Pete Riehm
According to the Democrat Media Complex, “white supremacy” is far and away the biggest and worst threat to American society the past couple years and to listen to the media it’s pretty much the only societal problem. Literally everything is racist from capitalism to education to the nuclear family to the highway system; leftists want you to believe America was founded on racism, established as a racist republic, and conquered the continent to impose and preserve racism. In short, America is an irredeemably racist nation and must be at best totally reformed if not completely dismantled. The problem is “white supremacy” is so scarce, the media has to manufacture it. So where is the real racism?
The real racism is not providing safety and security to black communities the same as white communities and not expecting the same societal standards from black communities. Black communities are ravaged by crime at extremely high levels that would never be tolerated in white communities; and black criminals are routinely excused or ignored.
Almost every day black children are murdered or killed as innocent by standers in drive by shootings. Drive by shootings almost never happen in white neighborhoods and if they did, there would by a public uproar and police would be mobilized. It’s so common in black neighborhoods, it’s just another police report and barely makes the news.
There is an epidemic of crime in black communities, but no one wants to discuss it because it is overwhelmingly black criminals preying on black victims. Blacks are only about 13% of the population, but black criminals commit over 50% of the murders. But no one seems to care because over 90% of their victims are black. Instead of rooting out the real causes and problems, the media focuses on white supremacy as if that somehow motivates blacks to kill other blacks.
The crime is not a racial problem, but rather a cultural problem. The real racism is not addressing the root causes of broken families, drug addiction, and government dependency. The proof that the black crime epidemic is not racial is that middle class black families generally do not suffer the same criminal carnage; they have established thriving strong families and left the blighted dangerous neighborhoods behind.
Barely a flash in the news cycle, very few know or remember Darius Sessoms. In August of 2020, Sessoms, a black man, walked across the street and executed his five year old white neighbor with a point blank shot to the head. A heinous horrific crime that shocked the nation, but the media quickly dropped it. Just a couple weeks later Kyle Rittenhouse was attacked by ANTIFA thugs during the Kenosha Wisconsin riots; he shot three killing two defending himself. But that truth was completely obscured as media went on an over yearlong frenzy demonizing Rittenhouse as a “White Supremacist” with absolutely no evidence. Despite Rittenhouse being white and all his assailants were white, the media insisted this was a racist incident.
Recently, a real racist terror attack occurred in Waukesha Wisconsin when Darrell Brooks barreled his SUV through a Christmas Parade killing six and injuring dozens of people. Brooks is a black racist BLM supporter with myriad racist social media posts wishing harm on white people, but the media first tried to hide this fact and claim this was just an accident. Brooks is still barely covered by the media, but they lied about Rittenhouse almost daily for over a year to stoke racial tensions. Waukesha is near Kenosha. Brooks posted about his displeasure over the Rittenhouse not guilty verdict. The media did nothing to report the truth, but rather doggedly repeated their disinformation. The media holds some culpability for Brooks’ gross misperception and the Waukesha Christmas Parade massacre.
Giving real racism a pass is the worst kind of racist hatred. BLM is a Marxist racist terror organization akin to the KKK. Excusing and endorsing BLM is as unconscionable as supporting the KKK. White Supremacists are universally condemned and so too should black supremacists be ostracized. It’s time the media come clean and admit that BLM is a hate group. BLM is hurting the black community with nonsensical defund the police policies that endanger black neighborhoods. Their vandalism and violence is destroying the economic prospects in black communities. Turning a blind eye and letting poor black neighborhoods suffer tyranny at the hands of BLM is the epitome of racism.
The Democrat Media Complex is fomenting racial animosity and discord to divide Americans. Racial unrest and economic instability serves a tyrannical government seeking to consolidate irresistible power over its subjects. The media advances this destructive agenda because they do not trust average Americans regardless of color and their traditional values. Their faith is completely in our godless elite rulers to provide everything for their vision of a utopian society.
For real Americans racism has long faded. Racism only persists because the media incites racial division. Demand they stop propping up racism and let the people pursue their own happiness. They will and they will do it together.
“Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment” (John 7:24).
Pete Riehm is the host of Common Sense Radio heard 8 pm every Thursday on FMTalk106.5 or streaming at fmtalk1065.com. Email him at peteriehm@bellsouth.net or on MEWE @PeteRiehm or read all his columns at http://www.renewamerica.com/.kraien
© Pete RiehmThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.