Kurt Kondrich
I wanted to share some AWESOME updates, and October is Down Syndrome Awareness and Respect Life Month!
This is a great national article about Chloe and Vice President Pence, and I am getting lots of excellent feedback from their meeting in PA last month: https://www.nationalrighttolifenews.org/2020/10/we-as-a-nation-are-greatly-enriched-by-the-contributions-of-people-with-down-syndrome/amp/ (attached are a few visuals of this priceless event)
This is the PA Prolife Federation Radio interview by the author of the article, and it aired across the state this past week – also getting lots of great feedback: https://www.paprolife.org/lifelines-radio/g8ky634a6pcz9lg2d2y738ybfpw7t5
I was interviewed by a National Prolife Radio show, and that is airing on stations across the country this week. Here is the link: https://anchor.fm/jill-taylor/episodes/Kurt-Kondrich – Save-Down-Syndrome-ek6sue/a-a324kj5
I am going to be on a call with the VP's office on Monday about Pro Life issues. There is a Tokyo Japan TV station that wants to interview Chloe and me this week about our friendship with VP Pence, and I will keep you posted. Chloe and I are speaking in NC this month, and please share if you know anyone who would be interested (you can attend virtually): https://www.roominn.org/about-our-2020-banquet-speaker-kurt-kondrich/ We are also receiving an award this month from the nation's oldest prolife organization in California, and here are details if you want to attend virtually and share: https://prolifeawards.com/ It will be streamed out to 10's of 1000's across California and the nation.
It certainly has been quite a journey, and thanks for your strong support of our Life Mission. Our advocacy has basically been a Leap of Faith, and I always try to be obedient and available to what God calls me to do – and it has been a lot! I often tell people I have no wealth here on earth, but have stored up lots of treasure where it will never rot :) We deeply appreciate everyone who has believed in and supported the work God has used us for over the years: http://embracedonterase.org/ Please let me know if I can ever be of assistance, and I love to share our message and powerful presentation.
Praying hard that our nation can hold back the evil and darkness that are spreading rapidly!
Kurt and Family
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