Pete Riehm
While mocking motherhood, militant LGBTQ+ movement stalks our children
By Pete Riehm
May 16, 2023

Women and girls in sports have been under assault as mischievous or misguided men and boys invade female sports to deprive women of fair competition and steal the gold. It’s so absurd to think biological males should be allowed to physically compete against biological females that average Americans can scarcely grasp that it’s even a debate, but radical LGBTQ+ insanity knows no bounds. Motherhood is also being devoured, and our children are next on the menu. Nothing is sacred and everything will be polluted.

On this Mother’s Day, men in drag mock motherhood on social media in ridiculous rants claiming men can be mothers, too. In one pathetic post, a green haired man with a deep voice tearfully laments that there is a Mother’s Day and a Father’s Day and not just a Parents’ Day. He explains that he doesn’t feel like a father but rather like a mother, so he asks what day should celebrate him? Sadly, this lost soul doesn’t realize these holidays are about celebrating the love of a mother or father, and if he wasn’t so obsessed with himself, he wouldn’t be confused, and his children would celebrate him. Ironically, this dolt doesn’t know the fourth Sunday of July is designated “Parents’ Day.”

In another disturbing video, a man in ostentatious drag shows his daughter his social media post about being a mother and asks her about comments that tell him “He is not a mother.” His daughter dutifully refutes the comment and claims her father is her mother. Consumed by his own delusion, this man exploits his daughter’s love to bring her into his lie and worse his selfish depraved indulgence deprives her of a father and makes her party to his unnatural fetish. Aggravating but more depressing is that he does not seek help for his gender dysphoria, but rather darkly beguiles his loved ones into enabling it.

Yet another chubby man with a tangled man bun in a pink tank top, posts that this is his first Mother’s Day, and he is happy to celebrate with his oldest adult child. He sports his Mother’s Day coffee mug and toasts “anyone” that believes they are a mother. He seems like a nice person, but he makes mockery of motherhood that is malicious. Mothers conceive and give birth; they bring new human life into this world! That bond cannot be faked. There is no greater miracle, but according to these pitiful people, any demented man with Dylan Mulvaney’s Maybelline can be a mother. This horrid lie not only diminishes mothers, but it also devalues human life.

Mocking mothers and essentially erasing females is just one objective of the extreme LGBTQ+ agenda to destroy our culture. Ultimately, they have their sights on our children. They want children indoctrinated to accept their abnormal perversions as normal. Like many other states, Alabama is working on legislation to protect children from inappropriate sexual materials and themes, so the militant LGBTQ+ troops are taking to the streets.

This past weekend in Mobile, Alabama, a few dozen LGBTQ+ activists protested downtown about pending legislation. They calmly claimed they were simply worried about losing their rights to education and healthcare. They are hoping legislators will hear them, so there will be a larger protest in Montgomery on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, where they will implore the legislature to drop several bills that they feel threaten them.

What are those bills? House Bill 7 would prohibit teaching “divisive” concepts. House Bill 261 would protect female sports by mandating that student athletes can only compete according to their biological sex. House Bill 354 would protect the innocence of children by prohibiting schools from teaching age-inappropriate lessons on sexuality. House Bill 401 would prohibit the use of public funds to bring obscene entertainment, like Drag Shows, to children. And finally, House Bill 405 would simply reaffirm that for official state records there are only two choices for sex, male or female.

Sounds pretty common sense but not to the LGBTQ+ extremists. They are trying to portray these measures as infringing on their rights. Not quite. LGBTQ+ adults still have the same rights as everyone else, no special treatment. However, there is a more sinister theme running through their protest. These proposed laws generally protect children from inappropriate sexual content or entertainment. Alabama is not outlawing LGBTQ+ activities for adults just for children, so why are the radicals so insistent we NOT protect children?!

Quite simply, the militant LGBTQ+ agenda is beyond tolerance. They want our public institutions to approve, endorse, and even normalize their fetishes for children. Part of it is to allow them to parade their perversions publicly, but ultimately they want to indoctrinate children that their depravities are normal. Then, like any dealer pedaling addiction, they will recruit children into their alternate lifestyles of all manner of sexual immorality. This is basically “grooming,” so don’t be fooled by the rainbows – the pedophiles are ready to emerge from the shadows.

These are all distasteful topics, but Alabama’s legislature must stand strong and protect our most precious assets – our children. Thankfully, Alabama passed the Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act last year prohibiting body and mind-altering drugs from being administered to children for dangerous transgender therapies. Call your legislators to stay the course and safeguard our children.

“Therefore, God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another” (Romans 1:24).

Pete Riehm is a conservative activist and columnist in south Alabama. Email him at or read all his columns at

© Pete Riehm


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Pete Riehm

Born to German immigrants, Pete Riehm grew up in Texas as a first generation American. Working his way through college, he enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserve. After graduating from the University of Houston, Pete was commissioned into the United States Navy through Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island. He also earned a Master's Degree in National Security from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas... (more)


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