 2015

It's official. U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz is competing in the GOP presidential primaries. I have only one question for him: Will he pledge to support the eventual GOP nominee, whoever that may be? De facto, this pledge is required of every competitor in the GOP primary process. In a few states, it is even enforced by "sore-loser laws" affecting presidential candidates. In any case, the pledge is designed to compel all GOP candidates to put their loyalty to party above their allegiance to the constitutional liberty of the American people. But can Sen. Cruz, or anyone else who takes the pledge, be trusted by voters sincerely opposed to the elitist faction's effort to overthrow that liberty?

Participation in any political party ought properly to be conditional. If and when support for a party or its candidates proves inimical to the secure exercise of God-endowed rights, true partisans of liberty are obliged, by the primordial purpose of government, to withdraw their support from that party. They are obliged to pursue an alternative consistent with their duty "to secure these rights."

How is it that self-proclaimed conservatives in the GOP fail to understand this simple logic? Many of them applauded recently when Wisconsin passed a "right-to-work" law. They say it's contrary to liberty to insist that workers remain in closed-shop unions that have failed to represent their interest as workers. Yet they insist that citizens must remain in closed-shop political parties that systematically refuse to let them do their duty as Americans. It's ludicrous for "conservatives" who claim to be champions of liberty and competitive enterprise to insist on a political process that blatantly encourages the suppression of both when it comes to the electoral process.

Given its track record for almost a generation, it's also ludicrous to pretend that abandoning the treacherous GOP will only make matters worse. Because of its quisling leadership, GOP party politics has become relentlessly corrupt and corrupting. It takes people who sincerely wish to be good citizens and turns them bad; or else it treacherously abuses their support in order to support Obama's policy abuses.

The proportion of the electorate still loyal to the constitutional republic is more than sufficient to wrest control of our government from the elitist faction parties bent on destroying it. This loyal proportion has demonstrated its strength in every election cycle since 2008. But in the aftermath of all those elections, the quisling leadership that controls the institutional processes of the GOP has slyly worked to betray constitutional loyalists. As things stand, the GOP has become the crucial obstacle to success for forces loyal to the constitutional republic. In the 2014 election cycle, this pattern of covert betrayal turned to open political warfare against them.

So now, in respect to every area of American life, the liberty-destroying agenda of the elitist faction is dangerously close to achieving permanent control of government power at the national level.

The openly declared war against liberty evident in the GOP has its counterpart in Obama's open moves toward national dictatorship. That dictatorship is now rapidly approaching full maturity, with the de facto collaboration of so-called Republicans who are supposed to be its staunch opponents. For example:

a) That dictatorship overrules our borders and our immigration laws, sponsoring what amounts to a massive foreign invasion of our territory (amnesty for illegals);

b) That dictatorship maneuvers to control our state and local law enforcement agencies, establishing what amounts to a national police state;

c) That dictatorship pushes to consolidate control of education (Common Core) at every level throughout the nation, fastening shackles of the mind on future generations so as to preclude any future resurgence of the understanding that gave rise to and sustains America's practice of liberty;

d) And that dictatorship has given aid and comfort to global forces dedicated to imposing, by even the most atrocious violence, a way of life that justifies submission to totalitarian despotism, and that claims Divine authority for a regime of politico-religious law that precludes the conscientious exercise of rights endowed by the Creator, rather than securing them.

Sen. Cruz may sincerely reject the destructive agenda the GOP quislings serve. But if he participates in the primaries on the basis of a promise to support the GOP nominee, no matter who, no matter what, he will prove himself to be just another hapless performer in the elitist faction's political sham. Assuming that his campaign attracts voters, it will more than likely exhaust the moral and material resources of his grassroots supporters. When they are cheated of victory (as the GOP's record now uniformly suggests they will be), his supporters will again be told that they have no alternative, in the general election, but to vote for the "lesser of two evils." Where will this leave America's constitutional republic? To its lingering death.

Whether Einstein said it or not, it is still true that exactly repeating an error over and over again, groundlessly hoping for different results, is the very definition of insanity. Unfortunately, unlike physics, in human affairs, though the error is the same, the situation goes from worse to worst. The constitutional sovereignty of the American people is now approaching extinction. Given the mortal inevitability of demographic erosion, purposely aggravated by Obama's lawless amnesty for illegals, the 2016 election cycle may be the last opportunity to snatch it from oblivion, peaceably.

For true republicans, the GOP presidential primary process is (and is intended to be) a waste of time, money, and moral capital. It has no purpose but to exhaust energies that would be sufficient to thwart the elitist agenda for liberty's destruction, if they were coherently deployed in the electoral process the U.S. Constitution actually provides for.

In that regard, the question is: "How can true republicans reform our politic activity so that it complies with the Constitution's provisions instead of subverting them?" Are you are sincerely interested in thinking this through? If so, follow the series of articles on this subject (U.S. Politics, the Constitutional Way) under way on my blog. The first two parts are available now, with more to come.

To see more articles by Dr. Keyes, visit his blog at and his commentary at and

© Alan Keyes


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Alan Keyes

Dr. Keyes holds the distinction of being the only person ever to run against Barack Obama in a truly contested election – featuring authentic moral conservatism vs. progressive liberalism – when they challenged each other for the open U.S. Senate seat from Illinois in 2004... (more)


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