Alan Keyes
Election 2016: Two bad choices with no way out?
The constitutional option
By Alan Keyes
June 14, 2016

"Mr. Trump is the 'Tar Baby' candidate, set out in the field to lure anger-impaired conservatives into a trap."

That's how I characterized Donald Trump in an article this past April. Now he has instigated a frenzy by suggesting that, on account of his Mexican heritage, the judge presiding in the lawsuit against Trump University is inherently biased against Mr. Trump because, as Trump regally proclaims, "I am building a wall" to keep Mexicans out of the United States.

He cited Curiel's ethnic background as proof of bias. And, as was to be expected, the usual suspects started squalling about his racism and bigotry. Trump takes a beat or two. And then, as if on cue, he throws a bone to his critics with a "Some of my best friends are Mexicans" disclaimer of racism, leaving it to his surrogates (and of course his anger-impaired supporters) to spit into the wind generated by a tempest he fomented. It all adds up to a perfect illustration of my "Tar Baby" characterization of his candidacy.

If I'm right, Trump's aim is to reduce the GOP to a rootless ruin. What's left of it will be exactly what's needed to play out the sham of opposing parties in the one-faction dictatorship that has already made a mockery of America's so-called "two-party" system. And the GOP will go on betraying its grassroots constituents, just as it has after every election in recent memory, whether Mr. Trump wins or Hillary Clinton beats him.

I'm repeatedly told that people support Trump because they're angry, frustrated, and fed up with repeated betrayals by the GOP quislings. But as I see it, Trump is exploiting their thoughtless anger to gull them into letting the elitist faction play them for fools again, only this time their ringer is made up as an "outsider" to take them in. The GOP quislings' usual choice for the job of gulling conservatives out of their votes is a successful businessman with pliable convictions, sent out in a plain vanilla wrapper. This time, the plain vanilla wrapper has been replaced with something more garish and titillating.

The changeable convictions are more boisterously proclaimed. And the label promises remedies guaranteed to make you feel great. But when you shake the box, it weighs and sounds like the same disappointing red velvet cake (actually yellow with red coloring) the quislings have sent along at election time practically every year since Ronald Reagan left office. However, this time the information in the return address indicates that, in case of non-delivery, it's to be sent back to the Democratic Party.

Michael Savage says, "It's Trump or we lose our country." But overwhelming evidence suggests that we will lose our country either way, just as we have done in every election cycle since G.W. Bush took office in 2001. But if Donald Trump's candidacy is the socialist-leaning, tyranny-minded elitist faction ploy it very much appears to be, when the dust settles this time, every serious premise of the constitutional and conservative cause in our politics will have been compromised, abandoned, or purposely discredited; so will all the principles of right, and rights, including liberty, that we are supposed to preserve for future generations.

Because conservatives have over and over again refused to acknowledge this latter abandonment as the root of our political crisis, it may very well be true that we have come to an election in which there is no choice – for America, that is: no choice for our constitutional self-government; no choice for the integrity of our decent character; no choice for preserving the God-fearing premises that challenge us to be faithful, just, and therefore truly free.

According to plan, we are now hearing, from all the usual quarters of sham partisan deceit, that we have no way out, no way to make a choice that truly represents the best hope we once cherished for ourselves and all humankind. Without that hope, what is our "greatness" but a narrow, selfish lie, destined to crumble with our mortal bodies, into dust? Our best hope was never in our power, but in our Lord and God, the One who is no figment of Donald Trump's or any other human mind, but who shaped our understanding to see in living something greater than our mortal lives, something lasting that would be preserved in the only way that matters, which is in the remembrance of God, who made us.

Why do you believe people who say you have no choice but to make a choice by which we lose that hope? They have lied about everything else – what makes you think they are telling the truth about this? Are you sure the Constitution you still profess to uphold is so flawed as to leave us at this dead end? America's founding generation believed the Savior when He said, "With God, all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26). Are you so sure they left no avenue of action for people willing to act on that belief, as they did?

The Constitution's provision for selecting the president is through electors, chosen deliberately by and from amongst the people themselves in the states, respectively. The elitist faction's henchmen tell us that this was a way of limiting "democracy." But what if it was intended for just such a time as this, as a way of directly reclaiming our sovereignty, on a basis that not only affirms that sovereignty, but also the system of representation intended to assure that it would be responsibly exercised? We shouldn't settle for the party sham's bad choices for president in the general election because, in that election, we are not called (or even constitutionally empowered) to choose the president at all. If people at the grassroots focus on the electors, so as to do what the Constitution empowers them to do, they will find the way out of what the elitist faction partisan sham has turned into a dead end for constitutional self-government.

To see more articles by Dr. Keyes, visit his blog at and his commentary at and

© Alan Keyes


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Alan Keyes

Dr. Keyes holds the distinction of being the only person ever to run against Barack Obama in a truly contested election – featuring authentic moral conservatism vs. progressive liberalism – when they challenged each other for the open U.S. Senate seat from Illinois in 2004... (more)


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