Monte Kuligowski column

Monte Kuligowski is an attorney and writer whose legal scholarship, including "Does the Declaration of Independence Pass the Lemon Test?" (Duke Journal of Constitutional Law & Public Policy), has been published in several law journals.
His opinion commentary has been published by the Washington Times, Virginian Pilot, Pajamas Media, American Thinker and other venues.
His commentary has been quoted by Rush Limbaugh and is widely posted and cited by diverse media outlets.
He can be contacted at
His opinion commentary has been published by the Washington Times, Virginian Pilot, Pajamas Media, American Thinker and other venues.
His commentary has been quoted by Rush Limbaugh and is widely posted and cited by diverse media outlets.
He can be contacted at
Monte Kuligowski
July 22, 2013
George Zimmerman had no right to follow Trayvon Martin. That was harassment based on race. Trayvon was stalked and hunted down like a dog. The police dispatcher . . .
Monte Kuligowski
September 21, 2012
In the classic movie It's a Wonderful Life, the angel Clarence tells George Bailey: "You've been given a great gift, George."
Well, Mitt Romney has been . . .
Monte Kuligowski
July 22, 2012
In context of the "mounting pressure" for Mitt Romney to provide more tax and employment records, a reporter recently asked White House Press Secretary Jay . . .
Monte Kuligowski
May 19, 2012
We've always known that the original birthers were Democrats. Phillip Berg, a disgruntled Hillary supporter filed the first lawsuit demanding that Obama produce . . .
Monte Kuligowski
May 16, 2012
Poor Jim Pendergraph. He is a candidate for Congress in North Carolina's 9th District. And he has recently fallen from the capricious graces of the Charlotte . . .
Monte Kuligowski
May 4, 2012
Having Barack Hussein Obama II at the helm of the postmodern ship of state is perfectly fitting. Sometimes a country gets what it deserves. Sometimes it gets . . .
Monte Kuligowski
April 14, 2012
Count Roger Kimball in among those who recognize the totalitarian atmosphere somehow created to protect President Obama. The entire range of questions related . . .
Monte Kuligowski
April 5, 2012
President Obama is giving new meaning to the term "bully pulpit."
Reuters reports that, "President Obama took an opening shot at conservative justices on the . . .
Monte Kuligowski
March 29, 2012
Who would have thought that stating basic Christian doctrine could cause a "firestorm" of condemnation in the United States?
Welcome to the post-Christian . . .
Monte Kuligowski
March 24, 2012
Is it reasonable to demand that Obama release his birth certificate for authentication?
Now that Sheriff Joe Arpaio has released his 10-page report on . . .
Monte Kuligowski
February 15, 2012
For my liberal friends, the title of this piece doesn't imply that Obama and Justice Ginsburg are literally the same person. They do, however, share precisely . . .
Monte Kuligowski
February 6, 2012
Just a few months ago FOX News reported on polling data which suggested, "If Americans could cast a 'confidence' vote in the style of European parliaments, . . .
Monte Kuligowski
February 2, 2012
Those who get their news from the establishment media may not know that Barack Obama stands in jeopardy of being denied placement on Georgia's ballot for the 20 . . .
Monte Kuligowski
November 3, 2011
We can't fault journalists for getting excited about the image Barack Obama presented to the public from behind the teleprompter.
What's not to like about a . . .
Monte Kuligowski
November 1, 2011
Many were recently greeted with this news headline: "Qadhafi's death lets the president claim another foreign policy success and quiet his critics." The . . .
Monte Kuligowski
October 24, 2011
The 99ers, which more accurately are 22ers, have no coalescing message other than a desire for a central command-and-control government, whether nationally or . . .
Monte Kuligowski
October 21, 2011
Intrigue over the 9-9-9 plan has lifted Herman Cain to the top position (or number-two spot, depending on the poll) among GOP presidential candidates. Of . . .
Monte Kuligowski
October 13, 2011
Good luck reconciling the inconsistencies of President Obama's war and terrorism positions.
Of all people to order the summary execution of Muslim terrorists . . .
Monte Kuligowski
October 8, 2011
Lawyers can tell you that if a witness prefaces his answer with, "Honestly," or "To tell you the truth," you can generally brace for some contemporaneous . . .
Monte Kuligowski
October 3, 2011
Bill Clinton's policy of "don't ask, don't tell," seemed harmless enough at the time. It gave activists what they claimed to want, legal protection, while . . .
Monte Kuligowski
September 29, 2011
Formerly hopeful enthusiasts are abandoning Barack the false messiah in droves. Our woefully unqualified president has predictably become an embarrassment among . . .
Monte Kuligowski
September 24, 2011
In analyzing Barack Obama's new and improved jobs bill from a tactical perspective we have to ask ourselves: why would Obama take such an absurd risk?
We . . .
Monte Kuligowski
September 20, 2011
The U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals recently dismissed the Commonwealth of Virginia's lawsuit which challenges the constitutionality of ObamaCare's . . .
Monte Kuligowski
September 10, 2011
A basic definition of insanity often attributed to Albert Einstein is doing the same thing, over and over, while expecting different results.
President Obama . . .
Monte Kuligowski
August 3, 2011
In the politically correct world of multicultural moral equivalence anyone can be a terror suspect. That's why little old Caucasian ladies are violated by the . . .
Monte Kuligowski
July 25, 2011
A common assumption is that a national right of freedom of religion is afforded by the U.S. Constitution. Regarding the Ground Zero mosque, how many times have . . .
Monte Kuligowski
July 14, 2011
Humberto Leal Garcia, Jr. was executed by lethal injection by the Texas government on July 7, 2011.
Garcia was an illegal alien from Mexico who abducted, . . .
Monte Kuligowski
June 22, 2011
At this point, no lingering questions should remain as to whether Barack Obama is faithful to uphold the Constitution and the laws of the United States.
. . .
Monte Kuligowski
June 1, 2011
After years of fighting its release, on April 27, 2011, President Obama finally released a detailed birth certificate. Well, actually he posted another PDF . . .
Monte Kuligowski
May 25, 2011
Americans waited from Feb. 10, 2007, when then-Senator Barack Obama announced his presidential candidacy, to April 27, 2011, for Obama to release a detailed . . .
Monte Kuligowski
May 11, 2011
Ordinary Americans believe that waterboarding terrorists for life-saving information is perfectly reasonable. They also believe that gunning down Osama bin . . .
Monte Kuligowski
May 2, 2011
President Obama spent a lot of hard-earned taxpayer and private money during a recession to block the release of his birth certificate. In one lawsuit after the . . .
Monte Kuligowski
April 15, 2011
In context of a $1.65 trillion deficit and $14 trillion debt, the Republican leadership agreed to a purported $38.5 billion in 2011 cuts. The cuts extract about . . .
Monte Kuligowski
April 12, 2011
A Jed Clampett-type figure burns a Quran somewhere in Florida and the Muslim world breaks out in an uproar. In keeping with Islam's spirit of peace, rioting, . . .
Monte Kuligowski
April 8, 2011
President Obama ordered a non-emergency military attack on a sovereign country without the authorization of Congress.
Immediately after Obama thundered . . .
Monte Kuligowski
April 6, 2011
Potential presidential candidate Donald Trump had to negotiate a whole lot of blind emotion as a recent guest on The View. Like Carrie Prejean, The Donald was . . .
Monte Kuligowski
March 30, 2011
Constitutional scholar and Notre Dame Law School professor emeritus, Charles Rice, takes no position on the venue of Barack Obama's birthplace in his recent . . .
Monte Kuligowski
March 18, 2011
What were those New Black Panthers thinking when they were intimidating white voters in 2008 at the polling station in Pennsylvania? Just about everyone in line . . .
Monte Kuligowski
March 10, 2011
During the 2008 presidential campaign Chris Matthews began to experience a psychosomatic phenomenon occurring within his own mind and body. While listening to . . .
Monte Kuligowski
February 26, 2011
Well, the Republicans are winning the public opinion battle on budget reform and spending cuts from Wisconsin to Washington. So what's the Obama media to do . . .
Monte Kuligowski
February 16, 2011
Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., a/k/a Barry Soetoro, appeared out of nowhere as a political Melchizedek with a mysterious and unknown past. Obama's lofty speech in 2 . . .
Monte Kuligowski
February 9, 2011
Ruling that the ObamaCare insurance mandate is unconstitutional is like saying that water is wet. Of course it's an unconstitutional abuse of federal power. . . .
Monte Kuligowski
February 2, 2011
In his recent American Thinker piece, Paul Kengor looks at Obama's aggregate poll numbers and concludes that the president may cruise to reelection in 2012. . . .
Monte Kuligowski
January 24, 2011
Several narratives on Obama's birth and secrecy have been firmly set in place by the president's biggest fans: the major news media.
One media template on . . .
Monte Kuligowski
January 18, 2011
After the tragedy in Tucson, a common theme has emerged among liberal politicians and pundits. CBS News reports that "Democratic Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland . . .
Monte Kuligowski
January 11, 2011
A Democrat Congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords, is shot, along with 18 others by a deranged 22-year old white male at a time when the national political climate . . .
Monte Kuligowski
January 3, 2011
After the Virginia district court ruling against Obamacare, U.S. Secretary of Health, Kathleen Sebelius coauthored a piece with Eric Holder for the Washington . . .
Monte Kuligowski
December 10, 2010
During early periods of U.S. history, the country relied on tariffs on imported goods and taxes on internal goods to run the federal government. The first . . .
Monte Kuligowski
November 30, 2010
As recently as Aug. of 2010 a CNN opinion poll revealed that 29% of Americans believe that Barack Obama, Jr., was "probably born in the U.S." A mere 42% believe . . .
Monte Kuligowski
November 21, 2010
There's been a lot of ink spent on the rigidity of Obama's political ideology. Little doubt remains that the 44th president is a left-wing ideologue in the . . .
Monte Kuligowski
November 15, 2010
President Obama recently visited "a nation that knew him as Barry," as worded by a New York Times personal interest story on Obama's visit to Indonesia. What we . . .
Monte Kuligowski
November 10, 2010
I can almost hear the bristly voice of Burgermeister Meisterburger, "I hate toys and toys hate me," from the 1970 Christmas animation. It's not necessarily that . . .
Monte Kuligowski
November 5, 2010
We have a systemic problem in the country and electing a wave of conservatives to federal office is a start, but will not sweep away the predicament. The . . .
Monte Kuligowski
October 29, 2010
Based on the sheer volume of usage, President Obama's teleprompter must love the phrase "our American values." The phrase comes in a close third after "Let me . . .
Monte Kuligowski
October 21, 2010
Tuesday's debate between U.S. Senate candidates Christine O'Donnell and Chris Coons at the Widener Law School is being sensationalized by the media in an . . .
Monte Kuligowski
October 12, 2010
"Predatory lending aimed at racially segregated minority neighborhoods led to mass foreclosures that fueled the U.S. housing crisis, according to a new study . . .
Monte Kuligowski
October 6, 2010
In retrospect, Barack Obama's afterthought in 2006 of tossing his hat into the 2008 presidential race was both bodacious and harebrained. Then-Senator Obama . . .
Monte Kuligowski
September 29, 2010
"I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked," says the Almighty in Ezekiel, "but that the wicked turn from his way and live."
Christopher Hitchens, the . . .
Monte Kuligowski
September 22, 2010
Back when Candidate Obama announced that he was only five days away from "fundamentally transforming the United States," most people didn't know what that meant . . .
Monte Kuligowski
September 15, 2010
Proposing the building of an Islamic center and mosque a stone's throw from the former Twin Towers, in a building damaged by the 9/11 attacks, was insensitive . . .
Monte Kuligowski
September 9, 2010
When one considers the rules that were set during the 2008 presidential primaries and election campaign, it's no small wonder why journalists are afraid of . . .
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