Timothy Buchanan
If President Trump wins a landslide election but Democrats flood the polls with fraudulent, flipped, and fabricated ballots, is Joe Biden the president? Does it depend on what the meaning of the word, “is” is? We shall soon see.
However the 2020 elections are concluded, the United States will never be the same again. As the contest between light and darkness (which some call “politics”), becomes more stark, our hopes for national unity grow dimmer by the hour.
Mounting credible empirical and statistical evidence of widespread systemic voter fraud oozes from every corner of the landscape. Statements from Dominion voting machine programmers are streaming in like Democrat votes in the late night hours of election day.
Domestic election tampering presents a far more malignant threat than the specter of hostile foreign interference which consumed two years of Congressional attention and cost millions of dollars of taxpayers’ wealth. But unlike foreign interference, domestic voter fraud can be effectively and directly prosecuted.
Criminal cases must be tried in courtrooms rather than on television sets, and election results cannot be entrusted to left-wing political activists posing as journalists. Accusations of voter fraud must be exhaustively investigated in order to either be validated and severely punished or dismissed and dispelled. Both President Trump and Joe Biden are entitled to an honest and complete resolution. And yet, Democrat pundits in the so-called “news media” are singing a strange old tune.
“Biden won; let’s move on,” they cry, acting much like the family dog who does his business in your neighbor’s yard, then trots quickly away hoping no one noticed. When rebuked, your canine friend innocently feigns total ignorance of his foul deed. While dogs can be tamed, we understand that they’re not civilized. Therefore, sensible pet owners don’t expect them to behave contrary to their nature.
Should we expect more of humans? That would probably depend upon how one chooses to define human nature. In any case, the potential harm presented by dangerous and unruly dogs is easily mitigated by a variety of means. The most common and direct approach is restricting access.
Consistent enforcement of law is the ideological framework of every civilization. A society is only as stable as its willingness and capacity to keep order by assent or impose it by force. America has lost both. The good news is that the structure can be restored. The bad news is that the rebuilding will require intense, sustained effort—a cost that contemporary Americans are been habitually unwilling to pay.
To the greatest extent, confusion and controversy are the consequential choices of mental laziness and intellectual dishonesty. Many of our fellow citizens are so impatient that if they do so at all, they might as well pray, “God, give me patience and be quick about it!”
The recent Supreme Court ruling which struck down New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s executive order limiting the number of people who can attend religious services was a shallow victory, but an importantly illustrative one. By a margin of only 5-4, the Justices narrowly managed to successfully endorse the First Amendment of the Constitution that they each are obligated to defend and uphold. Honest people can dispute many things, but the intention of clear Constitutional language banning government interference in the affairs of the Church is not one of them.
While most of us consider ourselves to be smart, strong and adequately informed, our collective response to the Chinese Corona virus screams, “LIAR!” Unfounded fears provoked by a ruthless misinformation campaign has motivated a timid, ignorant, and increasingly gullible majority to react to a virus that is over 99% survivable by donning face masks and shutting down the economic engine of the world known as the United States of America.
Because human history is linear, in nearly every troubled time the keys to a better future are waiting to be discovered in the past. Those who diligently search for them will not be disappointed. Those who deny the truth, condemn themselves and their punishment is just.
Human beings have a truth disorder. The Bible and our own experiences tell us that the cause is sin. The sooner we reject the virtual world of COVID19 hysteria, climate change computer modeling, and crisis exploitation—the sooner we confront the real problem and deal with it, the better for us all.
© Timothy BuchananThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.