Pete Riehm
Consistent with his half century record, Joe Biden is wrong about everything. Biden Administration policies have been so damaging and detrimental that in just a short eight months, they have produced international crises around the world, a humanitarian crisis and invasion on the border, the return of inflation, an economy starting to sputter, and a worsening pandemic. It’s so bad that Americans are wondering is the Biden Administration asleep at the wheel. Or are they arrogant? Simply inept? Or, just plain corrupt?
It’s a combination of all three, but can Biden and his entire cabinet be that aloof, clueless, and complicit? Heretofore relatively unknown, Biden’s Secretaries seem like recycled back benchers from never was Gore or Kerry Administrations. With the nation’s prestige, prosperity, and prospects in shambles, they certainly succeeded in their primary objective of reversing everything President Trump achieved, but if the goal is to destroy Trump, is the country just collateral damage in their partisan penchant for vengeance? Who are these people? Why do their policies seem to purposefully create chaos?
The Biden clown car is overflowing with dubious characters. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army General Mark Milley, has shown himself the epitome of arrogance and self-righteous indignation. His boss, the incredibly incompetent and unqualified Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, redirected the American military to focus on the enemy within; he declared radical racism in the ranks is the enemy that must be rooted out, so he ordered a military wide stand down for sixty days to contemplate whiteness and reconsider our intrinsic racism. Milley grabbed the banner of “Critical Race Theory” and defiantly derided anyone that questioned the logic or merits of such nonsense. He told Congress he wants to understand “white rage.”
While the entire military was navel gazing the colors of their bellies, they were caught ill equipped and unprepared for Biden’s first big military challenge. As Biden abandoned Afghanistan, the retreat from Kabul was a total disaster. We left Americans to fend for themselves behind enemy lines, armed the Taliban by leaving some $85 billion in military equipment behind, got 13 brave service members killed with the dumbest withdrawal plan ever. But Milley declared it all a success; it was all according to plan! He obviously failed miserably, but he doesn’t care.
Milley doesn’t care what Americans think or what the Constitution allows because he thinks he knows better, and he is saving the government (not the nation) from those pesky patriots who want America to come first. He upholds the lie that 6 January was an insurrection. He handed the Taliban an embarrassing victory, but he vowed to defeat any Americans that dared return to the Capitol. Although Congress only funds the military with no operational control, he conferred with Speaker Nancy Pelosi about the nuclear codes without the knowledge of the Commander in Chief! That’s at best insubordination. Perhaps his call to his Chinese counterpart was routine, but did he ever think the Chinese were nervous because we discovered they hacked our elections?!
The poster child for ineptness is the robotic seemingly CGI of artificial intelligence ironically devoid of intelligence, Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Always without any answers, this guy inspires no confidence; he probably can’t name ten countries on the globe, so is it any wonder he doesn’t know if Biden’s touted drone attack killed ISIS-K planners as claimed or murdered aid workers and SEVEN children!
Iran is attacking the Kurds in Iraq, North Korea is launching ballistic missiles toward Japan, and China is threatening Taiwan. And Blinken is silent. While his State Department stonewalls other rescue efforts, this shameless shill is still trying to convince Americans the Taliban is cooperating with getting Americans out and not demanding ransom for American hostages. His displays of incompetence may be a charade. Quietly deleting his tweet that “The USA stands with Hong Kong,” Blinken is following instructions from somewhere. With everything going China’s way, is China in charge?
And then there is Sleepy Joe. The Democrat Media Complex works overtime to paint Biden as just a folksy harmless loveable uncle; and others believe he is just a doddering old fool unaware of his bungling. It’s unlikely Biden is the evil mastermind of ominous designs to topple the USA into globalism, but his history and record are evidence of tawdry partisan hack on the take. Biden is not some good old boy; he is the consummate opportunist. Look no further than is criminal self-enriching son, Hunter Biden.
Certainly egotistical, Biden is a willing puppet to advance his ledger and resumé. Biden may not fully understand the sinister schemes to weaken America and usher her into a new world order, but he will gladly play his part for the presidency and a payoff. Don’t excuse Biden’s complicity, but the real question is who is pulling his strings?
“Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction” (2 Thessalonians 2:3).
Pete Riehm is the host of Common Sense Radio heard 8pm every Thursday on FMTalk106.5 or streaming at fmtalk1065.com. Email him at peteriehm@bellsouth.net or on MEWE @PeteRiehm or read all his columns at http://www.renewamerica.com/.kraien
© Pete RiehmThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.