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July 15, 2013
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July 15, 2013
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — Inquiries to this column (in person or e-mail) have reflected at least a question in the minds of some Americans as to whether we are in the middle of a Communist take-over... (more)

July 15, 2013
ALAN KEYES — Every day offers Americans new proof of what the Declaration of Independence calls "a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism." On every front, our liberty is under assault from an elitist faction bent on overthrowing constitutional self-government of, by, and for the people... (more)

July 15, 2013
CLIFF KINCAID — After the not-guilty verdict was handed down, George Zimmerman's attorney Mark O'Mara strongly criticized the media's role in getting his client charged in the case. He compared the media to "mad scientists" who had turned Zimmerman into a "monster." He said the media "took a story that was fed to you and you ran with it and you ran right over him and that was horrid to him."... (more)

July 15, 2013
JOSEPH FARAH — It was one of the most extraordinary trials in American history -- not so much for what happened in the courtroom (though there were more than a few unusual developments there, too), but for what happened outside the courtroom that enabled the near racial lynching of a Hispanic victim of a crime who merely defended himself.... (more)

July 15, 2013
WASHINGTON TIMES — George Zimmerman may have been acquitted of all charges in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, but he may have to defend himself once more -- this time against the federal government.... (more)

July 15, 2013
MCCLATCHY — After interviewing nearly three dozen people in the George Zimmerman murder case, the FBI found no evidence that racial bias was a motivating factor in the shooting of Trayvon Martin, records released Thursday show.... (more)

July 15, 2013
WASHINGTON POST — Last night's not-guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman trial will enable the neighborhood-watch volunteer to resume his case against NBC News for the mis-editing of his widely distributed call to police. Back in December, Zimmerman sued NBC Universal Media for defamation over the botched editing, which depicted him as a hardened racial profiler.... (more)

July 14, 2013
ANDREW C. MCCARTHY — Barack Obama has never been clear on the distinction between sovereign and servant, between the American people and those, including himself, elected to do the people's business. We saw that yet again this week with the president's unilateral rewrite of the Bataan Death March known as the Affordable Care Act -- Obamacare. For this president, laws are not binding expressions of the popular will, but trifling recommendations to be ignored when expedient.... (more)

July 14, 2013
WASHINGTON TIMES — A Florida jury late Saturday cleared George Zimmerman of any criminal charges in the February 2012 shooting of Trayvon Martin, rejecting the state's case that the neighborhood watch volunteer had stalked and killed the unarmed black teenager.... (more)

July 14, 2013
NEWSMAX — Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz says the prosecutors in the George Zimmerman murder trial should be charged with "prosecutorial misconduct" for suggesting the defendant planned the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin.... (more)

July 14, 2013
MARK STEYN — Just when I thought the George Zimmerman "trial" couldn't sink any lower, the prosecutorial limbo dancers of the State of Florida magnificently lowered their own bar in the final moments of their cable-news celebrity. In real justice systems, the state decides what crime has been committed and charges somebody with it... (more)

July 14, 2013
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, along with 17 other Senate Republicans, has introduced the Defund Obamacare Act of 2013, which would fully defund Obamacare, in the wake of the recent string of bad news surrounding the law.... (more)

July 14, 2013
JOSEPH FARAH — If there was one scandal I thought might actually stick on Barack Obama, it was his widespread use of the Internal Revenue Service to target his political enemies. I should have known better.... (more)

July 14, 2013
THE TIMES OF ISRAEL — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is reportedly to launch a new, last-ditch effort in the next few days to persuade the United States to credibly revive the military option against Iran.... (more)

July 14, 2013
WORLDNETDAILY — A new poll reveals over the last four years, journalists -- more so than any other profession studied -- have suffered a precipitous drop in the public's esteem.... (more)

July 14, 2013
BREITBART — The Washington Post reports that a Maryland couple has no regrets about a decision they made to allow their 5-year-old daughter to live as a boy. Now 6, Tyler (formerly known as Kathryn) has been living as a boy after his family made a public switch 18 months ago when Kathryn insisted she was really a boy.... (more)

July 13, 2013
THE BLAZE — The Texas Senate passed sweeping new abortion restrictions late Friday, sending them to Republican Gov. Rick Perry to sign into law after weeks of protests and rallies that drew thousands of people to the Capitol and made the state the focus of the national abortion debate.... (more)

July 13, 2013
WASHINGTON TIMES — While many across the political spectrum are happy to see Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano leave her job in Washington, some who live on the West Coast say they'd just as soon not see her out there, after it was revealed Friday that she's poised to take over as head of the University of California school system.... (more)

July 13, 2013
MICHELLE MALKIN — I would like to declare a war on women -- namely, all those cringe-inducing ninnies who lust after every celebrity criminal defendant with big muscles, tattoos, puppy-dog eyes or Hollywood hair.... (more)

July 12, 2013
WORLDNETDAILY — Chief Justice John Roberts and his cohorts on the U.S. Supreme Court will get a second chance to slap down the health care takeover known as Obamacare.... (more)

July 11, 2013
CLIFF KINCAID — Al Jazeera is under scrutiny for subversion in Egypt, and facing a mutiny from its own reporters over supporting the Muslim Brotherhood there. But The Washington Post assures us in a story that the channel's official launch in the United States is on August 20, and its coverage will be different.... (more)

July 11, 2013
FRED HUTCHISON, RA ANALYST — The central philosophical problem of modern democracy is the clash between natural law theory and social justice theory. Beginning with the era of the French and Scottish Enlightenment, natural law theory was the natural starting place for conservative ideas in a democracy. Social justice theory was the starting point for liberal ideas in a democracy... (more)

July 11, 2013
SYLVIA THOMPSON — A recent study by a conservative marketing research group, Frontier Lab (, found that Republicans who leave the party are tired of being forced to accept the lesser of two evils in elections, among other dissatisfactions.... (more)

July 11, 2013
THE WEEKLY STANDARD — All 45 Senate Republicans are calling for the implementation of Obamacare to be permanently delayed. The senators make their request in a letter to President Obama.... (more)

July 11, 2013
JOSEPH FARAH — Remember when Barack Obama was running for president in 2008? He pledged to have the most transparent administration in American history. He promised bills in Congress would be posted on the Internet for two weeks for the public to read before he would ever sign them.... (more)

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