Pete Riehm
Christ is missing from more than just Christmas
By Pete Riehm
December 21, 2021

For years, Christians, whose numbers seem to be dwindling, have complained about the commercialization of Christmas. The emphasis on gifts over the Christ child has become ever-more troubling and ostentatious. Retailers have progressively retreated to wishing “Happy Holidays” to avoid acknowledging the "reason for the season" and possibly offending militant atheists or Muslims. Corporate networks have abandoned “Christmas Programs” for “Holiday Specials”; there is plenty of music about Santa and snow, but songs about the infant Savior have become rare. Christians certainly celebrate Christmas as the birth of Jesus, but increasingly they have had to rely on Christian programs produced by their own media outlets as the mainstream media continues to ignore them and sometimes even ostracizes them. Society diminishing and isolating Christmas is difficult for Christians — but it has been devastating for American culture.

The secularization of the second most sacred holiday has been disturbing enough, but the secularization of our culture and public institutions has completely undermined the moral foundation of our society and damaged the framework of our republic. It’s hard to determine exactly where this all began. Anti-Christian communists and socialists have been demeaning Christianity for over a century; progressive elites and leftists have been pushing pornography into the mainstream since the 1950s. However, the turning point of our societal decay and cultural decline can be most closely aligned to the 1962 Supreme Court ruling banishing biblical teaching and prayer from public schools.

Our children are floundering in a cruel, uncertain world; they have been deprived of the biblical teaching needed to establish a sound moral compass, and they have been cheated of that sense of security that comes from praying to a providential God. Press and pundits agonize over the deteriorating plight of our children. They wonder why our kids are prone to crime and drug abuse. They demand more money be spent to combat students’ increasing lack of interest in education. Our kids come out of public schools seemingly with no discernible skills and devoid of any work ethic. Kicking Christ out of the schools has had catastrophic consequences.

There has always been crime throughout history, but historically the United States has had relatively low crime. Average Americans were generally a moral and virtuous people; they worked and provided for themselves. Theft was cursed as a shameful crime. Blue cities across the country are now plagued by “smash and grab” looting and shattering murder records. Low-level robberies and theft have become needlessly violent, and even random acts of violence like slugging passersby on the street for no apparent reason are common. Skyrocketing crime is marked by a lack of remorse and even a sense of entitlement. Criminals are ruthlessly preying on fellow humans because they do not see them as creations of Christ.

Business has become brutal. Companies have become international without loyalty to Judeo-Christian values. There was a day when a handshake and a man’s word was his bond, but now we increasingly need lawyers to settle every dispute. Fairness, honor, and reverence for the truth are biblical teachings, but without Christ it’s too easy to cheat.

Our governments shun anything Christian and go out of their way to embrace humanistic secularism, and thus have abandoned any pretense of ethics and justice. Worst of all, they no longer regard Americans as individuals with God-given rights, so we are watching our governments become increasingly dictatorial. Our governments continue to amass and exercise more power and totally disregard the ultimate sovereignty of their citizens. They don’t care what you think or want; they are sure they know best and will callously force their will on you. Tyranny is inevitable without godly leaders. We must restore Christ to our leadership if we hope to preserve liberty.

Blaming our institutions and society at large for our impending demise is a grave error. Truly, their godless governance and immoral culture are severely debilitating to the nation — but their anti-Christian antics are merely symptoms of a wider problem. Christians have become weak and Christian families are waning. America is only a Christian country if its citizens are devout, righteous Christians. We The People still have the ultimate power; we get the government we deserve because we still elect them.

It’s not just putting Christ back in Christmas; it’s putting Christ back in everything we do! We must teach our children about Christ and consider his teachings in business and governance every day, not just at Christmas. The United States became the most powerful, prosperous nation in history because it was built by Christians and blessed by God! Keep Christ in Christmas — but more importantly keep Christ in your daily lives! When Christians are strong in their faith, God will bless America! Merry Christmas!

“And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).

Pete Riehm is the host of Common Sense Radio heard 8 pm every Thursday on FMTalk106.5 or streaming at Email him at or on MEWE @PeteRiehm or read all his columns at

© Pete Riehm


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Pete Riehm

Born to German immigrants, Pete Riehm grew up in Texas as a first generation American. Working his way through college, he enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserve. After graduating from the University of Houston, Pete was commissioned into the United States Navy through Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island. He also earned a Master's Degree in National Security from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas... (more)


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