Stanley Zir
When President Trump said "never again"
By Stanley Zir
December 6, 2017

On Yom Hashoah 2017, President Trump declared, "We look back at the darkest chapter of human history. We mourn, we remember, we pray, and we pledge Never Again. I say it, "Never Again" The mind cannot fathom the pain, the horror, and the loss."

When the President stated and reiterated "Never again," it signified to the world that he would personally refute, deny and reject any government or international policy that held even an iota of an anti-Semitic or anti-Israel agenda. With his unmistakable repulsion of the fact that 2/3 of the world's Jewish population was wiped out in the Holocaust, Trump spoke out on behalf of the six million victims, the six million Jewish citizens in Israel, and the 8 million American Jews, ensuring that he would never support any policy, any leader or any nation that would try, once again, to make the world Juden-Frei.

The significance of his February 2017 assertion that "anti-Semitism is horrible and...has to stop," is historic. Trump not only sent a very clear message where he stands, but he re-established America's mission in the world. There is no question that world leaders now know that the United States is the preeminent example of a free and lawful nation that has unequivocally no tolerance for the kind of oppression and hatred supported by tyrannies or governments of absolute power.

Until now, Israel's' fight has primarily been supported by a handful of Jewish and Christian Pro-Zionist groups, and meekly upheld by an unaffected "wait & see" coalition. The result of ineffectiveness, even after more than 40 years of fruitless dialogue with the Arab states, is that the vultures of death are still circling Israel.

This Badge of Honor declaring "Never Again Is Now" is the symbol of our resistance to any policy that again will try to rid the world of Jews as we move forward to support President Trump's campaign, making Israel's fight, America's fight.

The Badge of Honor brings an awareness to the misguided American Public who continue to be blinded by continuous attempts, since President Carter, to placate and or negotiate with nations that embrace religious or secular tyranny; quick to ignore their brutal regimes on their own citizens yet easily offering up Israel's sovereignty and security as a bargaining chip in the process of peace. How is this possible that peace is at the expense of Israel and the Jews?

The Badge serves as a visual reminder that our Administration can no longer ignore missiles that claim "death to Jews" then coerce Israel to give up her land and boundaries, in a misguided belief that this will bring peace to the Middle East.

Using that methodology, the ultimate goal for peace, it appears, is to make the world Juden-frei, rid of the Jews. Somehow, if the Jews would just go away, then peace would finally emerge. Instead of saying this out loud, however, we have covered up underlying anti-Semitism and clothed it nicely in words like, "Peace negotiations," "two-state solution" and "Iranian Nuclear deal" knowing full-well that any of these actions would lead to the ultimate destruction of Israel, the only safe-haven for Jews worldwide, and one step closer to the eventual annihilation of Jews everywhere.

Our Badge of Honor signals a changing of the guard in Israel's fight to secure her sovereignty from a handful of Pro-Zionist Jews and Christians to every American's fight.

In order to make the transition from a Jewish fight to an American battle, I knew it was is crucial for all Americans to reconnect with the original mission of our Founding Fathers, which is, which always was, and which will always be, to abolish absolute power. It's in her DNA and what makes America exceptional in the world.

This mission is what drives our 200+ year history. It underlies every battle that we have fought since our inception. The Founding Fathers fought the tyranny of the Absolute Monarchy. Our Civil War was the result of the incompatibility between our mission and documents that denied Citizens of color their American liberty. In the twentieth century, our grandfathers fought the tyranny of Fascism; and our fathers fought the tyranny of Communism. Very simply, America is the defender of liberty and stands unapologetically in direct opposition of those whose nations that embrace fascism, tyranny and hatred.

When my brave brother, the late Marine veteran Tom Pridell, shown proudly in his full military dress in front of a NY State Federal building last year, with Gene Simes, President of Operation Firing For Effect (OFFE) attached the Badge of Honor to their uniform, this essential reconnection to America's original mission was finally made. These Marines, none of whom are Jewish, placed the bold yellow Star of David on their uniforms in a monumental show of unity, causing a seismic shift in scope of this battle. It was the acknowledgement that this greater than simply a Jewish fight. Making sure that our government and its leaders remain true to America's mission by standing up to tyranny, not only in defense of our only Middle east democratic ally, but absolute power in any form, is the obligation of every American.

Tom Pridell, a true American hero and patriot, who lost his final battle to a terminal illness in September 2017, stated that standing together with Israel, against Anti-Semitism in any form and remaining vigilant to our Constitution's Rule of Law and its unyielding stance against was directly aligned to the Marines' sacred code of honor to protect the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. This is our Constitutional mandate, whose stance against tyranny is America's true mission. When George Washington declared, "The Constitution is the guideline I will never abandon" he etched the eternal definition of our nation and alerted the world exactly who we are; a nation of equality, rights and freedom from oppression and tyranny. Simply put America exists to triumph over tyranny. Therefore we have no tolerance for those who promote its hatred.

The badge represents the tragic result when senseless hatred is allowed to flourish unimpeded; when sane people choose to do nothing. It is why the Marines of OFFE have committed themselves to standing together with the Jewish people and Israel, recognizing that they again face the same threat from the current policies negotiating for peace with neighboring tyrants as they did from the Nazis of Europe who our armed forces eventually defeated in WWII. However, today the threat is more critical as it in the form of an Iranian nuclear Holocaust.

Let's take our cue from these brave American Veterans who understand Fascism and hatred better than most. The time has come to openly reject the proposals demanding that Israel negotiate with murderers and criminals, like Mahmoud Abbas, as if they were viable partners in the peace process and recognize the underlying anti-Semitic agenda. To do otherwise will result in an irreparable and irreversible catastrophe that will first destroy Israel, and then the entire free world. Open the eyes of an apathetic and uninformed public that a detrimental two-state solution will guarantee the creation of a 23rd terrorist Islamic state of hate, right in the heart of Israel with East Jerusalem as its capital.

What is at stake is not the easing of tension between the Israeli government and the surrounding Arab countries; rather it is simply an addition to the Islamic World's controlling, violent edicts of religious tyranny. This is not a regional conflict but a battle that will change the balance of power in the entire Free World. Democracy itself is on the line.

Stand, together with the Marine and don the badge to make Israel's fight to protect her sovereignty and her stance against Anti-Semitism every Americans fight. It is the fight of anyone who believes in our Constitution's Rule of Law and its firm stance against tyranny and hatred. The Never Again Is Now campaign re-establishes America's true identity and global mission to create a world "Free from the Hate" brought on by tyrannical forces. Help us expose the root cause of the Israel-Palestinian conflict and the detrimental and irreversible effects of an Iranian Nuclear Holocaust. Let the world know that we will not yield ever again to the forces of tyranny. Not now, not ever because "Never again is now!"

In the next few months, we will be heading to Washington, DC to distribute these badges to find members of the Senate and Congress bold enough to stand within the well of their respective chambers, don the badges and proclaim directly to America that "Today my name is Eliezer Arav (or any of 6 million names). The real Eliezer died at the hands of the Nazis in 1943, in the Holocaust, mercilessly, for no other reason than humanity's inability and unwillingness to acknowledge and stand up to evil and hatred. Yet, I hear his voice loud and clear, therefore, I proclaim that I am that Jew today. And in his name, I affirm that the time has come to evoke this noble objective and take action against those whose policies that will bring about the obliteration of the Jewish people. Join with us and urge Congress to de-legitimize any group effort determined to wipe the Jewish people off the face of the earth.

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© Stanley Zir


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Stanley Zir

Stanley Zir has dedicated his life's work to two issues: (1) combating forces that undermine the unique freedoms held by American citizens, and (2) the importance of the safety, security and survival of Israel. As founder of several websites, he is unafraid to spotlight incongruity, illegalities and treason in government power plays.... (more)


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