Pete Riehm
Nothing is going Joe Biden?s way, and no wonder since his disastrous wrong-headed policies have everything going against Americans. His administration insisted inflation was transitory, but persistent inflation has been setting records for over a year. The booming Trump economy is steadily fading, and the USA is probably already in recession. So average Americans are suffering as their purchasing power and real wages are eroding precipitously. The crazy open border is a burgeoning crisis with no end in sight and crime is out of control. On the world stage, the USA has lost influence and respect. Americans see the chaos; they feel vulnerable to a faltering economy and feckless foreign policy, so they are openly expressing no confidence in Biden?s competency and capability to govern.
Despite a fawning press propping him up and ignoring his gross failures, Biden?s approval ratings have plunged to 30% and maybe less. Nothing he is doing is working, but he adamantly refuses to change course. It makes no sense. With an impending red wave growing to sweep Democrats from power in Congress, Biden is hemorrhaging support even among Democrats. So, why doesn?t Biden at least alter course and moderate his policies to stem the bleeding? The short answer is he is in over his head, and he?s not in control anyway.
The prime driver of inflation is skyrocketing energy prices. Since Biden took office, fuel prices have doubled crushing average Americans and driving up the cost of everything. This is particularly aggravating because just less than two years ago America achieved energy independence for the first time in over half a century, and we enjoyed $2 per gallon gas. We just did it, so why aren?t we resurrecting the American energy industry? Because the leftists in power do not care about the middle class, and they are determined to force green energy on Americans no matter the cost.
Instead of unleashing the might of the American energy industry, Biden inexplicably rather beg our adversaries to produce more oil to mitigate our woes. Not unexpectedly, they have flatly refused. They see the greatest economy on the planet stumbling, so they are happy to watch America cut down to size. And the dirty secret is that is also the plan of American leftists. They want the humongous American economy hobbled, so the USA can be quietly ushered into globalism.
Just ponder how far the USA has fallen under Biden. Back in March, the leaders of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates declined to take Biden?s call. This past week Biden went to the Middle East hat in hand. Despite Israel being our strongest ally against a nuclear Iran, Biden insulted them by pandering to the Palestinians. Saudi Arabia also has an interest in containing Iran, so they are uneasy watching Biden facilitate a nuclear Iran. Therefore, they steadfastly denied Biden?s plea for energy relief. They have all the money they need; they need a strong America to keep Iran in check. So, why help a weak American president?
The former head of Saudi intelligence concisely summed up Biden?s visit as a ?much diminished president.? After Saudi officials had a journalist critical of the kingdom brutally killed in Turkey, Biden condemned the murder and vowed to make Saudi Arabia an international pariah. Well, that was until Biden wanted OPEC to pump more oil to keep American oil production stifled and ease his gas crisis at home; then it was all ?fist-bumps? and pleasantries. Since the Saudi Crown Prince would not take his call, Biden had to go to Saudi Arabia to be told ?no? in person and essentially humiliate himself and the USA.
American dissatisfaction with Biden?s domestic disasters and our allies? annoyance with his international bumbling is growing daily as the Russian invasion of Ukraine drags on and China continues to threaten Taiwan, but until recently the press and pundits consistently defended Biden and routinely scolded Americans that Biden was actually just cleaning up Trump?s mess. That tired trope ran out in the first few months, but Biden?s failures still didn?t matter until now.
Some say now that more and more Democrats are realizing they are about to be sent home; they are blaming Biden?s unpopularity. That storm has been brewing for months and Democrats still chase the same failed policies, so it?s probably too late to save Democrat control of the House and Senate. If it was the impending election carnage, the media would have come to the rescue months ago. The only real change in reporting is that the mainstream media is starting to acknowledge the Hunter Biden scandal and mention Biden?s inescapable cognitive decline, so why now?
The American leftist movement has been plotting and pursuing the fundamental transformation of the USA from capitalism to socialism for about a century. They are tenacious and understand conceding short term losses for long term gains. The primary objective of the leftist strategy is to deprive Americans of cheap energy and compel them to accept expensive green alternative energy. Americans will be unduly burdened and become dependent on the government making them more susceptible to socialism. So, losing the Congress is an acceptable risk and sacrifice if they can eviscerate the American economy and put us on the path to socialism.
Biden has always been on the left, but his awareness or involvement in this scheme is hard to determine. However, he will eventually be blamed by both sides. Leftists have to crash the economy to eradicate the middle class, so who better than a doddering old fool no one ever expected to be president and no one wants to run again?
?Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves? (Matthew 7:15).
Pete Riehm is the host of Common Sense Radio heard 8 pm every Thursday on FMTalk106.5 or streaming at fmtalk1065.com. Email him at peteriehm@bellsouth.net or on MEWE @PeteRiehm or read all his columns at http://www.renewamerica.com/.
© Pete RiehmThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.