Matt C. Abbott
Priest-activist reiterates support for Trump
By Matt C. Abbott
From Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life:
April 18, 2019
From Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life:

That promise has been fulfilled, and continues to come true every day. I am privileged to be part of many meetings with officials of President Trump's administration, and each time, I am more and more impressed with how much is happening behind the scenes that people who elected him need to know. And it's not that the administration is trying to keep it secret; it's just that good news travels slowly.
For instance, were you aware that the long time problem of health care professionals being forced to perform abortions against their conscience is being addressed by the president in a very direct way? He has established an office to which such individuals can submit complaints, so that action can be taken to protect their rights of conscience. Various laws have been in place in other pro-life administrations to protect conscience rights, but the Trump administration is going after the offenders much more directly and vigorously.
Prior to the midterm elections, I did a broadcast listing the accomplishments of the Trump administration. It took a full 45 minutes just to read the list, without even explaining each point!
When I do my
Hillary Clinton would have pushed such a policy to the extreme.
As we say in every election, when you elect a president, you elect a whole army of people. Every president surrounds himself with experts and officials who are going to carry out his policies. In this case, those policies are a blessing to America, the Church, and the unborn.
I implore every reader: take the time and trouble to find out what the administration is doing. Go directly to the sources. Go to the White House website and see, day by day, how your faith, your rights, and your country are being defended by this president and his team. Watch for yourself the rallies that the president holds in various cities, like this one he recently held in Michigan.
And keep one more thing in mind: the president's team isn't even fully in place yet. Many positions in the administration have been left vacant by the obstructionist tactics of Senate Democrats who need to confirm the excellent nominees the president has put forward. Keeping him in office for another term will get his team working at full capacity, not to mention all the progress being made with the courts, which are moving more and more in our direction thanks to the excellent judges he is nominating. He has gotten more of them confirmed than any president in the past has done by this time in his term.
Imagine how the courts will change with yet a second term of President Trump! Let's make it happen!
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